Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Jan 1930, p. 12

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12 W I L M E T T E ·L I F E January 10, 19.30 Sales in Estates Isabel Cline .Sin11 . _ Albert J. Stults Makes District Indicate for Aurora C. of C. N~~th Shore Headquarters ' Albert J. Stults, secretary of E. E. Stults Realty company, is now making his headquarters in the Evanston office of the organization at 1108 Davis street, in sup ervision of their operations on the entire north :-;horl' from Evanston, north . This mOVL', it i~ t.·xplaincd. i:- made with the idl'a ni rendering· greater ser\'ice to north shore clienH o f the concern in reference to their Chicago real estate problems and exchanginJ of north shore properties for Chicago holdings. "lb ] s 1 · · II c ·· ert · · tu ts lS es peCia Y ' 1tte c1 for these operation s. it is pointed out , haYing previou sly operated otq of th e \Vinnetka offi ce of th e Stults firm , a :-i SKOKIE PARTY JANUARY 11 ln:ll as being manager nf thei!· Hogt rs Saturday evening, January 11, has Park offi ce. and more recent!:: (· JH.' · been set aside by Skokie Country club ating out of the main office in Ha H'JJ ·;as the occasion of a dinner and card wood. party for members and their guests. The personnel nf the north :> JH,rc offices remain the same, with Frank C. Betts manager at EYanston. and Henry F. Che, manager at \\'inn c tk ·1. Miss Isabel Cline of Kenilworth sang before the Aurora Chamber of Commerce on Tuesday of this week. Mrs. Cline accompanied her daughter, Miss Cline gave a short talk preceding her selections of arias from several of the great operas and is adding thi :-. h·ature to many of her programs . Aurora is decidedly au art ceuttr both in music and art and even o n a busy Tuesday afternoon the hall was filled with business men eager to revive their spirits with music. The walls of their building are hung ·with choice pictures and many very mar velous art exhibits are held th ere . B USY y ear, B eJ· te f Recent sales in Indian Hill Estates forecast a very active 1930 in the Indian Hill club section, it is declared by Bill:-; Realty, Inc. 1u:-;t hdnrt' Christmas Drs. \V. \\'. · · \V . H aw k' Hawkins an<1 Beatnce '111:-. !Jpught cstat~s Coloriial on the largt 'a\\ n at tht· northwest corner of Sen eca and Iroquois roads. The Drs. Ha,,·kins have offices at 1137 Central avenue and formerly lived at 1527 \Val ' nut av enue, \ \ ' I'1 mette. D r. W . \ \ ·. Hawkin s is health commissioner of \\'ilmettc. ~ all pillars and l1igh ~la ~ . th e latter joined 1!19 Wilmette ATe. MWN HARDWARE CO. Wilmette S080 Cut Flowers .and Bloom~ng Plants For your January social functionst consult with us regarding special floral decorations. We will gladly assist you. JOHN WEILAND Florist Wilmette Store: 1161 Wilmette Ave. Wilmette 2128 JANUARY FUR CLEARANCE SALE In order to make this sale outstanding, in price and quality every Fur Coat has been specially marked down for . this, our regular JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE. We must· .unload our surplus stock. Styles are above the ordinary and tailored with the best of materials . - the high quality and workmanship that has for many years characterized ROPINSKI FURS. "Colonial" is distinguished by great columned veranin front by wide Aagstone terrace which is prot ected by \\'O nrl turned balustrade supported by heavy brick piers . The lawn has a ·rirc_ n lar frontage of 241 feet and commands a fine view. Rollin Ripp'H ·rgcr of Bills Realty, Inc .. negotiated .he transaction. Miss Marjorie Oleson \Va . hostess ln ncighhorly relation to "Colonial" at a surprise kitchen sh ower on Fri- sta nds "Charmant." the ~ormandv day evening, January 3, in honor of house formerly the home of Ra ymon~l ~'{iss Betty Burns of Evan ston. D. Hollis and recently sold to Jules R. Hcrhll\·eaux, form erlY of ()949 1\lm wood avenue, Roger s Park. ~r r. and Mrs. Herhuveaux moved into their nnY hom e about a month ago. ~r r. Herbm·eaux is assistant director of the X a tiona! Broadcasting comnanv and is a graduate of ~f cGill uni\'e;sity. :\n other December sale iu Indian Hill E stat es was the half acre wu ncled lawn at the northwest corn er of I ro quois and Ramona road s to Charle s B. Fox of Porter F ox and company at 120 South LaSalle street. Mr. and Mrs. Fox. who no" · live at 807 Jud son avenue, Evan ston , contemplate· building during the year a Georgian home of distinctive design. Jirah D. Colt· represented Bill s Realtv. Inc. in the transaction. · Mr. and Mrs. Jame s H .. Prentiss, Jr .. of 201 Cumberland avenue, Kenil worth, moved last week-end into their new home just completed on Pontiac road. The exterior design and room arrangement of the Prentiss home i~ of th~ early American Colonial farm hou se style but in construction it is very modern and "firesafe." Floors arc of steel truss joists carrying over them a reinforced concrete subfioor and on the ceiling side plaster , 111 metal lath. Partition s are of cinderconcrete blocks ·and external walls of brick hacked \\'ith eight-inch cinckrconcrett; block s. th e latter furnshing insulation equal to one and one -half inches of cork. Christmas Money Changed to Silver Former Chicago U. Athletes to Entertain Tri-Shippers · Add permanence to your Christgift by purchasing Sterling Stiver Tableware-unquestioned for usefulness and of lasting charm. ~as We can match any pattern in Silverware, whether sterling or plate, in case you would likt to add a few pieces to your present set. · T Cont1enaent enn.s Arranged We manufacture and design, remodel, ctean and repatr. We GUARANTEE our work. 1 9 o8 We have bten tatabli·bed in bcuinea~ in E vamton ainet DOMINIC PAGLIARULO Jeweler and Opti :ian The Tri-Ship n(ws· duh of Xcw Trier. High sch<·nl ~,· ill hold its ;fint n~eetmg of the new ~· ear Thursdav mght, January 23. it " ·as announced last week bY Donald Frisbie, facultv sponsor of the dub. This \\'ill be ;l dinner meeting at which Kenneth Rouse. former C niversit\' of Chicago football star \\·ho was · one of the players to \\'in the Chicago Tribune a\Yard. as,. the most valuable player in the Big fen, anrl Fritz Crisler, v;ho has charge of the national high school basketball tournaments held each Year at the lfniyersity of Chicago, -will St?eak. Dmner will be served in the h1p;h school mess hall and the program \\'111 follow. Mrs. W. \Vallace Kerr was hostess to. her T_uesday club at luncheon and bndge thts week at her home, 707 Forest avenue. anrl .Mrs. A. J. Nystrom and their daughter, Jane, left by motor last Monday morning for Miami Beach ~Ia., to spend three months. ' B. A. BOPDISKI, Manufacturer 9 t 6 CHICAGO AVE . ~ PURBIER UNIVERSITY 3 71.1 Retailer EVANSTON 1166 Wi . l.m elle Ave. Phone Wilmette 1061 11r. --o--

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