Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Jan 1930, p. 42

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WILME"TTE LIFE January 10, 1930 News of the North Shore Clubs I foreign Affairs · School in Session League of Women Voters Takes Invite Ex-Service Women Business Club Program to Meeting of Auxiliary Observes Thrift Week "Saving for an Income" and "Life Insurance" will be the major themes of the prbgram of the Business and. Professional Women's club at the din ner meeting to be held Monday evening, January 13. This is in obsen·ance of National Thrift week, which is being recognized nationally by Busin~ss and Professional Women's clubs. Due to previously made arrangements, the program of the Wilmette club is being given. a week in advance of the pecified ttme. · The speakers of the evening are both resid.ents of the village and are prominent in the!r respective fields. The first speaker is to be W. B. Robinson, Jr., assistant cashier and assistant trust officer of the Wilmette State bank, who will speak on "Saving for an Income." Mrs. Eleanor Young Skillin of the Massachusetts Life Insurance company is to demonstrate the thrift possibilities of life insurance. Dinner will be served in the dining ,Ex-Service Group Spreads room of the C~ngregational church at 6:15. R~servahons may be made by . Cbrtstmas Cheer to Vets calling Wilmette 1779 by Saturday. The regular meeting of the ex-serv· ice committee of the Woman's club of Evening Garden Club Wilmette will be held next Monday at the home of Mrs. Edward P. Patch, Meets Next Tuesday 611 Washington avenue. Thi~ committe~ took quite a large The Evening Garden club of Witpart m the Chnstmas celebrations at mette will hold its annual meeting and Great Lakes and U. s. Veterans hos- installation of officers next Tuesday at pital, 105. the Woman's club. Reviews of garden December 21, it helped pack the catalogues will be made by Harry C. boxes at the two hospitals, one of the Pife~. and Shelby C. Jones. .;: ta_lk on member's husbands furnishing seven the Care of House Plan.ts will be hundred bars of chocolate for the m~de by Mrs. Charles.~-. B[ixby. There stockings. In the afternoon a party .wtll also be an exhtbttwn of winter was held in the Unit each man receiv- bouquets. ing. a box containin~ useful, personal The officers to be installed at the artt~l~s. Several of the men who !-tad meeting are Earle D. Lyon, president; famdtes had a box containing clothing, George Iliff, vice president; Mrs. to~s. and candy given them for their Archibald Stinson, treasurer; Mrs. ch,t!dren. . . Herbert Naper, corresponding secre1 he apprectattve letter!). from the se tary; Mrs. Norman C. Deno, recording men have been very touchmg. se cretary; Mrs. C. D. Ewer, chairman of the program committee; Herman T. Reiling, chairman of membership; Mrs. Dinner Bridge Council Charles R. Norman, social chairman; Program for January 10 Harry C. Pifer, chairman of publicity; The Friends in Council of Evanston ]. E. Worthen, civic chairman; Mrs. a~1d guests will be entertained at a Frank R. Eager, telephone chairman, dmner and bridge at the Orrington and Mrs. William Kix Miller, Central hotel Friday evening, January 10, at States Flower show chairman. 6:30 o'clock. Mrs. W. ]. Weldon is chairman for the evening. The junior auxiliary of the Friends in Council has Catherine Pearson Is been invited to participate in the afhir. New Skipper Club Head Miss Margaret Hawkins is president New officers have been elected for of the council and Mrs. ] ulius Schoenthe Skipper club, which consists of inger is corresponding secretary. The Junior membership includes Miss north shore girls from Wilmette, EvVirginia Foucht, president; Miss Mar- anston, · \Vinnetka, and Kenilworth. garet Mitchell, secretary; and the The new officers are: Miss Catherine Misses Isabel Foucht, Catherine Pearson of Wilmette, president; Miss Foucht, Marjorie Smith, Louise Spald- Gertrude Bermingham of Wilmette, illg, Marion Suits, Helen Suits, Helen first vice-president; Miss Mary McWeldon, Isabel Weldon. Fadzean of Winnetka, second. vicepresident; Mi ss Mary Beth Arden of Evanston, secretary; Miss Eleanor Club Program Today Steele of Kenilworth, treasurer; Miss The regular monthly meeting of the Kathleen Kelly of \Vinnetka, program fine arts department of the Woman's chairman. Catholic club of Wilmette will be held The club now is making arrangethis afternoon at the Wilmette vVomments for yachting parties which meman's club, Tenth street and Greenleaf avenue. The American Home pro- bers who are spending their winter in gram will be presented entirely by Florida will enjoy. club members, with the exception of Elizabeth Lille Vitale who will be Broadcasts for District guest artist of the afternoon. Mrs. Russell Flood of the Woman's Catholic club of Wilmette will reoreSORORITY HOSTESS sent the Tenth district, Illinois FedMembers of the North Shore Alumna eration of Women's clubs, in a radio chapter of Gamma Phi Beta sorority talk on "Community Service" over will meet ·Monday afternoon, January WGN \Vednesday, January 15, at 2:30 20, at the home of Mrs. David T. o'clock. Mrs. George Beaudin, also a Sanders, 717 Virginia avenue, Kenil- member of the Woman's Catholic club, worth. Luncheon will be followed !:>y is Tenth district chairman of the radio a short business meeting and bridge. talks. The Wilmette American Legion auxiliary, at its meeting Monday evening, January 13, at the home of Mrs. John B. Boddie, 1356 Greenwood circle, will devote its interest to Wilmette women who were in service during the war. The women who served their country in the Red Cross, as army nurses, as navy yeomenettes, in the Salvation Army, in the Y. W. C. A., the Y. M. C. A., the Knights of Columbus the ] ewish Welfare society, and orga'nizations of a similar kind, will be guests of honor Monday evening, and to all such workers the auxiliary sends a cordial invitation to attend its meeting January 13. The program will be given over to war reminiscences and experiences as recounted by some of those women who saw service, and to the music program ofr piano selections Miss Anne Sherwin will play. The meeting hour is 8 o'clock. Woman's Club Has p J rogram an. I 5 Meeting to Feature Citizenship, Politics, and Spanish Art and Music · After a holiday intermission, the \\'oman's club of Wilmette resumes its regular programs January 15, with a mornipg and afternoon session. Comments upon this coming meeting have been made by the program chairman, Mrs. E. M. Simonds, in the "Woman's Club Bulletin," as follows: "The regular club program Wednesday, January 15, opens at 10 in the morning with a talk on 'Fundamentals of American Citizenship' b.y Mrs. Charles J. Trainor. At the noon hour our state represent:-ttive, Mrs. Anna Wilmarth Ickes, will give us some pertinent fact s on the political situation. After luncheon we · are to have a colorful and interesting program given by Mrs. Thomas Wood Stevens, garbed in native costume of New Mexico where she has spent so matiy months, and Pedro Espino. a young Spanish tenor, in Spanish co:;tume. . "Mrs. Stevens will give a graphic talk on 'Native Art in New Mexico,' and will have many lovely art treasures with her. Mr. Espino will sing a group of old Spanish songs." The meeting \Vednesday will commence at 1 :45 o'clock instead of at 2, for taking action upon the proposed changes in by-laws. Notes on other forthcoming events continue : "WednescJ.iy, January 22, at 10 :30 o'dock, there will he an interesting morning of book reviews led by Miss Anne Whitmack. The regular club program on Wednesday, J anua:-y 29, will open at 10:30, with a recital on American opera by Louise Gilbert, followed by a talk at 12 o'clock on 'Current Plays.' Miss Helen McPike, pianist, will open our afternoon meeting. Mrs. Florence Ward's talk on 'People and Books' will follow. "Thursday, January 30, is View day at the Hoosier salon at the Marshall Field and company galleries at 2 o'clock follo\\'ed by afternoon tea." ' I ' I nterest ·n. nte~natlona rogram Gaven an Evanston . I . Ip : The \Vilmette League of Women Voters is taking interest in the School of Foreign Affairs in session in Evanston every Thursday in January at the First Methodist church. It is held under the joint auspices of the Evanston Business and Professional Woman's club, the Evanston Council of School clubs, the Evanston League c>f \\' omen Voters, the Evanston Woman's Christian Temperance union the ~nternational relations departme~t of . the Evanston League of Women Voters, and the Evanston Woman's club. ' The first of the programs was on January 2. "Latin America" was the subject for January 9· the "World I Court, II f or January 16; "Russia Today," for January 23, and "Some Problems of the Pacific," for January 30. Two sessions are held each Thursday, one at 4 in the afternoon, and one at 8 in the evening, with dinner served at 6:15 each week with the exception of January 16. when the dinner hour is omitted. Tickets for individual sessions or for the course may be procured at the Evanston Woman's club and the Evanston Travel bureau, and dinner reservations are to be phoned to the Fir~t ~ethodist churr.h of Evanston, Umverstty 6182. bv the Wednesday night preceding the program. Infant Welfare Benefits by Club Sewing Jan. 17 The Infant \Velfare societv is the next beneficiary. of the sewit1g sponsored by the phtlanthropy department of the \\oman's club of Wilmette Fri~ay, J a!luary _17, from 10 in the mornIng until 4 :30 111 the afternoon. Mothers may bring school children to the luncheon which is served at 12:30 o'clock. Mrs. Harry B. \Vilson is chairman of the \\'oman 's club committee in charge of the da y. She is assisted hv Mrs. Samuel Moore, Mrs. Judson Stone, ~f rs. Fred Parry, and Mrs. E. Humphrys, Jr. Mrs. James Shedden IS luncheon chairman. The philanthropy sewing days are open to all women of \Vilmette interested in helping charitable enterpri:;es. League of Women Voters Sponsors Radio Speeches Judge James McGoorty of the Superior court of Cook countv broadcast for the League of Women Voters January 2, at 4:20, over WLS. He spoke on "Why Illinois Needs Women on Juries." Since January is to open the campaign for the jury bills which will come up for referendum in November, Mrs. Rena Elrod, twice proponent of th_e bills in the General assembly, also wtll speak for them January 13, at 2 :30, over WGN. Another speaker this month was Dr. Henry Cheney of the Chicago Pediatric society, January 6, at 2:30, over WGN, on "Why a Doctor Favors the Jones-Cooper Bill" -the federal aid measure for maternitv and infancy work. - ?· Provide Speakers on Aims of Chicago Beautiful Plan Mrs. Edward \V. Bemis mother of Walter S. Bemis, 872 Foxdale avenue Winn~tka, chairman of the speaker'~ commtttee of the \Vomen's Chicago Beautiful association, announces that speakers on the aims and ideals and the. "Chicago Beautiful" program are ava1lable for the meetings of the civic Qrganizations or club departments in th~ ~hicago and metropolitan area. 1nqume~ may be f!la?e at headquarters, 741 Fme Arts bUJld.ing, Harrison 2162. Plans Open Meeting The Wilmette League of Women Voters, in accordance with the policv the Illinois league is pursuing in stressing the importance of the Women on Juries :eferendum, is holding an open meettng on "Women on Juries" January 30. The Order of Martha is meetit~g at the home of Mrs. G. W. Mayhercy 108 Thir~ street, Monday, January at 1 :30 o clock, for an afternoon of sewing. On League Program Miss Margery Windes and George Seabe_rg wilt provide the program at next Tue sday's meeting of the North Shore Catholic \Voman's league. Miss Windes will give original monologues, · a!ld ~r. S~aberg will play several p1ano selectiOns. The meeting is to be held at the Winnetka \Voman's club. u:

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