Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Jan 1930, p. 59

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January 10, 1930 FOR BENT BOOMS ::: WILMETTE 68 FOR RE~T-l'URN. APTS. 1-2-3 H.OOMH '/7 LIFE T ' 3 .. - . · 59 OR ltp ). - lTS ·ltP JAer's ·tka -ltc ~TS 554. -ltp AL,reeve1-ltc 25c 1 -ltp nL- II AN lnesi- 1tp · In The .· gx~L~H}VE J.~LMGATE MANOH .) H.OOl\1 BRICK BUNGALOW '; t!J; ,l' ~tEE GAH. LIGHT, EIJECTRIC with 1-lleeping and breakfast ;ICE WARM ROOM l<~OR 1 OR 2 IX I.!!.!' h.IC~EHATIO:\ AND MAID SERVporehf's, 1 bath and shower, oil pri v. family. 420 Park Ave. Ph. Wil- IC ~- tug""thr·r with tile baths, shOWt'I'H, heat. Conv. to ~chools and me tte 293. 66L16-ltp ~w~n .a~Jd dnublf' heds, large dressing transp. Herluc£'d to $15,000. <lf1. t·ts "1111 ample :-;torage spact-. gxcclR2i:i Main Street. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM: NEAR l~~ l transpo!·tation. F.\ ansfl·n. ( d'f~e nl cn( :HOO. 68LTN16-ltc tra nsportation. Winnetka 911. 66LTN11-tft REALTORS 3 HOO~I FC11X . ,\PT. $65 . CALL '\VIN1 Iii Wilmt>t'le A,.,.. Ph . \Vii. 27:3 " 1 1 · E L Y · FURNISHED JIO:\TELI KJ.:: _ netka 112. 68L'fN16-ltc iiT .16-1 tc · room. Clean and quiet .. For working pt·nwn. Near transportation :tlld stores. Rfl FOil JU:~'l'-JlOUSl:S SuiJi\·an, rear house, 905 Burr "\ ve. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ;"' FHU l'L\LE-\""\CAX'f ------------li-6L_'_l'_:-;_1_6-_l..:.,tp TO I~E'XT-llll:lllu\XD PARK, X. E. ~e<·twn. ~-l'l·nm l~nJ{!,i~h brick a.nd .\TTH.ACTIVI<; FURNISHED ROO~f. USE S~Ul't;()) l't ·~·:itli·n··t· . n f )l)fll:-' !)( (' XCt'))tional :iOxll'\fl FT. I.OT ()~ CHERRY ST., · of kitclwn, dining and Ji\·ing- ro~,m (ilen~~outh ft·~mt, near Community Golf stzt-, :. llath:-: anll shO\n·r, oil ht>at, atl'<', 1H46. GtiLT~l6-ltp t :whet! g·:U'agL·. uwnpr in south for ('Ollrse among- beautiful new $20,000 to wintt:"l'. Ht-o llt furnishccl or unfumished $~0.000 honws. \Vorth $5,000. Reduced .PLE.\SA:-.;T l·'UOXT R00!\1: WT'I'H fot· se .:.ral years , 01 · furnished Hntil to $:1.200. Ph. Winnetka 254. 7RL'f:N16-lt<single ht.·d. 7:l1 lOth St., Wilmette. .Jun· ·. ltt'<1:<tHJablp n·nt . Phon e \Vii- 1o1:: 66L'l'1G -2tc WIS'l'.Elt REson·rs mHt c :?IS. H9LTN16-1 tc F OR RENT-ON W. E~M ST., WINnetlm, well equipped studio % block from trains. Plano, blackboards. Tel. Will rent 2 days each week. Tel. Highland Park 1138. Evenings. 66LTN16-ltc FOR SALE-HOUSES Very AttractiYe Rents .F'L'R~JSHED APAUTl\IENT~ Funeral Ritea Conducted for Lamartine M. French Lamartine M. French, 76, husband of Mrs. Lottie M. French, died Tuesday, Pecember 31, a few days after returning from French's summer home at Burlington, Wis. He had been fail ing in health for several months. For the past eight years Mr. French had lived at the home of his daughter Mrs. Edward W. Thomas, in Wilmette with the exception of a few months each vear spent at Burlington. Mr. French had been in the pian0 business many years until his retire ment four ~' ears ~go. , His boyhood was spent at Sprin~fleld, Ill., '<"*here he was an intimate friend of "Tad'· Lincoln son of the Civil war president. The Frenrh famil\' were neighbors of Abra ham Lincoln tn Springfield. About forh years ag-o Mr. French was a member of the ~ovcrnor's guard in Ilti nois. Besides his widow he is survived hv one daughter, Mrs. Edward W. Thomas of Wilmette, and one son. Percival B French of Cleveland. The funera services were held at 10 o'clock on the morning of New Year's da.y at the fun eral chapel. 1610 Maple avenue, Evans ton. Rurial was private at Memoria Park cemetery. Mrs. R. K. Pinkerton, who makes her home with her sister and her familv the Albert J. Nystroms. 714 Centr~l avenue. has gone to Los An geles. Cal., for the remaind.er of the winter. Dr. and Mrs. W. Vv. Hawkins vacated their former home at 1527 Walnut avenue, and haye taken up their new residence at 1006 Seneca road, in the Indian Hilt estates. -""Mr. and Mrs. John A. Carney, 125 Sixth street. entertained ten of their Chicarro and Wilmette friends at an ,.., lMI©liD~tt&IFll&llncerrty Jo'OH I{E~T-H00:\1, .\L~O SPACE IX g-aragt·. \\.ill arrang't· ft,r sonw lig·ht ~24S. hou ~t· l\t···)ling· E~T ~erly if dt ·sin·d. l'h. Willllf~ tt(! . li6L:JS-tfe L64tc ---lit£·~. BY lk o.r 4253 6-ltp I lliG. HLTKNY HOO:\f JX t·ast :-;ide hom··· Oil ht'nt. J lot watt·!' always. Cl)nvenit-nt all u·ansp. ( :antgt· ··ptional. ltefet'l'll<.:t:s. \\'ilnH·tt t· :!IH. 6tiL16-ltp -----------------.:.. XI ~E \\'A HM FHOXT I tOO~I. :.! I:LKK transp. (Jpnt. only. ·winn. :!:J:ri. fit)LTXlfi-ltp t'O~IFUltTAHLE 4 ROOM FURNISHED COTTAGE ON Fish River, ~fagnolia Springs, Alabama. \\' inter resort. Excelll:'nt fishing. Wing-ar:q.!,.t·, lg. l<Jt, on Harding Rd., in ndka 505 W. 83LTN16-ltp th e \'tllagt> fJ[ X()l·t!Jft elrl, ::1 blks. from X. ~. ~tatirm and :! mi. from \Vitlll. ~~~ W'J'n. '1'0 RENT-HOUSES · I'll. \\'iln1t:'tte 206:?. 69LTN16-2l<' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - HAVE PltOSPECTS INTERESTED IN rPnting- houst-!-l, furnish d and unfur$110. lXC:LUDTNG ::\IOVLNG COST. ni!'ihed, snme for immediate occupan"Y Larg-<· hri ck house, H. W . heat, glass and some for May 1st. prm·h,·s. near schools, 2 baths. Now! P. Pa \'lik. Jr. Ph. Kenilworth 2016. 69L16-ltp FOit HE:\T- -:; H:\1. l3L'~GALO\\'. 1 11:1 t h. lg·. sunJ.JOn:lt, furnace heat, 1 car 1 6-ltt> DA~ ·rsity [6-2tc OHK Call L6-1tp ~ro::-;r r79. 16-ltc RESS 16-ltp niAN ·ences. ,16-ltp ~ REALTORS IW0:\1 FOH IU:~T \VITI! ult WITIIFOR RENT Winnetka 1800 out br·:ml. \Yinnetka 6:!1. !itii.T:\16-ltc 557 GREEN BAY ROAD, GLENCOE, B- 4GO Winnetka Ave. 89LTN16-ltc room house, two baths, newly decorated, ~JCELY I·: CH~ . HOO~I EAST ~II>Jo:, hot water heat, extra large lot, garage, 96 WANTED TO RUY-HOUSES Ill'. transp. Prh·. fam. I:narcl llptif·llal. available at once. Rental very reasonUt·ntlt'll'<Ul })rfJ fl'rr~r!. I 'h . \\'ilntl't te able. Call P. M. Cornes, Highland 1091. lili L Hi-1tl · Park 500. 69LTN4-ttc HAVE CLIENTS FOR HOUSES ON N. S. renters and buyer~. Prices ranging from $25,000 to $50,000. Li~t property I,:\HGK BRIG liT , \\'A n:~J JWU::\f. ., 1-'< >H. I'! EX'!' < '111·::\.P-SC~LEASE. _\'f- . now. Address Winnetka 'l'alk A-132. blks. w. of sta. \\'illtH·tka 41S. tra<"ti\'t· b· situated. hr·me. ~ewly nec96LTN16-ltc fi6LTSJG-itp nratr·d. 7 rooms, ., hath:-;, Solarium. ---------------Tran!'portation ~ 1-2 hlot"l~s. schools hOUSE OR APT. IN WILMETTE. HAVE TWO 1{00:\J:.i WITH IJUl.' SEKI·~I·: J'J.\"(; llt>ar. It \\". ih·at. .\ddn·ss Winnetka 5 rm. co-op, apt., Sheridan Rd., 2 blks. pri\'i!(·g-es iu pl'ivatP family of 2 adult::;. Talk .·\-1:~3. 69LT~l6-ltc from Loyola "L" as part payment. Protestanl. Ga.t·:q;t·. \\"inrtt·tka !IJ ·L \:Vrite Wilmette Life A-130. GHLTX16-ltp T"'O ROU.\[ COTTAGE FOrt RENT. 96L16-ltp ---------------Call Winnetka 932. ti9L'fN16-ltc ., R:\f~. FOH LI<;UT IISEKEEI'I;.\;'(; , 100 l<~OR SALE-JISEHLD. GDS. stea!ll l1t·at -o- 1~1:1. tiP:t r t r :tll:-:. I 'h . \Vilml·t tt- tiliLT:\lG-ltp ANTS r and !4:1-~ fp wax- Tni\'er'16-ltc EARS nd poL Ph. N16-1tp FC It:"<. 1..\ I :·; E In-~ I H!OO~r . ~~~!. Washin~ton A \'t·. I 'I! . \\'ilmdte WIN~ETKA 1_ 6 _-l~tp Dt·autiful Spanish CO~JPLETE 6-'J.:-~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _6 _ hom<' attrncti\'Pl~· HAm OLA 2S , \\' IT H ~otkt:t J)O\\"er, al!-lo victrola, liv. rm. FOH HEN1'--\V A11:\f <'0:'\JFOr:.TA BLJ·: ~ituate;d amid Ph ncres of landscaped taJ,Jt· :uHl t hairs·. Kt>nilworth 2656. t·oom n··a.r tnm~p. 10:{:: ~fain St. Ph. nncl gardened grounds. Unu~ually ' spa100LTN16-lte WilmC'tt(- 2212. HnLlll-lk cious Interior arrang-ement. Garag-f' for t\\'O mntnrs. Sublease·; willing- tn FOR ~ALE - LAHUE S[ZE '\VIIT'fE E~sacrifice. For complete dt>ta.ils and innnwl kitchen cabinet. Xeed room; if WELL l·'CH:'\I~IIED FltO~T 1~00:\1. nea1· all transp . lt··a:-:t·llahtt. . t 'all '\\'il~pe lion npoointment phon e t. tken at onc1· prict· *12. 54!1 Earlston tit;L 16-1 tl' mett·· :li:-!0. B.AJR D 'VARXER Hoad, Kenilworth. lOOLTX16-ltc ])I<:LIGIITI·~lTL "'>~ DnYi~ ~~ Greenlraf ts;,;, A'l'THACTJVE COMFORTABLE OVERHOO:\f XEAI: 69LTN15-ltl' ...·ttrf"'e<l ch.·1t't·. ' l'h. Glencoe 1210. anrl trnnsJ), Ph. \\Tinnl'!ka 1;,.1::.L:\Kl·. ,, _, ' · ' · .-. L ti!iLT~Ifi-Jt,· 100L16-ltp - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - i!J FOU JlEX'f-STORJo:S & OFFICES PLE:\~.\:\'1' PUH~. 1!00~T. l'LE:\TY 101 WTD. TO BUY-HSEHLD. GOODS of ht·a t anrl hot wa tt·r with bat h. $:>. Sn1a1l Stores. Offices Ph. '\Vilmett<> 72!'1. ntl r.111-1 tt! WANTED TO BUY - SECOND-HAND CEOHGE F . GOXSALYF:S, i46 ELM ST.. furniture and other household goods. 67 Winnctl\n 6~. Highest prices for same. Crost Furni73LTN13-tfc ture store, 1004-6 Emeraon St., Evanston. Ill. Ph. Untv. 189. 101LTN48-tft. FOR SALE -HOUSES 177 l'Oit S1 lLl:-JIISC. 102 NILES CENTER f-6-6 room apartments $60 and up, large, 1:1·y <H' 1 1\\'~ER :\TI ' ~T ~ELL-ALmo~t lit,,. Eng-lbh ~tylt--8 rooms-3 £-jLECTRIC ' VIBRATIXG }lACHINE, light, modern. Near Dempster "L" floor modt-1, practically new,. Paid ),aths -- t~nr:~g·t·- ""ood<·d lot - N~ar terminal station and North Shore elec. *187.50, will sacrifice. Phone Wmnetka ~ 1 .)1 ,·ol:ann · tr :~ns t,ortatinn . Terms 29 minutes to loop. :n 76. 102LTN16-1tc :t·>- ;;no . .\tldn ·~ s \\'innt'\ka 'l'alk A-ta4. · -'· iiLT~16-ltc M. ]. FOR SALE- SIZE 40 TUXEDO, SEVDempster Street at Bronx Ave ,,ra.J other suits. Good cond. Ph. WilPhone Niles Center 93 mette 1072. 102L16-lt<.: 67LTN36-tfc 'I Ill~ . \'1"1'1~ .\< 'TI\' I~LY .\ND ClojXTRAL- 1 PAIR HOCKEY SKATES, 1 PA £1: h· lo('a tt"(l <'olonia 1 rt-sidenct> must be rac'rs. C'all '\Yinnetka 2185. s'111d. ( 'orllt 'l' lot SO·d:iO ft., twar transp. 10_ 2LTN16-1 tc ano ~dwols ano in ideal nefghhorhood. li rtHllll:-', J,atll, la\'. , and 2 porchP~. D<'- h<\.DlES F'UH. TRIMMED BLACK COAT, tail~ nw~· br had by calling :\lr. John8on. 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 ROOMS ~ize ::6-:3~. Winnetka 21S5. Here In Wllmette·s most convenient and 102LTN16-1 tc \\.TLLL\~f PTCKAHD exclusive location, you will find wello <'ll ! ' "l"(\ .\\'e. . f1rt>t·nlenf 7120 1 ~rranged apartments. All apartments lfil " CALL WJN""' 77LT)I16-1tc UPRIGHT PIANO, $1ii. ave outside rooms which provide an 102LTN16-ltc netka 2574. abundance of light and air. Ample closet space. Schools, churches, and FOlt SALE OR F'?R REN_T-WIN- FOR SALE-VIOLIN A~OUT 50 YEARS ·hopping facllltles within Immediate netka ca~t side-;-t~estrable 6 ~ oom cotold. Good tone. $Hi. Also black mole·e 1 ·tr<re llnng room. Shown by aA.ccess. See these apartments today. skin ulster-fur collar, Hheep skin lined t n1· "" ,., · · cs er gent on premises. 'lPP(Iintme 11 t ·~vtnnetkn. HI., own · thr.oughout, l'iZ' 44. Exct>llent condi77LTN16-7tc tioil. $10. Mr. 'Vadnner. Ph. Willl\1-'tl~ · 1571. 102L16-ltp U4 Ll d REALTORS n en Ave. wn. -tso 103 WANTED TO RUY-MISC. 67I.JrN1-tfr WANTED - CLEAN, WHITE RAGS, FOR lU':NT-GAHAGE APART:ME~T. 10c per lb. 1232 Central Ave .· Wilmette. . [eat fttmished. 794 Walden Rd. f'h. 103LTN48- tfg ...:,!nn. 823. 67L'fN16-1l<' ::=:::::::: MISCELLANEOUS 101) 18 -- . -- - FOR RENT-FURN. A.PTS. _ HAVE YOUR OLD PIECES RENEWED at a reasonable price. Silver refinished EYANSTON 4 ROOM APT. coM pr..ETEand made absolutely tarnish proof . ·furnished. · B~st location. U>aHt> un1 Mf}Y .. 1st or. longer. Paul Davey, Jeweler. 1165 Wllmette .· d R{'sponslblt> A vt-. Ph. Wilmette 6. 105L35.. tfc a ~.tts only. - Write 'wltm{'ttt> TAte A-136. 6~T..T~16-lt·· : ~)( '!·;LY Snb]ease ol)pOrtunity 77 I nclian Hill Road y MAHOGANY COLONIAL 4 POSTER evening hridge party on New lwcl, box SJ)J'ing-s and mattress. Ph. Win- eve. netka 1812. 100LTN16-ltc ear~ ' ~·f ary Louise Selbv of Cleveland. a member of the Playhouse Players. is sp~nding the holidavs with Miss Miriam \Vh ee land of 815 \.reenwood. avenue. M iss -o- & THE BRONX "Mr. and ~frs. C. Henrichsen of 1 .707 Lake avenue entertained twenty-four guests at a Ne\\' Year's party. Dancing at1ct cards ,··ere the diversions of the ... evening. -oMrs. Oliver M. Towles was hostess to twelve members of her bunco club at cards <md. a buffet supper last Friday evening at her home. 1229 Washing-ton avenue. Hugo H. Kuhl, 630 Maple avenue, returned the first part of 1ast week from the Sacred Heart sanitarium. Milwaukee, where she had been itt for three weeks. -oCarlyle G. Duncan-Clark has resumed his studies at the University of I11inois after a two weeks' holiday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. John Duncan-Clark. 228 Wood court. -o- Mrs. --o- FAHERTY -LINDEN CREST APTS. \VILMETTE CLE.\COE -ovVharton Clay, Jr., son of the W. Clays, 430 Sheridan road, Kenilworth will be host to a group of his friends tomorrow afternoon at his home, on the occasion of his seventh birthday f. -oRobert Ellis left last Sunnay on the Dartmouth "special" after 1 :A.ssing his Christmas vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Ellis. 832 Green1 wood avenue. -u-Mr. and Mrs. John King of Harvard., Ill., were the holiday guests of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs . Frank P. Collyer, 730 Ninth street. ' -oHomer Hilton returned to . Cornell last Sunday after passing the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Home.r Hilton. of. Kenilworth. : QUINLAN & TYSON. INC. L · · .rt

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