Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Dec 1929, p. 12

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12 WILMETTE LIFE December 27, 1929 Wilmette.Playground and Recreation Activities community carol · Service Attracts Many Villagers Assisted by a chorus of children frotn the Wilmette public schools, more than 600 villagers gathered around the municipal Christmas tree on the Village hall lawn on Christmas Eve to join in the annual carol service. This is the ninth consecutive year the service has been held and tllf~ fourth under the direction of the Wilmette Playground and Recreation board. For more than an hour the grou~ stood around the tree, which was lighted especially for the occasion by the Public Service company, and joined in the song service. R. D. Burtner led the carolers who sang to the accompaniment of the public school band trained by Joseph C. Schumacher and directed by Robert Klemm. Village President Earl E. Orner, opened the service with a short address of welcome. The children's chorus was trained by Mrs. Stella Maher, supervisor of music in the Wilmette public schools, and was chosen from the children in the first, second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth grades. The carols used in the service were taught to all the children in the public school system. Women's Basketball Houghnecks (43) Ut!raldine Weber \' t!ra Johnson Alice Nord Xaomi Price Ethel Keenor Lorraine O'Shea Jans, Brownies ( 3 4) Eva Berndston Mary Lauer Janet Brown Mary Nlestadt Florence Clifford Anne Boddie Jans, 'Visconsin ( 36) Anne Stempel Hita ·weber Elizabeth Faber Ruth :Smith Catherine Pearson Catherine Didier Harriet McDermott Jam;, RECREATION CALENDAR · Golf course at foot of Greenleaf avenue. 9 p. m.-Ice ponds close. Golf cour~e at foot of Greenleaf aYenue. 9 n. 111.-Ponds close. 9 :30 a. m.-Jce ponds open. ~ p. m.- Ice ponds close. ~1 !~ 9 a. m.- Ice ponds open. Village Green. Monday, December 30 Girls' Club Dance Important Event of Christm as Season 1 :\larjorie Iverson Pamalee Burpee 'atherine Pearson I )orothy Vollman Olive Billimack ~larjorie Paterson referee Purdue (10) Engels Anne Stempel Jane Krier Huth Conley Blsie Paterson ~I arie Arndt referee G llldys T:\T (2) 9 a. m.-Ice POll.ds open. Village Green. TuPsday, DecembPr 31 Wednestla.y, January t a. p. m.-Ice ponds open. m. - J('e ponds close. Thur~thlY, Januar:r 2 Illinois ( 0) Yirginia Fitzhugh Elaine Burberiek ~lari · .Arndt Helen Hunter Dorothy Huschli \\'innifrt·d Barry O'Kays ( :13) l'hyllis Da.lly I 'oro thy Smith Elsie Paterson Emma Hicks Mary Hoffman H.ita "Weber refereP. a. m.-Ice ponds open. 8 p. m.-Recreation dancing class for married cou!lles. Stolp school. 9 p. m.- Jce ponds close. 9 ,<.; Friday, January 3 · p. 111.-Public claftce.. Girls' l'!uh. I Inward ~chool. Tue!Hiny. January 7 Athletic A contribution of inestimable value to the social life of Elkton, Ky., has been made by Mrs. Mary Louise MilTeam Standings Won Lost Percent liken-Childs in the gift of the Milliken 1000 5 0 Houghntcks Memorial Community House , costing 1000 0 \Visconsin 5 $75,000. Of colonial architecture, with 800 Dark Horses -l 1 imposing high white columns, the build800 H orsefeathers 4 1 ing contains a library, an assembly hall 1 750 ~orthwestern 3 ., O'Kays .... I 750 with stage, bathroom, kitchen and liv:l llrownies 2 600 ing room. All the clubs of Elkton v..·ill 500 XYZ ~ ~ Ice Rinks Mecca for gather here a·nd church and civic :~ 250 Chicago I :I 1 250 societies will have their meetings in ~he Throngs of Villagers Ohio ~ 200 Swimming teams of New Trier High Purdue 1 Community House. It will be the center Although only three chances of flood - TNT 200 I ·I ~ch oo l and Englewood High school of of the community's social life. 0 ~ 000 ing the ice ponds have been alloted· to Illinois Chicago divided honors last Saturday 4 000 0 the attendants at the Village Green ~otre Dam e afternoon in a meet held at the New and on Greenleaf avenue thev have been THIEF STEALS TRINKETS Trier natatorium. The New Trier senable to previde a thick coa-t of ice atlr----------------.....,~ A burglar who gained entrance to ior team nosed out Englewood 35 to each place. the Hans A. Spanuth re sidence at 229 33, but the Gray and Green junior During the holidays the ponds will Sixth street while the family was gqile team lost to the Englewood juniors, be open to the public from 9 o'clock Monday evening by prying open a champions of Chicago schools, 28 to 25. in the morning until 9 o'clock in the first floor window with a bricklayer's Xorman Roos again was high point evening, inclusive of the Christmas Pres. n (19) st. Josqlh (H) hammer, failed to take anything of man for the New Trier senior team, and New Year's Day. The same hours John Ouse .John lliff g reat value. The thief stole a ring, tie taking first in the 40-yard swim :md will be in effect on Saturdays and Sun- Hobert Koenen \ ' il'tf·r Dt'inlein pin, necklace, and other trinkets. second in the 100-yard swim, as well Frank Reynolds Hollin Simo nds days throughout the remainder of t h e !::lherwood Palmer Stanlc·y Hawldn~;on as swimming on both the 160-yard reseason and a daily schedule of 3 :30 to Fred Russell <..'al'l Yost lay and medley relay teams. 9 o'clock will be put into effect at Harloff, referee Ed Hoffman, who took first in the the opening of school after Christmas Schneider's Scultz & )J ord ( 4tl) 40-yard breast stroke event and secvacation. Bootery ( 12 ) ond in the 100-yard swim, was high Hobert McLea n The toboggan at the Village Green Earl Miller point man for New Trier in the junior .John Haas is deemed by the ·r ecreation officials Hobert Steffens Bertell Johnson .John Borncarnp meet. Although Englewood captured to be even more popular than last year. W. Uttenreuther (h·e \Veberg· Howard 6B II (11) Howard 6A II (2) more first places in both divisions, The recent deep snow has become August Wallowitz ~Jorris Lang John !::lperedes Hobert ~IacMoran Kew Trier was more successful in Alfred Anderson Lloyd Hallsberghardpacked which ettables people using Haymond Hoffman Harloff, referee <'arl Frankel \nlliam Wadf> winning second and third places. the toboggan to have a runway extend \Villiam Shearer l·~lmer Stone First place in the ·fancy diving events from the west part of the Village Methodist ( 19) Eng. Luth. ( 18) Stuart Edmonds Biglow Haley William Melby ·. Fred 'Vaidner went to New Trier in both sections of Green to the Howard school. ' ~annan Neilson Varney Howard 7A I (4) Stoh) 7B I (H) the meet. "Bud" Clabaugh, who is A total of 2,800 villagers skated on Charles Chester Stark Kenneth Page William Mac)loran Don Anderson out for swimming for the first time the Village Green . pond during the Lowell Todd \Vallace Stark Allan Henrickson Tom Finlayson this year, won first in the senior meet, first three days of skating and more Philip Cressey Claude l\Iaine Ed Snyder .Jame:-; Burrill Winfield Rogers James Reinhold and Dick Barnard captured the honors than one. tho.usand skaters were record'Wayne Cochrane Frank Hooper Fred Abbott ~tanley Co~1rane Robert Keil for New Trier in the junior meet. ed at the Golf Course, according to Harloff, refereC' David Cressey Ernest Enchelmayer, member of the tabulcrtions filed in the Playground Presbyterian ( 39) \\. olff-G riffis ( 2 ~) New Trier senior team, and Bill No!'dand Recreation board offi.ce. Howard a A. I ( 0) 5C II ( 2) Howard Hobert WilsOP Herbert Weld burg, of the New Trier junior team, Scarff Harvey Steffens Charles Lauer E\"Prett Yan MPter .Donal A WINTER ·SCOOTER Fred Baker George Schwall each won third place in fancy diving. l!~d Hill George l\Ierganthaler Ted Matson Paul Kaspar When the ground is covered with Harry Stone Manor Boyd Edgar B. Jackson, swimming coach, Robert Dorrna n Robert Christensen announces that New Trier's next swimDon Boyd snow the boy~ who have made scooters Carl Hall Gordon Bolen Charles Beck Lt·onard Koenen Herbert Wulff can still use them by putting wooden ming engagement will be held after Robert Wolff runners on in place of the wheels. They The Gray and Stolp 8 B II ( :i) Howard SA II (10) school is resumed. Paterson, refen·P must be eut so that they will fit into Elmer Young Frank Christenson Green swimmers open their Suburban Russell Wyle Reginald Green Junior A. C. (15) the fram~ easily. The runners should State Bank (34) league season with Oak Park at Oak William Zoernich Alfred Struebing Smith Robert \Yaters be cut from boards one inch thick Robert Park on January 10. Last year the Dick Born Philip Hoelz Henry· Svecht T"a wrence Roth and about six ipches wide. They may Ballard Robinson Norton Potter Harrison Storms Lawrence Huck New Trier senior swimming team won Jack Gaither Jack Stein Dick Huck be from ten to sixteen inches, depend- ('arl Clifton second place in the Suburban league. Dick Withrow Donald ~Tdntyrf' ing on the amount of room there is Paterson, referee in each end of ·the scooter frame. To Howard SA I ( 5) Stolp SB I ( 11) PUZZLING REQUEST insure easy coastin~ the runners may Team Standings George Maxwell Paul Soule According to the terms of the will Won Lost Pet. Ed Horn b · fac;ed with s'trips ,.of tin or thin John Bartholomew Presbyterian I ......... 7 1000 Henry Hoffmeier 0 Dick Preston_.,. of Michael Francis Cahill, a life long strap it~, rtp.att.tr ..e\Jt the holes for Schultz & Nord ......... 7 0 1000 Robert Hermanson Robert Klel resident of Boston, the city of Boston the Krews so the heads will lie flush Methodist .............. 5 840 Thorne Edwards Bernard Saxon is to have the annual income of a trust 840 with the ., metal and not stick out. A State Bank ............ !i fund of $350,000 to expend for "some PrPsbyterian I . . . . . .. 4 560 Stolp 7B 1 (16) St. Francis II ( 0) special tQe (rip will be needed for St. Joseph .... .. ....... ~ new and special ' recreation.." 'fhe 500 James Burrill Jack Byrnes the foot . ~b does the propelling. \Yolff-Grlffi !:i ............ :~ 420 Tom Finlayson Stuart Fitzhugh mayor, the president of the Boston This can tie Plade from a short skate Terminal A. C. . ........ 3 420 Billy Stackhouse Paul Dempse¥ Chamber of Commerce and a third 420 Frank Hooper strap to .· wlllch have been attached Ridge Pharmacy ....... 3 Jack Lechner member to be elected by them will form Scll.1eider's Bootery .... 1 143 Bob Read Dan Logan three pop h.ottle 'caps, ~he ragged edges Junior- A. C. . .... _... .. 1 143 David Cressey a committee to try to interpret the on the lowet--.icfe; · Englt·h Lutheran ...... 0 000 Don Anderson meaning of the phrase. Chicago (6) Geraldine 1\Iick Elizabeth Hoffman Marion Weber Louise Coglianese Bernice Gould Jeanette Brennan Jans, 2 p. m.-Annual Village Green. Saturc1ny. Ja11~ary 11 }('f; Skating carnival. NEW COMMUNITY BUILDING Members of the Girls' Athletic club of the Playground and Recreation board are feverishly intersp,e rsing an the social events connected with Christmas vacation and feteing the crowd of students returning home for the holidays with a big drive to sell tickets for the informal dance they will give Jan uary 7 at the Howard school. The dance will be given to "help defray the deficit encountered in the married couples' dancing class which holds weekly meetings on Friday evenings at the Stolp school. Members of . the executive, social, and charity committees who are collaborating in making plans for the dance are working all the more frantically since there will not be another club meeting before the date of the dance. Final plans are to be made at a ~p ecial meeting of the members of the three committees Monday evening at the home of Miss Joe Skidmore, assistant in charge of women's activities, 946 Spanish Court. Special emphasis is being made on the fact that tickets will be on sale at the door in addition to the pre-ticket sale. New Trier Divides Swimming Contest With South Siders Men's Basketball Intramural Basketball

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