WlLMETTE LIFE January 24, 1930 Gas Oil Starters Ignition Generators Simonizing Tires G Service Battery Service Batteries ~ashing WILMETTE BATTERY 740 T"velfth St. Accessories & ELECTRIC Wilmette 691 .. 696 Greasing SERVICE KEEP YOUR COAL BIN FILLED! Your hcst protection a~aimt cold weather and o,uddcn chan~es in temperature is a warm, evenlyheJted home and u hin full of Con.,umer~ Guaranteed Coal or Coke . Watch \'OUr coal )!ch low. ~upplv and telephone us hefore it We sell 'every ton of coal or ::oke with an unconditional guarantee of hi~h quality, full wei~ht and satisfaction- "it must sati~fy you or we remove it and refund your money." EVANSTON OFFICE 1015 Church St. Phones Univ. 4500 and \\'il. 1300 Ot!L,VE~V @nsumen(9mpany c 01-L GLENCOE OFFICE 712 Glencoe Road Phone· Glencoe 75 ~HORf! Of~TRtCT VA~DS ALL 0 \\ ~ OVE.R c THE NORTH ················································-··r··································~···················~ 10 I e e What is TRI-TONED RADIO? Every musical sound has ( 1) pitch- is high vr low; (2) intensity or loudness; (3) tone or character by which we distinguish one instrument or voice fron1 another. In the new Grebe you have perfect blendin~ of all three ... Tri-toned radio! Made possible by the equalized band pass filter, exclusive Grebe development. A principle of the future, introduced now in this new set- re-creates tone so lifelike, so true, that the instrun1ent becomes the sound-image of the figure before the microphone. Four ntodels, each beautiful furniture, $219.50 to $45(), without tubes. Hear Tritoned radio in this store- and in your home where a 48-hour demonstration will gladly be given. Authorited Grebe Sales and Service WM · · BEYRER 1131 Central Avenue Electliic and Radio Shop Phone Wilmette 81 ----------- ...-....---.-.-..... ----------------------------. ~-------------------------------------~-- .. --.