Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Dec 1929, p. 20

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WILMETTE -L IFE December 20, 1929 Mrs. William Cook Hurt in Auto Crash Dec. 11 William ·Cook, wife of the manager of the \Vilmette Golf club. · uffered cut · and bruises about her face and. bod v !a e \Vedne ·day afternoon. Decem !)er 11, ,,..,.hen the car ·h e I . ., a- driving we :t on Lake avenue I ~truck a tru ck parked nn the st ree \\·i rhou t li!.Sht~ . The accident occurred a ·httrt rli ·ta nce \vest ,) [ [!linois road. \.fr ..;. C·)ok's injuries \~ e re treater! h:v· · ::: . P. Perrv a hi .: n ffice. 90.3 Rirl:.re avenue. Th e tru ck bek·n!.!ed t~"· ~ 1 1e l' n lc!e rg-ro und L· ·· n~tructi t1n cl)mpany. 1.~0 ~ - \Vell street. Chica!Z··. anri he ririvt:r '.\ as R. ~( e e han. ~frs. Class President T histlethwaite to Address Father-Son Dinner December '27 WISE FOLKS FROM the number of PACKAGES that have BEEN going out of our STORE the last few DAYS it look~ as if a LOT of friends of some Coach Glen Thistlethwaite of the l ru versity of Wisconsin football team \\ i!l "": be the principal speaker at the annu al Father and Son dinner of the ~[en '.. cluh of the Korth Shore Congregati ·~~~ bracl Friday, December 27. Coach Thistleth . .vaite, \vho had a ..,u:prise team in the Big Ten this yea:·. comes back to a host of north h1 h· iriends and acquaintances to tell th ·n~ about his experience ~ a:-; a coach and what coaching and !Jlaying r eall y mea n, to the voung men who expe ri encl' i1 I \\.ith Coach 'fhi stlethwaite will cm:lt' ' Mercatino Shop Offers Cu..,· Bu sh, Cub pitching ace. a :11! Charles Leo (Gab by) Hartn ett. catcht·:- . 1 Many Unique I tal ian Gifts the former tO te ll of hO\\' he combith:I C nique and new amonQ' the hops the life of a baseball star \\ ith that ()j ·n the north hl)re j.., he :.rnc:wtino. a ~[i s is:>ippi gentleman, the latter t .. ~cvcral month.: ;:l!:;n ! · .y a, t·{H~ned at 1 discuss the ne . . .; Hartnett bab,- bt ·· 1618 Chic~o-,) ave~n1e. by ~[ j..;- Ru.th ; I \\'h arrived at St . Fran cis' h t~spital la t Hypes. .\[ 1" .\h nd H ~ pe ·. anrl. 1[ ISS week. ranet Child ::;.,,[ Evan·t··n . whn reThrough the cuurte::,y of the Chi ca.;. · ~~~rneri eark hi:: ~ ..Ll a· er mon h· 1 E,·ening Ameri can. the bo~.., "ill ha \1.: ;, 'Pen i:1 [ ft 1, i:-om Italy they chance to ee ·aLi Bo~t \\ick. \\ 11:-.t\ !nve imp.)rteri t!w ~ii·~ tln are ~ at h I iamous cartoonist. at \\·ork on his comlt.: t·red in ~ei r ..;h·)p. a la rl.ie rt)O m ~" i h 1 ~ trips . "Sals" will pl'ak a... \n.: ll <t' ~,,·an.·.::ri Ct.:ii:n:.! tha· :end~ :.. ·mo,ph ere· draw ior the boys. .' Ph " t" by H··rni·· : Dinner will be -crn:d ia the c. ·111.\t:,, E iza 1 Jt:t ~. J~:: nk :n , ·:·: 1.:30 Lake 111 unit\· ro m o f thl' tem p It:. Li m·· .i11 a vcn:Je. \\ ::.1t:· tt:. '·!I L>c,·cmiJt:r 3. \\a .; and Vernon avenu e . ( ~!t:nc oe . at t, :L; For Rent clcc cd ~· r e ~: r~er: t ui ti'c irr· -hman cla--, u'cloc k. Ever\· !11l'll1ht:r can bring ;l I d.t R· ··c kf· :-d c .d le..:e. .· r.t: h a~ !Jt.:·:tl btl\" or b O \ 'S \\'ith him. R.e . . ervation . Woman's Club of -:a·1 a:!1 ,,[ tl-:e ir·.:<":m<t:: h.,c:._:e\· tcalJI \\· hich arc ·co mi n~ in ia.;;r. ha\·e been a!Jil ac ; 'c 1:1 t"am: ·:I- Z t thktit>. .\[ i~' limited tn 400 an d arc in c haNl· oi I. .\f. Wilm~t te ,_knki:~ 1' a rrarl··J<ttc ,, . .\~:: ',\' Tri..:r I Pnrt i;;; , 11 ()2 Ttl \\c r [ t) ad. Hu bbard ~ · \' .\ 'Jdtr, :ium . wi·h fine t and \\" uod· . Hi..:h ~ch .. ,J. ah-. tw:=:r. tined .' tag,:., _pa.ci·) U:4 ballro0m S r~:.tl! WISE folks in this TOW~ r!~~~·r .\ ·1 d. nnum were going to L··Un!r..... attrac ivtly furnished. L.ug-o: ,_.,JI 1mitt·:O: Roo m. BE made mighty happv IN Jbout five davs from TODAY. Jnd we will HAVE to Jdmit thJt we · F oc Information Call Wilmette 19 28 Ro';ert h: uh!. '"n ,,[ .\[ r. and .\[rs. r,.)IJ :.r ~i;<le an:nue \' htt attends the L'ni\·~·r , it\· ,,[ Ulin·1i:'. ha~ 1 Jecn ill ~t i:i:- lt··mt: "ll Ce Than..;:':.!i\·in-!'. He: ·,\en ba.::.:: ·J l ha m; Ja i '!! la't Fr icia· ·. 1Jut \\ ~1! :-t.: ttr'l ,.., hi~ home the ~a::,·r l ~rt c·r t :: , ·,\ n·k T ··r he Chr . ..;ta:.1, ht)l!d a ' · Hu::;Q H I-:: ·J,ll. C HRISTIAN SCIENCE S E RVI CE "I;;; th e Cnin:rSt.'. includinQ" .\[a: l. En1h·ed bv :\ tomic F or ce: ·· \rill be ~1-c .-ubject at the ~en· ice-, in the Ft!." ~ · Church of Christ. Sci e nt i ·t. in \\ J! . jm ette. ~unday nwrnin~. De cember ..?2. 1at II o'clock . Sunrlay ;;cht1nl cnnn'lll" at 1) :-+3 o'clL1ck. HAVEN'T got as much STUFF in here in the GIFT line JS we had ONCE. but we· have been DOING our best to keep THE shelves and counters Sweeten Christmas Day with Artstyle Chocolates Christmas Flowers ~ FILLED from the STOREROOM so if you H'JRR Y .uound now vou · .Plants and The Red Box WILL still find a mi.ghty FINE selection of PERFUME '\tomizers and ST ATIO~ER Y and WHOLE sCJds of other Wreaths ~vmb· $1.00 per lb. · f l· \... Tht-re can be n .. ·~ h.-t· ~1r'r h.lt pr J:-S .... ~:-'~-'S m·Jr ... ~;.;nti · l~lt·nr.tl !~>·;!h.:- · ·.,ltd v i!-1 th.- tra<.litiunal BEAUTIFUL and useful GIFTS. Jvf oral: If you don· t hurry arou nd now you will surely do a p ile of h urr ying a r o ~ nd la ter. value than candy. It th ... l:.!.n,!!'ll.lg'.- .,f SW»t7f· h··:t r :-, ~till:- and dau~h t::r~. I·:~ I>··· 1.!lly \\111 Thl' Rl'tl Box ot \ rt"'t} t.. t hncolatf'~ Pxpress y our rr11 .... rh·v· ·tl··n. Thb .t~so rtment ···>1 tain;-, nunkruu:; ta::-ty cream. fruit an·l nut ~~"mhina ion~. All ·····ttt>d with rkh. cri~p chn,~n l.t tt-. :-iold ·Jn!y .lt P...-xall Stn ro::< . We invite you to a beautiful display of cut flo,vers, blooming plants and real Christmas planted baskets and boxes The Rexall Store ----CifJC. S TCQC Prompt Delivery Service Ceatral and Wilmette Avenues Phones Wilmette 28 and 29 Roll~nann ~ Rubert Ridge and Isabella St. Phone Wilmette 3309 Central and Wilmette AYenuea PlaoDes Wilmette 21 &Dd ZJ Open Evenings and Sundays

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