50 WILMETTE LIFE January 24, 1930 News of Interest to Church-Goers of Our Village ' Anthem, "Be Still, . Be Still" .. . . . .. Scott Offertory Solo. "Low At Thy Feet" ... .. .... . .. Bartlett \Voman's Club Miss Bushouse 'l'enth f;treet at Greenleaf avenue Postlude, "March" (Aida) . . .. Verdi He,·. Clyde Handolph Wheeland, B. D. Tile · Choir Minister Catherine Bushouse, l'iOprano; John B. S1fi lireenwoorl ave. Ph. Wil. 3281 Miller, tenor; Rose Lutiger Gannon, contralto; Edward Otis, ba:,;s; E1·ma Rounds, All senke~ of the church and Sunday organist and directq_r. school will be held in the Woman's club :tt the u:-mal hours. The \\·oman':-; dub will be llw plaet· of \\'OI'Ship until further notice. v\'ilmette and Forest avenues ~unday mo1·nin~ worship at l l o'c:lock. Dr. George D. Allison, pastor 'l'h topic of D1·. Wh ee land':-; sermon will be "The Cnreasnnableness of Irreligion." "Jn a G~1thic Cathedral" If; the subject o f the sermon by Dr. George D. Allison Hunda.r !:!c hool at 9 :30 a. m. The church on Sunday morning, .January 26. at th e at sd1011l in all dt-)lartments with classes e le Ye n o'clock sen·ice. Madame Gi!deroy for all ag-'s. Th e Adult, Ht·nior, Inte r- Sc·ott, ehoir directo1· and alto soloist, will m edia te and Junior cl t' partm cnt:-; mee ting l';ing " Consider the Lili es." Th ere will in the main auditorium. thf' Prima1·y in be a children's story entitled "The Quarth t> little auditorium and the Bf'ginners' rt>l of th e Clo<'ks." Dul'in~ tlw set·mon the childJ·en are cared for in th t> kind e r in tlw loung-t· of the club. g-art n room. Strange1·s are w e leome in th e fellowThe ~unda~' !ie.hnol openin~ wo1·ship ship of our 1·hun·h. All thos t' who haY~ no rt>J:Illa r pla ce of worship a ud arf' :-;pn·kes h.n \'t· be<'n of :-iJlecial interPst and without a lo<·al churd1 hom e a1·e inYited all nwmbe rs nre urged to attend at nin eto worship with us. thirty. Yisitors wlll he mnst C'Ordially we lcomed. In th e Young People's d eCommunion of .the Lord's Su]l)>er and pal'tm ent the program is in eh~H~E' of a n·ct·JJtion of new member~ will be ob- cliffere nt <'IaRs each w eelc For th e past spn·t'<l on tlw fourth Smulay in F eb ruary. two wee l{s the .Tuniors and Intf·rmediateR You an· inYiled tu unitl' with u:-; in C hri s- ha ,.e hee n Jed in an int'rpretation of our tian fellowHhip hy ehurch letter, re- I ,orrl's Prayet· and nt>xt Sunday Miss affirmation of your fornwt· ehur<"h vows. Wick's class of girls will nRsist with th e if .you ha\'t~ forf(·itt>d you1· 1-1tandin~ n:-; a worship St>l'\'i<'e hy f;llll1Jnanzmg the t·ommunicHnt nwmhE' l". ot· 1111 confession points to be r('memb<'recl from this in of faith . terpretation. First Presbyterian New Testament," taught by Mr. J. Clair Mead. I St. John's Lutheran Baptist Church Wilmette and Park avenues, Wilmette On MQ.!!day at 3 :30 p. m. The Blue Herman W. Meyer, pastor Bird:;;, unde-r the direc tion of Miss Web- 406 Prairie a venue Telenhone 1!39!; ster, and the Boys' club, under the direcChurch telephone 3111 tion of Mr. M ead ,_ will. hold their r egul a r meetings in the church. Services r Third Sunday after EpiJlhan.r Roo:o;evelt Troop No. 2, Boy Scout~. and 9 ··;o a m .-Sunilay school and Bible Sea Scout Shin No. 7 will meet in the ·~la!';~~s chur<"h at 7 :30 p. m. on Tuesday. 9 :45 a. m.--First service and sermon 11 a. m.-Second service 11nd sermon \Vekeacafjla Camp Fire Girls will hold "Having the Mind of Christ." 1 Cor. 2, 1G their regular m ee ting in the c hurch parlor on \Vednesday at 4 o'clock. Jlel'tln~s Th e ~Jid-Wee k mee ting of th e churc·h. 1\Tomlay n.! i :45- Choir reheanml with Dr. Loper as its lead e r, will be he ld Wednesdnv at 4-C hildren's classes in the ehureh parlor Qn W ednesrlay eve- Saturday ·at 9-Children's clasHes ning at R o'clo('k. Th e pastor's tiDrochial report for the On Thursday Troop Xo. l, Roy Scout;-;, year 1929 presented before the a~sembled eongregation on Sun,day. January 12. will m eet in thp church at 7 :30 p. m. showed that the year 1929 was the best Tu esday, February 4, i~ the date which vear in the his torv of St. John's. More has bee n Het for the annual banquet for iww m embers w e re added to the church : th e m e n and boys of the churc·h. }.1r. th e r e we re many more communions; the attendance was conf:iderably A. J. ("Dad") Elliott has been He<·uJ·ed church larger; the classes for the relig-ious edu~ as the speaker for this occasion. cation of children had a mueh larg('J· enrollm e nt and th e financial incomt" nr th e church \-.·as f!Tf,llter than ever beforE.>. And sin<'<' we bt>lie,·e that rPgulal'it:-' at The Young Peoplt>'s department, led by chur<'h !'lerYices and at the Lm·d's table Mrs. Kimbell's da~f:. hav e now furnished an· a fairlv r e liable barom e tE- r of tht> their room. which they have bea utifully P.fllll?rt>gation's :-niritual condition theRE> christent>d "The 'Cpper Room." They an· !'ltatistic'~ are yerv e neournging. Thr parto hold a senice of dedication there ish report in brie f follows: Rapt izNl Hunday aftemoon at 5 :30. Bi:;;hop Edwin members , 541; confirmt>d or <·ommun!Holt Hughes will be the speaker. There cant members. :no: families. !l5; indid<lwill be special music. and t ea will b L' uaJ:-;, 8!1; voting m e mbe rs, 51 : Surida:-· :-;erved following th e dt>dication servict>. ~·whonl c·hildren. 214: Runday school teachAll youn~ peop le above high school a~.: er!' and officers. 23: children in th<' wf'e k are urged to attend. da v cla::::1-1es of r elig-i ous eduen tion. !\1 ; se1:Y ices h e lrl, 121 : attendancE' at S(·rYi1·es. The Senior High lengue will m eet Sun- 11 ,130: thf'r<' w <'rc baptized in 192!1, 1!1: day e ve ning at 5 :30 in their own room. cn nfil'l11 1:'<1, Fi : ma niNl, 7 <'OupiPs; fmlE. A. Paul of Northwestern unive r s ity e ~ ·a ls. 10: r ec ind th e Lord's supper, 631 : will be thf' spealier and will ~ing some n·ceived it !)riva tely in hos!litals Qr honw:-;, Negro sp iritual s. 16; the pastor mad(' 450 pastoral vi~its and 163 sick calls: attended l3R meeting-:-; The Bool< Re\'iew club will m ee t Mon- within the church and 46 f'lst>Where in day at 10:30 a. in the W e man's room connection with church work. The tot aT of this church. Mrs. Purvis will review receipts of the congregation ·we J·e $1 UW4Xi "Tristt:a m" by Edwin Arlington Robinson. of which $2.500 was gh:tll for mission:H'~· and bt>neYolent !)urposes. The League of Women Voters will hold an open meeting Monday at th e Baptist At its last meeting the congrt>gation church. Miss Hel e n Cerise will spt>al< decided to issue a monthly paper instf'a·l on "Jury Se rvice for Women." All women, of an occasional one. This nnoer i~ tc1 wheth e r m embers or not, are invited to have no advertisements of an\' kind but attend. to be devoted strictly tfl church news :lllcl reports. It will be financed by the <'OnAll men of the church are asked to ~regation and tl:te free will contrihution,reserve Monday evening', January 27, for of its memb_ ers. the Men's dinner at the Shawnee club. Fred Sargent, presideqt of the Chicagn 4 meeting of Lutheran women, repreand North Western railroad, will be the senting every part of the United SL'l.te!'. speaker. was held last Friday and Saturday at T~ Friendly Circle will hold its first the Palmer house at which a national orsocial meeting of the new year in tho ganization of Lutheran women wns A constitution was presentecl Woman's room. All wome11 of the church formed. are invited to join with this group to and adopted and offic~rs were elected enjoy the splendid program which has to hold office until the first national convt>ntion announced for n~xt May, Mrs. been planned for this occasion. I. Gamron. V. H. Suhr. Herman W . ~ff'" ar.d Mi::::s Julia Meyer represented Rt. The semi-annual meeting of the North- John's. Pastor Herman W. Mc·\' r !:!'~· v .. ern District Woman's Home Mis:o;iona J'V society will be held .T uesday, January 28, the Inspirational address on Ratunla:-· at the Irvin,!!' Park Methodist church morning. corner Gf Keenan avenue and Grace The Lord's !';Upper will ·again he cf'lestreet. The meeting will begin at lQ o'clock. The address of the afternoon brated on Sunday mnrninf!', Fehruat'Y ~ will be given by the Pastor of our own in the 11 o'clock service. the confesf:ionn 1 church. It is hoped, therefore, that a or nrenaratorv service for communif'ro"f" large group of womep from this church beginning · at -10 :4fi. All those desiringwill attend the meeting. Please meet to receive the Sacrament will please anat the North Shore line station at 9 o'clock. nounce this to the pastor on the Saturrlay Next Thursday is Division day. The before. divisions will meet as follows: First2 p. m.-hostess, Mrs. J. H. Dyon, 1310 Ashland avenue; second-10 :30 a. m.hostesR, Mrs. E. A. Wegner, 421 Elmwood avenu~; third-1 :30 p. m.-hostess, Next Sunday. January 26, will be th t' Mrs. E . .J. Hoffman, 1635 Lake avenue; third Sunday after Epiflhany. There will fourth - 10 a. m .-hostess, Mrs. Carl Zipp- be Holy Communion at 8 a. m., Chur<>h rich, 623 Forest avenue; fifth-10 :30 a. m. ::::chool and Biblt> classPs at 9 :45 and -hostess, Mrs., L . H. Hanawalt, 1344 Ash- morning nrayer with addn: s~ at 11 a. m. .Methodist Church be · in<"omple t e in tht> unin~ rsality of its without the :-;ourt' <1 Jll'!'iH imism of this hook. The \\Tite r was a blue, bilious indh'idual who~e tasl(· had gone stale, who:-e t>motions had been E-x hausted and he d e \'t·lopecl th e "critical" attitude toward lift·. llis type kill:-; hope, de:-;troys enthusia:-m and blights t·tu1ea \'Or. Some 'xponent~ of his vipw still live. Jt is an int en·!:! ting s tudy. Come and sec. nwssa~t· l'raY l' l' nwt'ling·, Wt>dnt·sday eve ning at S p. m, "Ecclesiastes." The Bible would At' 4 o'(·lo<'k tht> Busv RuzzPJ's will nwt-t in <"hargE' of Howa1:d .Jone::;' group, tht· Blacl< and Whitt> team . There is ti1w intt' rest in th e f'lo<'k contt>st now going on and speC'ial nwntion is made of the two memory assignments which will give extra credit to each indiYidual. Lenrning the Books of the Bible in ord<'r will count t e n extra points for each individual. and mf'morizing PRalm 121 will gi\'e an extra five points. The r egular memory \'erse to go with th e topic is found in I Corinthians 9 :25. rn. Chl'istian Endeavor society will meet The youn~ people \\:jll m eet in the Sunday evening at 5 :30 o'cluck at the home of Paul Hosking, 818 Park avenue. church at 5:30 for a n.ro~Tam in char~e They invite young people t o m eet with of th<' S<'rvkt> commission. W e hope that everyone who attends will be r'ady to them. pa rtkipn t e in the diRcussion in orde-1· to The Pastor's cla~:;s for instruction of the mal<t> it hel!lf~Jl Lo all. Thinl< ovt>t· Rome young in the principles of church mem- of thest> f!Uf'Rttons: "Should a church help bership will meet at his home, 815 Green- financially In the education of its young wood avenue. Thursday and Friday after- people for Christ's work?" "From your own experit>nce, what pay do you rect>i\·e noons at 4 o'clock. for doing Christ's work?" Presbyterian Old l'eopl e ':-; llome Auxiliary membershi11s rece ived during the Th' Board ot' Religious Education month of January by Mrs. R. W. Young, meet!'~ on Tuesday at 8 o'clock in the 922 Ashlan_ d avenue, Phone '\\'ilmettc study. 2095. 'l'he \Vednesday night _ Mid-week Prayer Spokes of the Woman's society will sen·ice for this next week will contimH' meet Tuesday, .January 28, as follows: the ~tudy of Pa.ul's letter to th e GalaSpoke 1 with Mrs. Lowell D . Snorf, 717 tians. Elmwood avenue. Spoke 4 witll Mrs. R. H. H enderson, 2710 On Monday. January 27, the League of Blackhawk road_ . Mrs. Brownlee, assist- Women Voters will meet in this. church. Ing hostess. Miss Helen Cirese will speak on the subSpoke 5 with 1\fr!'. John Taylor Booz, 730 ject ".Jury Service for Women"-a queRGreenwood avenue. tion which is to be voted on next fall. Spoke 6 with Mrs. Charlt>s F. Kreme r, TherP will be luncheon at 12 :~0. 'l'h~ 723 Laurel avenue, at 1 P. M. meeting proper will begin at 1:45. Spoke 7 with Mrs. l l et.:.rnan T. Reiling, 1521 Greenwood avenue. Choir rehearsals conJ.inue each ThursSpoke 8 with Mrs. \V. N e vin Pomeroy day night, followed by rehearsal of the 116 Ninth street. Mrs. John Bartholo~ "Mikado." Every member is urged to mew, co-hostess. be present each week. Spoke 9 at the Shawnee Country club. MrR John K. Parshall and Mrs. Harry A Sea Scout troop has been organized A. Dornbos, hostesse~. in the church by Percy Arden and meets Spok e 10 with l\frs. John A. Saville, 216 Tuesday Pvenings. Membership is ope11 Fourth str~et. Mrs. Boltwood, assisting to older Roy Scouts who are interested hostess. in nautical lore. Spoke 11 with Mrs. l·'1·ed Simmons, 338 \Yoodi'tock nve nue, Kenilworth . Girl Scout Troop 3 meets in this chureh Rpoke 12 with 1\IJ'R. Ferd Platt-, 2224 Sher- each \VcdneRday afternoon at 4 o'clock man avenue, Evanston. Rev. Walter A. Dnd.{ls of the China Xantao Chri:o;tian Institute will be out· guest an<l s!)eaker Ft>bruary 2. PltESBYTEU.L\L ~lKJ<:TlNG The monthly mee ting scheduled for Friday, February 7. at the Ining Pari< ehurch h:u; b~en chang-ed to Thursday, .January 30, m th e Fullerton Avenue church. · · Foreign mi:o;l'lions h [tVe th e right of wnv In this db.trkt durin~ January :mel Feb·ruaJ·y and many ~peakers fmm the fon·i~n fields are available at thi!:! time, among whom are He\'. and Mrs. S. 1\f. Jordan ot Persia, He,·. and Mrs. \\.alter J)odd:;; of Cl1ina. The entire day will bt> given 0\·e r to as many speakers as time '~j)l permit. Meeting opens at 10 :30 o'clocl< with luncheon nt 12 :30. Afternoon session at l :30. Devot innal sen· Ice will be led by Dr. f'. B. McAfee. Call Mrs. Earl G. Low fl,r direction!-.' and luncheon resernttions not later than Monday, January 27. Pt1one \Vii. 607. Following Is the musical program for Sunday, JaJ'l1lary 26: Prelude, "Nocturne In A Major" .. .. Field Anthem. "The Prayer" Marchetti 43 St. Augustin. e's Congregational Church Vere V. Loper, minister Elizabeth B. Web::;ter, Director of Religious Education This Friday the Northwest Circlf' will hold a luncheon meeting at the home of Mrs. F . G. LaBonte, 1126 Forest avenue. Mrs. A. H. Seddon is the assisting hoRte!5S. The Sunday morning worship !';erYice of the church is held at 10 :4fi o'doC'k. Dr. Loper will Dteach on the subject, "Life':::: Grt>atest Alternative." The Church school is beginning its second semester of work. Primary. Junior. and Intermediate departments will meet at 9 :30 a. m. : Cradle Roll and Beginne!'s department at 10 :45, and the Senior Department and Adult Forum at 12 o'clock. The Senior department. for high RC'hool younr:r people, is offering three new <'ourses this semester: "Religion and Art," which. Is taught by Mrs. Marguerite C. Taylor ; "The New Testament and Social Questions of Today," taught by Miss Elizabeth B. Webster; and "The made to an women to be present at one of · these meeting~. Come out and hear all about the plans being made to carry "The Village Fair" to the goal of success. A new series of Wednesday night services began last week. There will be four features each week : . 1. Acts of devotion: Praise-prayerscripture readings. 2. Brief studies in the "Methods of Private Religious Living," utilizing the materials found in a helpful volume bear~ ing- this title. The following subjects will be considered: Private Worship, Relig-ious Release of Energy, Dealing with Common Things, Meeting a Crisi:-;, Method in Religion and Public Worship. 3. A short striking poem with just a word as to its spiritual significance. 4. Old familiar passages of scripture. examined with the idea of bringin~ forth out of these treasure storehouses-"thing:-: new and old." Here are the titleR: "When the Angels Left Them," "They Continued Steadfastly," "That Which I Have," "The Lord Added Daily," "Heard In His Own Tongue," "Seven Men of Good Report." lal~ a;;;e~~· appeal is The Women's associated guilds will meet today, Friday. at 10 :30 in the cluh houl'e. Luncheon wi1l be served at noon as usual. Next Sunday, January 2fi, the Historit' church celebrates the conversion of St. Paul. There will be Holy communion at St. Augustine's at 8 a. m. The annual . ~tin~ of alf subscribers to the Wilmette Community r.hest will be held at the Village hall next Monday evening, January 27, at 8 p. m. The Parish dinner, held Wednesdnv evening in the club house. went off very successfully. It was followed by the annual business meeting of the parish in the Parish house at 8 n. m. An :H'r.ount of the meetiru~ will be found else· where In this issue. Dr Hubert Carleton. the rector of Rt. Augustine's was elected president of the Religious Educatipn board of the DioceRe of Chicago at its meeting in Chica~o on January 21.