WILfdETTE LIFE LOST AND FOUND January 24, 1930 eo SITUATION WANTED-FEl\lALE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS · Classified advertlsement.a will be Gltltral N 0 t ICI-to resldent.a ot the district trom cbargea only Evanston to Glencoe tacluslve whose names appear In the telephone directory, or who art recular subscrtben to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLICNCOE NEWS. 16 centl!l a line In one paper. !6 cents a line In any two papere. Ratll-30 cent.a a line In all three papers. MINIMUM CRABGE 50 eeaH. .A'Y.,....e ot five words to the line. No black tace type used. 10% dlecount en all 'Caab with order advertisements wben brought to our oftlct at 1231 Central Ave., Wilmette, or 664 Lincoln Ave., W'lnnetkL advertlaement.a wlll be acto Wednesday 6 o'clock tor the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers : Thursday 6 o'o&ock tor the WINNETKA TALK and Friday 5 o'clock tor the GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones : Wilmette 4300 or Winnetka !000-IOOL . f Ot J111ttt 10118-cepted · Classified Dtadl tne up LOST-L..f\,RGE MALE COLLIE? DOG. GRADUATE NURSE WITH PLEASANT home cares for convalescent or elderly dark brown, 4 white f~et, whtte nos e people. Ph. Wilmette 4299. and breast white star on back of neck, 60LTN17-4tc answers t~ the name . of "Rowdy," if found return to J. A. MacLean, 924 Greenwood Ave.. Wilmette, and recei vc TRAINED INFANT'S NURSE. SHOR:r cases $30 per week, permanent $2;·. reward. 55LTN18-ltc Call Winnetka 1342 after Monday. 60LTN18-ltp LOST-BLACK AND WHITE MALE c_at with green collar. Child's pet. WANTED-WASHING OR CLEANIN1: Please Ph. Wilmette 58. Reward. 55L18-ttc by the day for Thurs. and Sat. Ph. Wilmette 1890. 60LT18-ltp LOST- KEY CASE ON CENTRAL AVE . Ph. Wilmette 4052. 55Ll8-1tn EXPERIENCED l.o~AUNDRESS WANTS work to take home, will can for and i8 HELP WANTED-FEMALE deliver. Ph. Wilmette 3509. 60LTN43-tfp STENOGRAPHER WITH SOME BOOK- 61 SITUATION WANTED-MALE keeping knowledge for r:en. office work. ---------:--:-=:::==:-:-=Must be neat and present good appear - BY COLORED MAN AS HOUSEMAN. ance. State qualifications and salat·y yardman, can drive car. Call evenings. expected in reply. Wilmette Life A-HS . Mr. owens, University 3362-W. 56LT~l8-ltc 61L18-lt t· -------------------------~==~~ WHITE MAID, GEl\i. HOPSEWORK EXPERIENCED MAN WANTS WINand cooking. 5 rm. hquse. 2 adults. dow washing, garden and house work. No washing. Ref. $12. Glencoe 681. Best of refs. Tel. Winnetka 2764. 56LTNI8-ltc 61LTN8-ttc -------------------------~~= REFINED WOMA~ BETWEEN 35 AND 50 for general housework, and al~o as EXPERIENCED MAN WANTS HOUSEwork. References. Call Winnetka 3218 . companion No children. Man employed 61LTN18-1 tp for heavy' work. Must be willing. to live In country and be able to dn,·e car. Mrs. Bruce Stirli~. Ph. McHenry LICENSED CHAUFFEQ..:R. HOUSEMAK nnd butler, with N. S, ref. Kenwood 72-W. McHenry, Ill. 56LTN18-ltl' 35P7. 61T...TN18-ltp A RESIDENT OF THE NORTH SHORE who has about two or three hours to POSITION WANTED AS RUTLEU. chauffeur, houseman and gardener. Al spare in the morning at home, one whn bany 6626. 61LTN18-ltp has done telephone work preferred, write box 213, Winnetka post office. 56Ll8-1tp EXP GERMAN WOULD LIKE POR as· chauf. and houseman. Rest N. R WANTED-WOMAN TO CARE FOR ref. Ph. Highland Pic 3779. 61LTN18-ltp two children and 11 during whoc.1pin" 8 h 1t cough. Stay on pln ce or go ome m~n ~· F. F . BRUN0- 221 6 FOSTER ST. .JANitor porter or any kind of work. Col. 56 LT 1ll-ltn Winnetka 1004. ~ y~·s. la st place. Ph. Unh·ersity 2R51. HELP W A NTED-~IALE GU,TNlS-ltp 57 - - - - - - - - - - - : - - - - - TRUCK FARMER YOUNG RELJADT.E MAN WITH BEST Experienced, to run farm on shares. ~all ref. wants pos. as hutler. Ca n do all Wilmette 2295 or apply 2025 Schiller kinds of fancy past1·y cookin~ and bakst .. Wilmette. 57LTN18-1t~ ing. Ph. Highland PI<. 377!l . 61LTN18-1tn "'!ALE 58 Hj:LP WTD.-1\IALE & FE ·· 8! SIT. WTD.-1\JALE & FEl\lALE STUDENTS MEN AND WOMEN CAN make mo~ey during spare time. No COLORED COUPLE WISH POSITION, man chauffeur, butler; wife maid, cook: selling. H. Wasson, 185 N. Wabash will ~o out of town. Hef. Ph. Highland Ave.. Chicago. 58LTN111-ltp Pnrl{ 3837. 62LTN18-ltp 80 SITUATION WANTED-FEMALE CO"GPLE _BEST REFERENCES- A1 EXP. WOMAN wANTS PERMANENT cook and h ouseman. Ph. Drexel 6302. laundry work and cleaning by the day. 62LT18-1 tp Ref. Ph. University 8679. 60L18-ltp MAN AS CHAUF.. BUTLER, GEN. EXP. GIRL FOR GEN. HSWK. T~ hseman home nights. Maid and good !'ma ll famih·. Good cook . Ph. Wilmette cook. Be~t ref. Ph. Atlanti c 0089. 1563. . 60L18-ltc 62LHHto 88 FOR RENT- ROOMS FOR SALE-AUTOS WATCIIES CLOCKS-ALL MAKES AND SIZES repaired by expert. Clocks called for and delivered. PriC'es r easonable. Paul Davey, Jeweler. 1165 Wilmette A v.~ . Phone Wilmette 6. :l4L36-tfc WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER WE CARRY A HIGH GRADE LINE OF l':edan $750 pocket watches and wrist watches. J!\2!1 :-.;nsh "400" 1-ieries Hoyal Modern design, reasonable prices. We Cabt·iolE't ....... .. $785 specialize In clock and watch repafr1929 ~ash "400" ~f-ries sedan $S!l5 ing. All work guaranteed. Come in 1929 ~al'h "400" seriP~ sedan $1.1fi0 and see for yourself. 1928 Nn~h "300" set·ips s~dan · · $775 4 19211 Xn!'h ":WO" ~ ries convertihlt> · 4 coupe, ~pecial Six (Maroon, $:-iS5 1139 Greenleat Ave. Ph. Wilmette 4516 192S ~a~h ":300" !'eri~~ l'Oll \'et·tih .. · _____________ 3_4L_T_N_1_5_tr_c ('OUpr $450 1927 Na~h ":!00" set· ips .A1h. ~b. \VA TCH REPA IRT !'\G DOKE BY EXst>dnn . · $485 pert. Wnteht>s · ckaued :mel adjust('d. 1926 Nash "200" serie~ Ad\'. Six Have your old mo\·ement put in a modsedan . $:195 ern case. Paul Da\·ev . .Jewpler, 1161 1926 Na~h "200" st·ri(·s Special Six \Vilmette Ave. Ph. Wilmette 6. sedan ························ $~!\!) ~ 4 L~fi-t r~~ 1n1 Gardner Sp0rt road!'lter ·· $295 ANSTO~ !l:i ~HT liilf'AL IXlii"I'UlP\TF.YTS 10!{3 DAYTR ST .. ron. OAK AVE. AN · D 17!{:i BENSON ~VE . , t'Ofl. rr. . . n:.K ST. FOR RALE- UPRlGHT PL\NO n . K YOGEDl~C. J'HE~ . Victrola. Both for $20. Phone Win4L18-1tc netka 1917. . 3!iLTN1R-1tc lf·~!l Xai'h "tOO" ~t>riE's These Cars Are I~x~eptional Bargains and Can He Purchased ~'f 011 \ rery E ~ asy enns H GREENBAlJM .EV N" · .t\SH CO. !0 GARDENING ss PAINTING .t DECORATING TREES TAKEN DO\VN AND CUT UP FLOORS RESURFACED AND REFTNtor firewood . Call \Vlnnetka 1793. ished like new. No dirt or muss. Rea20LTN17-!I tc !'lonable prices. Phone Winnetka 1433. ~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~ 38LTN12-tfc t7 INTERIOR DECORA.TING PATNTTNG AND DECORATING. E . M. Brandt. Phone Winnetkta 236. 38LTN16-4tc ----------------PAPER HANGING, PAINTING, DECOrating, floor sanding and refinishing-. COMPETENT DAY WORKER. LAUNDO THEY EXPRESS YOUR WilmPtte H58. 38LTN18-1tn dry or cleaning, Mon., Tues., Thurs., INDIVIDUALITY? DO THEY HARMONIZE PERFECTLY call Wellington 6614 after six o'clock. 119 PETS WITH YOU.R C' OLOR Good references. 60LTN18-ltc SCHEME? 0\VNER DESIRES TO OBTAIN HOME ALAN GOODRICH shades are designed WOMAN, WJIITE, WANTS HSWK. for !'mall. well trained fox terrier. From EXP. by Interior decorators. They create an cleaning or laundry, Wednesdays. Ph. nresent to A.or. 15th. Will pay $40, nlace environment that Is liveable as well as Wilmette 3804. 60L18-ltp away from center of towu desired. Write interesting and cost no more than LifP A-147. 39LTN1R-1tn ordinary shades. WTD.- TO TAKE CARE CHILDREN ~ bv hour. 35 cents per hour. Ph. WilWe wire vases and design shades to 4! BADIOS n1ette 417. 60L18-ltc match. --------------------------------WANTED BY DAY-CLEANING, COOK.: 620 ~~<t~ Rs~W~E~.E~~lf~sToN ing, or serving luncheons, dinners. Best 132 Church St. LETvNaln:_\~~ Expert Radio Service $1.00 Glencoe refs. Tel. Glencoe 1315. Dnv Night '· 60LTN18-ltc Ph. lTniversity 0944 Ph. Greenlt>af 6R5'l 42LTN1 S-4 tn YOUNG WOMAN WANTS GEN. HSWK. BRASOR ART STORE or housekeeper pos. Best Glencoe refers. All Service by Midwest Clal'l'l "A" Men 1312 CHICAGO AVE. UNIV. 9179 Tel. Glencoe 1315. 60LTN18-ltc SKOKIE RADIO SHOPS !7LTN6-trc Wll. 4117-Phones--Wtnn 671. LA UNDRESS, W HI T E, 42LTN1S-1t( EFI<.,ICIENT 30 LOANS wants day work.- Call Winnetka 2532. 60LTN18-ltc 44 SERVICE BUREAU ARE YOUR LAMPSHADES DIFFEREN'f? 1 DOUBLE ROOM WITH TWIN BEDf.: and lav., 1 double room private bath. also one single room. Ph. Wilmette 3587. · 66L16-tfc FRONT ROOM, NEWLY DECORATED. Very comfortable. Plenty hot water. Private home. 1 block to restaurant and trans. 710 Park Ave. Ph. Wil. 2088. 66L18-lte PI.EASANT FRONT ROOM NEATI trans. East side. Ph. Wil. 1940. 66Ll8-ltc NICE WARM FURNISHED FRON'J' room. 2 blocks to transportation. Gents only. Ca.Il Winnetka 2337. 66LTN1 8-ltc CENTRAL HOTEL, 629 MAIN STREET. rooms by day . or wee){, all outsidP rooms, steam heated, hot and colcl water. 66L48-tff' NICELY FURNISHED ROOM transportation. Winnetka 911. NEAR 66Lll-tff' Alan Goodrich Studio 27 0 PICTURE FRAMING Charles H. · Breth old 1st and 2nd mortgagel!l Insurance Tel. 66 545 Main St. Wilmette 30L17-ttc NICE WARM ROOM FOR 1 OR 2 IN GERMAN GIRL, COMPETENT, GOOD priv. family. 420 Park Ave. Ph. Wilcook, best references, wishes geu. housemette 293. 66Ll8-ltp work or 2nd work. $18 per week. Ad.JEWELRY REPAIRING AND REdress Schulz, 635 Willow Rd., Winnetka. THREE LARGE COMFORTABLE modeling by a craftsman of rare ability 60LTN18-ltp sleeping rooms. New furnishings. One an originality. Designs created for block to all transportation. Very reasonindividuals. Paul Davey, .Jeweler, 1165 EXP. COOK, CAPABLE, COLORED. WE ARE I~ THE MARKE'l' able, $5-$6, Sullivan. 905 Burr Ave., HubWilmette Ave. Ph. Wilmette 6. FOR Best No. Shore ref., Oakland 0420. bard Woods. 66LTN18-ltp !'iOL::\!l-tf(" 60LTN18-ltp FOR RENT-ROOM, ALSO SPACE IN On North Shore homes, apartments, bung- 5' LOST & FOUND LAUNDRESS. 1ST CLA8S, WHITE, BY garage. · Will arrange for some light alows, f·tc. Lowe~t rates. Quick :-~ervice. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - day. Will also do cleaning. Winnetka housekeeping It desired. Ph. Wilmette HOKANSON & .TENKS LOST- BOSTON BULL, BRINDLE 2794. 60LTN18-ltc 2248. 66L38-tfc 513 DaYis St. Greenleaf 1617 color, ans. to the name of Teddy. Re30LTNIR-1k ward. Ph. Wilmette 3931. 55Ll8-ltc RELIABLE COLORED WOMAN AS NICELY FURN. FRONT BEDROOM. ~~--------~--~-----------~---~-~~ gener~ hswk. P~ V~tory 11H. 1507 Wa§hlngton Ave. Ph. Wilmette 60LTN18-ltp 4!54. 66L18-ltp FOSTER NISTLE OIL BURNER SERVICE All burners at all hours. Wilmette 179 44LTN11-tfr- SITUATION WANTED-NURSE, GRADuate, German, experienced, refined, will care for baby. Telephone Winnetka 1847. 60LTN18-ltp 50 GEN,ERAL REPAIRS First l\1ortgage Loans Baa ~ou Waat Ad Ia Bvaaatoa, too This Office will accept classified advertising to be run in THE EVANSTON REVIEW, reaching 16t000 families in Evansron. REVIEW copy must be in by 5 p. m. COOKING, SERVING LUNCHEONS, dinners, care of children. Winnetka 1920. 60LTN17 -tfc on Tunday. GIRL WANTS WORK AFTER SCHOOL and Saturdays. Ph. Wilmette 3945. FURNISHED ROOM CONVENIENT TO 60LT18-ltc transp. Call Wilmette 2764. 66L18-ltp FOR RENT-2 FURN. ROOMS, WEI.L heated, always plenty of hot water. Nr. trans-p. 633 Park Ave., Wilmette. 66L18-ltp Teleohont Wilmett, 4300 or Wi. onetka 2000 --------------~--~----EXP. COL. WOMAN, CLEANING OR ATTRACTIVE FURNISHED ROOM. USE laundry. N. S. refs. Winnetka 483. 60LT18-ltc of kitchen, dining and- living room. Glencoe 1646. 66LTN18-ttp