Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Jan 1930, p. 39

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January 10, 1930 WILMETTE LIFE 39 business woman must have not only more capability than the man applying for a c.!rtain position, but a personality that is outstanding also. "It is estimated · that a woman's charm and personality is responsiple for ninety percent of her contacts, at. though her efficiency must soon manifest itself in order that she may retain her position." Miss Jane Hamilton, 205 Abingdon road; Kenilworth has returned to Gulf Port, Miss., where she will continue her studies at the Gulf Port seminary. -oBentley McCloud, Jr., 338 Kenilworth avenue, has left for PhillipsExeter to resume his studies after the Christmas holidays in Kenilworth. -o. Stephen Hawxhurst, Essex road, Kenilworth has left to continue his studies at school at New Milford, Conn. Walton ;anS Urge Skok ·;e as Pr;me · part Of Preserve ~ be extended more or less alon~ the Cook county llne. This can be done in part by Declares Personality and connecting the existing forest preserves Charm Women's Best Asset which now extend for approximately onethird of the distance between Lake MichiCharm is one of the main essentials gan and the Desplaines. The Glenview to a suctessful career for a woman, pre~erve s along the north fork of the Chi(Continued from page 18) ca.~o river are now separated from the whether her profession leads her into to the woods. The driving of automobiles Desplaines preserves by only two or a home of her own, a life of social into the preserves themselves should be three miles to open country, Other routes contacts only, or a business venture, strictly prohibited. to the north in Lake county should be Mtention should be given to the de- · la ter developed by enlarging, planting and Florence Schee Robriett, dean of womvelopment of the waterways for canoeing, making permanent existing bridle paths en at Northwestern university, declared skating and other r.e creational uses. Motor a nd routes. this week in a talk on "What Constidriven boats of .any character should be These east and west routes may in some tutes Charm" before the Charm school prohibited on the waterways. More ade- instances consist merely of a widening quate foot a nd bridle path~ should be and permanent pa rking of a strip along of the Covenant Methodist church in an existin!!: road. Preferably, however, Evanston. developed through the preserves. Attention should be given to the they should be independent connecting "A charming personality is a womproblem of pollution of the waters of forest ways at least 600 feet in width an's open sesame to business cvnthe river, as well as to the problem of in- and entirely separa ted ft·om a utomobile traducing or storing additional waters boulevards. Where a wider strip cannot tacts that will never present themselves for the dry summer months. be secure.(l. an easement or lane suffici- to less charming, though more efficient Ultimately the forest preserves should ent for the necessary foot and bridle business associates," said Dean Robbe continued along the Desplaines river tra ils, attrac tively pla nted with protectto the Wisconsin state line. For a period ing tre es and shrubbery, will still per- nett. "The business or professional of vears however, some private or semi- mit the general Dian to be carried out and woman's masculine associates may enpublic- plan of protecting the natural the continuity and recreational character ter and advance in their respective character ·of the river throughout its of the system of outdoor trails and routes course in Lake county is probably the to be preserved. The desirability of pri- fields with a foundation of compete~cy most practical solution. vate bicycle pa ths, as well as foot and and modicum of personality, but the A s1:stem of east and west parkways horseback Daths along these routes should shoula be planned and carried out be· also be considered. tween Lake Michigan and the Desplalnes (.1'o Be Continued) river. The present roads to ~he Desplaines preserves are now usable m most cases Mrs. Harry Garner, 100 Woodbin e only by automobiles. They are not only disagreeable, but positively dangerous to avenue, Wilmette will be hostess on anY person afoot, on bicycle or on horse- \\'ednesday, January 15, at the Shawback. It is not possible for · groups of Boy Scouts or others to hike from the nee Country club in honor of her guest , lake shore villages to the cabin adjacent Mrs. Harold Pillinger, of Grand Rap to the Desplaifl£:1 woods. These can now ids, Mich. There will be four table s only be reached by the organization of of bridge. All the guests of the party a utomobile transportatlQJl. A system of east and west park routes, are members of the White Lake Yacht e\·en if relatively narrow, would make it club. Mrs . Pillinger will be the guest possible for residents of Winnetka and other north shore communities to make o f Mrs. Garner fo r a week. . - 0round trip circuits on the east and middle Robe rt Arnold, 430 Essex road, Kenil forks of the north branch of the river without leaving the zystem of trails or \\·orth has return ed to the Universit v coming out on to copcrete automobile of Penn sylvania after spending th.e speedways. The first of f.hese routes should probably holiday s with his parents. NEW deluxe liMITED GOlDEN STATE TO CALIFORNIA Like a trip through l:gypt in an Alpine setting I~ 1 Ice CMnival Saturday Traversing the sunny playgrounds of the Great Southwest-only warm winter-resortland in America whose romantic and colorful attractions are enhanced by the grandeur of mountain scenery. Luxurious hotels, golf and other playgrounds, flanked by desert gardens of exotic flowers. Ideal preface to a California visit. 2:30 P. M. No Extra Fare Superfine-fxpressing the utmost in travel luxury Convenient schedule-minimum daylight hour5 en route-only two day& Chicago to California. Rock Island-Southern Pacific Golden State Route Shortest and best way Chicago to El Paso, Tucson, Chandler, Phoenix, Indio and Palm Springs. Quickest by many hours. Direct low altitude route to Los Angeles and San Diego. Aek about our new AII-Espenee California Tour, lndudlna the neorta of the Sunny Southweet and a glorioue circle of the ecenlc Weet Lea?e January 18, February 15 and March 15, 1930 Silver Wings Spalding tubular hockey skates. Great for speedy skating. Alum· fnum finish. with comfortable shoes. Sizes to flt men, women, and boys. $6.90. Others up to U3.90. Skating Toques Keep your bend warm. Skaters' wooly toques In all colors here for your selection. Get yours. Only tt.60. · Ace Caps-warm, snug fitting caps It to $2. SECOND FLOOR Chandler's 630 Davis Street, Evanston Greenleaf 7200 Wilmette 724 ROCK ISLAND THE ROAD OF UNUSUAL SERYICE For detailed in/ormation, phone or moil the coupon W. J, LafFertl· Dimlon Pa..enger Agent Rock bland inea, 723 La Salle St. Station Chica~o, lllinoia.. Phone 1Vabub 3200 Please send me literature deacriptive of 0 Ariaona 0 California 0 Goldea State Route 0 All-Eapenee WinterToun(checkbookorboobdeeired)andfuU. information regardina train echedulea and eerviee via Golden State Route. Name----·-------------------·Ad~---------------------~----· 148

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