WILMETTE LIFE January 24, 1930 Catholic · Club to Hear Noted 1 Ensemble Tuesday ! The Parisian ensemb~e will give a ; program of music next Tuesday after; r~oon, January 28, at the semi -annual : meeting t.f the \\'oman's Catholic club. · to he held at the \Vilmette Woman's : club. The personnel of the orchestra includes Alan Carter, violin, Charles : Kamin ki. cello; Phillip \Varner, · piano; and Benjamin Butler, ba-;s · Yiolin. Their selections arc as follows: . I !Woman's Sets Wedding Day --------------~ Saturday evening, January 18, m cele- 1 New Trier Mermen Friends Give Ed. Welch Surprise Party Saturday Splash to Victory A delightful surprise party w~s given Over Two Opponents Nt·w Tril'r High school's swimming teams coached hv Edgar B. Jackson, have heen making a remarkable record this year, the junior team having won six straight meets, and the senior team having lost only one of its six engagements, by a three point margin. Last Saturday night at Waukegan the New Trier senior team was victorious hv a score of 46 to 21, while the Gray "a nd Green juniors won 34 to 26. Last Thursday afternoon at De'!rfield High school the New Trier swimmers won hoth sections of the meet · hy lop-sided scores, 49 to 10 ~or. the seniors and 42 to 11 for the JUntors. In the Deerfield meet New Trier's ~enior team took first and second in every event but one. while the juninrs copped fir~t and second in all even.ts. Laptain Norman Roos of the sentor team won first in the 40-yard and 100yard swims for New Trier, and. sw"\m on the winning relay team. The freshman swimming team itas also been contributing to the laurels won by New Trier. Last week the team \vhipped the Evanston High ·school freshmen 360 to 16~ at the New Trier natatorium. New Trier won all of the first places, with the exception of one, the breast stroke. Bob Hewitt was the individual star for ~he Gray and Green, collecting a total of ten points and swimming on the winning- rela v team. This Saturday afternoon, January 25, at 3 o'clock the New Trier varsity swimmers will engage Morton of Cicero in the New Trier natatorium. Evanston will come to New Trier for :l swimming meet Thursday afternoon, January 30, at 4 o'clock. . (a) Finlandia ....... . Sibelius (b) DeE-p Riv{:'r .. .... Negro SJ>iritual (Arrang{'d by P. Warner) (c) Humoresque ... . . . An lin (d) Tannhauser (selections) .WRgner II (a) Song of the Volga Boatman (arranged by P . Warner) (b) LIE>beslied . . . Kreisler (c) Pale .1\foon . . . Logan (d) Rhapsody in Blu' Gershwin III (a) Aft'r a DrE"am . . .. Faure (b) ·w oodland Sketches Mac Dowell (c) Fra~qulta . . .Lehar Miss Edith B. Southard Entertained While Here Mrs. Vihe K. Spicer, 312 Essex road, Kenilworth entertained tweh·e g"lt!'Sts at dinner in honor of her house l!ll·: st. Miss Edith ·Brett Southard of · ··~ York Cit~· and \\"est port Point, M a!'s .. Monday evening last. Mrs. Spicer 31so entertained for twelve guests Saturday eYening in honor of Mis~ . Southard. Saturday, January 18. M r.s , E . F. Snydacker .of 1340 Chestnut aveJ:tte. Kenilworth was hostess at a luncheon for Mrs. Spicer's guest and 1 ecently Urs. John Hardin of Chicago gave a small dinner party for her at the \\'oman's Athletic club, later taking her guests to sec "!'\ina Rosa," which is playing in Chicago. Miss Southard will be the guest of ~f rs. ~picer ·for another week. · · bration of the birthday of Edward Welch son of Mrs. C. Welch of Glencoe. Arrangements had been made for the guests to arrive at Maxwell's Log Cabin in couples while Edward and a companion were dancing at the Miralago. After the table had been set and the guests seated Mr. Welch was invited on a tour of inspection which 1 included the Cabin. Dinner was followed by dancing at the Miralago, where Dell Coon and his orchestra . welcomed the party with a special I hirthday musical number. . . The guests included the Mtsses Vtr~inia Early, Barbara Sullivan.. Beverly I I l3eyers, Helen Holstrom, Evelyn Smith, Dorothv Anderson, Grace Brewer, Margaret Alford, and Edith Walsh. The vounR" men were Frank Wagner, Anthony Renz, Matt Maiman, Gordon Segart, John Frantonius, Robe;t Stricker, Milton Syke~! and Lewts Clark. ~if rs. \Vetch chaperoned the ')arty. BenJamtn C. ~awkes Hea~s . · , U. S. Playtng Card f1rm Real Estate Board Holds · ~enjamin c;. Hawkes, 157 Kenilworth Dinner Meeting January 20 avenu~. Kemlworth, who has het'n president of the Standard Plaving Card c(>mpany of Chicago since it was organized in 1906, has been elected prl·sident of the United States Playing Card company of Cincinnati, Ohio, of which compatiy he has been a clirrctor at1d executive· for many years. The ~nited States Playing Ca;·d company ts the largest producer of playing card.s, and card game products in the world. with factories. offict·s and agencies all over the glohe. Mr. and Mrs. Hawkes have been residents of Kenilworth for many years. ,, I h~ North Shor.e Real Estate hoa_rd held tt.s first. meetmg un?er the ch:urmanshtp of tts new prestden.t, Andrew J \Vood~ock, Monday ;ventng, January 20 · tn the Green rea ~ot Inn, Htghland Park. About twenty-stx 1'!1emhers of the board attended the dm.ner a~Jd hr ard rcpor~~ ~f t~le acco.mphsh1 :·ents. 0 ~ the or ~a~uzattOn d.u.nng ~he t.ast ) ea · : There \\as also a dt~cuss~on ~~ the pt esent confused tax sttuat!On 111 Cook (.Ottnty. -------- Mr. and 'Mrs. Burt ]. Denman, 21 , Linden avenue, \Vilmette announce the \ "' nga{!etnent of their daughter, Doro' 'I · · ~hv Dee, to Hubert Richard Schadde1 1e w~.:ddtng of Mtss Dorothy Joy, 1 (.~ 5011 of Mr. and Mrs. Richard daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel ", ' c:5 C'l · 1 d \\T' s tt Jo.:; o f Cl ucagu, · t F d · k ,,chaclde 1ee, .J. ~ tcrtc an roa , 111. _ co o re enc tk · Hamm, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed.w<trd neM~· D 1 · . ,1 · H f 517 Sl 'd d K .1 1 tss enman. w 10 ts a s1 ,11011101 e amm ~ '- lert an roa · ent - 1 Cl t Northwt>stern university is a memw~rth wtll take place at ~he home of j her of the Delta Gamma sorority. Mr. Mtss Joy January 29. It wtll be a \'cry s 1 d11 · ad te of the Uni1 small wedding, including only intinntc '. c ~t c e cfc ~sf. al .gran u~ tlle class of · d d 1 .· M' ] 1 'erst v o ·" tc 11g 111 . f nen s an. · re attves. · tss O)~ 1 .tas 1'Z7. He i:; a member of the Phi Sigma selected thts date for t.he reason that [\.appa fraternitv. The wedding will h~r parents were t~tarned ~n J at~U:lry take 1 )lace in th~ earl summer. 2Y. After a months wedd.mg lrtp to · Y California, Mr. Hamm and his bride · will live tn Evanston. ITo Erect Memorial Panels I Miss Dorothy Denman and H. R. Schaddelee Engaged · Fenley-Edmonds Wedding ·at E~trance to N. T. Gym Taking Place February 1 The marriage of Miss Mary Eli"?:abeth Fenley of Louisville. Ky. to Thomas S. Edmonds, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hl)ward 0. Edmonds, 37 Kenil'"'orth avenue, Kenilworth wilt t:.:tke t·lace in Louis\·ille on Saturday, Februar~r 1. Miss Fenley is the daughter (·f Mr . and. Mrs. John Carr Fenley, and is a member of the Junior league of Louisville. The wedding will be solemnized at high noon, and will be a very small afl'air for only the intim:~te f .. iends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Edmonds will leave · Kenilworth for Louisville on Friday, January 31. Miss Fenley attended Miss Wright's school ;1t Brvn Mawr. Mr. Edmonds is a Harvard graduate, and. was graduated from the Chicago university law school in 1925. He is a member of the Adams, Pierce and Gordon law firm. The board of education of New Trier High school has a.utho;i~ed architect.s to draw plans for mscnbmg the name of Leslie F. Gates on the two blank panels on either side of the main entrance to the Leslie F. Gates gymnasium. The new gymnasium, one of the finest in the Chicago area, was named for Mr. Gates in recognition of his services to the school. He died in October, 1928, after serving for. a number of years on the New Tner board of education. _ _ _ _ _ __ NEW MANAGER AT STORE GIVING MUSICALE Mr. and Mrs. Lansing B. Warner will entertain at their home, 201 Sheridan road, Winnetka on Sunday afterliOn at 4:30 o'clock, v.:ith a musicale to he given by several prominent north shore artists: Miss Marion Halt, pianist; Aldc Del Missier, violinist; Miss Dorothy Bowen, soprano; Miss Olga Sandor, accompanist, and Walter Spry. Extend Closing Time for New Trier Social Affairs On the recommendation of the student council, the board of education of New Trier High school at a meeting held Tuesday night granted permission to the junior and senior classes to close their social affairs at 11 :30 0'clock at night instead of 11 o'clock. The hour for the closing · of social affairs sponsored by the freshman and sophomore classes remains the same, 11 o'clock. 'Andrew L. Taylor of Indianapolis was the guest of his mother, Mrs. WilRETURNING FROM BERMUDA liam Taylor of 310 Cumnor road, KenMr. and Mrs. Alfred' McDougal, who ilworth, on Tuesday of this week. Mr. have been on their honeymoon to BerTaylor \\'a in Chicago on a business muda for the past two weeks, are retFip. turning to the north shore on Saturday. -oThe,· expect to be in their new home \V. E. Montgomery of St. · Paul, on Drexel road, Glencoe very soon. Minn., formerly of Wilmette, was the Mrs. McDougal is the former Marv week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. \.iltett, daug-hter of the Walter Nobfe Haskin, 1465 Wilmette avenue. Gilletts of Kenilworth, who was mar-oried on Januarv 9, at the Church oi ' Mr. and Mrs. Marshall V. Kearney, the Holy Comforter. 90S Greenwood avenue, entertained their dinner bridge club at Shawnee Mrs. Stanley H. Knight, 51 Kenildub last Saturday. ... nrth avenue. who has been in the Presbyterian hospital for the past two -oMrs. D. L. Taylor entertained the wePks recovering from an operation, Reading circle at her home, 849 Michi- will not return to her home for about gan avenue, Monday, ] anuary 20. two weeks longer. The H;1rry Davies companv, "Silk ;:.nd Drapery shop." 1709-11 Sherman ;n·enue, T~vanston, announces a change in management. The new manager, ]. F. Davies, nephew of Harry Davies, now livitlg in Evanston, is conversant with botn European and American methods of silk and drapery merchan- To Read "He Knew Lincoln" dising, h·:1ving had varied experience in Stolp School Assembly both here and abroad. Signalizing this Ida Tarbell's "He Knew Lincoln" change, beginning Saturday, January 25. a change of management sale will will be read at an assembly to be held at the Stolp school soon in commemoral·e held. tion of Abraham Lincoln's birthday. GIVE DINNER FOR DAUGHTER Mrs. Kathryn Vernon is in charge of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin H. Mat- arrangements for the assembly, which thews, 319 Essex road, Kenilworth, en-· will include also the recitation of patritertained at a dinner party for thirty- otic poems and singing of patriotic two guests at their home last Saturday songs. in honor of their daughter, Gertrude. The dinner was before the regular Mrs. Robert Ward, 611 Locust road, fortnightly dance at Roycemore school Tndian Hill estates, has returned from in Evanston. tight weeks spent at Mayo Brothers laospital at Rochester, Minn. While at John O'Conner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mayo's, Mrs. Ward underwent a John O'Conner, 149 Kenilworth ave- very serious operation. She returned nue. who was detained from return :ng to her home last week, and is slowly to his studjes at the Canterbury school recovering her strength. in the East because of illness, has re-ocovered and returned to New Millford, A son, Robert Edwin, was born on Conn., a week ago Sunday . Saturday, January 4, at the St. Francis -ohospital to Mr. and Mrs. Clem Boling, Mrs. John C. Carpenter is entertain- 929 Main street. Mrs. Boling returned ing her luncheon club today at l1er to her home last week Tuesday from home, 239 Essex road, Kenilworth. the hospital. -