January 24, 1930 WILMETTE LIFE Sheridan,Restaurant Opens Frank Stack Takes With Dance and Feut N. S. Championship Doors The Sheridan Restaurant and Barat Local Ice Meet becue, Wilmette's . newest eating estabBy Dudley C. Stone EvanstoiJ Business CoUege Studio Building 1 718 Sherman Ave. With the thermometer hovering around zero, and the ice so hard it cracked, the \Vilmette Playground and Recreation board last Saturday, held its fourth annual Ice Carnival at the Village Green. The North ~hore mile race, alw :lys the feature event of the meet, was won Miss Bernice Cole, 315 Essex road, hy Frank Stack of Chicago, who he- Kenilworth is entertaining a group of sides being North ~hore champion has friends at home on Saturday evening. been Canadian National Champion for two years and . now holds the Aurora, Franklin Park, and Sleipner Athletic club championship. Second and thircl p!aces in the mile race went to Paul McDonald of Evan ston and Bud Housel, Evanston, re spectively. Stack also won the two -mile with Bud Housel coming in second in that event. John Min iter won third place. All three skate with Chicago Athletic club. Nearly 500 people attended the meet and the ice was the best that it l1as been during the season, Daniel M. Davis, director of recreation announces. There were more than 200 contestants in the various events. The crowd dwindled away during the vrogress of the meet because of the extreme cold weather but the enthusiasm of the ones who remained was rC'warded by a special feature event, e~. dded to the program at the last minute when Paul McDonald of Evanston organized. a relay team and challenged the four Chicago contestants to a 0 mile relay. The North Shore skaters led until Phil Runnfeldt the third skater, fell on the straightaway in the Chic~go Stores last lap and the Chicago team with ~tack as anchor man won the race. State at Jackson 118 South Miclllgan Jules Bianucci, known to all the (Near Monroe) commuters at the North Western station, took first place in the fancy Eoa,sto, Shop s kating <.vent with Vernette Lewis, OrrJngtQn and second, a11d Elsie Thelen, third. Church Tht \Vi!lners of the various events are: 100 yard dash. Girls under 11 years: 1. Doris Paterson, 1625 Central avenue; 2. Betty Todd, 1746 Highland; 3. Dorothy Davis, 520 Park avenue. Time 22 1/5 "'econds. 100 yard da!:ih. Boys under 11 years : 1. Ed Coh~grove, 1631 Spencer avenue; 2. Donald Specht 1809 Oakwood : 3 Bob Henderson, 2710 Blackhawk rd. Time: 19 l/5 ::;econds. 220 yard da~h. Girls under 13 years of age: 1. 'Villiam Oelerich, 1201 Greenwood ; 2. :M argaret Lively, 1511 Central ; 3. Shirley Garniss, 1700 Highland. Time 39 ~E:cond!';. lishment, formally opened its doors Saturday, January 18, at 1213 Wilmette avenue. Concurrently with the opening oj the restaurant, the owners were hosts at a dance held in Odd Fellows' hall which brought an attendance estimated at 400. Begin February 3, Day or E"ening We an specialists in training young people for the better kind of Accounting, Stenographic aqd Secretarial situations. This course of study provides an aU-round business education, and qualifies one for any kind ef office work. I HENRY - tHE!.J)HUa C. LYTTON lr SONS Choice Selections In Our Evanston Shop The Most Remarkable Sale of the Past 10 Years @hoice of_M~~:,, §~!.!~! c~~{Ufff:..d SfiJck- Plus 2000 Beautiful New STEIN-BLOCH S65 to stSO OV~ERCOATS Just Received from Our Own Controlled Tailoring Plantsand Placed On Sale at FAR BELOW WHOLESALE PRICES 220 yard dash. Boys under 13 years of age: 1. Tom Finlayson, 731 Laurel avenue; 2. Henry Todd, 1449 Wilmette avenue; 3. Howard Ball, 1609 Central. Time 27 1/5 440 yard dash. Girls 13 years of age. l. El~e von Reinsperg, 726 Laurel avenue. 'l'ime: 61 2/5. · 440 yard dash. Boys 13 years of age: 1. Dick Preston, 1031 Greenwood; 2. Walter Foslund, l 618 Central ; 3. Bob Hermanson, 1633 Highland. Time 56 4/5 seconds. · 440 yard dash. Girls 14 years of age and over: 1. El~le Paterson, 1625 Central avenue; 2. Rose To!'cani, 1806 Elmwood. Time 69 1/5. 440 yard dash. Boys 14 years of age : 1. Colin Finlayson, 731 Laurel ; 2. Ronald Fuermann, 1240 Isabella; 3. Marsha U Doose, 139 Prairie. Time 51.3 seconds. 440 yard dash. Boys 15 years of age : 1. Erwin Foslund, 1618 Central; 2. John Jordan. 1612 Wa~hin~ton; 3 Jam es Hoffman, 1510 Washington. ag~4~ yard dash. Boys under 18 years of !.Clarence Steffens, 1611 Washington avenue ; 2. Victor Schultz, 1209 Washington ; 3. Howard Williams, 1229 Lake avenue. Time: 49.9 seconds. . 1 Mile North Shore Championc;hip. Open. 1. Frank ~tack, Chicago ; 2. Paul McDonald, 2311 Ridge avenue, Evanston; 3. Bud Housel, 2419 Payne street, Evanston. Time: 3 :31 2/5 seconds. Fancy Skating : 1. Jules Bianucci, 424 Prairie avenue; 2. Vernette Lewis, 1420 Lake avenue; 3. Elsie Thelen, 827 16th street. Two Miles. Men 18 years and over. 1. Frank Stack, Chicago; 2. · Bud Housel, Evanston; 3. John Miniter, Chicago. time, 6 :48 3/5 se~onds. What makea thia A'fhe Ma.t Remarkable Sale of the Paat Ten Yean,·· you naturally wonder.J utt tbial Here ie have not ~n equalcd·lince bd'ott 6t Jnd vf/1 eur $35 f40 f45 war. NI'WI' ban we prCICDCcd pw Valuea-and 1lftJV bu it bcca -.ort advantageoua for a c:uatoma' I our entire atock ofWinter Overcoatl - plu· 2,ooo ofthe Yery 6neat Coate from ou'l' own Stein-Bloch factoriea that would ad I regularly at from .l6 5 'to 1· so. An .unprecedented aelection COATS ~ow to,... c:hase an Overcoat for next year'· WI& fhat this ia -"The Most Re~ I $29~ Our famoua "Chicago~na" are now c:ut to tbia low price. Yoq know all about their value I abiC' ~aiC' of the Paat Ten Yean" C..l beat be i!ppreciated by lin inapcaioal of the Coats thC'mtC'Ivea. They are .. the windowa of all our Stora. of the wotld·1 yery ch.>iceat 0Yercoat fabrics, tailored in the inimitable Stein-Bloch manner, at pricea that EVANSTON SHOP ope, Tuesday, Thursday a11d Sot·rday Evr"i"lf