I· Latest School News Publi1hed weekly by the achool children of Wilmette under supervision of Wilmette Playground and Recreation Boar.d JUNIOR LIFE WILMETTE, ILLINOIS, JANUARY 22, 1930 Told by th~ Pupils VOL. 2. KO. 44 we only had a father and a teacher go"Ugh! Look what's on the board." ing. We had to have a mother to go so "Current Events Is all I hear of," pl;>ed December 19, 1!'129 we asked every child in the room to ask up a disgruntled voice. I )ear Phil: their mothers if they would go on the Most of the SA Howard pupils w~re I forgot to say goodbye that Sunda? Everybody came back to disgusted over the fact that tomorrow is gave back that Don Sturdy book. What sleigh ride. ~chool-but no mother to go on the sleigh the day for current eYents. Much was are you doing in school? I went up in ride with us. Then the last thing we J.;Oing on ~o it was well that current t.he dome of the Capitol this morning. We en>nts wt>re forgottt>n . 1'he first time I went up the cop chased l'CIU ld do was to ask the teachers. Grammar wa~ just before tht> dreadful me down, because I did not have anybody <ll'ked all the teachers except Mrs. Jones }'eriod. with me. One place you could see the and when we asked her she said she "Kid, lw n· you got your current library, and a little way farther up you wanted to know all about it first. Then 'Event?" "Aw. I forgot it. I stayed for could not. I cannot typewrite very g0od. ~li:-;s 'Vyman told her all about the sleigh lunch." "Skip into MrK Groves' room You can see that. It is lots of fun down ridE>, wheu it was to start and when we and get a Pathfinder. There're some keen here. I wish you were down here l'u I would be home again. Then she agreed ones in it." could go pla('es with you, don't you? It to go. \\' > ::;tarted at 7 o'clock that night from I am sorry that grammar was com- is awful hot down here in the capital. plett>ly "out" as clipJling~ scanned. .Mlss We liv<' way out in the country. TIH' the Stolp school. We went out in the Madsen nearly gave up in de::;pair when name of the town is Silver Spring-. It is <.:ountry and then most of us jumped out ~he called on one pupil and he an- in Maryland. We do not live in Washing- of the !'leigh and started to throw snow swere-d, "Pnitt-d State::; has the largest tcm, as I said before. 'l'hcre are nine when Yi \'inn Grigsby fell and hurt her plane in tht- world ." kids. One is about my age; his name is ankle quite badly and was carried to the The-re was a dash to Mr~ . Groves' room Billy Ilt·witt. T!1is morning I wPnt down 1:-leigh. V\'e were going to bring het· home :u; soon ag grammar clas!' was dismissed. 0n the suhwny trllin. I will .t('ll _,·ou but she ~mid she would rather sit in the Pathfinders Wf're clutched whether they ahout the country in Pennsylvania. Jt is ::;leigh and talk to the teachers. were last May's or not. full of mining towns. On'C placp we were '.rhen on our way . home Alice Ebeling Mrs. Stalling eyed a hoy curiouc;ly, we saw two :-;treams of r d hot coals. I fE-ll and hurt h~J wrist but when we got "What are you doing?" did not know what it was at fir~t. hack to the i-'chool everybody forgot about 1 "I wa!' jui-'t cutting out my currt' nt · Was it snowing Dt-cemher 17 or 18? Vole their hurts and we had weinies, rolls and e\ ent." just got here a couple of days ago. 'Ve hot ('hocolate .-m~e Yon Reinsperg, 8C "Well, you Wt·I·e ~upposed to haY·, it went on the Pennsylntnill. rnilroad . In Stolp. prepared quilt> a whilc ago." Baltimore we went Uu-ough a lot of tun"! am, 'er, I mean I just - I did have n<'ls. Mother sllid we werp going under it- thought I'd better cut it out." the city. ThNe were two r eal long ones. 1\lrs. Stalling gave a talk on how cur- 'rho~ were tiTe on 0s that went under the rl"nt events helped us . \Ve grew so in- city. 1\Iy grand11a has a place wh<'re you · terested that we forgot we had disliked < ·an shoot golf balls in his office. I waH On Monday, .January 13, 8C II dl'feated them. They were not only about politics jui-'t using it a fe"· minutes ago. Tt is ~IJ II of Stolp by a score of 2 to 0 in and inventions. Janet Wright related a Jmrd work to work a typewriter until I asketball. The basket was made by story that a dog had swallowed some ~ ou. get used to the keys. I am going to I ~ill Mel<.:11oir early in the second quarter nut~ and bolts and did not 'die. On the learn the touch system. You can write and this :-lim lead of one basket stood whole the SA e-njoyed it immensely and "ithout looking of you know how. How the rest of the game wtih the basketball went away lookin~ forward to the next far along- . in fl'actions are ~·ou? I have hitting and houn('i·n g off the rim of the turrt-nt e\·ent hour. to have fichool every day ahout 10 o'clock. Oll!'ket nu.ny t imt·s. The players were: -!\far.r LouiHe ·Moreau, 8.A Howanl. 1 I get ten and twenty problems to do. It 8C II 8D II was raining like the very deucE> a little Bill Bowen 'Yallace Crawford while ago. How is your mothi>r'? I hope Hill Melchoir Dick Torrey she is better. Have you got your report Jack Slatton Foster Gilgis I cards yet? It is just half p:.st three, Locke Rogers Junior Thomas ay 00 Ig . 1<-:astern Standard time. I guel';s I will Harry Minor Howard Fogg One day as Tom, our cross old cat, was have to stop now .. My nun~ ~ays I don't 'l'om Antrim },rank Hardin lying on the window sill. sunning him- have to ~o T wont, now au~ t I a good -lJil'k Hall, 8C Stolp ~e lf, Pete the neighbor's dog, came rush- boy? I JUSt ~hanged type.w.r1ters. 'Vhen tng throu~h the yard. He caught a ::~.. typew~lter IS. put away Jt s sure n war. glimpse of Torn and stopped while his 1 rou ~ant F-t>e 1t at .all. l\fy grandp~ 1s hair began to bri:.;tle. Tom stood up and shootmg g-oH ball~ m that place I J_ust arched hi-; back and said. "\Vhat are you tr.ld you about. It makes a loud nOise. doing o\'er here anyway?" It goes swat-boom. I am getting do\Yil We one~ had a cat. She was very proud "Wl10, me?" replied Pete, "Oh, T was pretty close to the bottom of the page. just chasing- a cat." So Phil and Jim equal Two Bad Boys. of herself. One day she saw another cat hc·rst'lf in Sur·iie's favorite spot. "Huh! Probably me you were going Wishing you ~ l\ferry C'ht·l~tmas and a sunning Well, Su,~'iiE· did not like that so she to chase,' said Tom . "Besidt·s, I can do Happy Ne\\' 1 ('al'. started to see if she could get her out lots bette·· thing-s than you can do." ~incerely, of there. Susie advanced slowly. Pretty "Wbat !" re-plied Pete angrily, "Like .limmit-' Lamb. soon from the kitchen window we heard fun you ~.tn do hf'ttE'r things than I can. - ----- - ---- ---some cats yell. We looked out of the What is bettt·r than what I was doing window and got a glimpse of Susie just just a mi:1ute ago?" going over the fence after the other cat. to~·f~~t~~~~hings. I can catch mice," re- ! It was 2 o'clock then. We went ahead with our work. Everyone was worried Now Pt>te was a hunting dog and he Tuesday, Jnnuary 14, l1. dinner chime about her. We had given her up when had been on many hu'1ting trips so h e \\as brou;:;-ht to sehool by Marie Zepf for Susie walked in as if nothing had hapangrily retorted, "Wel:, I can hunt, and Pile of th~ plays that the eighth grades pened. It was 8 o'clock then. Well, I do scent fOX(·s, so I am of bE-tter use than :1 re giving. declare that the other cat never came nny old Tum C'at like you that wants to Mt·s. St,\lling l}afoi tn ~ta~· up in front of back.-Jean Gordon, Howard GA. ~it and Run himself all daY." th~ room to gu:1rd it because any minTom wa~ just going to ~ay something t..te we eXJ)ect to hear someone playing STARTLED! WELL MAYBE thnt wasn't V(;'ry nict> but Pete's master Pn. lt. ~ A':' soon as ~.e" rome t_nto o.ur room_ One" night we had company and tbe'· callt>d Pete and if Pete hadn't gone when ft om "orne other cia,· ther(;' 1s a h cro\ d J hf did they might be nuarreling to this : · ·s · ' ' tg '. were all ln the living room plaving bridae Yer~· da:r. ,, ~\andm~. around wondenng what Jt ::~nd I was watching them for awhile. -Yirg-inia Lee Fiske, GA Howard. ~~ unds !lkf'. . · .. 'l'hen I went to the kitchen to get a drmk 1.'\ thts manner .1· t Is dl~cult to ge~ to c,f water. When I went back in the livo;ut ..ents. ~o there ts n. contmuous comtno- ing room Mother sent me out again to DOWN ~T. 'F RANCIS t.on w front of the ~oom. The fun .ended get them some ginger al So I d'd :1nd Six-A IT boys p!nye<l a Yery nic<' gam . ~p h~·. l~nving the chtmes put away 111 the r.n the wny back I saw s;~1ething ~oving of basketball and bt>llt St. Francis' sixth ( upho.ll d. and it jumped out and I got so scared grade 1 to Q. -Violet I .. ance, 8B Howard. that I dropJwd one of the glasses. They In the first half fi(lb MacMonan ma<l<' . heard me and did they laugh! Then a tree throw and made the score 1 to 0 Mother came out in the kitchen with me HOWARD TEAl\IS CLASH in favor of H(n\·ard. In the second half The second team of Howard 7B had a and turned on the light and it was only ~t. Francis fought very hard but failerl to make a basket. On both sides I think game with Howard 7A, January 8. The her spring- coat that had fallen ott the Bob 1\lacl\lorra n pl:wed the best gam ·.:. game was yery interesting. In the first hanger.-Dorothy Massig, 6B Howard. quarter, Charlt>s Klelnofen of 7B made Elmer Stone played Yery hnrd, also. JUST THINKINH THOUGHTS Tht> final score was GA IT. 1 : ~t. :. basket and Rdward Snyder of 7A made a basket in the second quartPr. Then Flitting, flying through the air, Francis, 0. Fred Ka!-'per and Charles Kleinofen made Just like sea nymphs, maiden's hair. - Gerald Spinner, GA Howard . one each. The game went on with no- I should care if I'm inside, body scoring till the last quarter. Then I watch the beautiful snow fly. HAVE ~KATING PARTY Fred Kasper and Charles Y.~leinofen made I think if I were a fairy, or something- to Yt>~terday tht..· Camp Fire girls had an fty, The ftna 1 ::;core waR 6 for 7B and 1<-e !"lkating party. 'Ve all brought 'Our one. I'd go up into the soft blue sky, ice skates and skated about half an h our. 2 for 7A. And fti.t around just like the snow. -f'harles Kleinofen, Howard 7B. After we had skatt·d for awhile we went I wouldn't feel coldIn 't he school and had a party. I think 1'd be a snow fairy we all had a good time. Meant for the cQld. RECJ~IVE GRADUATION PINS -Araxie Jorjorian , Howard 6A. Wednesday, January 15, several pupils -June Sorsen, 6B Howard. ot the eighth grade bought their graduaABOUT OUR BIRDS tion pins. They are very attractive with SEEK KICKBALL TITLE We are now studying about Norway the numeral "30" on a maroon backWe hope to win the championship of and Sweden. In winter they hang up ground with a gold plated outline. Al- kickball soon. We only have played two oats on a pole tor the birds. I think It though we got them no one knows games and Howard won one and so did would be nlce It we would do the sa.me. whether he Is going to graduate or not. we. We will play soon. -Ruth Mestjfan, 3 Logan. -Paul A. ~foote, 8C Stolp. -Georcette Becker, 7A Stolp. Eight-C Stolp Children "Midnight Cry" Former Junior Life Scribe Pupils Discover Enjoy Fine Sleigh Ride Pens Message From Capital to Be Given by Current Events Wednesday night 8C had their sleigh (Editor's note : Following is a copy of letter from a former JuNIOR LIFE re- ride from 7 to 9 o'clock. We thought at Howard Pupils Are Interesting al·orter who is now living in Washington). tlrl'e we would be unable to go because The best play written In SB Howard was by Bob Willis. The title of the play is, "The Midnight Cry." The play supposedly takes place some place near Calshot, England, at the summer home of the Earl of Calderwood. Although the title of the play suggests mystery, it is not. The cry is made by Lady Calderwood when she sees her son Francis duelling with Baron von Spiegel, the adventurer. . The characters and pupils who impersonate them in order of their appearance are as follows: · The Jester .. .... ..... .... ..... Bob Willis Ponlos (the butler) ...... Teddy Hoskins Yenk::; (a servant) .. George . Rheinhardt I·'rancis (the Earl's son) .. Allen Roth Earl of Calderwood .. Alfred Brown Baron von Spiegel :\lark Simonds Maid . . . . . . . . Lois Sandberg Lady Calderwood . ... June Ahlstr·.tnd Cook . . . . Fayette I ,illy The introductions are given by Margi ette Reynolds. -Margrette Reynolds, 8B Howard. Eight-C Scores One Basket to Win Over Eight-D, 2-0 Howard Pupils See Film Taken in Frozen North Tuseday, January 14, the seventh and eighth grades of Stolp had assembly. Becau::;e of the leng-th of the program we had a very much shortened recess. \Ve sang all verses of "Americll." and Miss Hayes made a few announcements. Then we continued our program. Mr. Todd, the principal of Howard !"lchool, showed u::; a film entitled, "Nanook, a Story of Life and Love in the Frozen North." Th(' film showed how the Eskimo family went to the American Trading post. At first we thought that there was only one person In the boat and that was very evident for we saw only C>ne person. When the man ~ot 0ut he helped out five p~>ople from under the skin of the !{yak As each got out we lau ghed all the harder. When a dog hopped out, we simply roared. We were dismissed at 12 o'clock. -Lucy Anne . Jonas, 8D Stolp. I T Om and P ete W ere W eII I On W to a G d F · ht I Susie Apparently Ran Her Enemy Clear Out of Town Howard Pu!)ils Make Book Ends; to Be Fired Soon 'l'he ~ixth grades of Howard m'ldP book endR out of clav and put E~Yntinn dt>~igns on them 'tor their mothers :md fathers for Christmas. We werP goingto ha.ve them fired hllt th(' people who were going to do it thought it · was only for one sixth grade but it wn~ for hoth so they took other O!'ders and c1 id not have room for all of ours. So our teacher said she would not have it done at all because she did not want to disappoint one of the grade::; but we will get them ~oon.-Dorothy Hill, 6B Ho'Yard. o.·nner Ch·"mes Prove Too lnterestinf!; Tucked Away I WHO GOT LO~T! and father and sister. We were going on the elevated. We e-ot on a train at the Linden avenut> station. We rode to Wilson avenue. Then we got on a train at Wilson avenue. 1 .'tccidentallv f!"t into the wrong C!tJ'. They got on the fir·st car while I g·ot on the la st <'ar. W~> WPre going to get off at Randolph :1nrl 'Vells. T rt>memher ed. I 8'ot off at Ra . . . dolnh and Wells. I saw rn.v father and mother get off the first car. I ran over to them. They said th:1t they had been looking all ovE>r for me, Th~>n we went to the show. -Biglow Ha}ey, Jr., flA Hownrd. LIKES HOWARD ~CHOOL came to Howard school two weeks ago. I like it very much. I came ft·om Bloomington, Ill. I think l lik·> Howard school much better than the one I cam(' from. It js a much larger school. I have found that the girls a."nd boys here are all very nice. I know most ·of th em hy this time. · -Ruth Cole, 8 Howard. I ~TOLP 7C CAGERS WIN The 7C Stolp first team beat 7A Howard first team 8 to 6 in basketball. We played four minutes IJvertime. The players on 7C were : James Koegel and Bill Condy, forwards: David Miller. center; Bi11 Jenkins and Berry Berblinger, guards. -Btll Condy, 7C Stolp. I wns going (lowntown with m:v mother