Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Jan 1930, p. 1

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WILMETTE Mm·ch l.'t, 19 : q, Pnulishecl tveekly by Lloycl llolliste1· Inc., HU 1236 Oent1·al Ave., Wilmette, Illinois. Entered as second class matt~1· at the post office at Wilmette, Illinois, unde,. tile Act of M~rch 3, 1879. S1Lbsm·iJ)tion p1·ice $2.00 a year. VOL. XVIII. NO. 18 WILMETTE, ILLINOIS, JANUARY 24, 1930 PRICE FIVE CENT~ been notif1ed that he is one of the ten p;·cacher$ chosen for the American ltcan organization this \\·eek announced Good. \Viti delegation to spend the summost of its candidates in the April Re- 11 1 er in Great Britain under the auspublican primaries for Cook Count\' tJices of the Committee on Interchange Board Prttsidctit and commissioners in~- of Preachers and Speakers. Man ·: I eluding fnur \\'ell kno\\'n suburbanites t:ames wc:re proposed. and it is a sig-nal ft)r the country towns' candidates. This lwnor that has fallen to Dr. Allison. group ).\'IIQsC honoran· chairman is I ~om;nigee i~l a Joi\H aefncy. oi. Frank j . Loesch, also garc out it:; plat- t fle Che .era. o~nci . ot t 1le 1Culrc:Jcls i orm c: nst 111 :\men ca, t 1e Htlc 1 Ax.cl Lonnquist of \\'ilmcttc Chi- ~)eace lJniOI~ and _!h.e \Vo:ld Alliance ·ag·o r" alt )r a cl 1 . · ·' . . tor International Fnendsl11p. " .... l n 1n Cl"' " 'fl 1c · A. r.1encan · Good \ V't'11 p reac 1H~ rs \\·ork and the fi 1 t ong f 01. act1ve ·· 1 tt ment is th, ca 11~·J· t f )C cr .g o~em~ ila\·c a unique opportunity to get in 1 1 1 _ c I . .. 1 'cl c otr prestc Cdt or I touch wi~h the religious life of Great t he c'o·ttlt ~ ~ )Oai u. oun n· · town com' · · preac 1 · · pu 1 · o f severa 1 .ss e . 1· 1 t . · M G . 1 Jrttam, 1111g m p1ts ' llll 1011 r cane IC a es 111c 1 U(1 e rs er - 1 · · d d 1' · dd · truclc ~1 I icbcr i aenommatwns an e tvenng a re~ses . k : · · · · soc a 1 \\O! et and calculated to promote a better und er- 1 dub woman ~nd ~tuclet.lt of govern- s~ andin...,. of the spirit of America. The\' mcnt who restdes 111 \Vtnnetka · J) f · be tJable to make the acquamtaiiCe · · · · . · \Ytll . . B rumle\· ch1ef engineer lllt.Ilot's C"tl f .1· 1 .1 · B · · 1 : ' ' . '. ~ "' - o . outstanumg eauers Ill ntis 1 retral ~atlroad, who. h\·es 11l .1.. ~os smoor, l~gious and. political life as \\'eli as tC1 a~1c~ Chat:les H. 11tller, an ofhctal of tltc :,pend time in the home~ of the people. : F. , . · ., U mtccl States Rubber company and a D All' d f 0 11 . 1 ed \V. Sargent, pres1dent of th . . . 1 1 long time and \\'ell kn0\\'11 resid~nt )f ~· !SOn! . as JU?t ;cturnep· [ ~ 1 Chicago and North \\' estern Railwav ~fan,·oocl Included in the list of Chi ~lee · s prdac llhlg mts~ 1011 a~ 11t ~.e c · comp~ny, will be the speaker at th~ cago candidates arc \\'alter ] Scl1etl1 -- 1·. <lldssF., tdm ert. t c afuCspltcesho t ,le tttls- . dinner given bv the men of the vVil. . .\., 1e e era 10n o mrc es w 1ere 1e tt p · h !VI h d' h h h prc~Id.cnt of the Clearing Industrial as- conducted a successful series of after- ! 's:1he ~ ansi I l.eft Od1st c ur~ atJt e soc1at10n who also has interests i11 .1 · · · f tl a\\ nee c u) l \ on ay evenmg, an. .,. · · . noon an~ e\ enmg servtces or .1e uan· 27 at 6 ·30 o'clo k ·A. rgo · ::-\oble \\ · Lee, secretan· ot the deepenin·r of the s'p iritual life He is · · .' · · c.· City Club of Chicago Ed\\':111 j ~fa 1 d l"> t f B ·. t Acttvtties along the North \Vestern 1 a 51 0 sure T T Sulliv·tn ·,·ice-p re · i~ie;1t' f C 1 grab. na e. 't ro~;· nC ~mv~ ~ y, line \\'ill be presented in movies by 0 .um 1 ' S · . ·. :.. u a u!uvcrst y, anu 111011 1 1leo- G. B. Vilas. eneral mana er of the 1 ~ '. t1 1e tC\\ at t- \\a I net . company, ~n.(t logical semlllary, and has had pastor- ~ 1 \ V . g g other \Veil known busmess and CI\'JC ates at Rutherford N. ). and vV!I- . 'tt :d ester~; f 1 ld' leaders. '1\,·o other country to\V1h. mington Del befo;e comi;Jg here nsti e f '":or! ltllgs o pt le. wor. s candidates \\'ill be selected 50.011 ' ., · g;ea est re1g 1t wuse a.t rov1so, actK·n Have Many Endorsers · P.tcture,; of the op~ratw.n of the new The ne\\' ticket is receiving the en· · · · tu ent to e hump and ~lasslficatton yarJs . at clorsement of many civic and business Story at Childrens Hour Proviso, and ptct~res of the operatJOn lead . . t tl . . 1r l I I · of the great Ch1cago passenger staet ~ e\ ~n a lh car~ c ate. n anOne 8f the students at the !\at tonal · f tl N h -vv· t ,.·n 1 · nounctng tts platform, ~1r.' Loesch de- Kindergarten and Elementary college ttlon , o le ort es ern, \d )e dares . . . r s 10\\11. " , · . . m Evanston will tell the story of ·· fhe - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~he .County Co1~1111ISSJ?ncrs haYe th.e Golden Fleece" at the children's story WILL HOLD CARD PARTY PO\\ er 111 cooperattot~ \\:tth the state · hour in the \\'ilmette Public library The Logan-Howard Parent Teachatt~rney and gran.d. JUnes . to effect ~ this Saturday morning, January 25, savmg of many mtlltons of dollars an- at 10:30 o'clock, according to an an- er$ association will hold a card party nually to the tax-payers of Cook. c~un- nouncement by ~fiss \Vinifred Bright, next Thursday evening, January 30, at 8 o'clock in the gymnasium of the ty. If a board of County Commtssion- children's librarian. Howard school. There will be bridge, ers made up of men of the calibre of 500, and bunco tables, refreshments our great university trustees of the and. priu~s. Tickets may be obtained boards of a first class business organfrom the room teachers, the room ization is selected by the voters, taxes chairmen, or from Mrs. 0. H. Bersch, are sure to decrease, and State's At\Vilmettr 1707. torney S\\'anson would have real cooperation in his fight on organized crime. Grade Separation Case Cites Principles "Believing this to he true, all candiContinued to Feb. 25 dates of the Business Men's organizaA continuance to February 25 was tion have agreed to the following pringranted counsel for Kei1ilworth, ciples: Winnetka, Glencoe and Highland "FirRt: The office of County ComPark on VJednesday, January 15, miRRioner of Cook county w111 be exewhen the petition of the north cuted aH a public trust, with no Recret J.Oiitical or business agreements of any shore communities, asking that the !find. · Chicago, North Western and the "Second: The commissioners will orChicago, North Shore and Milwauganize themselves as a bonrd of directors This week we publish our and apply to the county's affair::; the kee railroads be ordered to effect principles of administration used by annual automobile number grade separation throughout this hoards of directors of large bu~iness corarea, was called for hearing. porations. containing a resume of the Work tor Eronomy The continuance was requested, "Third: They will initiate and lead in local automobile and accesaccording to the attorneys, because· definite plans to accomplish unification extreme weather and other adverse and consolidation of .local governments sories dealers' and garage where there is now overlapping and cOI1ditions had retarded the comwaste. In the meantime, they will effect owners' activities, as well pilation of photographs and data to cooperation for efficiency and economy bebe used in the case. While a contween devartments. as a brief description of tinuance for only thirty days was "Fourth: Establish and maintain sound budget and fiscal admini::;tration for the the new features of the asked, other matters scheduled for ('ounty's t~usiness and insist upon adherthe attention of counsel for the ence to the budget by all departments 1930 model autos. See pages railroads made it necessary to set for which the County board appropriates money ; require monthly turnover to the 43-48. the new date for the hearing for County Treasurer of all revenues and InFebruary 25. ( Continued on page 8) I.;;;:;;;:;;;:=:;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;:=:;;;:::::J . The Chicago Business Men's Repub- Sought for County Board Presidency; Mrs. Lieber Is ComDr. George D. Allison, mtntster of the \\'iltm tte Baptist church, has just missioner Nominee Chamber of Commerce Directs Letter to Trustees Reque~t ing Active Cooperation C.rade . separation was one of the most impGrtant matters discussed at a meeting of the hoard of directors of the Wiln!ette Chamber of Comme1·ce last Friclay. ]. E. Worthen. presiclent cf the Chamber, who, with Hoyt King, rhairman of the organization's civic committee, was appointed at the last monthly meeting of the Chamber to ;~1 tend the Illinois Public Utilities Com111ission's hearing relative to the depre sion or elevation of the railways t ra,·ersing the north shore vil1ages, reported that \Vilmette had been left out :if all plans for track elevation because ~ufficient interest had not been shown. The hearing on the grade separation proposition has been postponed to February 26 to give all of the north shore yiiJages ample time to submit t'lans. Attorney Offers Aid It was 3.1so reported at the meet ~ng of the \Vilmette Chamber of Com!1lerce board. of directors last Fri(lay that Francis X. Busch, attornev for the North Shore Grade Separation committee, bad offered to draw up and file a pet~tion for Wilmette. A motion \\'as passed. that Mr. Busch, with the help of ~1r. King, be asked to draw up · ~. uch a peition. The Chamber of Commerce direc~ors passed a second motion that the \Vtltrlettc Village board be asked to r.ooperate in the matter of grade sep<:!ration in this village, and the secretary of the Chamber was instructed to · write a letter to the Village board to : this effer:1. Letter to Trustees This le~ter, which was read at the meeting of the Village board Tuesday, n:ght and placed on file, follows: · "To the Honorable President and Board of Trustees, Village of Wilmet~e. \Vilmette, Ill. "r,entlemen : "\Ve believe that one of the most important problems with which we are· confronted is grade separation, something in which everyone is vitally t:onrerned. Of all the north shore vilbges, Wilmette is the only one which : has not drawn up plans and filed a pe:ition for track elevation. The Wilmette Chamber of Commerce is having 8nch a petition drawn up, and we trust that the Village board will cooperate and work with us on this matter. · Very truly, 'Vilmette Chamber of Commerce (Signed) ]. E. Worthen, President." TIF I r NK E CS d T II The Chicago National Automobile Show Begins Saturday, January 25 Bishop Hughes to Speak at Dedication of Room Bishop Edwin Holt Hughes of the · Chicago ..Lrea of the Methodist Episcopal denomination will deliver an address to the young people of the Wit- . mette Pa.rish Methodist church Sunday afternoon, January 26, at 5:30: c.'clock. The occasion is the formal ' dedication of a room in the new Me- · thodist church structure to the uses · of the Young People's department of the parish. The room is to be known : as "The t'pper Room." I

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