Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Jan 1930, p. 56

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56 WILMETTE LIFE ] anuary 24, 1'J30 Mrs. Laura H. Barber, 621 Linden avenue, \Vilmette, wife of Albert E. Barber, vice-president of the DeLaval Cream Separator company and mother d Justice of the Peace ja'mes G. Barber of Evanston, died last Fridav at her home after an illness oi two weeks. . Mrs. Barber (Laura H . Dur~), a !meal de sce ndant of Sir \\'alter Scott was born in Coberg-, Ontario, Canada: on October 29, 1867. She was married to Alb ert E. Barber in K incarden Canada, on J unc 2, 1889, and soo~ afterward the couple moved to the l 1nited States, set tling- in the middle west. Mrs. lbrbcr had liYcd in \Vilmctte for more than twcnt,· years. She was one of the founder s -of the \Vilmctte \Voman'::; cluh, and was also an ardt:!nt worker in St. Augustine's Episcopal church in Wilmette. Besides her husband and her son !' he is sun·ived by four br oth ers, \V: H . Burn of Chicago, Chalmers Burn cf Detroit, \\!alter Scott Durn of . "ew Yo:k, and David Burn of Coherg, Ontt:r!O, Canada. The funeral services were held, Mond~y aft~rnoon, January 20, at 2:15 o clock 111 St. Augustine' s Episcopal church. llurial took place at Rosehi!l cemetery. Mrs. Elizabeth S. Winter Kenilworth to Enter 4 Woman's Club to Hold Mrs. A. E. Barber Dies at California Home T eam: s in Cage League . Home Expo Next March Buried on Monday; Word reached here this week of the Robert W. Townley, athletic direcThe success of the first Better Homes death of Mrs. Elizabeth Smith Wintor at the Joseph Sears school in Resident 20 Years exposition as a benefit for the build- Kenilworth, plans to enter four teams ter, wife of John A. Winter and r.iec~ ing fund for the Woman's club of Wilmette was so pronounced last season that it is to have a successor this season. March 19, 20 and 21 are the days for the exhibit in the enlarged c1ub house, an exhibit which is to be more extensive, more comprehensive and with more exhibitors than the exposition of 1929, the chairman, Mrs. 0. E. Thaleg, announces. Increased facilities at the club and the enthusiasm of exhibitors and committees last year warrant a more elaborate program for this secon d project, it is pointed ont. The building fund of the \Vomau's club of \Vilmette again will he auu·mented by the proceeds from the ~li~ play of 1930. in the North Shore Grammar School league basketball race this year. 'fhe league season open next month. The competing teams will be Joseph Sears oi Kenilworth, Howard of \Vilmettc, and. Haven and Nichols of Evanston. Teams will compete in four cla ssc~ midgets, boys under 85 pounds; light\', eights, boys under 100 pounds; middleweights, boys under 115 pounds, and l~ eavyweights, boys weighing m .re than 115 pounds. of Mrs. Henry Jus tin Smith of Glencoe, Tuesday night at her home in Los Angeles, Calif. She was 28 years old and her death was caused by heart trouble. Mrs. Winter attended 1 'ew Trier High school and was formerly a member of the Wilmette Congregational church. She left Wilmette about ten years ago . . Ben Greet Players to Give Program at N. T. Arrangements haye be en made fur ·an appearance of the I1etr Greet players at X ew Trier High school on ~larch S. Thl'y will gh·e two performances. one in the afternoon for school children and another in the e\·cning for adults. The play to be presented has not been announced but it probably will be one of the followig: the first quarto of "Henry IV,. 1 "Twelfth Night," or "~1uch Ado Abatlt Nothing." The high school was able to arrange for an appearance of the Ben Greet players through the courtesy of Harry P. Harrison. president of the New Trier Parent -Teacher association. CLASH WITH ALUMNI Boys' :111d girls' basketball team-; of the Joseph Sears school in Kenilworth will engage the alumni of the school in two basketball games at the I\:enilworth Memorial gymnasium Friday afternoon, January 31. ~fr. and Mrs. Leroy \Voodland and their daughter, Virginia, of Leicester road, Kenilworth, will leave next week for a fortnight's sojourn at Havana, Cuba. They will pass a few days with Mr. Woodland's mother, 11rs. George Woodland in ~fiami, Fla., before re- honor of their twenty-second 'vedding turning to Kenilworth. anniversary. TO ATTEND CARNIVAL Miss Sarah Minor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. LeRoy Minor, 929 Shericlan road, will spend the week -end of February 7 at the Dartmouth winter . carnival as the guest of Robert T Le\\·is of :\'ew Rochelle, N. Y. This Miss Alice W. Burchard tve nt is held each y<:ar ju t before e opening of the second semes ter at Granted Leave From N. T. th Dartmouth and the guests enjoy the ~!iss Alice \V. Burchard, a member of the English department at Xt:\\' \':inter spo rts and dancing oYer the Trier High school for many years, ha s "- cc k-cnd. ~Iiss :Minor is a st udent at Briarcliff School for Girls in the East. been granted a leave of absence foi· the month of February. Action to this WELFARE MEETING JAN. 29 l'ITect \\a s taken at a meeting of the The annual meeting of the Infant Xcw Trier hoard of education TuesdaY night. ~[i ss nurchard \\'ill go South \\'c·lfare SL)c icty of Chicago will be hcl(t at luncheon at 12:30 o'clock on \Vedfor a rest. ncsday, January 29, in the Louis XVI GIVE CARD PARTY TONIGHT room, Hotel Sherman. The annual HOLD PARISH DINNER The women of St. Joseph's Aid ~o The annual parish dinner of the IlJeeting· nf the \Voman's auxiliary will ricty arc givin g a card party Friday Church of the Hnlv Comforter of he held in the Crystal room, Bote I cyc· nin g-, J anuar_v 2-t, at 8 o'clock. at St. l<cnilw orth, was hcl(.l at th e K~nil Sher man, at 10:30 o'clock. Commcr!c- Joseph's hall, l(idge and Lake a \·eworth ~l uh on Monday eYen.ing-, J anu- i··g January 1, 1930 the \Vilmette cen- t!ues. Bridge, fi\·e- hundr.ed. euchre, and < "t n · 20. It was the annual social ter will work for the Alice H. \Vood bunco \nll be played. ~[r s. Adam f,;a.thering of the member s nf th e pari , h _tatinn at 1946 North Halsted str eet BrO\nl is chairman of the evening. and the Yery excellent dinner which i:Jstead of the New Trier station. 'Na s sen·ecl to the 125 guests was the LUNCHEON HONORS OFFICER BAHA'I LECTURE fine planning- and preparing- of Mrs. ~Irs. Evangie Lee ~[organ. pre:;iclent Albert \Vinclust of Chicagl) \\'il l Georg-~ Richards and ~frs. Louis of the Forty club with headquarter ~ at speak on "The Kingdom" at the :ccRaggio, both of Kenilworth. turc to be given Sunday afternoon, the Ferdinand Maione Dance studio, is .. nt er taining forty g uests at luncheon ~fr. and Mrs. Jack Lcimert (Virgiaia ] anuary 26, at 3 :30 o'clock, in Baha'i in honor of Ida Lyons, ne\\'ly in stalled Hedrick) arc giving up their apart- Temple Foundation hall, Linden aYe- · "· orthy matron of the Wilmette chapment in Chicago and are moving to nue and Sheridan road, Wilmette. ter, 0. T~ . S., Friday, January 24. Los Angdes where Mr. Leimert 1as go ne into business. Mrs. Lehnert is ~[ r. an.J 1[r . M. LeRoy Minor, ()29 the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ~; h eri dan road, with their two children, Mrs. Claude Burnham, with her son, Edwin Hedrick, 304 Melrose avenue, )<< net and Harry, are planning· a five DaYid, of Kenilworth, v\·ith Miss CharKenilworth. She expects to be here a weeks' cruise to the West Indies, leav- lotte Eckart, 206 Cumb erland road, few weeks, while she is convalescing ing February 14. They will leave for Kenilworth, haYe left Paris to make a from a recent illness before joining X cw York February 9, and "'ill visit short trip to Vienna, Prague, and BerMr. Lcimert in Los Angeles. their d.aughter, Sarah, and spend a few lin. They expect to be gone about -odc-tys in New York before sailing on ·he ten davs and will then return to Paris. ~lr. and 1\Irs. George Benson, 2-W Volcania. After the cruise they will 1fiss Eckart, with Miss Marcelle Ven 11elrose avenue, Keni lworth , are enter- ~pe nd a week in Miama, Fla., bef.:>re nema of \Vinnetka, are studying at the taining several friends at dinner thi s rt turning to their home in \\Tilmette. Sorbonne in Paris this winter. Thev evening afterwards taking their gue sts ' -owill not return to the north shore tmtrh to see "The Protegee" given by the 1-I rs. Paul \Villett, who has been ill before the early spring. Chicago Art Theater players at the ~ince New Year's day with pneumonia -aKenilworth club. <1nd pleurisy at the home of her parThe Drama Study club met for -oents-in-1-aw, Dr. and Mrs. Herbert L. luncheon on \Vednesday of this week ~f r. and Mrs. 1\f. LeRoy Minor, 929 \Vilson, 319 Richmond road, Kenil~ with Mr.3. George Frank Butler, 207 Sheridan road, are giving a dinner \\ orth. is now improving slowly. \rVoodstock avenue, Kenilworth. party for eigltteett guests at the Vista ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ del Lago club 011 Saturday night in ~'"""""'"""'"""'"'""""""""'""""""""" : ""'"1""""11111 1' """1"1:1111"'""'"'""1"" 1 """'""" 1111111111111 , 1111111 , 1111111111 1 1111111111111111111111111 : 1111111111 ~ RETURNING FROM EUROPE Bruce Hulbert, son of Mrs. Alfred Rou Hulbert, 316 Richmond road, Ke11ilworth, Stedman \Villard, son of Mrs. Edgar Stevens, of 330 Abbottsford road, Kenilworth, and Jack Hamilton, of \Vinnetka, who have been on a five mont hs' tour of Europe, \\·ill arrin: in :Je\\' York from Chcrbourg, France, on January 28. They sailed qn the steamer Olympic January 22, a iter spending- three or four day :-; in P aris. Mrs. Edgar Sten~ns of Kenil\\·orth is going- to Kew York to mL·et them and the,· will return to KenihYorth about the- end of next week. ~fr. II ulk·rt \\'ill return to the CniYersitv of ~fi c- hi gan for the second se n;cst er aitn spend ing a week at hi :-. home in Ke11i!worth. ~ ~ First Church of Christ, Scientist Tenth Street and Central Avenue Wilmette, Ill. SUNDAY SERVICES 11 A. M. WEDNESDAY-TESTIMONIAL MEETING- S P. M. SUNDAY SCHOOL EXERCISES-9: 45 A. M. JOHN WEILAND Florist Wilmette Store : 1161 Wilmette Ave. Wilmette 2128 II I~ RBADING - 26, 1930 Subject: TRUTH JANUARY ROOM~t 163 WILMETTE AVENUE YOUR TELEGRAPH FLORIST Open Daily (except Wednesday and Saturday) 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. W~dnesday 9 A.· M. to 7:45 P. M.; Saturday 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. The .Sible and Works of Mary Baker Eddy and all other authorized Christian Science Literature may be read. borrowed or purchased at the Reading Room. THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND THE CHURCH SERVICES AND VISIT THE READING ROOM 1 VA LENTINE DAY . __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ · _ _ _ _ _ __ . § I ~ = § ~llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll'lll'llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ~ . . 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111"

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