Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Jan 1930, p. 11

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January 10, 1930 WILMETTE LIFE EN.TERTAIN FOR SON 11 Mr. and Mrs. Norton A. Booz, 919 Forest avenue, entertained a group of young people for their son, Spencer, and his holiday guest, David Stearn, at the dinner dance at the Lake Shore Athletic club on New Year's eve. Dr. M. H. Bickham to Address P. T. A. of Logan·Howard The next meeting of the Logan-Howard Parent-Teacher association will be held in the auditorium of the Howard school Tuesday, evening, January 14, at 8 o'clock. _Dr. Martin H. Bickhan~ of \~ilmette .,~·tll spe~~ on the subJect~ Colleg~ Comm.umttes ~nd . Student _character. Dr. Btckham. ts dtret;tor 0_1 the Vvork ~or th~ Handtcapped m Chtca~o. Ourmg the .war he was engaged m Y. ¥· C. A. work and also has done soct~l s~ttle!llent work. The address he w:ll gtve tS the re~ult. of .research W<?rk tn one hundred tn.shtu.twns al! over the countr~·. ~e w11l gtve porttons of an address dehvered December 28 at the national meeting of the American Sociological society at Washington, D. c. The date of the Logan-Howard P. T. A. card party has been changed to Thursdav evening, January 30, in the gymnasium of the Howard school. There will be prizes and refreshments. Tickets may be obtained from the room chairman, room teacher, or Mrs. Bersch, Wilmette 1707. The Babies Friendly society will meet at the home of Mrs. Donald Maxwell, 1414 Forest avenue \Vcdnesdav. Januarv 15, at 1 :30 o'clock. The Kenilworth Reading class under the direction of Mrs. Anthony French ~1 erritl will meet this morning at the home of Mrs. Walter A. Knoop, 221 \Varwick road, Kenilworth. The book for d.iscussion this week is Lippman's "A Preface to Morals ." -oMiss ] ·:an Marx, daughter of Mr. and ~rs. \Vatter Marx. 533 Essex road, Kenilworth, returned to Boston on Sunday to resume her studies at Miss \Vheeiock's school. . Kenilworth Club Starts Mallinckrodt Mothers to Its New Winter Program Give· Tea on Janu~ry 17 The Kenilworth club is having a dinner bridge this ev~ning with Mrs. Alexander Joslin and Mrs. Joseph White as hostesses. This is the first evening party of the new year. The New Year's day tea was a most enjoyable affair. . As has been the custom since the organization of the Kenilworth club there was "open house" ·w ith a supper served at 6 o'cl~ck. The ·hall was filled with dancers. The hall was beautifully decorated under the inspiration of Mrs. Wendell Clark. in the midst of deep evergreens hung huge red silken bells. The entire ceiling seemed a mass of the green and the bells cast the rosy light over the d n er . Mrs. Herbert Ta lor was a c s Y hostess at the supper. The Mallinckrodt Mother's club will give a tea Friday afternoon, January 17, at 3 o'clock at the High school. The mothers cordially invite the friends of the school to meet Sister Raphaelis, the new principal. Dan Harrison, oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry P. Harrison, 307 Abbottsford road, Kenilworth, has returned to Asheville, N. C., where he is attending the · Asheville School for Boys this year. HOUSEHOLD GOODS SALE January 17·1i Inclusive You cannot afford to miss VALUES Hardware Company 1219 Wilmette ATe. MILLEN In Our Beauty Shop Eugene, Frederick, LeMur, Duro Permanent Waves Smart creations for smart women. Expert attention In all kinds of beauty treatment by competent opera· tors. Only the most modern equipment used. Most ,·aJue·glvlng service on tlle North Shore. · C. L. Ricketts Exhibits Illuminating Art at N. U. C. L. Ricketts of 807 Ashland avenue, Wilmette, has loaned his collection o{ medieval illuminations to the Renaissance societv of the University of Chicago. The society placed them on exhibit last Monday in \Vieboldtl'. hall on the M·c Kinlock campus and they will remain there through Saturday, January 18. · They may be 1 viewed daily from 2 to 5 o'clock. Mr. Ricketts is honorary curator of manuscripts at the Chicago Art Institute, and his collection of medieval manuscripts is considered one of the finest in the country. Miss Marjorie Oleson, who has been passing the holidays w:th her parents, Mr. and. Mrs. John P. Oleson, 240· Woodstock avenue, Kenilworth, · re- , turned last Sundav to Boulder, Colo., to resume her studies at the University of Colorado. MONDAY-TUESDAY SPECIAL Open Friday Evenings Shampoo and Finger Wave $1.00 WILMETTE For Appointment-Phone Entrance 1911-1133 LA CARITA BEAUTY SALON Winberg's Drug Store 417 LINDEN A VENUE The Drug Store i· the Middle of the Block PACKING We pack China, Bric-a-Brac, Silverware, Books, Wedding Gifts and Household Goods. MOVING We specialize in House to House and Long Distance Moving. BARGAINS HERE IN WILME'l"l'E We have just a few standard make, all electric brand new radios to offer for the week beginning Saturday, January 11th, at practically 50% below the list price. . $149.00 BRUNSWICK Bremer-Tully chassis STORING We place at your disposal our Modern Warehouse for the storage of Household Goods, Pianos, etc. SHIPPING We ship Household Furniture and Office Equip· ment to all parts of the World. Chairs and tables for rent for all occasions. $410.00 RADIOLA 62 Superheterodyne circuit $95.00 $375.00 SPARTON Model 89A $235.00 $925.00 VICTOR RADIO LA· ELECTROLA · A deluxe phonograph-radio combination $199.50 FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE Don't delay-if you ra111tot came in, 'fJhot~e us and a represe·tatif1e will call. $495.00 STORAGE 521 MAIN STRBBT Wilmette 32 WILMBTTB, ILL. U·IPnsltJ 7317 Wibaette Mluic Shop Carletotl Kaumeyer 1179 WILMETTE AvENUE Phone WILMETTE Opposite Village Hall 3006

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