Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Jan 1930, p. 58

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·ss WILMETTE 19 LIFE PETS January 10, 1930 80 SITUATION WANTED-FEMALE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Classified advertisements wm be GenlfHI'al Nott·ce- t o residents of the district from charged only 5 · Evanston to Glencoe lacluslve whose names appear In the telephone directory, or who are rcular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. een~t. FOR SALE-SEALYHAM DOG Ph YRS. CATERESS DESIRE.S WORK FOR old. Used to children. Ph. Glencoe 1210. days or evenings. Ph. Wilmette 36. 39L16-ltp · 60LTN16-ltp ~~~~~~~~~~ 42 RADIOS NE\tV RADIOS PRACTICAL NURSE.' HOME NIGHTS preferred. Ph. Wilmette 2261. 60L16-ltp cents a line In one paper. 25 cents a Une in any two papere. Ratel-16 30 cents a line In all three papers. MINIMUM CHARGE iO ATerage of ftve words to the line. No black face type ·used. 10% discount on all cash with or~r advertisements when brought to our officE at 123Z Central Ave., Wilmette, or 664 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka. . f Ot I nsett. Classified Deadltne tOnS-cepted up advertisements wm be ac to Wednesday 5 o'clock fo; the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; Thursday 5 o'o&ock for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday 5 o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones : Wilmette 4300 or Winnetka 2000-2001. ==============='"= FOSTER NISTLE OIL BURNEH SERVICE All burners at all hrs. Wilmette 179 44LTN11 -ttc (~E~EU .\L HERE IS A REAL BARGAIN! WE COl\IPETEN'r WOMAN SEEKS SITUAtion in motherless home or widower's have only 5 brand new all electric home as house keeper. Address Winnetka 7 tube Crosley radios to sell. Only $75 each, complete ! Radio Service ReTall< A-127. 60LTN16-ltc pair Shop, 2 Carlton Ann ex. Phon e Winnetka 1840. 42L16-ltp EXPEIUENCED LA UNDRESS WANTS ch1v work. Call Highland Park 1554. Midwest Classified Radio Service 60L'l'N'l6-ltp . SKOKIE RADIO SHOPS Wil. 4117-Phones-Winn 671. EXPETIIENCED DRESSMAKING, AL4ZLTN1G-ltc terations, done in your home. Also , reliable woma n will care for children eveH SERVICE BUREAU nin~s. Ph. WJlmettc 2212. - 60L16-ltc H. S. GIRL WANTS CARE OF CHI Ldren after school evenings also Rat. 25c hr. Ph. Wilmette 1913. 60L16-ltp EXPERIENCED W HIT E WO:\IAN wants laundry or cleaning· \ Vednesdays . Ph. Wilmette 3804. 6UL16-ltp FOR SALE-AUTOS .,. w4 I:XTERIOR DECORATING REPAIRING AND REa craftsman of rare ability DO THEY EXPRESS YOUR and originality. Designs created for GRADUATE NURSE WITH PHESE~T home cares fot: -convalescent or elderly INDIVIDUALITY? DO THEY individuals. Paul Davey, Jeweler, 1165 peopl e. Ph. Wilmette 4299. 60LTX164tc HARMONIZE PERFECTLY Wilmette Ave. Ph. Wilmette 6. 1925 Dodge A Sedan-always ready .. $125 WITH Y 0 U .R C' 0 L 0 R 50L35-tfc Stearns Knight Six Sedan-high SCHEME? ~===========~~~~ - YOliNG WOMAN \VANTS WOHK BY class-a steal . . . . . . . . . ... . .. . .. $225 ALAN GOODRICH shades are d esigned 55 LOST AND FOUND day. Laundry, cleani!!Jf, serve, cook or 1928 Pontiac Coupe-rumble ::;eatby interior decorators. They create an maid work, white. Ph_, Briargate 4253 like new . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . .. $325 environment that is liveable· as well as LOST_ PLATINUM FILIGREE BAH en~nings. 60LTX16-l tp Nash Light Six Sedan .. . .... . .. . .. . . $200 Interesting and cost no more than pin, diamond in center, tiny star and 1928 Star 6 Cabriolet . . . . . . . . . . .... $275 ordinary shades. COOKIJ'iG. gavel at ends, Friday, Jan. 3, about EXP. WOMAN \VANTS 1929 Chevrolet Six Coach ..... . .. $350 We wire vases and design shades to match. 5 p. m., in vicinity of A. and P. and serving, day work or gen. Home niteR. 1928 Dodge Victory Sedan in leath r, Variety stores. Reward. Phone WinBest t·ef. Greenleaf 5628. 60LT16-ltp. runs like new. Bargain at .... $450 Alan Goodrich Studio netka 1416. 55LTN16-ltc 1927 hevrolet Landau Sedan-a real buy at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... $225 632 Church St. GOOD LAUNDRESS \VANTS 1\IOKDA:J Evanston &6 HEJ,p lV ANTEJ)..._FEliALE 1928 Podge, fastest 4 sedan, never beand Tue~:;day. Ref. Ph. University 27LTN16-1tc - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - fore at th~ price ... . ............ . . $350 25 2. 60Ll'16-2tc 1927 Dodge Sedan-old reliable .. . ... $200 ~~~~~~~~~~ WHITE GIRL. PROTESTANT, FOR GENeral housework. Small fa_mily. l\Iust 1927 Nash Special Sedan . . . . . . . . .. $300 2~ LAUNDRY be good, plain cook. Private room and WA!\'rED-GENERAL OJ.:FICE WOH.K 1927 Chevrolet Landau Coupe, ---------------bath. r:teferenc~s required. Winn etka on North Shore. Exp e rienced. Call new Duco .......... . ......... . $225 EXPERIENCED LA UNDRESS. FAST 1015. 56LTN16-ltc Winnetka 1686. 60L16-ltJ> 1926 Chevrolet ~ Panel D elivery ... $ 98 worker und(·rstands all machines and 1926 Ford 1h PaJl('l Delivery .... . . ... $ 98 mangle~. V\rinnetka references. Call COMP. WHITE WOMAN, KINDERGAR- \YTD. LAUNDRY WORK FOR MONdays, References, Ph. Wilmette 2079. Kenwood 85fl8. 28LTN16-ltp ten trained if possible, care of 2% yr. 60Ll6-ltc boy, 3-5 week days. 9-11 a. m., Bat. 56LTN16-ltc Wi.n.netka 2428. !10 LOANS E;XPERIENCED COOK, WAITRESS EXPERIENCED WHITE GIRL FOR UPand cateress. Boulevard 0329. 1019 Da \'is St. University 0224 stairs work and sewing. TeJ. "Win60LTN16-ltp EVANSTON netka 82. 56L'l'Nl6-1tc 4LTN16-1tc EXPERIENCED COLORED W0:\1..\.N Charles H. Brethold BOOKKEEPER, YOUNG LADY FOn want::; general h ousework. References. bank work. Must have A-1 references. Boulevard 6912. 60LTL16-ltJ> 1st and 2nd mortgages Write Talk A-i39. 56LTN16-lt<: Insurance Na~:>h Adv. 4 door Sedan, late moch> l . $-l~ii EXPERIENCED LAUNDRESS WANTS Chrysler, 2 door Sedan. lat model $625 WOMAN FOR % DAY CLEANING. work to take home, will call for and 545 Main St., Wilmette Tel. 65 \\Trite Wilmette Life A-137. 56L16-ltc deliver. Ph. Wllmetto 3509. 60LTN4:~-tfp 30L17-tfc GIRL WHITE, EXP. GEN. HSWK. 61 . SITUATION lV ANTJ~D-llAL}: 1033 DAVIS ST .. COH. OAK Small family. Near "L." Ph. \Vil1735 BENSON AVE., COR. CLAHK ST. 34 lV ATCHES mette 3610. 56LTN16-ltc EXPERIENCED CHAUFFEUR AXD D. K. VOGEDING, PH.EK ---------------4L16-1tc ---------------all around man, good references. Call CLOCKS-ALL MAKES AND SIZES WOMAN, WHJTE COOK AND DO Glencoe 1244. 61LTN16-ltp repaired by cxp rt. Clocks called for dishes. Can go home nights. Ph. Wil$'i00 CREDIT ON NEW STUDEBAKER and d elivered. Prices reasonable. P;:tul mette 3749. 56L16-ltc GENERAL CLEANING, WINDO\V car. Will take $600. Address Talk ADavey, Jeweler. 1165 Wilmette Ave. and wall washing. floor wax135. 4LTN16-2tc Phone Wilmette 6. 34L36-tfc GIRL OR WOMAN TO ASSIST WITH ing, etc. Also gep. work. Ph. Univerhswk. mornings. Ph. Wilmette 1608. sity 0559. 6lLT16-ltc DRESSMAKING 17 56LlG-ltc WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER WANTS WE CARRY A HIGH GRADE LINE OF WANTED-EXP. WHITE GIRL FOR CHAUF. AND BUTLER, MANY YEAHS pocket watches and wrist watch es. exp. in priv. fam. Ve_ry civil and podressm a king and remodeling work to do hswk. No laundry. Ph. \Vilmette 3993. Modern design , reasonable prices. We lite. W.ill travel · if n ee. Ref. Ph. at home. Prices very reasonable. Pllune 56L16-ltc specialize in clock and watch repairGreenleaf 0329. 61LTN16-ltp Winnetka 571. 17LTN16-ltc ing. All work guaranteed. Come In " WHITE GIRl,. FOR LIGHT HSWK. NO EXPERIENCED MAN WANTS SITUAand see for yourself. !0 GARDENING objection to bright newcomer. Wiltion as butler, chauffeur or rook. mette 1426. 56LTN16-ltc 11'.'ferences. Ca 11 Harvey, Oaldand 01 ~3. TH.EER TAKEN DO'W N AND CUT UP 1139 Greenlenf Ave. 61LT16-ltJ> Ph. Wilmette 4516 'VANTED - GIRL FOR GENERAL for firewood. Call Winnetka 1793. 34LTN15tfc housework who can stay at night about WTD. S I T U A T I 0 N AS PRIVATE 20L16-ttp ---------------half the time. Ph. Wilmette 2537. chauffeur, 15 yr~. experience. Ref. 'VATCH REPAIRING DONE BY EX56L16-ltc INS'l'RUCTION Single. Robert Ehler. Ph. Univen;ity pert. Watches cleaned and adjusted. 2096. 61LT16 -1tp Have your old movement put in a mod- EXPERIENCED WHITE l\IAID FOR 1 ern case. Paul Davt>y, Jeweler 1165 general house·work. Fond of children. EXPERIENCED MAN WANTS WINWilmette AYe. Ph. Wilmette 6. ' Refers. Winnetka 2226. 56L'l'N16-ltc dow washing, garden and house work. HOW WELL DO YOU BID AT CON34L35-tfc Best of refs. Tel. Winnetka 2764. tract? The new conv:ention and forcWHITE WOl\IAN FOR HOUSEWORI{ 61LTN8-tfc Wed. and Sunday afternoons. Win. ===:J in~-system add to the fun of the game. :IS PAIN'l'ING & DECORATING Mrs. M. C. P etersen, 417 Cumnor Rd., - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - netka 2390. 56LTN16-ltp 62 SIT. WTD.-1\IALE & FEMALE Kenilworth. Ph. 1901. 25L15-2tc PAINTING AN'D DECORATING. E. M. WHITE ~lAID FOR GENERAL HOUREEXPD. COL. COUPLE, AS MAID AND Brandt . Phone Winnetka 2~6. work in family of 3. Must be good SPECIAL CLAS~ES BEGINNING IN chauffeur, hou seman. Excel. refs. Win38LTN16-4tc cook. Best wages. Private room and January in Curtis class · piano for chilnetka 1995. 62LTN16-1tp bath. Winnetka 2673. 56LTN16-ltc dren of all a~~s. Edith Ray Young. Ph. Wilmette 36~1. 25L16-ltp PAINTING AND DECORATING DONE COLORED COUPLE, WIFE COOK AND by E. A. Lemm. Prices reasonable, EXP. WHITE GIRL, OVER 20. 2ND care for children, man to drive and do work care of children. Ref. Ph. Kenil17 INTERIOR DECORATING 362 Park Ave. P!wne Glencoe 1122. hswk. Good referen.@s. Ph. Hyde Pk. worth 1514. 56LTN16-ltc 4644. 62Ll6 38LTN16-ltp WOMAN WITH HUSBAND OR CHILD FLOORS RESURFACED AND REFINcan have good home for doing houseBRASOR ART STORE Ished like new. No dirt or muss. Reawork for family of one. Phone Glencoe 1312 CHICAGO AVE. UNIV. 9179 sonable prices. Phone Winnetka 1433. 1646. Eves, or Sunday. 56LTN16-ltp 17LTN5·tfc 38LTN12-tfc COMP. WHITE MAID. CARE OF CHILdren, gen. hswk., cooking. Ph. Greenleaf 1937. 56LTN16-ltc J'OU cc 0 lMI lMI ~IIJ)@ illl~ll cdl 0 IIJ)©cdl~® JD)®tiD.ll®Jf~ ARE YOUR LA~ifP SHADES DIFFEREN'f? UEPAiltS JE\\'ELH.Y mod e lin~ by SINCEHE SERVICE AL\VAYS. -------------------------------·------- SPECir'\L- E\T AKSTON NA.SH CO. H. GREENBAUM CONTRAC1 BRIDGE PICTURE FRAMING - Baa Waat Ad Ia Bvaaatoa, too - This Office will accept classified advertising to be run in THE EVANSTON REVIEW, reaching 16,000 fami· lies in Evanston. REVIEW copy must be in by 5 p.m. on Tuesday. 80 SITUATION lV ANTED-FEMALE TalcDboae WiJmett· 4300 or Wi~necka 2000 - YOUNG GIRL WANTS TO TAKE CARE of baby and upstairs work from 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. Tel. Winnetka 2533. 60LTN16-ltc YOUNG LADY WANTS LAUNDRY CENTRAL HOTEL, 629 MAIN work for Mon., Tues. Ph. Wilmette Rooms by day or week, all 1819. rooms, steam heated, hot 60L16-1tc water.

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