December 20, 1929 ~. ' ~ c/J Christmas gift for All the..Family an RCA RadioIa Super..Hete~odynes Screen.-Grid Models Phonograph Combinations CHRISTMAS CAROLS! Let your family hear them · reproduced perfectly by the RCA Radiola. The genius of RCA engineers has brought Radio to its highest perfection in the new RCA Radiolas and any one of them will bring pleasure to your family now and in the years ahead. Wonderful symphonies, great choirs, dance orchestras, sports and the news of the world brought into your home. RCA Radiolas are backed by the world's largest radio organization and by our own guarantee of perfect satisfaction. · We will deliver and install any model you choose whenever y~u wish and the terms can be arranged to suit your conventence. , Come in and listen to these wonderful Radiolas. We're open eventngs. Or phone for a demonstration. RCA RADIOLA RCA RADIOLA 67 COMBINATION The new Super-Heterodyne, with RCA .Electro-Dynamic reproducer and electric phonograph of the most advanced type. The complete home instrument; brings to you, at will, " Music from the air or record." Less Radiotrons-$690 66 A new, improved RCA Super-Heterodyne with RCA Electro-Dynamic reprod((cer. Built with mas.ter craftsmanship throughout. The finest Super-Heterodyne ever offered at this price. Less Radiotrons~$225 RCA RADIOLA 44 Radio receiver utilizing Screen-Grid Radiotrons, high amplification and great selectivity. Alternating current operation from house circuit. Table cabinet of walnut veneer. Less Radiotrons-$75.00 Loudspeaker 103-$18.00 RCA RADIOLA 33 Consolette type. All-electric (A. C.). A magnificent model wrought in a striking, beautiful modern desig.n. Now at a price you cannot possibly resist. Less Radiotrons-$54.00 RCA LOUDSPEAKER lOOB- 'Vith the rich mellow tone that has made RCA reproducers famollS throughout the world. $17.50 RCA RADIOLA 60 RADIOLA 46 Console cabinet model of the new Screen Grid Radio/a 44, with RCA Electro-Dynamic Speaker. Less Radiotrons-$130 RCA Beautifully designed table model of the Radiola Super-Heterodyne, the most selective circuit known in the radio art. Less Radiotrons-$98.00 Loudspeaker 103-$18.00 ({Nothing Else Means So Muchto So Many " The North Shore Talking Machine Co. 712 Church Street, Evanston Phone University 4523 742 Elm Street, Winnetka Phone Winnetka 3474 -OPEN EVENINGS-