Decembet 20, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE ' fiRST STOP <ltlfrintmun 1930 I JOIN ·til~ Christmas SAVINGS Be Prepared for the Glad-some Yuletide of 1930 With A Full Purse and Happy Smile Why not be one of those who will have a definite amount of cash on hand for the 1930 Christmas season. Our bank has made many happy this year by the payment of Christmas Savings. We urge you to join now for 1930.· Christmas Savings are simply a matter of putting as little or as much away each week as you can spare. Surprising how it adds up at the end of the year. Let us explain our plan to you. CLUB NOW e I Over 60 Thousand Dollars 1¥as Paid to Our 1929 Club Members FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WILMETTE