8 WILMBTTB. LIPB ] anuary 24, 1930 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~kbS~~Prom~~ NewTri«Bo~ STOP! Radiator Smudge NEW AND ~ETTER PRICES Wholesale Grocer, Dies John Sexton, 71, of Chicago, for many years president of John Sexton and company, Chicago wholesale grocers, and father of Mrs. Henry A. Marten of Wilmette, died Wednesday, January 15 of l?neumonia at Los Angeles, Cal., after a brief illness. Mr. Sexton was a native of Canada and came to Chicago in 1877, when he was 19 years l)ld. He developed a chain of tea and co£fee stores and in 1883 formed a partnership with George A. Hitchc 0 ck, under the firm name of Hitchcock and Sexton. Three years later he took over the company under the name of John Sexton and company. For many years he served as president of the company and for the last . few years had been chairman of the board of directors. Besides Mrs. Marten, he is survived by another daughter, Mrs. Edmund A. Egan of Chicago, three sons, Thomas G. Franklin and Sherman J. Sexton and four sisters. Funeral services were held Monday morning, January 20, at the Holy Name cathedral in Chicago. Burial was at Calvary cemetery. to Compete /or Yale Club Cup Now EFFECTIVE Mr. H. Pulvers, formerly connected with the Calumet Radiator Cabinet Co., is now in charge of the north shore branch. His wide and thorough knowledge of Radiator Coverings will enable you to have in your home, the most essential radiator covers and at factory prices. 530 Winnetka Chicago Radiator Cabinet Co. Newest Scientific beating principle Incorporated In this OPEN TOP PANEL. Winnetka Office-s 26 Center St. H. Pulvers, 1\tgr. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS CtJ,ital $200,000 Sur,lus $200,000 New Trier High school has been chosen by the Yale club of Chicago as th~ first high school in which boys of the junior class will compete for a trophy offered by the · club to the boy, who, in the estimation of hi s classmat~s and teachers, excels in ·scholarship, character and service to his school. This trophy is in the form of a largr cup with space on it for the name of the boy designat~d each year as the winnrr. It is awarded with the under . ·n standing that rt wr become the prop erty of the school. A small replica of the cup will be prepared each year to be awarded to the winner (whose name is to be inscribed on the large cup). and this small cup will become the property of the boy designated by the school as the winner. The conditions governing the selection of the winner are as follows: Th e superintendent of the school is to appoint a member. of the faculty to work 1Ir. and Mrs. Hayes UcKinney, 1035 with him in the appointment of a Chestnut avenue, are entertaining at senior boy, making a committee of dinner and bridge on Saturday night. three. This committee of three is to select a list of candidates of no specified number from the junior class, wh o. in the opinion of the members of the committee, are outstanding boy students of the juni9r class in scholarship, characte'r, and service to the school. From this list of eligible candi dates selected bv the committee of three the boy members of the junior class are to select the winner of the award. The announcement of the winner is to be made at the annual commence ment exercises of the school, at which time the small replica of the large cup, as well as the large cup which remains the property of the school. will be awarded. Will You Be Ready for 1930 Tax Demands? Together with an expected increase in the general tax rate, there is a possibility of a call for the payment of annual taxes for 1928 and 1929 during the current year. The property owner who enrolls now in the Tax Savings Club of The Wilmette State Bank will be able to approach the tax payment question with confidence. Investigate this practical plan now. Lonnquist Candidate Of Business Leaders (Continued from page 1) terest collected by fee offices: audit all dE>partments semi-annually. Want TralnM Workers "Fifth: Put trained and competent men in charge of the various departr·tents and permit no political interference with their duties. "Sixth: Jn awarding contract::; for public works and supplies, they will guarautee that all responsiblP contractors shall be treated alike and that there shall be free and e()ual competition. "Seventh: The Business 1\Ien's candidates for County Commissioners further agree to use the powers of their office to cooperate with other public officials: 1. To help destroy organized crime. 2. To effect tax reduction. 3. To stop graft and waste in all public offices within the county. 4. To efficiently and humanely (lperate · all the County institutions. · 5. To cooperate with the State of Illinois in building roads and bridges where traffic requirements indicate that they are the most need(:ld. 6. To cooperate with the towns and villages in building ro:1.ds and bridges through such communitie~. "Eighth: To enforce the civil service law in letter and spirit where· the statutes make it applicable at the present time and encourage its application . to fee offices and any other office not now governed by civil service provisions." The WILMETTE STATE BANK A TRUST COMPANY Miss Bettie Nelegar, 322 Kenilworth avenue, left on Wednesday afternoon of this week to join her parents. Mr. and Mrs. George M. Coale, at Miami Beach, Fla. Miss Nelegar, who has been in quarantine with chicken pox, was expecting to leave in December. Mr. and Mrs. Coale have been at Miami Beach for the past month. The family will return to Kenilworth about the middle of March, or the first part of April. -oMr. and Mrs. Judson F. Stone, 1234 Ashland avenue, are planning to leave for a month's motor tour of the south and Florida on Monday of next week. Mr. alld Mrs. Lyman Briggs will accompany the Stones.