4 W:l L METTE LIFE . January 24, 1930 MOSTor 9M '"r; BEST roR THE LEAST NAME TAX COMMITTEE Improvement Board Plans Resurfacing Worthen Selects New Trier Group to War on Unequalized Taxation, of Linden Avenue Push Meet January 27 An improvement program, including Seven members-two each from Wilthe resurfacing of Broadway between lsabella and Crescent p lace, Crescent Illette, Winnetka and Glencoe and one place between Seventh and Eighth from Kenilworth- will comprise ~he streets and Linden avenue between committee to represent New Trier Fifth street and Railroad avenue, and township and to cooperate with the Evthe paving of three alleys, was_ outlined anston ~eal Esta~c ho.arcl in it. war on : bv the Village board of local nnproYe- unequahzed taxatton, 1t was announced nicnts last Tuesday night when that h~, President J. E. \V ~rthen of th_e body ordered Village cngine~rs. to pre-J \Vilmette Chamber of Commer~e th1s pare the neces ary data prclmunary to week. Mr. \Vorthen .was authonzed. to the calling of public hearings. name such a comm1ttc_e by th~ taxThe three alleys slated for improve- payers of the township, . meeting- at ment arc the first alley south of Greg- I the Ho\rard. school, Wtlmcttc, on ory avenue between Twelfth and Fif- )J 0 .11 _day ~venmg, January 13.. . teenth streets, the · first alley south ot Stx mct.Jbers of the committee ha\ e Maple avenue from Park avenue to l~ecn named and have agreed to serve, Fourteenth street, and the first .alley ~~r .. Vlorthen stat~d. _Only one_, the south of Greenleaf avenue between .-'etuh,·orth r~preset.Jtattve, has ~et .. to Fifth and Sixth streets. Village En- l~c scl.ected. fhe s1x m~m bers .of .~e g ineer Charles N. Roberts was onle~·cd (_nmn~tttce thu~ far ~h~~:,e? are· vV1l~ to submit the data on the rcsurfacmg Ittettc-;G· J. J::?tltz, 10.; l'~ftcenth street, ·1 D . ] . \x r ltl cr ·as re- < :tHl \\. C.. Remhold, 100J Ashland aveprogram w Iu e ·v a 1 w . r 'I C H y 778 1 tained to prepare the information on 1 nu ng, \ 1_uc; v encoe- eodq\.,r; . . · · . ernon avenue, an ., 111 1am 1, 5 nyc1 er, the alley projects. . ~·G4 Sheridan road; \Vinnctka-Robert . Mr ..Roberts .~"as also ms~ructed by F. Doe pel and H. S. Marshall. Mr. t!1e Wtlmet~e \i 1li~R"c~ board. 1n _the ses-, Marshall \Yilt act as chairman of the s1on held tmmedtately followmg the committee. meeting of the !>nard of local · itllJH"OYC- j The comtnitte~ \Yill hold its first mcnts, to yreparc plat_s an<;! data for I meeting 011 .Monday, January 27, at the rclocatton of a portton ot first alley £ p. m., it is announced.. southwest of Prairie aycnue and immediatch· north of Isabella to effect the elim1nation of the sharp curve in New Trier Band Director the alley at that point. to Play for Stolp Pupils A public hearing on the propo. cd The 8B class at the Stolp school is paving of the first alley south of planning an assembly program TuesGreen leaf avenue between Eighth and day, January 28, at which I. C. ~clm Ninth streets was called for Tuesday, macher, director of the Kew Trier February 4. High school hand, will play several selections 011 the xylophone. Mr. Schumacher will be accompanied by ?\fiss RETURN TO NORTH SHOR E Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kraft, who \Vinnifrcd Mickey, of the New Trier have been residing -in Atlanta, Ga .. music department. Mrs. Agnes Clark hayc returned to the north shore, and and Miss Dorothv Stevens are the teachers at Stolp. are living temporarily at the North Shore hote l, Evanston. Mrs. Kraft is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. .Tames S. A. \Vhee lock, who makes !1is T. Fulker of Evanston. Mr. Kraft is home ·with his daughter and her iamthe so n of Mr. and 1\frs. Cha rl es H. ily, the E. H. Burges, 924 Forest a \·eKraft, 1.236 Greenwood avenue, \Vil- nue, is now at his winter place in St. mette. T heir marriage took place last P e t ersburg, F la., where he ·wi ll be until summe r. I<J.te spring. All Telephone and C. 0. D. Orders Carefully and Quickly Delivered Charge Accounts Solicited from Reliable People SPECIALS FOR FRI. AND SAT., JAN. 24th and 25th ·~· ... HEADQUARTERS for the famous WAPSIE VALLEY CHICKENS, DUCKS, GEESE and TURKEYS, all the year round. I > . WE OFFER SPECIAL PRICES TO PARTIES AND CHURCHES Get our estimates. BONELESS PORK ROAST Fresh cut. no bones, no no waste, tender and lean. Lb. 2 SIRLOIN STEAK Cut from the finest native beef. Very choice-45c a real treat, Lb. 2fi.lC TENDER POT ROAST Fresh cut. You will get only choice cuts. C Beat quality. Lb. SLICED BACON You'll recognize the country method of cure-tasty and wholesome. C 3-lb. Pkg . .... . . . sn 32 95 SHOULDER PIG HAMS Fresh always. Cold weath· er calla for these tender LAMB ROAST The finest shoulder roast on the market. Just try it pit~·~.·~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19! c -r:~e~e ~~~ ....32! c FRESH EGGS Dependable, daily arrivals insuring freshness. In car· tons, JOMES FARM SAUSAGE Made from milk fed, lean little pigs with a flavor all ita own. Goes fine these cold days. Meat, C Links, C Doz. ... . .... . .. . 49c Lb. 37 Lb. J9 Always the Best-For Less, at the Drug Store you can Patronize with Confidence. IIORTB SHORE MARKETS Winnetka 781 Elm ~t. Winnetka f and liS Wilmeth· Wilmeth· !~U and 711 I Ui Wilmette Ave. Hubbard Woods Llnllen Ave. Wlnntltka U7 and US IHO~ril Ridge Avenue Pha.maay Opposite St. Joseph's School Phone Wilmette 316 EVAMSTON MARKETS JUt SheriQ..Bn Annoe Greealeaf t8tS·I817 ltfl Ceatral St. Greenleaf flii Greenleaf 188t lf07 Greenleaf St. Unherslt7 170t 70& 1\Jnln Street