January 24, 1930 WILMETTE LIFE 43 NORTH SHORE MOTOR ~EWS New Model A Ford } Lower Roof Line and Adjustable Seat Feature "Singing Gas Man," Popular Alike With Motorist, Radio Fan "Chick" (Charles 0.) Bruchhauscr, who measures gas into automobile tanks for customers at the F. T. Richardson garage, 724 ·----=~ Elm street, Winnetka, not oniy does it "with a smile" but, to the accompanying rythmical click of the gas meter warbles sections of the most popular airs. ".Chick" is the north shore's 41 Singing gas man." The north shore, however, does not have exclusive claim to him. As a popular gas station attendant his reputation may be local, but as a vocalist, it has become nationwide, for, while "Chick," during the da.y time meters gas, at night he meters his music over the radio. "Never Closed" Is Year-round Slogan for Motor Service Among his favorite numbers which he The most notable changes in body designs of the M odcl A Ford on exhibit in the Skokie Motor company showroon.ls in Wilmette, have been made in the coupe, sport coupe and open models, according to Michael P. Louen, broadcasts, are "Hello Baby:" "Funny Dear, What Lov.e Can Do;" j,I May pres1dent of the. corporation. The coupe has a lower roo f line and is entirely ne'w in design. be Wrong, But I Think You're Won·derful." These, with other popular Tom of the Linden Crest songs he sends out over the air from WIBO station at Broadway and LawGarage· a Busy Scotchman rence, Friday evenings. He sings as "When do yo u sleep?" is a question a part of the popular program by tht: frequently put to Tom Kirkwood, ownAt Handler orchestra, formerly of the " Never closed" is the slogan of er and manager of the Linden Crest D. \V. Leonard, Ford dealer and Study club in Detroit. .\{<_>tors Service Inc., 721 Main street, garage, 332 Linden avenue, Wilmette. owner and manager of the Skokie "Chick" lbegan his broadcasting career \V1lmette. Motors Service opened in For Tom goes on duty at 7 o'clock in Motor company, 435 Main street, Witits present location October 1 1922 the morning, and he often works until mette, started a small garage in Win- about three years ago over WEHS in a~d has never been closed. since~days: 1 or 2 o'clock the next morning. His netka seven years ago, moving his Evanston, rapidly advancing from amn1ghts, Sundays, holidays or any other Linden avenue garage contains stalls 1 business to vVilmette about four and ateur to professional. There is a cont:mc. A. B. VanDeusen and Jack Slown for sixty-four cars. It has b~en almost a half years later. Besides the spa- tinuously increasing demand for his arc the heads of the firm. VanDeusen three years since Tom started his hus- cious garage in Wilmette, the Skokie numbers. These requests are received w~s formerly an electrical engineer iness on the north shore, and he's a Motor company is also operating a from Maine to California and from w1th the General Electric company and sticker. And a Scotchman, too, as service station at 911 Linden avenue, Canada to Florida. Slown has been in the garage busi- most of you know. Tom has been in Hubbard Woods. n ss on 1he north shore since 1911. his present location ever since coming Tl ere is space for 175 to 200 cars Suburban Nash Sales Has Motors Service Inc., is equipped to tc.. \Vilmette _from t.he south shore in in the Skokie Motor company's garage Its Very Own Auto Show do all kinds of automobile work, with , Chtcago. Hts busmess has grown on Main street, Wilmette. The buildthe exception of painting and cloth yearly. ing is 75 x 230 and contains the latest The automobile show has been in work. Mechanical, electrical, tire, 1 garag~ equipment recommended by the progress for the past £ew weeks as far and body repairing as well as ghss 1 Rodenkirk Makes Things Ford Motor company, including power as the Suburban Nash Sales is conwork, washing, and Simonizing are cerned. At their sales rooms at 547 done by Motors Service. um at . an . ervtce car washers. Lincoln avenue are displayed t.he variOne of the same salesmen who start,The corporation employs an average AI Rodenkirk, manager of L. and R. ous models of the 1930 Nash "400" in c t twelve to fifteen men who are Auto Service, 332 Linden avenue, \Vii- ed with Mr. Leonard in \Vinnetka all their beauty. Frank N. Woolley seven years ago, R. M. James, is still trained to give prompt, cou~teous, and mette has been in business in \Vilmette and 0. S. Springer explain to the visit<:fficient service. It has concentrated for s~ven vears. Al came to \Vilmette with him .. Another salesman, E. R. ors the many new outstanding points 1don Lake, \Vis., where he Aldrich, formerly of the Shorecn Motor of the Nash this season, includin~ the on selling service only, and has made from Ra 1 11 0 attempt to enter the automobile was also in the auto repair busine ss company in Evanston, has been with new body designs, the longer wheelsales field. for a number of vears. He started his the Skokie Motor company for three base and scores of mechanical features ~fotors Service Inc., has begun a business in vVilniette in a small shop years. which have been brought about as a Skokie Motor is now presenting an result of the most skillful automopolicy. which will eventually turn the on \\·as hington avenue at the rear t~f establt.shment into a combined garage the telephone building, moving to h!s excellent display of the 1930 model tive engineering and stud.y. The Suband oll burner service. The company present location four years ago. Hts Ford cars. urban Nash Sales also reports that its 11 ?.w. has two men capable of giving chief mechanic and shop foreman who service department, Oak and Carlton eli1c1ent uil burner service, and plans is in charge of repair ,\·o~k. M .. c. William Geier Rates court, is busy these days overhauling t? work the entire force into a posi· Brewer, was formerly assoctated. w1~h a-nd putting into share scores qf north tlon whete it will be able to take care the Buick and Dodge compantc~ 111 as Gas · Oil Specialist shore Nash cars, whose owners are CJf oil burners the same as automobiles. Detroit. "Right in town yet out of traffic" looking forward to the coming of is a feature of the vVilliam ]. Geia sprii1g and another season's hard drivAbel Battery Ignition filling station at 723 Oak street which ing. Service in Busy Season Cullison Motor Companv is greatly appreciated by motorists, Mt. at Peak of Busiest Spell Geier says. It is one of the filling sta. The Abel Battery and Ignition ServE V. Cullison head of the C'ullisvn tions formerly owned and operated by Wilmette Battery Enjoys ~ce, 7~6 Elm street, Winnetka, specialWholesome Development Ists 111 curing electrical ailments in Motor company, 909 Linden avenue. Braun Brothers. Mr. Geier purchased your car, are laboring at ~op speed Hubbard \Voods, says he has never it about seven months ago. He handles :.Jine years ago, A. W. Jensen and these da.ys when batteries starters and been busier. since he started tl~e con- Texaco and Ethyl gasoline. In addi- A ndv Frankovitz, who conduct the ignition service in generai requires ex- cern three years ago. than. dunng- the tion to the gas, greasing- and oil serv- \\'ih11ette Battery and Electric Service pert attention. U. C. Abel and his past fev; weeks. Mr. Cu)ltson does a ice, he handles batteries and does l)at- at 740 Twelfth street, started a · small staff .of electricians, with their com- general line of aut~mob1le . r.epamng-; tery repair work, carries a large stock shop at the rear of the Wilmette State pl~te mechanical equipment for rend- sells tires and does ttre repamng. sells nf tires and does tire repairin?, of all bank. Since that time they have moved enng quick service have never had a and repairs batteri~s. The cold weath- kinds. across the street to their present n~w better opportunity to demonstrate the er has brought gnef aplentv to autoand very much enlarged location. Th*:"y mobile drivers, and not only h~s Mr. truth of the esta.:blishment's motto, THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD came to Wilmette from Chicago. Elec:"The electrical system oi your car .is Cullison's towing service been tn .detrical work is their specialty, and the~' There are a total of 31,778,203 motor mand, but his other departments ltkeour specialty." and they are making handle tires and batteries. vehicles in the world. wise have been rushed. . good, as usual. Skokie Motor Co. Experiences Rapid Growth in Wilmette 1 AI H L dR S · J. &