January 24, 1930 WILMETTE LIFE 53 Mrs. S. H. Moore, Mrs. William J~ FitzPatrick, Mrs. William F. Krippes, and Mr:;. Arthur J. Wernecke were hostesses at a luncheon and bridge Tuesday, January 21, for the benefit of the ways and means department of the Vvoman's Catholic club of Wilmette. New Trier Music Department Now Owns Its A mpico 30 Students Enter Essays in 0. R. Barnett Contest T hirty essays written by '. ·" ,, Trt'e·. ·~e\" . Htgh .school students had been entered m the Barnett essay contest b . Vved d f 1· ) 1 year O nes ay o t 11s week · Ea· -- c 1 tto bR. Barnett of Glenco" ·s a' f "· \··1 ' 10 1 mem ~r o the 1\ ew Trier board of education, makes a first prize award oi tfien dollars and a second prize award ? ve dollars to the two students writ~ng the best e~says o,.:.l subjects relatl~lg. to. economics or cirics. The on ly lmlltatiOn placed on the essays is that they must he not more than 2,500 (Contributed) The music department of "t\ C\v Trier J[igh school ha_ s just completed mak in!! its last payment on an Ampico g1:and piano. The department feels proud to ow n thi s splendid in strumen t and is deeply indebted to the organizations and to the individuals who made it possible to purchase the piano. There are nearly ele,·en hundred yout.lg people studying some form of music each year at the high schoo l, and the piano has been in constaut usc, !J oth as a player and for th e purpo :>c of accompanying the glee clubs anti choruses. The instrument fonnnh· used b\' the department has been mo\'c.<l to the~ new Leslie F. Gates gymnasiu ttt I and sL·n·cs the school on such occa - I ~ion:-. as a ssemblies and commenc e lllClltS . words in length or less than . 1,500 words. A faculty coml)littee composed o~ Dr. Laura F. Uttrick, head of the · ory. d epartment, F . Donald Frisbie h1st and 1ftss Alma Hurst will select ten or. twelve o~ th e best essays from the thtrty submitted and turn them over ~o the j.udges of the contest. The JUdges Wl 11 b e 1 ea d'ttw men and women of the township. - REAL ESTATE LOANS Have funds to loan on North Shore restdentla.l property at reasonable rates. See us on renewals. Also mort«ages for sale. PROM JANUARY 24 , The annual Junior-Senior prom of tne Roycemore school, Eva nston, will h.e. held ~t the School gymnasium on 1 ~nd.ay ntght, January 24. This prom 1s gtven :-w nually. E. G. Pauling & Co. 10 S. La Salle St. Franklla 7741 .. . \t thi s time the administration oi the :\ cw Trier High schoo l and the 1 1 r e c l s s r. y [- tnusic dcpartn1ent \nmlcl like to make · public acj..::nowlcdgmcnt to the indi,·idual~ a nd to the ~l ub s for their assi s- l tance and their interest in the sehoul':-. 1 mu..;ical wc..lfarl'. The li . t follo\\·s: I J. B. French. Albert ?-i. Page, :\lhert 1 Pick. :\tilton Cohn, :\frs. \\'illiam Jia,·. :\lrs. :\he Balaban, :\Irs. \\'illia;11 \ C\1\\ ~.·n . ::\1 rs. Aaron Yottnkcr s. ::\1 rs. II. .J. Fn:yn. :\frs. Charlts jacob s. Frank Young, ~f. \\'olclcnbcrg-, E. L. Gla~. l'r, llerm:tn Katz. ::\1 i:;s Dorothy I Paley. L ,1. Bakn, C. D. :\1 urphy. :\fr:-.. B. Thalman. C. E. Burkhardt. the \\'i nnetka :\lu. ic club. \\'ilmcttt· I Hc)t:u·~· club, ~ ew Trier High School .\ thlctic a='S!,.JCiation, 1\ew Trier Hig!1 Scllnol Girls' club, Xew Trier High Srhool Tri-Ship club, K cw Trier Jligh school glee clubs, New Trier High schnol orchestra, donations from friends who attended the ;\t·\\· Trier phy~ical training- exhibition. 1 1 Now Frigidaire gives ·you the d d 1lS North Shore Man Gives · Advice For Investors E..;..,cntia l statistics about securit:es !:,ted on the Chicago Stock Exch:1n~r :tre t.10\\' given by Inve stment News, the k;~dtng l~nancial newspaper of the :\f Hld!e. \Vest, plus th e rating of the \ecunt1es ~Y a k~en judge of \'alues. : ~· C. Bahtze, ed1tor of I n\'C'stmcnt ::\ews, Ztssisted hv Ernest Po o 1 anah-ist. ' ~.(r. B:.bize is well kno\\·n ancl his '·pin inns ;.:.re highly regarded by lnnk~ n:-- '" ho ca 11 .upon him for acl.vi cc and counsel. Under hi s direction Invest~ ~~~ent l\ews has grown and is rec orrntzed as one of the leadino· financi7tl puhlication.s of the country.~ ~rr: B1b1ze for many years has 1Jccn a resider:r of Glencoe and a trustee of lhc :.Jew Trier Township schools. TO SING AT ORRINGTON :\I ~ha rJc-; E. Lu~ton, barito_ne, wi~h HYDRATOR The Hydrator is a marvelous new moist air compartment that makes vegetables and salad materials delightfully fresh and tender. See it demonstrated today. again. You can make lettuce tender and brittle. You can quickly restore the firmness of radishes, tomatoes and other vegetables. Today every household Frigidaire is equipped with the Hydrator. It is part uf the surplus value offered by Frigidaire. So, too, is the famous "Cold Control'~ which enables you to speed the freezing of ice cubes and desserts. And to make Frigidaire still more practical and more strikingly beautiful, every household cabinet is now rust-proof Porcelain-on· steel inside and out. See a complete demonstration at our showroom-.now· nc ly ry r- 11~ .,,. + .,,. I I ub nd I Now, with the developme-nt of the Hydrator, Frigidaire offers a new service to users ... a special compartment for _. vegetables and foods that need added moisture. You can put even wilted celery in the Hydrator and make it crisp and fresh 1 )er ls6 ~ · . tss Lkcta Austm at the p1ano, w1ll ~rc. the program in the lounge of the ., ~Ttnl3'ton hotel Sunday evening. He ] ·111 ~t ng ~ group of classic songs, old ~_ngl.t.s h dtalect songs incluclin(r th ose (It . Gt1 · ~ es S croggms and Zummcr;:ct~~t:e , an.J .inter.esting negro spirit1~~tls. ·· .1s Au~tm w1ll accompany him and wtll play 3. group of piano numbers. b'~fr: and Mrs. Herbert B. Mulford, .,J l·.l111wood avenue are leaYing for a two m on th s , tnp . to, 1·~ londa . the first ltla_rt of next week. They will make the I'll) I>y motor, and will spend two n:.onths motoring thrOLwh the so11th and Fl on d a. Mr. and ,_, · :Mrs. Mulford 1 1a< 1 expected to leave this week hut 1 < ue. to . ~1 tl · 1e weat 1 1er, they postponed lCt~ tnp a week. They will spend two }':·~~t 5 in March with their daughter, · Y, who is attending Wellesley col1 She will !lleet thel!1 in Tryon, K. ., or her spnng vacatiOn,. FRIGIDAIRE STOVER CO. Eltetric Refrigerators for Homes, Stores and Public Institution· · · · Electric Water Coolers for Homes, Stores, Offices and Factories · · · lee Cream Cabinets ··· Milk Cooling Equipment ··· Room Coolm I 600 Cs-ei ::'\lichigan ~\ n. at RaucloltiJI St., (lr,t N. l\llrhtgan Ave.) llandolpll 49t'JO l:,· mston · · 16!ll SllHillllll AH·. Hubbnr(\ Woods · 890 Linden A'· ~. 1 Greenleaf H80 Winnetka tul2 Public Senice Comtlany Of Northnn Illinois J[ighland Park · 2S2 ('t·ntral An. At all their oftlees ][fglllund l,ark 1;)0