= January Z4, 1930 WILMETTE NEW CHEVROLET BEST Sixty-Ton Press Is 1930 hnproveme:;:put It Far Ahead of Other Yean, Say Dealer· Newest Addition at ersted Motor Co. w : Edgewater Beach Hotel Day and Night Towing Ia · ' Holds 7th Motor Salon Elm St. Garage Service The Edgewater Beach Hotel Seventh Annual Motor Salon will open Saturday and remain open to the public through Feb. 3. The hotel has been chosen by many in previous years as an ideal place to see the exhibits without having to battle crowds at the auto show. The day and night towing service featured by the Elm Street garage, 718 Elm street, Winnetka, i~ a service which has been greatly appreciated by the public, especially during the past two weeks in which metorists have been experiencing a maximum of car troublfts. Arthur C. Anderson and Roy H. Scherer, owners of the Elm Street garag~, personally supe~':ise all work in thetr shop. In addttton to doing a general repair business, they have one of the most up-to-date wash racks on the north shore for washing, greasing and simonizing cars, in which department day and night service also is maintained. LIFE 4S ·· The new Chevrolet for 1930 is described a:s the bes! yetJ with. 76 distinct improvements ~stgned to gwe greater comfort better all-round performance and added power. It is displayed and sold here by Wescott-Schonlau Co., Inc., 1245 Chicago avenue, Evanston. The following cars will be ·exhibited: Eight models, .three introduced fo~ three Buicks by the Broadway Buick the first time thts year, compose the company; three Franklin cars by the line. The new models are sport Fox Motors, Inc.; two Graham cars by couJ.>.e, sport roadster and club sedan. Divcrsey Motor Sales; three HupmoThe ot hers are sedan, coach, coupe. biles by the Gambill Motors company; roadster and phaeton. All are built by two new Issota Fraschini by Issota Fisher and may be obtained in various ·M otors of Ill_ inois, Inc.; three Lincolns colors. by L. W. Shanesy and company; three Nash cars by the Illinois Motor Sales :\mong refinements are larger tir~s, corp.; three Oldsmobiles by the Kailersmaller wheels, Delco-Lovejoy hydrauYoungquist Motor Sales; four PackCAUSES SPRING BREAKAGE lic shock absorb_ers ~t all four wheels, ards by Smithson and Raymond; two :;Ianting non-glare windshield and imSpring U-bolts, if allowed to b.ecqme Peerless cars by Peerless Motor Car loosened, are responsible for a conproyed four-wheel braking system. company; three Pierce-Arrows by the siderable amount of spring breakage. Brakes are of the internal expandBe nell Motor company; four Rolls Subjected to heavy strains and coning "artictJlatcd shoe type," those Royces by Rolls Royce of America; stant movement, car makers have on the front wheels having two and four Studebakers by Studebaker Sales found it almost impossible to provide those on the rear having four shoes. com_pany of Chicago. The 40th space for locking devices that would prevent The brakes, fully enclosed against was tak en by the Broadway Auburn these · bolts from loosening. The remwater and dirt, are said to give longThere are approximately 2,500 parts tompany which will display a mode\ edy, then, is to go over them fr~m time er seryice than ever before. Tests at in the average car. of the new Cord. to time and see that they are ttght. tl1e General Motors pro~ng ground ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ are sa.id to show that the new brakes 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111!::' 111 will stop the car traveling at thirty miles an hour in 2 2-10 seconds within rorty-eight feet-. The six-cylinder valve-in-head engine introduced a year ago is retained but further improved and refined. It is said to deliver smoother, quieter performanc e and to develop 50 horsepower. Pistons are lightweight, and steel e arings are used. backed crapkshaft bThe oil pump has- been increased in capacity and improved in efficiency. while the carburetor has been imprO\·cd. The clutch on the new car has been improved bv the adoption of an integral disk, made in one piece of high carbon 1 steel. This, it is claimed, will give the 1930 Chevrolets smoother and easier clutch action. The Seventh Annual In ord~r to rna 1<:e the driver's position more comfortable, the position of the steering wheel in relation to the seat has been changed. The horn button I has been made more accessible. .The Wer§_ted Motor company, 56.2 Lmcoln avenue, Winnetka, has just installed a sixty-ton Weaver press, (not . a printing press) but a machine for · straightening axles, pressing gears on and off shafts, assembling clutche s straightening bumpers and heavy work in general of thi s nature. With this powerful machine it is possible to straight en the front axle of a car without heating it. This it is pointed out, is not only a g;eat advantage in the way of saving time. but it is claimed, and \\'illiam T. · \Versted says it has been demonstrated by axle manufacturer s, that straight ening the axle without heating retains a much larger portion of its original strength than when the metal is heat ed. This machine will handle the lightest to the hea viest cars. It is suscepti hlr to adjustment so fine that pre ssure may be brought to bear on a watch crystal, so lightly, that the glass i:-: not broken. The Edgewater Beach Hotel Announces Marmon Straight-S Popular at Gotham Automobile Show . \Vith the straigbt-eight the predom111ating factor at this year's Chicago :\utomobile show and other important motor exhibits throughout the country, the position of Marmon, exclusive manufactl!Ieq; of eights since 1926, is unusually strong, particularly since the company this year is offering four lines of crgh.ts in the four major price fields, accordmg to the \\'ersted Motor company, north shore dealers. Success of the Marmon lines at the recent New York show was more pronounced than ever before in the history of the company. In actual point o~ a.ttendance, retail sales, and new dtstnbutors and dealer~ signed to represent Marmon in 1930, the company's sho~ activities assumed greater proportiOns than ever before have been experienced. At the New York show Marmon int.roduced for the first ti~e two new ~mes of. straight-eights and displayed, tn addJt10n two other lines of eights and these cars together formed the firs~ complete offering of eights in all maJor price fields ever manufactured by any company. --Motor Salon..., TO BE HELD IN THE PASSAGGIO AND EAST LOUNGE January 25th to February 2nd, 1930 This attractive display will include forty models of various standard makes of automobiles, and is sponsored by Motor Car Dealers of Uptown Chicago and Edgewater Beach Hotel 5 300 Block Sheridan Road Chicago T~ere are 53,091 motor vehicle dealers 111 the United States . etthe~ up or down grade at a speed of 30.m.des per hour, race the motor while sh1ftmg to prevent gr.indirig of gears. . When shifting from third to second COUNT THEM YOURSELF Park Your Car tn Our Garage at a Nominal Charge iilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111tfF - ~ 0:..