Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Dec 1929, p. 53

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December 20, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE 53 NORTH SHORE Airifier Chases Fumes, Headaches, From This Garage Headaches and old man gloom \\Trl', liguratively speaking. "bundled up \rith monoxide gas and blown out of the \Versted 11otor company\ garage, Sr12 Lincoln avenue," thi s \\'l'tk, by an Ozone Pure Airitier macltint, ju.st Illstalled. This is the second machi1 ~ 11i this nature which the \\' ersted ~ . otur ClHnpany has installed. The mecha nic s arc now enabled, even 011 coldest da ,.s when it is necessary tu kt('p the doo.rs closed, to work their entire shift without suffering unduly from fatigue and headache. Patrons, wl.....11 dri\·ing thtir car::-. into the garage, also appreciate a puri lied air, and, it is pointed out, \\·hilc the little electric motors of the Ozone machine arc purring away at th ei r ta~k of destroying the poisonous gast~ that come from the usua l run ui garage work, everyone makes it a rnk 11ut to permit his car motor. once in the gar~ge, to "idle" neeclkssly. The generation and di~tributiun ui ozone is a strictly mechanical procl·~s. Ozone is formed by passing air through a high tension electrical discharge. \'o chemicals arc required. The di~ch:1 rg-e is obtained by impressing the high tension current upon h\·o electrodes separated hy a cylindrical glass elielectric. Passing air (oxygen l through a high tension electrical dischargl· break!-. up the structure of the oxygen, and recombines it into the form of ow1H:. In this form it is man\· times llhlrt active than oxygeu. \\;hen dirt'n:--cd through air containing exhaust ga~n the ozone unite:-; with the pui~ oll!lll~ gases, renderin g them harmle ~!-1. it i.., claimed. Ozone, when breathed into the rl':-- piratory organs. mixe s with the l>l(HHI and rende.rs it impervious to the pniso nou'\ effects of the ohnoxiou..; gasc:-- MOTOR NEWS when the · car rd uses to go, to ha ,.e it done. "The detcctiu11 oi a weak hattcrr i:-. an easv matter for 1he Ia nuan . 1 .~,. l. 11 th ough- this important feature ui the car l!:.!latomy has been neglected longer than it should ha \ 'C hct·n. one usuallv is al) lc 'limp' to his batter~· statioti, where, in a few minute s a 'loaner' is in sta ll ~d and the work of recharging the old hatterv is un<lenra ,., " The starter: also, should J )c checked occasionally ·to keep it in perfect working condition and dcptndahk ll) serve at all times. "Dut the di:-.trilnltt~r. c:-.ptcially. should be kept thoroughly attuned. I I ere in are compri:--;ed various parts, such as points and cnndensor, and " ·ithout the proper tquipmcnt it is impossihlc to synchronize the ignition oi the contact poinb, and to make the other minute adjustmcn.t s so esscntial to the successful operation of nlltr car." ----- - - -- - production costs, is nicely illustrated in a s~·s t em recently originated by WINTER DRIVING HINTS The f ollo\\'ing sugge stions· on how to ;l\·(licl unnecessarY trouble \\·ith the hazards of winter. driying is furni:>hcd tb 1)\· the l'luh's se n ·icc de partment o (the Automobi le Club of Illin ois \\'lwse rec,Jrds di sclose that the six n:a~t · 'lS li sted hehHY head the ~cn·ict· sheeh in that department: 1. Keep battery properly charged. · 2. Check distributor points and raise generator charge. 3. Drain transmission and rear axle. Refill with thin gear com-· pound. 4. Use skid chains in deep snow and ice-coated streets. 5. Clean gas line and carburetor. 6. Keep proper anti- freeze solution in cooling system. - - --------- -·-- -------Lincoln an:nut. \\' illllttka. Thl· price incrcast rangl'S irum S10 to '1--lO per mo<ld and coyer!-. ail tilt seric~. :>ingk ~ix. t\Yin-igniti(Jll si-..; and t\rin -ignitilln eight. Ordn~ iPr car~ \(\ be drliv<:rtd heilHl' la1111an· 1 art· hl·ing taken at the old. price.· accurding to Suburban \"ash Sale::-.. hut the n ·mainckr nf the old \·car and thl' timt illtL·nTning wiH·t·l the JH.' \\' ~ash prices \\·ill go int< ' effect. are wry slwrt. Graham-Paige in making crankshaft hearing raps. This new development ~cn·cs as an example of the constant imtH~l\' enwnt in methods and processes that tnablc the factories to give the huycr so great a ,·alue at so little cost, accordi ng to Ca rl Hanson, of Hanson ~lottlr company, 555-7 Chestnut street, north shore Graham-Paige representative. The six-cylinder engines of GrahamPaige require seven bearing caps, one for each uf the crankshaft bearings. In genera l practice, each cap is form ed from a n individual casting, which must he put through numerous machine operations, one at a time, each operation requiring the handling and clamping of the cap. By casting a group of caps in a single piece, and putting each cluster through the various rnachine operations as a unit, then sawGraham-Paige Shows How ing the casting apart to form individual caps, the Graham-Paige proProducts Are Improved duction experts have effected substan1fow motor car manufacturers SU(- tial economies in work-handling time reed in their effort to improve their and in costs for labor, tools, and fixprod ucts. and at th e same time lm,··_ T , turt' ~. to Repair of Distributor System Requires Skill Th c sa tlle mtr han iGtl ~ k iII a ncl minutt'h· adju-.,lt'd machint·ry rl'qnired tn 111ak~· the Sl'\·c ral parts comprising the di~tribut,)r of an autolllohile, ar(' just as tll'Cessary ,\·hen it ft)llH'S tn making ~atisfactory repairs (tr rl· -ad : ju::-.ti11Cill:'. according t11 l .: ~· ..\b el. nt th e :\bel HatterY anil lg111tton ~cn·ice. ilf) Elm street. \\'innctka. "It i~ in '"inter clri,·ing. l'""~\lccially." \ ~I r .\hcl C<llltinm·o.;, "that 1111e requires the highL·:'t degre e oi pcriccti(ln in all th.ing·~ ekctrical pntaining t~l hi::-. 1 car. tn order to l>c a~snn·d ut the yen· be st service \\'hich the rar of tnclay is designed to gi\'l'. "There is. perhaps. Jlt) Cllll' sL·aso n (lithe year \\'hen one n·rcin·s as much real he;1clit and comfort in driYing his rar. prm·iding its crcry part is working perfectly. "To obtain thi~ ~en·irc is an l'a:-.y ntatter, if timely inspect ions arc made. 11<1t \\'aiting until snmc zcrtl morning, 1 Vour car . ··· transformed with tJ nem Du«Jo color scheme DIGHT now you can dress up your car in a fashionable new garment~ with smart, modern Duco colors. The old finish is probably in such condition that the new Duco colors can be applied directly over it . The cost is always moderate. This is Duco Recoloring . Your car may need only touch-up, or it may require complete Duco refinishing. Whatever Nash Announce Price Boost Effective New Year's Day Price a(h·ances effectiH Januan 1-. 1930 are anuounccd l>Y C.. \\·. ·~·(ash. president oi the :\ash ~fotnr company. according to a notice rccein:<l this week hy Suburban ~ash Sales, S-l7 EXPERT PACKING Call on us to pack your Christmas gifts and other articles for safe shipment. You'll find our charges moderate and our service pleasing. MOVING - PACKI:'-IG - SHIPPI NG - LONG · DISTANCE HAt l UNG ~'ou need, at every step the work is done by the tested method approved by the great makers of cars-the du Pont Process. Here, with du Pont materials throughout, is your assurance of craftsmanship and durability. Enjoy this year's motor style with your present ca.r. Drive in for an estimate today. THIS SIGN IS YOUR PROT.EartON Chairs a11d Tables to Reut FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE 562 LINCOLN AVENUE PHONE WINNETKA 165 STORAGE 521 MAIN STREET Wilmette 32 WILMETTE, ILL. University 7317 Marmon and Roosevelt Dealers D tJ UO · · · made ott.ly 'lly ilu Ponl

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