Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Jan 1930, p. 40

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40 WILMETTE LIFE January 10, 1930 .N. S. Society Affairs Are Settling Into Post Holiday Gait Mona Heller Will Gillett-McDougal Wedding Vista del Lago Starting Exhibits and Music Sunday Musicales Jan. 12 Wed George Voss Charming January Event Among Gala Events A series of Sunday afternoon musi~Iary Gillett, daughter of Mr. and Tuesday, Jan. 14 at Shawnee Club Mrs. Walter Noble Gillett, 533 Roslyn cales will be given at the Vista del Lago BY P. H. Both musically and artistically, the Shawnee Country club is making itself felt not only along the north shore but throughout Chicago. The club has pres en ted some of the very finest of musical talent to the members at the Sunday twilight hour concerts and on the walls of the ballroom have hung some of the very finest of paintings etchings, and batiks. ' This corning Sunday the ' club offers members and friends an exhibit of paintings by Oskar Gross, who specializes in portraits and studies of mountain people; Maurice Braun who paints especially the gorgeous 'landscapes of California, and Antonin ?te~ba, instru~tor at the Chicago Art mstttute, a pamter of portraits. Miss Viola Norman, head of the s~ulpture of the National Academy of Fme Arts, in Chicago, will present a number of her important pieces including a fascinating study "King of the Yards," which has had most favorable comment by the Chicago critics and artists. Among her bust portraits will be a head of the late John J. Mitchell and a group of other portrait heads will include a number of child studies. An example of her work may be seen in the magnificent eagle on the Michi'Iafl avenue side of the new Chicago club. It is above the second story and s~pports the flag staff. This beautiful exhibit will be open at 3 o'clock and will just precede a conc;ert to be given by Madame Margaret Adsit Barelle who comes from Buffalo, N. Y., for this program. Madat~le Barel~e a singer of wide reputation and h1ghest press comment and is ~me of the leading soloists of sy~phon Jes and orchestras throughout the East and South. Sh<. has just finished an extended tour of the South. Miss Hadass~n ~~cGiffen will accompany her at the ptano. Tea will be served at the close of the program with Mrs. Charles Triggs in charge of the tea tables. . Mrs. Charles Dennis, who is responstble for the art exhibits at the club, has a remarkable series to present during the last of January, February, March, April and Mav. It ·will be of interest to have a brie·f sketch of what she. ~as planned so that members may anttctpate these exhibits. On the week that the ~xhibits open, there is a musical program planned. :Mrs. Albert H. Ullrich is responsible for the musical features. On January 26, there will be an exhibit of works by the facultY of the Chicago Art institute. There ·has been a recent exhibit at the institute of these paintings and the best will be chosen td be brought out to the Shawnee club. Miss Jessie Lacey will arrange the exhibit. On that same dav Rollin Pease, the noted · baritone, wiit present a program of songs and tea will be served at the close of the program. In February there will be an exhibit of old and rare furniture. In March there will be an ecclesiastical exhibit including wood carving and church vestments, also etchings of cathedrals, and an important showing of church murals and panelings by Mrs. Percival Myalt who is one of the best known artists of church interiors in Chicago and the middle west. Mrs. Myall is completing two beautiful panels for this exhibit which are to be placed in St. Luke's church Evanston, in time for the Easter s~rvice and she will also bring a copy of the recent altar color work which she has road, Kenilworth, was married to Alfred Leroy :McDougal, son of Mrs. A. L. McDougal, also of Kenilworth, last evening in the church of the Holy Comforter at 8:30 o'clock, the Rev. Leland Danforth reading. the service. The church was beautifullv decorated in southern smilax. Tall ltghted candles and profusions of white flowers formed the background at the altar. Th~ bride was a charming picture in a ·white satin brocade gown with a touch of .silver. Her becoming veil was of flesh colored net. She carried white gardenias and lilies of the valley. Miss Edith Dillon of Winnetka was the maid of honor and the bridesmaids included Miss Paisley Ball of Winnetka. Miss Barbara Poole of New York Miss Virginia Hayward, cousin of th~ bride, and Miss Harriett Hamm of Kenilworth. Edith Gillett, small sister of the · bride, acted as flower girl. The maid of honor and bridesmaids were dressed in cream colored satin. Miss Dillon carried Rubicon lilies and the bridesmaids carried talisman roses. Little Edith Gillett wore a yellow frock and carried an old fashioned nosegay. Chales \Vare served Mr. McDougal as be'st man and the ushers included Robert Olmstead of Milwaukee, \\Tiller Olmstead of Chicago Samuel l~oss of Winnetka, Georg~ Stephens of Glencoe, Allen Bulley, ] ames Snydacker, and Tom Gillett of Kenilv. orth. Immediately following the service at the church a large reception was held at the Gillett home. Mr. and ~Irs. McDougal will he at home after the first of March at 623 Drexel road, Glencoe. club beginning Sunday, January 12, Tuesday, January 14, Miss Mona E. from 4:30 to 5:.10 o'clock in the after- Heller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. noon. The program that will introduce Charles D. Heller, 808 Elmwood .\Vethe series will be given b.y Fay Palmer nue, Wilmette will become the bride of Kreer, contralto; George Seaberg, George Voss, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. pianist; Marguerite McAdams, accom- G. Voss of Chicago. The ceremony panist. will take place at the Wilmette BapThe arrangement of the delightful tist church at 8 o'clock in the evening musicales planned is in the competent with Dr. George D. Allison of the hands of Mrs. Percival Hunter of Win- Wilmette Baptist church officiating. John S. Meek of Chicago will play the netka. · Other January events at Vista del organ. Lago club include several that are Miss Heller will have in her bridal past: the regular bridge lunc~eon · party, as maid of honor, Miss Jane January 3, when. a round of the bn4ge Calloway of Wilmette, and as her tournament, whtch has be~n pr_ovmg bridesmaids, the Misses Emily Clagett,. very po_Pular, took plac.e wtth thtrteen Mary Martin, Mary Ellen Bentley, tables m play and wtth Mrs. Allen Frances Gibbs Harriet Hosken, DorHou.ston. of Win1_1etka the hostess; .the othy Staeheli~, Laura Malone, and fannly dmner bndge Tuesday evemng, Lisbeth Goss. Serving Mr. Voss as when Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Stults of 418 best man will be Walter Caward of Sheridan road, Winnetka, were host Edgewater Beach apartments, Chiand hostess. cago. Affairs to come are the regular The bride will wear an ivory satin bridge luncheon Friday, January 10, at gown and a tulle veil with a lace cap which Mrs. H. E. Greene of w;n- which has been in the . family for more netka, assisted by Mrs. Fred Kingore than one hundred years. Her bridesof Evanston, will act as hostess, and maids will wear various colored gowns. the dinner dance Saturday, January 11. Two will be in yellow, two in orchid~ Earl Voyles' Blackfriars orchestra will two in coral, and two in blue. Miss play for the dancing. Calloway will wear sea green. The The calendar· lists another bridge gowns are all made in princess fashion luncheon Friday, ] anuary 17, a family with satin slippers to match. Each will bridge dinner Tuesday, January 21, carry a bouquet of flowers blending with dinner at 7, cards at 8:30, and with her gown. Most of the ushers with Mr. and Mrs. Orval Simpson the are to be fraternity brothers of ~lr. host and hostess. Voss from the University of Illinois. Friday bridge luncheons will continue A reception will follow the ceremony each week in the current month, and at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. Saturday, January 25, occasions an- and Mrs. Charles D. Heller, 808 Elmother dinner dance with music by Mel- wood avenue, Wiln1ette for the memgard's Yellow Dragons. · . bers of the bridal party, relatives and The club is to be open every day in very close friends. January serving both luncheon and Mr. Voss and his bride will spend linner except on each Monday. their honeymoon in Cuba. They wilt Welfare Auxiliary H a~ go from here to New Orleans and then on to Cuba, and possibly may go to Dinner Dance Tomorrow Engaged Florida They will be gone for three .The Wilmette Junior auxiliar.y of the Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Scott Joy of weeks and then will return to make It:tf~nt .Welfare society of Chicago is Chicago announce the engagement oi gtvmg tts annual dinner dance at the their daughter, Dorothy Ann, to Fred- their home on the north shore. Miss Heller is a graduate of New Vista del Lago club Saturday, January erick Barton Hamm, son · of Mr. and Trier High school and of Southern 11. The management of the affair is Mrs. Edward !tamm, 517 Sheridan in charge of Mrs. R. W. Armstrong, road, Kenilworth. Miss Joy is a grad- seminary, where she is a member of social chairman of the auxiliary, and uate of the University of Colorado and Beta Gamma sorority. :Mr. Voss is the officers and their husbands will be a member of Alpha Chi Omega soror- a graduate of the University of Illihostesses and hosts tomorrow evenint:r. ity. Mr. Hamm is an alumnus of Dart- nois, and is a met11ber of Phi Kappa The Infant Welfare society will ben·'! - mouth and belongs to Alpha Delta Chi Sigma fraternity. He is in business fit by the day of sewing the philan- fraternity. The marriage is to he one here ·i n Chicago. thropy department of the Woman's of the immediate future. Many parties have been given in club of Wilmette has arranged for Frihonor of Miss Heller by her friends. day, January 17, at the club house, Miss Lisbeth Goss of Wilmette entercommencing at 10 in the morning and At Shawnee tained la:;t week for Miss Heller with lasting until 4 :30 in the afternoon. Mrs. ShawnP.e Country club commenced a bathroom shower, and Miss Enuly James Shedden is chairman of the Clagett and Miss Frances Gibbs, also luncheon which will be served at noon. its evening bridge tournament Thurs- of Wilmette, g'a ve a personal shower day to continue every Thursday eveThe junior auxiliary will have its · ning through the months of January for the prospective bride at the former's home. On Sunday night last~ annual meeting Monday, January 20, and February. . at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Charles N. Evans A formal dance for seniors has been Miss Mary Martin and Miss Jane will be hostess for the afternoon in her arranged at Shawnee for Saturday Calloway of Wilmette were hostesses new home in the Indian Hill estates. evening, January 11. Dinner is at 7, at a progressive supper and pantry New officers will be elected for the dancing <tt 9. Friday, January 17, the shower. Monday afternoon, Miss Harensuing year and annual reports will Roycemore school will hold. a senior- riet Hosken gave a bridge party and Tuesday Mrs. A. W. Jones of Oak be made by officers and chairmen. junior as;;embly at Shawnee. Park entertained with a personal Guilds in Session Today sl~ower for Miss Heller. Wednesday Co-Hostesses at Benefit mght another party was given at the Mrs. James V. Sill, 140 Maple aveThe Women's Associated guilds of ho?le of Mrs. John Emerich, formerly nue, \Vilmette and Mrs. Earl J. G'Js- St. Augustine's church will begin their Mtss Helen Ray of Wilmette. She was sett, 314 Woodland. avenue, Winnetka. season's work Friday of this we~k. hostess ~t a dinner and brid.ge party. · are co-hostesses at a benefit bridge tea They will meet in the club house, 1126 On Thursday afternoon Miss Dorfor the Good Will Mission of Chicago. Wilmette avenue, at 10:30 in the mornLuncheon will be othy Staehelin, another 'member of to be given at Shawnee Country club ing for sewing. served, and in the afternoon at 2, they the wedding party, was hostess at a this afternoon. will hold. a business meeting at which ·kitchen shower for Miss Heller at her annual reports will be made and offic- home in Glencoe. done for the First Presbyterian Church ers elected for the coming year. -------of Berwyn. Announce Troth In April will come the very lovely Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Gibbs of water color paintings by Alice Huger Dinner Hostesses Miss Ann and Miss Caroline Davis, Elmwood, 1.11., announce the engageSmith of Charleston, S. C., and a display of miniatures by representative daughters of Dr. and Mrs. Charles ment of thetr daughter, Frances Elaine Gilbert Davis, 615 Laurel avenue, were Gibbs, of 1716 Walnut avenue to Irvartists. In Mav there will be an exhibit of hostesses to :1 group of their friends ing Demeza Heller, son of Mr. and Applied ·Arts and this will close the at dinner last Saturday, at the Edge- Mrs. C. D. Heller, of 808 Elmwcod avenue. water Beach hotel. season until next fall. is ·

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