46 WILMETTE · L"IFE ·Decen1ber 20, 1929 Clu.bs ·Contributing Their Share to Holiday Festivity · Woman's CluiJ Tells Miss Helen Little Is Country Clubs I Feted Prior to Marriage Boys and Girls of . Provide Holiday . ·Engaged Miss Helen Little, 514 Essex road, Their Xmas Party Gayety for All .___----------~ Kenilworth, whose marriage to Dr. Commencing this evening, Shawnee Country club will offer many events to add to the zest of the holiday season. The juniors of the club and their guests will hold sway tonight with a formal dance commencing at 9 o'clock. Saturday evening, ·December 21 has been set aside for senior memb~rs of the dub. The affair will be a formal dinner dance commencing at 7, with dancing in the dining room during the dinner hour and in the ballroom afterwards. Monday brings the usual diversion for members of both sexes. A bridge luncheon for . wome~ takes place, w1th a game of ptvot bndge following the o!le ~'cloc.k luncheon. Monday evcmng 1s g1ven over to those events which interest men. Christmas day will find Shawnee Country club holding open house and a dinner will be served from 1 o'clock in the afternoon until 9 in the evening, Thursday, December 26, occasions the usual buffet dinner and game of progressive bridge. A ~hristmas dance for children of th_e sixth, seventh, and eighth grades w1ll be held Friday, December 27. Saturday, December 28, will be a gala ~lay with a Children's Santa Claus party 111 th~ afternoon at 2, in which bovs ~nd gtrls up to the sixth grade will d-eltgl~t, and a Co_llege Ho~te Coming party m. the_ evenmg. A dmner at 7 with dancing In the dining room and in the ballroom later is the program arranged for the ol~er y_ounger set at home to crowd thetr holiday hours to the brim. Shawnee announces its New Year's eve program as. an evening replete with spec1al entertainment, with two large orc_hestr~s to p}~y for the dancing whtch ~· til be contmuous from 9 o'clock on. Dmner,. entertainment, souvenirs, favors, d~ncmg, and breakfast at 2 in the n_wrntng are to form the scheme of thmgs. Hostesses today at the woman's luncheon and bridge at Club Vista del Lago will be Mrs. Edward Walder ;f :Evanston and Mrs. Charlotte A. Tyumgs of Rogers Park. The children's party on Tuesday afternoon, Decemher 24, promises to be a great su_ccess. It is hoped that Santa Claus wtll he there to take Christmas orders from the young folks. The club announces that there will he no. luncheon and bridge for women 0!1 Fnday, December 27. "Ring out the old, Ring in the new" is tl:_e slogan for New Year's eve at the ~ 1sta del Lago club which is anticipatmg ~he success of the evening by completmg elaborate preparations for the most eventful and colorful affair of the season. Cope Harvey in person. it is announced, will be present with his orchestra to play for the dancing. "The gay whirl of whoopee starts promptly at 10 :30 o'clock Tuesdav en~ ning, December 31, 1929 and ·glides along until sometime next \'ear" a club notice voints out. · ' The Kenilworth club Jiin·s a rhildren'. partv todav. with ~f r". Paul R Bradley, Mrs. Thomas M. Jlon1e, Mrs. Jacques de La Chapelle. and Mrs. Mautice A. Van Arsdale the hostesses. A celebrated ventriloquist and a rl<vxn juggler are only two of the attractions to make their appeal to children of all ages. The club is making its arrangements for a New Year's eve ball Tuesdav. December 31, commencing at 9 :30 o'clock. Mrs. Leon T. Ellis, Mrs. James R. Starr. Mrs. Dewitt S. Stillman, and Mrs. Harold F. Tideman will act as hostesses. Breakfast will be served from 12:30 o'clock until 2. · A new year's tea dance is planned for January 1, at 4 o'clock. with Mrs. Roy E. Brackin is to take place on Saturday, is having many parties given for her this week. On Monday, December 16, Mrs. Percy Eckhart, 206 Cumberland. road, Kenilworth was hostess at a tea from 4 to 6 o'clock in honor of Miss Little. Tuesday, December 17, Mrs. Mark Cresap and her daughter, Mrs. Sam Comely (Helen Cresap) were hostesses at a luncheon given at the Indian Hill club. Wednesday, December 18, Mrs. Harry P. Harrison of Abbottsford road entertained. at a very charming luncheon at her Indian Hill club in honor of Miss Little. Thursday, December 19, Mrs. Grant Ridgeway of Kenilworth and her daughters, Mrs. Leon Ellis, · Mrs. Sam Clark, and Miss Jane Ridgeway, entertained at a kitchen shower. Today Mrs. Hugh Foresman is entertaining informally and this evening Mr. and Mrs. Fred Little are giving the bridal dinner at the Indian Hill Country club. The mariage service will be read on · Saturday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock, in &=======--=== the Kenilworth Union church, Dr. (Photo by Moffett) Howard Willett officiating. A recepThe engagement has been announced tion at the home will follow immerecently of Miss Virginia Cecile Heit- diately after the service. Miss Virginia Little, sister of the man, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Peter Heitman, 212 Greenleaf avenue, bri.Qe, will be maid of honor, and Rodney Starkweather will serve Dr. to Harold David Nelson, son of Mr. Brackin as best man. The ushers will and Mr s. David Nelson, 821 Elmwood include Dr. Harry ] acobs, Dr. Art:-tur Ferguson, Dr. Lawrence Williams, and avenue. Both Miss Heitman and ~[r. Xels )11 Burt ~1cKinney. are graduates of Ne\\' Trier High school. The former attended Kational In Wedding Party \Vhen Miss Margaret Knight, daughPark seminary, and Mr . r\clsnn is an alumnus of the universih· of \Vi scon- te_r of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Knight, sin, and a member of the Delta Tau ot Evanston, becomes the bride of Edmund \Vehster Burke, son of Mr. and Delta fraternitY. Mrs. Webster H. Burke of Chicago Saturday, December 21, at 8:30 o'clock Giving Tea for Guests in the evening, at St. Luke's church, Miss Jean Mark lev of Hubbard she will have in her wedding party, Woods will have the inemhcrs of the Miss Dorothy Campbell and ] ames Northwestern Unin~rsity chapter of Grover, both of \Vilmette. Miss CamnDelta Gamma at tea Sundav to meet hell is to be maid of honor and 1f r. Miss Shirlev Smith of Berkele\·, Cal.. Grover is one of the ushers. who is spending the Christmas liolidays at the Markley home. Miss Smith, a Plan Tea at del Lago senior at Wellesley, was a classmate Miss Sarah Lydia Minor of Wilthere of Miss Marklev. and ha s been mette and Miss Bethany ] ane Crowe of her guest during several previous vacaKenilworth will · be hostesses at a tions. bridge tea for about one hundred guests on Thursday, December 26, at Entertain at Opera the Vista del Lago club. Miss Minor Wednesday evening, December 11 . and Miss Crowe returned ye3terday Mr. and Mrs. Max W. Zabel of 1247 from Miss Dow's school, Briarcliff Chestnut avenue . entertained in t:'eir Manor, N. Y. for the holidays. box at the opera, Mr. and Mrs. Philip V. Bright and Mr. and Mrs. Harry _T. Guest of Honor at Bridge Rkhter of \Vilmette and Mr. Zabel's Miss Laura Durgin has issued cards sisters from Milwaukee. The box party was preceded by a birthday dinn<'r for for a bridge she is giving Saturdav Mr. Bright at the Lake Shore Athletic afternoon, December 28, at her home. 627 Forest avenue, at 2 :30 o'clock, in club. honor of Miss Jean Drayer of Wilmette, whose marriage is taking phce Dance Hosts Dec. 21 December 31. A group of New Trier seniors are entertaining at the regular dinner dance at Skokie Countrv club tom0r- Dinner Host Tonight row evening. The hosts. are: \Vilhurn Bob Nason, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bradbury, William Gates, John Pen- Robert H. Nason, 1200 Greenwood avefield. Gerry Schnur, Townsend Chris- . nue, will be host to a group of ten tie, Robert Blake, Samuel Price, \Vil- friends at dinner at Shawnee Country liam McAllen, VJilliam Turney, John club preceding the ] unior dance this Rutledge, and Howard Hoagland. evening at the club. I BY H. H. S. The Woman's club of Wilmette is giving a Christmas party for boys and girls Friday, December 27, at 2 o'clock. First there will be a clown, a real clown, a musical clown, a clown who travels with one of the biggest circuses in summer and plays in the theaters in the winter. And because he plays in the theaters in the winter, we must begin our program promptly at 2 in the afternoon for our clown must be back at the theater in time for his part on the program. This clown is going to show us how we can make music with all the things we have around us. We do not need our violins and. horns and so on, if we are really musical. · We can use almost anything around us or on us. .And he is .going to make us laugh and laugh and laugh. Then there is going to be the peppiest and cleverest dog imaginable that will do all the wonderful tricks we could ever think of a dog doing and some that we never ever dreamed. that any dog could do. And he is an adorable dog, too, as lovely as the big stuffed ones in the shop windows, and just as clean. Besides all this we are going to have a real Punch and Judy show with Punch and Judy and the baby,. the alligator, and. fifteen or more other people and animals to make fun for us and keep us short of breath with laughter. There will be a bit of magic to end this act and senrl us home wondering just what did happen. VJ e are going to sing a carol between each act with some of the boys and girls leading with their instruments. They probably won't be able to play without instruments even after our clown's instructions. Finally each boy and girl is to have a taffy apple to take home. There is a lovely little story about the se apples. Taffy apples, delicious ones as these are going to be, cost too much to buy for several hundred children and it seemed as if we couldn't have them. But because a little girl who lived in our community made life richer and sweeter for those around her and because she has gone on to her Heavenly Home for this Christmas, her father and mother want to do something for other children in her memory. They are giving their services and makingthese apples for us and just charging for the materials, for they take quarts and quarts of the best cream. So you are going to have your luscious apples as they are quite within our means this way, and all d.ue to the loving spirit of Mary Soderstrom and the beautiful \\'ay her parents are remembering her. Each boy or girl must have his or her name written plainly on a slip of paper to drop in a box as they come in the door. The party is entirely free to all those whose mothers are club members and to the other children the usual guest fee will be charged. This fee the child.ren. may drop in the box with their names. Bridge for Bride-to-Be Miss Marian Thayer was hostess at a bridge party last Saturday at her home, 121 Robsart road, in honor of Miss Jean Drayer, whose marriage to Edward Potthoff of Champaign, Ill., will take place on New Year's eve. To Give Luncheon Miss Alice James and Miss Ruth Howard. L. Fogg, ] r., son of the Verle Kinne will be co-hostesses at a Howard L. Foggs, 818 Ashland avenue, luncheon and brid.ge party at Shawnee will entertain about eighteen of his Country club Thursday, December 26. small friends at dinner at Shawnee Country club Friday, December 27 preDan G. Stiles, Mrs. Herbert Taylor, ceding the children's dance that the and Mrs. John F. White. the hostesses. club is holding. Dinner Precedes Dance Has Dinner Party Miss Caroline Gilbert Davis, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Charles Gilbert Davis, 615 Laurel avenue, was hostess at a dinner party for a group of friends last Saturday, later taking her guests to the Miralag'l for dancing.