January 24, 1930 WILMETTE LIF. .E 3 mGHWAY COMMISSIONER WOULD AID TAX SLASH Seeks Exact Amounts of Funds Needed for Road and Bridge Work in Township Township Highway Commissioner ; ames A. WilJiams is mailing t~e following letter to the several v11lages in the townshir, relative to the road and bridge tax levy: "Before the 1928 Road and Bridge tax was levied, the villages in New Trier township were requested to inform the Highway Commissioner as to the amount of revenue they required from this source. Their response indicated a rate of approximately 45 cents (based on the then existing valuations). Effect Compromise "Feeling that this amount, an increase of 200 percent above the preceding year, was more than I could justify, a compromise was made a":d the rate established at 30 cents. Thts rate would have produced approximatelv $62,000, one-half of which, or $3t,O<iO, would have been distributed among the following vitlages: Glencoe, \.Yinnetka. Kenilworth, W i 1 m e t t e, Northfield . "The re\'aluation ordered by the State Tax commission has, of course, ·withheld. the extension of this tax by the County Clerk. The aforementioned rate was later reduced by the Highway Commissioner to a flat $62,000 t.ax when it became known that an mcrease in valuation was to be established by the Board of Assessors of Cook county. Willing to Comply "At a meeting held in Wilmette 1antlary 13, sponsored by the Wilme.tte Chamber of Commerce, a resolutiOn \\as adopted urging the various taxin.g Lodies of the township to reduce the1r 1928 tax levy to an amount ·equal to the expenditures made in 1929. I am \\'illing tn comply with this request, v.·hich wttl, however, delay the fiveVt'ar towt. ship paving program adopted 1n 1928. "\Viii ,·ou therefore kindly inform me as to. the exact amount of money required bv your Road and Bridge fund to take care of your 1929 expenditures. I will then reduce the rate to meet the total of these figures plus the township expenditures for the same period.. Unless otherwise req.uested by a majority of the villages 111 the t 0wnship I will allow the 1929 tax, to be collected in 1930, to remain at $62,000 as te,·ied. "\Viii vou also kindly furnish me with the· amount of your last known valuation." -- ~~~O~D:u.~!~~~~~~ I' Lecturer, to Show Amazing Motion Pictures at Sunday Evening Club Explorations in plant and animal life will form the basis of what promises to be an unusually interesting and instructive program at the Wilmette Sunday Evening club January 26. 'l'he speaker is the celebrated Arthur C. Pillsbury, naturalist and lecturer. Illustrations are provided through the instrumentality of a lapse time motion picture camera which has been designed by. Mr. ~ills bury. . With h1s eqUipment Mr. Ptllsbury is enabled to picture the innermost mysteries of plant life. The entire life struggle of a flower, which may have taken days in its occurrence, can be seen in a few minutes. Mr. PiJJsbury is the official photographer of Yosemite National park in California. Wild flowers, he says, are like people. They have their births, their loves their moments of triumph, their inevitable tragedies, their deaths. To watch a Mariposa Lily or an Evening Primrose struggle _into bein~, live its life and pass on, ts as p01gn~nt and beautiful a spectacle as anythmg ever oroduced by the greatest dramatists. · The <tuestions thus arise-are human beings and flowers of the same life source? Are the wild flowers of the fields the mountain slopes and the home ga~den simply an. earlier sta~c of human life? Mr. Ptllsbury, whtle not making any such definite claims, nevertheless, through his amazing experiments, is attracting th.e a.ttention of the world's foremost sc1enttsts. The Sunday Evening club meetings are held in the auditorium of the First Congregational church 9f Wilmette. They begin at . 7:30 o'clock; At Sunday Club l..- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CHEST SUBSCRIBERS CAI.I.ED TO MEETING Annual Session of· Association Scheduled for Monday Ev~ ning, January 17 The annual meeting of all subscribers of the Wilmette Community Ch~st association, Inc. has been called by .the Advisory Board for Mon~ay evem":g, January 27, at 8 o'clock, m the \Vtlmette Village hall. Each year the Chest subscriptions have reached a higher mark than ~he previous year as the accompanymg encouraging figures indicate : $21,206.29 in 1926 21,703.95 in 1927 25,350.50 in 1928 27,222.80 in 1929 Hector Dodas has been president for the past two years. The Chest raises in one drive all the funds solicited in Wilmette for its eight beneficiaries which in 1929 were: Arden Shore, Infant Welfare, Salvation Army, Local Charities, Near East Relief, Y. W . C. A., Red Cross, Boy Scouts. More than two hundred volunteer workers united in putting over the campaign last spring.. . This unified campaign av01ds many duplicating drives. It requi~es only one subscription instead of ~tght separate solicitations vv:ith the1r gre~ter duplication of effort entailed br e1ght separate drives hy as many dtfferent charities. Arthur C. Pillsbury, naturalist and lecturer will give the program at the \Vilmette Sunday Evening c_lub Jan .. 26 \Vith the aid of a lapse ttme motton picture camera of his own design, Mr. Pillsbury will depict, among other things. the entire life sp an of a flower. Posters Forecast Great Festivity at Masquerade Ball Muenzer Trio Will Rabbi Solomon F reehof Offer Chamber Music to Address N. T. Grads Program January 26 Rabbi Solomon Freehof of Kam temple, Chicago, who was invited sometime ago by the X ew Trier Board of Education to deliver the commen~e ment address to the 1930 graduatmg class at New Trier High school, has accepted the invitation. Rabbi Freehof was one of the principal speakers at the conference on "The Family" held in \Vinnetka several weeks ago. G~iiY. colored poste~s whi~h apl?earcd in Wtlmette and ne1ghbonng VIllages last week forecast the carnival spirit which will prevail at the "Bigger and Better" masquerade dance, to be givt>n Friday evening, February 7, by . the Legion auxiliary of Post 46, Amenca.n Legion in the Masonic temple audttorium. The ' committee in charge announces that Mrs. Harvey Bush, president of the Woman's club of \Vilmette, ]. E. Worthen president of the Wilmette Chamber' of Commerce. and Edwin B. Knudtson, president of the F_irst National bank of \\'ilmette, wtll serve as judges. It will he their .. task to choose among the many bnlltant co.;tumes the most original, the most :ttScout Leaders Appeal tractive, and the funniest costumes. a:Hl prizes. to Fund Contributors award Clyde W. Edmondson will act ~s Ralph H. Rice, chairman of the master of ceremonies, and under h1s mette district. Boy Scout committee, direction the revellers will march anrl and Robert McNeil Burns, chairman dance to Joe Schneider's orchestra. of the Kenilworth district Scout committee, join in issuing the followang ~tatement: , "The North Shore Area council, Boy Scouts of America, is a separate Pages and distinct organization from the Chicago council of the Boy Scouts. Automobiles ........... 43-48 The North Shore Area council is supported only through money. ~ontributed Amusement Directory ..... 52 in the north shore commumttes. Money Book Comment ........... 38 given in Chicago remains in Chicago. Boy Scout News ........ 22-23 \V e believe vou will agree with us Church News ............. SO that our first duty is to the boys of Classified Ads ......... 54-55 our own home community and. we cannot give them the benefits of the Club Activities ............ 34 Scouting program unless we have Editorials Shore Lines .... 30 your support here on the north shore Girl Scout Affairs ...... 24-27 where yoa are making your home." A CORRECTION On P <1ge 43 of this issue of ~IL· MJ<:TTE LIF~ in a caption under an Illustration of the 1930 model Ford car, Michael P. Louen is announced as president of Skokie Motor company. Mr. D. W. Leonard is head of the co_mpany and Mr. Louen has no connectton 'Nith the firm. We regret the error. The M uenzer Trio, assisted by Fred· erick Rittner, violist, will give the next program of the North Shore Chamber Music association, Sunday, January 26 at 4 o'clock in the Kenilworth Asse~bly hall. The trio will play the Beethoven Trio, and there will be a quartet by Victor Louis Saar, Chicago composer. . Hans ~1uenzer and hts talented associates have always attracted large and appre6 ·. .ive audien~es to .the Sunday afternoon recitals m Kemlworth Assembly hall. This trio, assisted by that excellent viola player, Mr. Rittner, has presented many a delightful program to north shore patrons of chamber music. Next Sunday's program promises to be equally delightful. . The celebrated London Stnng quartet, probably the best .in the worl_d, will give the next, and inctdentally thts seas~n's last program. It will be offered· on March 9 at 4 o'clock, not in the assembly hall, but at the Joseph Sears school in Kenilworth. :Wil- I Portrait .of Dr. Willett Unveiled at Chicago U. A portrait of Dr. Herbert L. Willett, founder and former dean of the Disciples Divinity House of the University of Chicago, was unveiled and presented hy friends and former students of Dr. \Villett Thursday, January 16. Dr. Willett was a member of the faculty of the department of Semitic languages «nd literature at the university from 1896 until his retirement last year. He is now pastor of the Kenilworth Union church. The portrait was done by f'harles W. Hawthorne, New York ;rtist, and will hang in th~ Di~ciples Divinity House of the Umver.stty .of Chicago at 57th street and Umv.erstty a,·enue. Miss Lotta Broadbridge of Det~oit, director of Camp Bryn Afon, Rhmelander, Wis., is spending several weeks ·at the Homestead apartments, Ev· anston. In This Issue FORMAIJ? NO, FANCY DRESS Where can you expect to find the unusual, but in Classified. WILL RENT TO RESPONSIBLE party, Ladles' and Gentlemen's fancy dress costumes. Ph. Wil- VISITS IN FLORIDA Mrs. R. Tencher of Ashland avent}e has gone to Miami and .other po.ints 111 Florida. She expects to return 111 two months. Junior Life . 10 Music Page .............. 36 Recreation Events 40 Society Newa ............. 32 0 ······· o ····· mette 3730. CAMP DIRECTOR HERE o ······· To place your ad in the Classified Columns PHONE. WILMBTI'B 4300 IL----------------~----------~