2Z WILMETTE LIFE ~AESIOE January 24, 1930 WUETTE ~ MUNDELEIN LIBERTYVILLE RNINlA HIGHL.AN)~...... ~HILL WINNEThA HIGNtOOO 1-l..ePAR0\\0005 GLE~ EVERETT LAKEFOREST DEERFIELD BANNOCKBURN OIAMOt\OLAKE HALF DAY RONDOUT IVANHOE Caution Troops to f Sea Scout Ship Kenilworth Scouts Hike to Cary : in Winnetka Is Speed Anniversary ~eekPrepa~#onsL~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 ~ak~gProgreu \Vit h Boy :·cout Anniversary weekFebruary 7 to 13-rapidly dra~·ing 1 near, a ne " appeal wa5 issued this week from . · orth Shore Area cfJuncil hearlfluarter ir,r scou t troops to peed up preparation · for the local f)h en·anc (,i ht: '.H:n ie h binh<Jay ~ of cou mg . ' f'ar icular · rr.'\~ y,a~ placed on ru()J1 . mr.Jhilization p!an:,o,. Each troop should 1 be o rga nized sr) that practically no , time i~ v.a!lted in m(Jbilizing, it is outlined. -After th · me.;,sagt giving the ' place oi a~ · embly g ets to the .,CCJUtma"ter he no ifie., hi:, as i ta nt scc.~u master a n<J junifJr a.;'>i~tant whrJ in 1 turn call the f'atrol learler: . The patrol leader ~ may cut their Y.ork exac I; in hali by !la'. ir.g ht:i r a ~si.) a nt call a part rJi tht patrrJI \\hilt: the lead ·r call5 th · remainder. \\'1~h a li It ~~rac ttce, it i:, :-.ta erl, mcJbilization .~h(Juld ht: tff(:cter! in a r.· ·ry · hort im ·. Tr rJup 26, \\'innetka's new Sea :)cout ship, organized since the iall of llJ29, has been getting along fine and is looking forward to a bright future. The officers of the ship are skipper, I .\Ir. Jaeger; mate, ..\Ir. Roos, and ci>xj swains, Jester and Davis. ..\!r. Jaeger is a graduate of Annapolis and wa s , Lt. Commander of the Great Lakes station. ..\!r. Roos is a veteran oi 1 1 several years' experience as student and instructor at Culver Summer 1 schgol. A program has been 1 ~aval 1o utli!]ed for the meetings for the r.om1 ing year. The scouts are working hard , trying to pass tests to become ordmary -ea scouts, because they are looking 1 iorward to taking a cruise on Region I se,·en's new schooner, The Pinta, this summer. \Vith the earnest help oi ~~ r. ] aege r and .\Ir. Roos the majority of , the scouts ought to have reached ordinary rank by summer and we then ' hope to be a second class ship . . At th~ last meeting, the ship was officially named The Albatross. A de::.cription oi 1 this hugh sea bird wa . given by :\1 r. , Roos. rJunng · t h e pa · tew · k S R . \\" T I h :l d 1 -Ra\· Davi s, The Ship :\lbatro · -. ~,·e~ ~ . _co~t mast e r . ohert . own ey _as .c_onr ucte , ..:atu;day, January 11, member s oi ~er ih~ M h ~cou o~ t\\ o :-. k1 h1~e t o Ca~~ . located on th e Fox rl\ er . The I \\'innetka Sea 'cout Ship 2{j took the hr ,t rJnt. made dunng the Chn, rna., ho ltday ;; , prrJ\·ed - uch a success that ! morning off and went up to the Great thir y-rme '>C 'JUt~ turned nut irJr th<: c:con d. hc:ld January 11. \fr. T owrdey i Lakes .\"aval Training station to get , -.t:cr~_wl ir r1m the left ) and s0m e o f the bo vs are 5hown ahon:. their uniforms. 1 I t h~~l ~~f;~)~~:\·i:~ ri:J~g~~;~etc~-~~n~r~t~~~~~ · wee k. \ \hilt hi~ ... ill al~rJ :-.av · siderah e timt in mr,biliza irJr.. mr1re imJ,Ortan effec i~ tha it h · · lrnprt 'i\ rm tl1c pU t·J 1· 1c t <: ra e. u, -. L<: v:ill : ha t -.couting ;.. continuing t r, gruw a nri ha s back of th i~ growth t\·. <:n t y ytar., rJ f characttr building and r·i iz(·Jhhi(J · training. One <,f the bec.t w~y s tf, dcvel()p pa - , Two years ago when Sea Scout Paul trot SIJirit in your troup i!-1 the chal - j :\ . Siple was reading the Sea .'cout leng~ method. Some tm<Jps devote a 1 manual, it wa ~ quite certain that wl:cn meetmg a month to challt:nr'e night. 1 he was readmg about th~ sounfl!n~ Each patrol has the privilege· of chal -~ lcad on page 228, he did not antic::Jate lenging the other patr<Jis to ~orne con- that one day he would be appuinted test. It may be some scouting t\<:llt b-y Rear Admiral Richard E . Byrd, t1J as first ai~ and signaling or it may be take ~barge of the party m~king a ~me spccaal event or game. For your : -.ounrltng under the Ross Sea 1cc bar. convenience are listed below a number :-ier at Little America, Antarctica. The of good challenges. The patrols :-,hould copyright dispatch of the .\"ew York work them up at the patrol meeting Times, St. Louis Pust Dic;patch and and challenge tht other patrols at tht Associated .\"cwc; papcr.... carried the troop meeting for a contest. I i(JIIowing report: Pyr~mid building, ~kin the ~nake, 1 "The fir t .sr> unding marie near. ~he tunnel relay, antelope race, chariut I ba~e camp of the Byrd cxp<:dttJon race (Smith), boat race (Smith), zig- showe_d a sounding of 1/.ll)O ft. }he zag r~lay, crab rolay and _ variou-. uther .. ound1ng wa~ done ,!>Y P~ul, :\. S1ple, relay race .,, f(Jrm the ba~as for a good sea scout and \! 1ctor Czegha, a program. mechinist. It was hard work, <ts a hole had to he driven through 18 ieet <Jf icc before the water was reached.'\ Troop 3, Wilmette, Forma Thousands fJf other sea scou ts now Patrol Leaders' Council reading the Sea Scout manual may La!\t Thur~day, January 16, ~fr. some day be called upon to turn their O!>burue, ~crJutma~ttr of Troop 3, \\'il- knowledge to useful purpose on other mette M cthodi~t church, introduced to expeditions. Siple has just been comthe troop the irl<:a c,f a patrol leaders' missioned mate of the Region Three council. Thi., patrol leaders' council is Sea Scout Flag:ihip ~iagara of Eric, Pa. compo~ed of the patrol leaders and the a~~istant patrol leaders of the troop. SEA SCOUTS MEET The head of this couucil is the senior patrol leader, Eagle Scout Nevins. Sea Scout Ship 21 of Glencoe had a The puq>cJse fJf this council is to help fine meeting at the Glencoe l:nion take care of the fundamental prob- church Wednesday. Mr. Murr<:ll, lems of the troop. The council meets skipper, reviewed the Scouts on the after e\·ery troop meeting. sea promise and instructed them in· Troop 3's new scout room is coming the nomenclature of a boat. They along fine, the floor is finished and the laid out the deck plan of a boat on the walls painted white and green. For floqr and will paint it next meeting. ornaments they have a deer head, Any boy who wishes to enter the some antlers and are planning to have ship should do all of the apprentice a desk. When the room is finished it requirements except using the life belt will look great. L . E. Matson, troop and bouy and requirements No. 1, 2, committee chairman, was at the meet- and 6 for ordinary sea scouts to catch ing helping to get reregistration fin- up to the rest of the sh.lp. i ht{l. -Jack de Beers, Temporary Yeo-Troop 3 reporter. man. Challenge System Adds Sea Scout Siple Makes I Plowman Joins Troop 14 , m~t at the Chi~ago,_ Xort.~ Shore and · Pep to Troop Meetmgs · Sound" · An · ' A._ · S ! .\Ill waukee station 111 \\ mnetka and mgs m tarctica as JUSistant coutmaster took the train to the Great Lak~s 1 1 :\. group of thirteen oi the scouts Troop 20 Practices on S t N· h C . COU Ig t ontests ' 1 1 A great surprise was in store for Troop 14 oi the \\'innetka Episcopal church on Th~rsrlay evening: Janu~ry f.J, when .\fr. \\ ard. troop cha1rman, mtraduced S. Plowman as our new assistant scoutma ter. \\'e are sprry to loos~ our former scoutmaster, :\[r. Th o mp~on. wh o has gone Eas_t for a stay ot ahout two years. \\ e hope so me day he may return and be with us again. \\'e started a tropp constitution January 2, and have quite a lot done on it. \\'e hope the fini hed product will be a good one. ::-Scribe :\I ilton Dethloff, Troop P. \\ mnetka. · Training station. Thanks to the kipper, ~1r. Jaeger, arrangements were made and there was no re~ tape to go through to get the eqUipment, and thanks to the services of the _outfitting department at Great Lakes. it did not l take long to outfit the group. The purpose of getti_n9 the uniforms was . to make the sh1p s crew have a decent appearance at the regular meetings which are held every Tuesday and also t_o be '"dressed up" for the. a·nnual Council banquet on January 2~. -Ray Da"is, Sea Scout Ship .-\lbatro o;_. During most of the meeting of Troop 20, \Vinnetka Community on January 16, we practiced on the dlff~rent co~ tests . and stunts for s~out mght, which w1ll b~ the evenmg of February .15. . \\ e ga_ve. a cheer for Mr: Mart_m m. apprec1at10n for the surpnse sleigh nde party he gav_e us Janua~~ 6. \Ve next had gym pen_od. \Ve d1v1ded th; troop and had a nde of the fireman s carry. After gym we marched up to our room and had inspection. After some announcements about the assembly for next week we were dismissed. -Bridges, Troop 20. Hous~, The Scouts of Troop 19. \Vinnetka Community House, planned what thev were going to have in the exhibitio;1 February 15. Troop 19 is going to s!10w some real. spirit for the exhibitw_n and 11 r. St1xrude, scoutmaster, is domg all he can t? make the troop a 5ucc~ss. Mr. St1xrude attended a meetmg for scoutmasters and received a large oath and law poster as an a":'·ard for . our troop. \Ve had an 0 Grady dnll such as we have e' erv week. · -Harry Bengston, Jr., Troop 19 Reporter. Scouts of Troop 19 Make PI f B" Exh·b· · ans or Ig 1 ltlon NEED DRUMMERS, BUGLERS The · Winnetka Drum and Bugle corps, headed by Mr. Meleney, is in ~r~at need of drummers and buglers, 1t ts announced. Scouts may join Monday night at the American Legion room in the Winnetka Community House. Mr. Meleney is devoting considerable time to help the Scouts make a real success of this work. Scouts must bring their own bugle or drum sticks. Mr. Meleney furnishes the drums. -C. Dunlap, Troop 17, Reporter. PROTECT COASTERS \VorkiDg with the director of public safety in Bellville, ~- ]., boy scout~ are acting as traffic policemen 1n five streets designed by Director ' lilliam D. Clark for protected coasting. The streets set aside for children are Greylock parkway, Little street, East of Union avenue and DoJV and Bridge streets. Police chancemen and boy scouts will be posted to direct traffic from the streets.