Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Dec 1929, p. 6

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WILMETTE LIFE December 20, 1929 : IEpiscopal Church Noted Visitor Main Street Fruit and Vegetable Market 635 Main St. Tel. Wil. 4487 · Take advantage of aur Christmas offerings FRIDAY-SATURDAY- MONDAY- TUESDAY Sugar, 10 lbs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .. SSe Cooking Apples, 4 lbs. . ............................. 25c Presiding Bishop Here This Sunday JQnatban Apples, 6 lbs. . .... . ... ..... ....... .... .. . 39c T exu Grapefruit, dozen . ... ....................... 89c Large Florida Oranges, dozen ..................... 49c Large California Oranges, 3 dozen ............. . ... 99c Assorted Nuts, 3 lbs. . .......................... . ... 79c Free Deliveries W~ry 18nrr Jrrrtnun (t)ifts of (f;nl~ anlt ~ilttrr C ift s of Lastin g Eea uty that sur vi vc the years are Jewelry giftsunsurpassed as Qt11ristma!i (@ffrritt!J!i ELGIN \VATCHES A constant reminder of each happy hour. DIAMONDS Years of happy memories and keen delight . SILVERWARE Appreciated, cherished , serviceable. a veritable TREASURE CHEST I Noffact,gifts that serve and charm: Neck laces Bracelets Rings Wilmette will be favored this Sunday with a visit from a man who has rec~ntly become nationally famous, th e Most Rev. Charles P. Anderson, D. D., D. C. L. Bishop Anderson has been bishop of the Episcopal dioce se of Chicago for 30 year~. Two month s ago he \vas elected to the office of Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church in the United States. Thi s office in the American church correspond s to the position of th e Archbishop of Canterbury in England. Bishop Anderson, who is 64 year s old, was horn in Canada and rece ived hi s education there. He is a graduate of Trinity univer sity at Toronto. After a few years of work in the mini stry in th e province of Ontario, Bishop Anderson was chosen rector of Grace church in Oak Park . He sen-cd th · Oak Park church nine vears and was th en elected to the bishopry. Bishop Ander so n will admini t er the Bishop Charles P. Anderson , pre si d- rite of Con tlrmation in St. Augustine's ing bishop of the Episcopal church i~ Episcopal church, \\'ilmctte. Sunday the Cnited States, will conduc t the · morning, December 22, at 11 o'clock, Confirmation se rvice at St. Augu tine's when he will con firm a cla s of beEpiscopal chu rch in \\'ilm ett e Sunda~· murning, December 22. Bi ·hop Ander- tween sixtv and se ven t\·. Thi s is bv son is a na tionalh· kn 0\\ ' 11 figure. \\' bile far th e la-rgc~t cia. s ~ver contirmed in \\'il mette he '"ill be t he gue"t of ~he ~incc th e \\'ilmette ch urch wa ~ orRev. Hubert Carleton, rect or oi St. ganized. Since hi s election to th e position of :\ugu -tine' church. presiding bishop, Bishop Anderson ha s cancelled every appointment in the · ~l i~;.; Lois ~ chulz ot 1314- Isabella diocese of Chicago. with th e exceptreet ha..; ac cepted a position a~ dieti- tion of hi - vi si t to \Vilmette thi s Suntian at the Cniver ·it\· clinic · oi Chi- day, and the pari shone rs of St. Auguscag ). Shc: has charge. oi the metabolic tin e's ch ur ch feel especially honored. and rt::-earrh diet. ).{i ..;;.; Schulz was \\'hi le in \\'ilmet te Bishop And erson gracluatt:d ir11m the l"nin·rsitY oi Chi- will be the guest of Dr. Hubert Carlecago in 19D. ton. rector of St. Augustine's church. The bi ·hop has alwavs been known for his oratorical abiltt\·, hi · wi e statesmanship, and his administrative powers, and as an advocate of th e highest type of citizenship. :\ few years ago, in the inter es t of the Christian Home Baking and Cooking unity movement, he was appointed to visit the different Eastern Communions HOME -MADE in Greece. Roumania. Turk e,·. and .\sia ).finor. He was successful in establishing friendlY relati ons with th e Baked Xmas Morning heads of these ch t;rches. ASH'S DELICATESSEN Sweet Bread Rolls P lease L eave Y our Order Now Open All Day Xm as 736 12TH ST. W ILMETTE 3 9 3 1 ~Irs. \ V. her home from the where she S. ~lo o r e has returned to at 631 \Vashington avenue "Mayo Brothers hospital underwent observation. Pearls Beads Pins Telechron Clocks . Mesh Bags · Lighters Pocket Books The Patty Shoppe Wishes You pAu~e~~~ and Diun?ond Srecialist VEY ~ .I Phone Wilmette 1165 Wilmette Ave. !lrrr!J Qt~ristman and ~ llappy Nrnt lrar MRS. JOHN WOODHEAD I' I 6 DON' T FAIL TO COME IN AND SEE OUR CHRISTMAS SPECIALS Opposite New First National Bank Building 1153 Wilmette Avenue Phone Wilmette 575

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