Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Dec 1929, p. 62

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WILMETTE John Bartholomew, Russell Wyle, Don'l.ld Anderson, William Stackhouse, Fra·.·k Hardin, Tom Antrim. John Beam, William Jenkins, Dick Torrey, Dick Harvey, and Locke Rogers. Logan boys who rt:ceived stars and belts are: Douglas Huck, Robert Anderson, Aleo Pastachio, Charles Editor's note: The following story was Spinner, Dick Remberty, Dick Haas, Amos chosen the best out of a list of eighty Hodgkins, John Seddon and Dick Taylor. stories written by eighth grade pupils of Howard in an elimination contest By Philip Hoelz . to select an .editor-and-ohief of the A program, chiefly for. the avyardt:lg .JUNIOR LIFE staff of tha school. In the final contest four stories submitted w ere of equipment to the J umor Pollee a_nd judged and highest honor accredit~d to attended by members of the Sentor the pupil who wrote the best story went Assembly, was held Thursday, Novemto Philip Hoelz. A similar program was held at the Stolp school on Tu esday ber 12 at the Howard school. The pupils were gathered in the aswhen the new eouipment purchased by the Central-Laun>l Parent-Teacher asso- sembly hall of the school when Village ciation was pre~ented to the members of President Earl E. Orner enter~d on the Junior Police corps of that school. Mrs. \V. A. Kendrick, pr sident of tht! the stage. Immediately the puplls. reParent-Teacher as;;;ociation made the sponded by cheering and applaudm~. presentation, following nddr sses by Dnn- Soon Mrs. H. 0. von der Hoff, Low e ll iel M. Da\'is, director of recr eation, and J. R. Ilar.)X'r, S\l,l)Pt·iutendent of \Vilmdt e F. · Todd, principal of Howard sch?Cll, schools. Boys from Stolp and Central Daniel M. Davis, director of recreatiOn, recei\'ing bndges and belts w e t·e: i lnml<.l and "Hap" Gathercoal entered. Verhal en, captain; Andrew Ru!-i~O. Char!As As soon as the pupils and the speakTanner, \Villiam Kntz, Harry Minor; li eutenants, Donald Tot-ppen, .Tacl<: :\fiilct·, ers were assembled. Mark Simons, head LIFE , . December 20, 1929 Wins Editorship by Writing Best Story About Junior Police ~rtttingn iltrry Qlqrtntman At this time we are prompted to thank all of our friends and customers for their liberal patronage. with the hope that we may continue through 1930 to serve you. DANIEL GANS HAIR SHOP 507-509 MAIN STREET UNIVERSITY 6262, GREENLEAF 1426 (Opposite Evanshire Hotel) of the Senior Assembly, announced that "Hap" Gathercoal would award the speedball championship. pennants. The first awarded was to SC Howard which also won the football championship. The second was awarded to 6A team members. They too had won the football championship. Next came 7B, al:;o football champions. 8A was awarded the fourth pennant for being speedball chanlpion of the eighth grades of the village. Every one of the fortunate rooms was given a yell led by the Howard yell leaders, Chambers, Christy, and Hermanson. All the speedball championships came to Hov,·ard school this sear. Mr. Todd gave a short talk on what the ] unior Police should mean to the pupils of the Howard school and what the pupils :: hould do· to h eip the po licemen. ~lr. Davis then gavc.: a short talk and also complimented the ] tmi,)r Police and explai:1ed tit..:: \\ ,.l k of the sc hool corps. Then Village President Orner wa<; introduced by ).Ir. Davi s. In his address, Mr. Orner told of the merits of the ] unior Police, saying that any time a ) unior Police boy thought it nccessarv he could call o n the \Viimette Police department for aid. \Vhik talking, he mentioned that the l'olicc department of \Vilmettc consi'lted nf sixteen men and a chief. Tlt\!n he told of an incident that happcne'l une day v.·hile he was motoring to the city. He saw a Junior Police boy trying to prevent a large automobile fron":. 1 Jittin~ a small girl crossing the trcet. The automobile would not stop and barely missed the child. The police uoy notified a policeman at the next cros;;ing and the next thing that Mr. Orner saw was the driver of the automobile receiving a good stiff "bawling out." Mr. Davis told of the equipment to be presented to the Junior Police force by Mrs. von der Hoff, president of the Howard-Logan Parent- Teacher association. The association purchased the equipment which consisted of stars, belts, raincoats, and rain hats. After presenting the equipment Mrs. von der Hoff gave the police boys a compliment. Favette Lilly, captain of the Howard Junior Police corps, thanked Mrs. von der Hoff 011 behalf of the corps. The list of boys who received the equipment includes: Fayette Lilly, captain, Frank Koenen, lieutenant, Phili11 Samuelson, John Bailey, Rudolph Kaspar, David Haas, John Wei tcr, Bill Bersch, Jarvis Brown, Edward Colegrove, lieutenant, Alfred Struehin~, Bob Smith, Albert Crane, Gerald Spinner, Bob Hermanson, and Paul Hoffman. At W oma.n 's Club -----------------.1 By R. L. P. Prof. Davis Edwards of the q_epartment of public speaking of the Uni versity of Chicago, read "The King 's Henchman," by Edna St. Vincent M dlay, before members of the Woman 's club of \Vilmette on Wednesday after noon. In spite of the blizzard the usu a l number of members turned out, which speaks well for the club programs. "The King's Henchman," it will ~><.: remembered, is a lyric drama written bv Miss Millay at the behest of th~ 11ctropolitan Opera company of X York, and music for it was composed bv Deems Taylor. Unlike mos.t ope ra tihrettos, howe,·e r, "The King's Benc hman" can stand bv itself as an absorb ing dramatic \\'O~k. full of smoothly flowing, beautiful poetry, and havi11 g an essential dramatic conflict that carrics the reader .on and on to the la :> t line of the last page. Professor Ed\\'ards possesses a deep ba. s Yoice particularh· suited. it seemed, to portray the J,rawny, stah,·art men of the tenth rentun· in England. during which tim e the ston takes place. He read with power, and his excellent diction ma \k hearing easy. One got the feeling of strength ancl depth of the story. Eadgar, King of England, i~ found at the opening of the drama sendilig off his foster brother, Aethelwold, to Devon, where Aelfrida, daughter of Ordgar, Thane of Devon, lives. Sl1e is reputed to he very beautiful, and the King is anxious to have Aethelwold verifv the stories about her beautv. Ilc is a young man who is tired of hi s "·ido\\·ed Jot and wishes to marrv again. Aethelwold is to "geek in the- King' s name, and to woo, in the King's name, and to betroth and pledge with the King's ring in the King's name" Aclfrida, should he find her suitable. . Not a lady's man, Aethelwold detests his task, but accepts. He and his scrvant Maccus set off for Devon, and "·hen almost there become lost in a e,,. Highest Grade UP BOLSTERING Cabinet Work Drapery and Upholstery Fabrics ANTIQUES We specialize in Antique Furniture Repairing and Refinishing Hair Mattresses and Springs Made to Order ,H . G. LINDW ALL Hig best Grade Upholstering 808 Oak Street Established 1895 Ph. Winnetka 145 c'fllllllllllllllll llllllll llllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ll llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll~ Edith West~ Inc., 0!)ens · M·IraJago BJOCk Shop In First Church of Christ, Scientist Tenth Street and Central Avenue Wilmette, Ill. SUNDAY SERVICES - 1 1 A. M. WEDNESDAY-TESTIMONIAL MEETING-a P. M. SUNDAY SCHOOL EXERCISES-9:45 A. M. DECE:\IBER 22, 1929 Subject: IS THE UNIVERSE, INCLUDING ~1AN, EVOLVED BY ATOMIC FORCE? RBADJNG ROOM-1163 WILMETTE AVENUE Open Daily (except Wednesday and Saturday) 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. W~dnesday 9 A.M. to 7:45P.M.: Saturday 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. Edith \Vest, Inc., is opening its doors to the public Saturday, December 21 , at 1645 Sheridan road, in the Miralago building in "No Man's Land." Miss = \V est (Mrs. (l"rle Edmondson of 1614 - Spencer aventH.:, Wilmette) wilt conduct her shop with its gowns, after- noon frocks, wraps, coats, ensembles, hats, costume jev~7 eld.y, and gifts. She - has been associated with the best French shops in Chicago for a number of years and is well known on the north shore. She numbers among her patrons many women profninent in social and club life. Mrs. Edmondson - has lived in Wilmette for seven years and is a member of the Wilmette Auxiliary of the American Legion. fog. Aelfrida has penetrated the forc;;t where Aethelwold·lies sleeping, in orde:to chant a rune on All Hollows eve, i:1 the hope of seeing the image of her true love. When the fog clears ~he discovers Aethelv·old, and the two declare their love fur each other. \Vhen Aethclwold finds Aelfrida is the verv one he seeks for the King, he keeps silent and sends Maccus back to tell Acdgar that Aelfrida is not come]~·. He ri1 arries her himself, with the King's blessing. \Vhen Aedgar comes to visit Aethelwold two vears later. he finds A elfrida a surpassingly beautiful wornan. Aethclwold reveals to her, as the King is at the gates, his true mission. and Aelfrida tllrns from him and makt's herself beautiful for the King. Realizin~ that she has destroyed their hw ·:. Aethelwold kills himself, and Aedg·u . mourns for him, giving Aetfrida nothing hut contempt. MARRY IN FLORIDA The marriage of Miss Opal Murrd Lindsav, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. \i\'. .T. Lindsay of Miami, Fla., to Kenneth, C. Long of Wilmette took place Sui1day, December 15, at 6 o'clock, at the Orange Glade Baptist church in Miami. The bridegroom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Long, of 815 Park avenue left Tuesday of last week to . atten.d the wedding. Mr. Long will bnng h~s bride here in the spring to make thetr home on the north shore. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Flanner and their two sons Edward and George, have returned to their home in Blad.well, Wis., · after spending two months with Mrs. Flanner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Fatch, 611 Washington avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Fatch are leavin% today for Blackwell to be with the~r daughter . and her family over the hoh days . . . - ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. N. N. Henrich of 972 Elm street, Winnetka announce the engagement of their daughter, GerThe Bible and Works of Mary Baku Eddy and all other authorized trude, to Joseph Steiner, Jr., son of Christian Science Literature may be rud. borrowed or purchased at Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Steiner of 1451 tbt Ruding Room. Wilmette avenue, Wilmette. Miss =-_ Henrich is .the granddaughter of Mr. THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND THi and Mrs. John Kiewik of 171 Church OWRCH SERVICES AND VISIT THE READING ROOM road, Winnetka. Mr. Kiewik was owner of. . the former Winnetka Dairy ~yownu. . . 'IUllr11UUIUIIIIII'IIIIIIIIIIIIIItiUI,IIIIUIIumuultl1111111111111111111111111111111tlltlllllltlllltlllllllltltitllllltttnuulltllllltii.IHIIIIIIIIIItltiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiLI~ COl!IPany =~

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