Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Dec 1929, p. 8

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8 WILMETTE LIFE December 27, 1929 News of Interest.to Church-Goers of Our Village First Presbyterian and teachers ot the school who made this possible. Woman's Club Tenth and Greenleaf The children from Lake Bluff OrphanRe\'. Clyde Randolph Wheeland, B. D. age would all like to say thank you for 815 Greenwood . avenue the joy which came to them through the Telephone- Wilmette 3281 ministry of this church at Christmas time. Through the Philathea class, led by Mrs. "Out of the Ashes shall ri~e a Church, Roy Haskins, nearly 011e hundred were flner in spirit, greater in structure and entertained in Wilmette homes. We are quite sure that the goal of seven hundred richer in service." dollars for our ca~h contribution will be All the services of the church and Sun- reached. day school will be held in the Woman's Club' at Tenth and Greenleaf on Sunday, The Ladies' Aid society will meet on December 29 at the usual hours. We are .January !.1 instead of the first Thursday glad to announce this temJlQrary ar- in the month. rangement for this one Sunday and will publish nex.t week the name and address The pastor announced last Sunday a of future meeting place tor Sunday school very generous and significant memorial and church until the time or rebuilding gift providing for all of the equipment of has b'en completed. the inner chancel. This beautiful gift is of love by t,he children of · Sunday morriing worship at 11 a . m. an expression and Mrs. Wilford C. Shurtleff, who Sermon topic, "Out of the Ashes, or What Mr. wer.e for many years loial and devoted Is Salvation." · members of this church . Sunday ~ehool at 9:30 a. m., as usualThe First Quarterly conference will be all departments. held Wednesday, Janua.r.v 8. Christian Endeavor will meet at the home of Miss Ruth Bennet, 1033 Ashland The pastor nnd QeopiP of the 1\fethorlist avenue at 5:30 p. 111 · · f'hnrch rlt>epl;\' reg-ret the heaYy loss that has fallen upon the Presbyterian church The largest conzregation Qf years was in the burnin~ of their buildiug. Early R. magnlfieent demonstration of the lo:val- on the morning after the fire, tht> pastor ty and Interest of . our people. lt i's a informt>rl the Persbyterian pastor that prophecy of the future in most enC'our- all the equipment of this church was at agin:::: terms. Dr. Vale of the First Pres- tht>i_r disposal for such meetings as seemed bytel'ian church of Oak Park in writinE!" dPSirable. to the congregation expressed what is our slogan for our Chy_rch: "I know that out o~ .the ashes ~ha11 rise a church fint>r "Tilmt>tte and Park aY'nues, Wilmette in sp1nt, ~reater m structure, and richer Ht:>rman '\\". :Meyer, pastor In S'1'\'IC'e." We face the future with conTel <' phonp 1:196 fidence because of th e splendid spirit 406 Prairie avenue Church telephon e 3111 shown. by the con,:regation sinl'e om· recent disaster. Cottage Industries Now Augment Farming Occupation Among HinduS Gbandi Ia Potent Force in Teaching Indian Villagers to Find Emploimerit Editor's note: Rev. and Mrs. Clarence E. Wolsted, minister in India for the Winnetka Congregational church, are spending their furlough year at 796 Pine street, Winnetka. Following is the third of a series of interesting articles which Mr. Wolsted h_ a s prepared exclusively for this publication concerning the work in which he and Mrs. Wolsted are engaged. in this manner. a Iittl~ ingenuity will do. One pastor's wife organized a woman's mat-making association for her area, the educational department is adding this work to the curriculum and so it goes forward. The sky line is everywhere dotted with the cocoanut palms. But in the past the cocoanut husks were discarded, or, at best, used for fuel. Here was raw material for rope-making. An International Harvester company booklet gave us ideas on rope-making and now we have a machine putting waste products to use. The picturesque sight of the woman going to the well with a water jar on her head is common. Since the local clay is famed for the making of water jars, it was natural to infer that it would make good tile. Samples of clay were sent to the tile factories of western India for analysis. The report was most favorable and now an Indian firm has built up a tile plant in our town and is sending house tile bv the cart-loarls to neighboring areas. There is a large field for this type of pioneering. The day for using machine-made products only has not yet arrived in India. There is no question in regard to the difference of quality and output of the machine-made product over the hand-made. The problem is how to provide work for the millions of idle men and women of the rural areas. The people can only be helped as t 1 H'Y T learn to help themselves. hey must stand on their own feet. Vlith such a 1 f · b · s ogan the armer ts ecomtng more self-reliant. He is recognizing that' thrift and steadv work is the only wav to face the spectre of poverty that has · I St. John's Lutheran !he !'ollowlng new members were receJVt>d 1~to the church last Sunday: Mrs. Frank (, , p~ouj>, George D. Kilmer, Mrs. Lyne.tte . h.1lnwr and Miss Helen Soule. We .lllYite all tho~e who at·e without a C:hut ch ~nt.llE> and clPsire to unite with us m Chnst1a n. fellowship· to meet with us at the dost· of any regular se n ·it'e of the chur<:h. .. Prayer met>ting· will not be held until W'dn ... sday ev('ning, January 8 and the place of :}Jlsembly will be annou~ced later. The congreg~t!on a.t:e grn teful for . the supern~wn gtven tlw church's phys1cal property by past and present members. of the Board of Trustees who saw to 1t that the church building and rontents were fully_ covet"d by insu1·ance The detaile.d in~·entory of contents .;hich Is now .of 111e~t1mable '\;.Zl}ue is ·one mark of th'11' busmess-like conduct of the churc·h's affairs. !'lUpe~h An 'XJ)rPssion of snicere thanks to the churches of the communjty and the manager of ,t~e TL·:Hro del La~o for tlwil· offer ot facillti<'S to tb.e congregation is tendt>red at thi~ tim~ .. It is an evidence of the ~ommumty sp1nt of cooperation which ls hlghly appreciated. Following is the -;;;usical vrogram for SUf'!da;\'. December 29: Plano Prelude, "Nocturne in E Flat" . ;. : . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . .... Chopin Anthem, ..Rm~ Out, \Vild Bells" .. Gounod Anthem. God is Love" . . . ...... Shelley 0ff'rtory, "1 re Shnll Feed His r,lock"- -:\fessiah .......... .. . . Handel Con'!"' l nto Him"-Mt'ssiah .... Handel .Mis!-l Bm.;house and Mrs. Gannon Glona (12th Mass) . . . ...... . .. Mozart The Choir C'atherine Bushouse, soprano· John n Millt>r. tt'nor; HoRe Lutiger Gn ~non con~ tralto ,; F.dw:ml Otis, ba~; Erma H~unds orgam"t and director. ' Methodist Church ThP followin~ four services are scheduled for next Sunday: 9 :30 a . m.-Church School A progrn m of interPst to aU. 11 a. m.--\Vorship Service .. The Trail of Life Through College and Elsewhere." 4 p, m.-A Vesper C'ommunion Service For young- and old. In th<> mellow glow of the lighted C'hristmns trees. 5 n. m.-The D'dicatiou of the \\~oman's Room A thing of beauty and of useful joyous sen·ice. ' This church cooperates In the Runclav evening club which meets In the Congregational church at 7 :30. This week Dr Geor~e CraiJ!: Stewart will dellver a New Year s message. Joel Lay will be the soloist. ,, The beautiful CJlristmas pageant, the Light of tbe World," given by the church school lut Sunday afternoon, was a great succ~ss. ltfuch ce.rdlt Is due the otncers Mahatma Ghandi is still a leader in India. This year he declined the presidency of the National Congress in order to devote his time to furthering the Khaddar campaign. This is a mov.:!ment to introduce cottage industries into the 800,000 villages. The Indian farmer has not followed a diversified system of farming but has been idle for from four to six months each year. To meet this situation subsidiary occupations are being encouraged and revived. The factory system is rapidly developing in the cities but with that the hand crafts in the farm home must be de veloped. Ghandi is placing emphasis upon the weaving of cloth and handSERVICES spinning and daily sets the example Sunday After hristmas b · · tl t k 9 :30 A. :\f. ~unday school and Bible Y engagmg 111 la wor . classes In meeting the problem of unemploy9 :45 A. M. First service and ~ermon ment our first aim is to study local 11 A. M. Second f:'rviC'e and i{ermon 1 Fiermon: "Broadcasting the Glad Tid- needs and the raw products availab e. ings," Luke 2, 17 M ats are use d f or b e d s an d many Ne"· Year's EH Fien·iee, Derember 31 household purposes and since the korai 7 :15 P. M. Confessional serYice for com- grass or reed grows in our districts this municantl'> 7:45 P. M. SerYice and Holy Communion work of mat-making is being started. Sermon: "The Unchangeable God." The hand looms are made by village P!lalm 102, 27 ! t f $2 50 e h and by add New Year's Morning Service, January 1 ~arpen ers .or · ac ' 19 :30 A. M. Confessional service for com- mg some Improvements to the o d munlcants method, the output has been doubled. enslaved him for ages. 9:45 A. M. Service and Holy Communion· One is constantly impressed with what (To be continued) &rmon: ·~he Nam' A~~ EYMY -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name, Jesus." Phil. 9-ll. The Annual Congregational meeting will A New Yeat's GreeUng to All be held Wednesday evening, .January 8. That the New Year whose days like Several councilmen are to be elected at Corner of Greenleaf avenue and blank pages lie before us, may havt> in this meeting. Every confirmed member Seventh street store for you many blessings from God, should be present. Carl I. Empsdn, pastor Who is unchanging in His love for all humanity, and that we may recognize The pastor and family desire to thank and acknowledge blessings, and use them The First Sunday after Christmas for His glory and the welfare of our- 9 :45 a. m . . . ...... . ........ Sunday School all who have helped to make this a most ~elves and others, i. our New Year's Walter Reisner, general superintendent glorious Christmas. Never before have Wish. Thus may you have a HAPPY 11 a. m .. ........... . ... Morning worship they received so m.a ny beautiful gifts at Christmas time. A full list of them will NEW YEAR. Sermon: "The Flight Into Egypt" appear in the Wilmette Lutheran January The third of the series of sermons en- issue. There will be two communion service! titled "Sennons in Glass" during the coming week, the first on the last evening of the present year, and the New Year's resolutions are in order. second on the first morning of thf' new YPar. All those who wish to receive the Perhaps you do not believe in resolutions. Wilmette and Forest avenues Sacrament are requested to announce this Om· Lord Jesus Christ did. He commended Rev. George D. Allison, pastor to the pastor either after one of the holi- a very bad steward's action in making a day services or on Saturday afternoon good resolution. He drew a lesson for us The Christmas joy will echo in the servor evening, Dec. 2!1, at the parsonage. from the resolution making steward when ice on Sunday which will mark the closhe said: .. Make to yourselves friends by While the Lord's Supper will be celeing of another year in Christian service. brated on these days, the services are not means of the mammon ot the righteous- An appropriate message will be delivered intended only for such as are coming to ness so that when it fails they may re- by the Pastor, Revere_!,l.d Geor~e D. Allithe Lord's Supper but for all, regardless ceive :rou into eternal tabern!;Lcles." If with the topic, "The Tent and the of ~hether they commune or not. These you do believe in resolutions, may I sug- son, Mansion." The Baptist Transit will be services have always been very well at- gest one? ·'Resolved: That I and my fam- furnished tend<'d and we wish to avoid any mis- ily will flnd a church home i.ll Wilmette, January. to each family for use during understanding about them. We hope and that we will avail our11elves of every that all of our members and friends will opportunity offered to worship God." The Church school will convene at 9 :30 spend one of the last hours of the closing year at worship in their house of God. The New Year finds us changed, we o'clock. It is hoped that everyone will make a special effort to be on time. There are not the same persons we were at The order of the Sunday morning serv- the beginning of 1929. Either we are better will be a joint meeting of all departments ice follows: or we are worse. We are either nearer in the church auditorium which will be Prelude, Gloria in Excels is .... Guilmant God or farther from Him. We never stand in charge of the "Busy Buzzers"-our Jlymn 149 still spiritually. Many who read this will .Junior boys and girls who are members The Liturgy not see the beginning of 1931. 1930 is of the Junior society. Choir, For the Glory of the Lord from a new page in the book of life tor all of Messiah . . . . .·. ..... ...... . ..'Handel us. What shall be written there is pretty We hope that the B. Y. P. U. meeting Offertory, Pastorale .............. Lemare largely up to each individual. What will at 5 :30 Sunday evening will be an exJfymn 152 it be for you, for me. We hope that it ceptionally good one for it is in charge Sermon, "Broadcasting the Glad Tidings," will be the very best year we have ever of the Cabinet. We e.13~cially invite the Luke 2, 17 lived in every wav. God can make it young people who are home from college Hymn 154 so. Walk the road with Him. to meet with us. Benediction Hymn 155 The Church council will meet Monday, The F. A. S. is an organization of Postludium . . .. .... .............. Rogers January 6 at 8 p. m. This meeting is the adults of the church who meet every Monday evening, January 6, the Con- called tor Monday evening because of other Sunday at 5 :30 o'clock for an incordia College Glee club of Milwaukee, the Annual Congregational meeting which formal devotional meeting, usually in the . home of one of the members. These Wis., Is giving a concert at the New Trier falls on January 8. High school auditorium under the ausmeetings prove very helpful and interestThe Women's Missionary society will ing to all those attending and all adults pices ot the Seni<>!" and Junior Young People ot St. John's. This Glee club meet Thursday afternoon, January 2, at are welcome. The meeting on Sunday numbers sixty-five young men, all of 2 :30 o'clock. December 29th, will be in the home of Mr: whom are preparing for the ministry and and Mrs. A. E. G_ ebert. 1526 Greenwood are taking the six years' preparatory · The · Ltrthe-r· league will- hold its next avenue. course before entering the theological meeting Sunday evening-, January 5. The t~~emlnary. meeting begins- promptly at ~ :30 p. m. _ A special service will be held on Wed4 English Lutheran Wilmette Baptist

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