30 WILMETTE LIFE December 20, 1929 . CarrieS. Roberts Member Woman's Symphony Orchestra, Chicago Teacher of Piano and Musical Theory Cla11 and Private FOR TERMS Le~Jona concert work was done in most of the capitals and music centers of Europe. Both Boza Oumiroff and Mme. Ella Spravka had appeared on North Shore Chamber Music association programs. Funeral services were conducted on Monday as a memorial by the Bohemian Arts club, of which Mr. Oumiroff was president. Burial was at the Bohemian National cemetery. U.S. Public Health Service to Register Contagious Diseases Comparing the person who refuses or neglects to report a case of contagious disease to "hit-and-run" motor car drivers who fail to report accidents, Dr. Andy Hall, Illinois state health director, announces this week that a new national system of communicable disease notification is in process of organization by the federal government and that Illinois has applied for admission. Every case of communicable disease must be reported to Washington under the new system, which is a voluntary enterprise, but states where reports are seriously incomplete and delinquent will be left outside the new registration area. "Increasing travel tends to multiply enormouslv the opportunity of spreading cant: gious disease," said Dr. Hall. "As transportation facilities increase ;n speed and comfort this danger increas es because individuals with mild attack s or in the incubation period are more apt to attempt journeys which promise quick and easy passage. "To offset this growing danger the United States public health service is organizing a registration area of state~ and cities that will require all members to report promptly all cases of noti fiable diseases to Washington. :\o state or city where case reports arc less than 75 per cent complete will tw admitted to this new system which will become effective on July 1, 1930. "Illinois has applied for membership in the new morbidity registration area . To be admitted the state must submit evidence showing that th e prevalence ui diphtheria, infantile paraly sis, scarlet iever. smallpox, typhoid fever a11d tuberculosis is reported at least 75 pc.:r cent complete. For this purpo se four sections of the state \vill be chosen for surveys. House to house canvaS~>Ses ar e contemplated in making these studie s. The localities . selected will be announced as soon as plans for doing th ~ work are completed. '" Cnder present day circumstances the individual who willfully conceals from health authorities a case of commUt1icable disease is little or no betkr than the motor driver who dashes away from the scene of an accident to hide his guilt in connection therewith. The whole svstem of disease control and the pre~ention of epidemics depend s upon a sensitive and active system oi case reporting which enables health officials to set up control measure s around the very first cases of contagion that appear and before the outbreak has reached unmanageable magnitude." VACATION IN WISCONSIN Phone Winnetka 538, Wednesdays or Harrison 2 85 1 "Taming of the Shrew" Is Next Shakespearean Play For the holiday week, commencing Monday evening, December 23 at the Civic theater, Chicago, Fritz Leiber and his company will offer their first comedy, "Taming of the Shrew," under the auspices of the Chicago CiYic Shake_s peare society. Versatility, the ability to transform oneself into a new personage each night if necessary, must be the inclusive trait of a successful Shakespearean company. And versatility and ad~pt- , ability is the outstanding qualificatiOn, plus natural ability of the comp~ny headed by Fritz Leiber, now entenng . its last six weeks at the Civic theater. Many years ago, William Shakespeare wrote a rollicking comedy of how a real he-man mastered .his pretty and high spirited wife to be, to. his satisfaction and hers. Mr. Letb~r makes a dashing and effective Petrurhio, winning his flapper bride by hardhailed technique effectiv.~ down t~e ~ges. Virginia Bronson makes a spttfire Katherine, spirited and tempestuous until she thinks better of it. The other members of the cast are effectively ~a.:;t and a9d to the gaiety :~£.:. ~he occasiOn.