Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Dec 1929, p. 5

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December 13, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE s HIGH SCHOOL PRESENTS YU~ FESTIVAL SUNDAY Musical Organizations at New Trier Invite ·Villagers to Annual Xmas Concert New ~rier Township's twelfth annual Chnstmas program will be present~d ~t the . New Trier High school audttonum this Sunday afternoon, December 15, at 4 o'clock, with the high school glee clubs ' and orchestra . . chorus, · c' P~rtic1patmg. I CITIZENSHIP SCHOOL Troop 2, Scouts, Women Voters Leagues in T owmhip to Join F orcea in Special Prog~tam at High School Jan. 10 vVilmette, Kenilworth, and Winnetka Leagues of Women Voters will join force.s on January 10, in an ail-day meetmg and citizenship school to be held at New Trier High school. The morning session will open at 11 o'clock with a talk on "Racketeers and Racketeering." Following this, the famous historical film, "Declaration of Independence," will be shown. A talk on "The Forest Preserves of Illinois" is also scheduled for the morning. Luncheon will be served at a nominal cost in the New Trier cafeteria. Supt. Frederick E. Clerk of New Trier High school will be one of the speakers in the afternoon. His subject will be "The Financing of Schools." This talk will follow a discussion and comparison by t\YO outstanding educators on "The Illinois School Systems" and "The School Systems of England." The day's prog ram will close with a comparative study of the government of Chicago and the government of London. Mi ss Alma Hurst of New Trier High school will explain Chicago's goyernment, while K. S. Bi!lnie, exchange teacher from England at :\ew Trier, will t ell of London's government. l.Irs. E. F. Snydackcr, ~1 rs. F. A. de Pcyster, and Mrs. E . H. Freeman. t o~rether with Dr. Laura Ullrir:k, of :.; ew Trier High school, 2. i e making arrangements for thi s prcgram. Summons "Alumni" to Frolic Dec. 27 Troop 2, Boy Scouts of America, one of the oldest troops in Wilmette will hold its first annual Old Timers dinner ~~iday evening,. December 27, in the l:. trst CongregatiOnal church parlors. Records of this troop indicate that more than three hundred boys have been at some time or other connected with the unit since its organization in 1921. Some of these boys are now in college, in business or have moved away. Considerable effort is being put forth to locate every former member and information assisting in this regard will be welcomed by Frank A. .\Vilson at Wil son's Bakery, or W. E. Cook, Scoutma ster, 930 Seneca road Wilmette. ' Reservat.ion cards are being mailed out as rapidly as possible and, judging from early returns, the dinner promises to be a great affair and one of the highlight s in Troop 2 history. A program including short talks and stunts by former members as well as contributions by well kno\\'n entertainers is being ·a rranged. Trophies won by the troop at the Scout camp la st summer are to be ex .. hibited at this meeting along with awar.ds g~rncred by the troop throughout. ~ts eight years of Scouting competitiOn. GIVES LECTURE BENEFIT FOR MALLINCKRODT FUND Rev. George A. Keith, S. J., to Present Program at Woman's Club Sunday The Mothers' club of Mallinckrodt High school is sponsoring a program of unusual interest to be presented in the Wilmette Woman's club· auditorium Sunda_y evening, December 15. On this occasion the Rev. George A. Keith, S. J ., will give his "Sacred Love Story of the Mass" as a benefit for the building fund of Mallinckrodt High school. The program begins at 8 o'clock. Included in the presentation wilt be the showing of two hundred beautiful color views many of which represent the world's greatest masterpiece~. Lecture in Demand Father Keith, formerly dean of men at Detroit university, is now affiliated " ·ith Loyola university in Chicago. His lecture has been presented before capacity houses in the larger cities d the country and he is said to be in almost constant demand for this presentation. The color views, described as masterpieces in the art of photography, feature the sacrifices of the Old · Testament, the Last Supper, Calvary, a prie ~t's - .-dination, devotional altars, the vestments and vessels used at mas s, the priest in all the principal parts of mass and benediction, Solemn High Mass, Solemn Benediction, first Holv Communion of little children, the Nuptial Mass, Requiem ~fass, celebration of mass under fire in the trenches (actual scenes) during the \Vorld war. choice scenes from the "Life of Our Lord and the Blessed Virgin Mary." Choir in Program The musical program accompanying the lecture is annnunred as follows: · The high school singers and players have been rehearsing for the event for several weeks under the direction of Mrs. Marian Cotton, head of the N~w Trier n:tusic department, Miss \Vinnifred ~I1ckey , and :Miss Adelaide Jones. Invite All Villagers E\'ery re sident in the north shore' village s has been im·ited to attend thi s community sing, which is held ea ::-h year a ':\:eek or two before Christmas. And everyone is likewise invited to participate in the community singing, wh ethrr he is an accomplished sin;:;cr or not. The Program Th e cpmpletc program for the cye:1t follow s : t 'arol, " Oh Com e All Ye Faithful" .... · · · · · · · · · · · · ·. · · ......... . . . R eading A udi encc and ch oru s 0\'e rture, "Eg mont" ....... . .. B eethoven Orch estra :\I otet, " H ea r :'.fy Prayer" ...... . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :\te ndelssohn ~ b l o i s t s , K a therin e Elli s and Virginia Spr ague Girl s' p;lee club A J oyful Chri s tmas Song ... Gevaert ('ombined glee clubs ("h ora le ..... . .............. . .. Bach Th e R osP Tree . . ... . .. . ...... Praetorius Int eg-t·r Vitae . . . . . Flemmin~ Oc tet fr om hoys' g l e club composed o f Thomn.R Elvin, soloist, Olin Sethn('ss, George Ber sch, Robert Kirtland, Bru ·e. Stephen, John Chapman, Djebt:> J't ::\ltller, and Phillip Callanen, and (lirected hy l\Ti ~s Winnifred Mickey C arols : (a) The First Nowell .. . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Traditional (b) Hark the H erald Angels Sing .......... Mendelssohn Audience and chorus Cum Sancto Spiritu .. . ...... . . ..... Bach Boys' glee club Carols: (a) Joy to the World . . . . Handel (b) Silent Night .. .. . . .. . Gruber Audie nce and chorus Douhl~ cho~!ls, "Blessing, Glory, and W1sdom .. ... . . . ..... . . . . . . . .. . Bach Glee clubs and chorus X ow the Day Is Over .. . . . ..... .. Barnby Audience and chorus Dads of New Trier Girls! You Have an Important Date Fathers ! You have an important elate with your daughter- or daughter$ ! Sometime in the near future the Girls' club of New Trier High school will entertain the fa.t hers at a banquet which every dad is commanded to attend. There will. be good food and entertainment galore, is the word from Girls' club headquarter's. Watch for the date and further particulars in this paper about the Father-Daughter banquet, is the order from these same headquarters. School Board Members to Be Guests at Xmas Fete Members of the \Vilmette hoard of educati on \rill he guests of the ~Til mette Teachers ' club at a Christmas dinner Monday nigh :, December 16, at the Howard school. The dinner, which is an annual affair, will be served at 6 o'clock and will be followed by a party and a program of stunts. Mis s Margaret Hayes, principal of the Stolp school and president of the Wilmette Teachers' club, will give the speech of welcome to the board members, who will be introduced to the teachers by Supt. J. R. Harper. Mrs. Agnes Clark will lead in the singing of Christmas carols. The teachers are endeavoring to make the party as informal as possible. There will be a Christmas tree in the s?cial hall and everyone will bring gtfts. Many humorous gifts have been found around the tree when the The proposed new municipal incin- ~eachers' club dinners have been given erator plant. will enter a new phase of 111 the past, and a party replete with projection next Tuesday evening when mirth and laughter may be expected. the \Vilmette Village board opens bids on its- design and · construction. According to members of the public New Trier Boys to Extend service committee, which recently com. Christmas Cheer to Needy pleted preliminary plans for the plant Eighteen boys' advisor rooms at New including the selection of a site, a num~ Trier High school have expressed their ber of contracting firms have secured willingness to provide a happy Christspecification lists and have indicated mas for needy families on the north an intention to submit plans for the shore or in Chicago. The boys wilt plant and to bid for the contract. send food and clothing, to these Should the board approve any plans families. This charity work is done submitted and execute a contract for under the direction of the Tri-Ship the construction of the incinerator club .of the high school. Donald Frisbie work may be started within ten days: is faculty sponsor of the club. weather conditions permitting. The project under the contract will then 3 New Cases of Pneumonia be pushed to completion within four Listed hy Health Office months, unless an extension of time is granted the contractor because of unThree new cases of pneumonia in forseen . c onstruction difficulties. the village have been reported to the Wilmette Health department. There Wilmette-Glencoe Rotary is als~ one new case of chicken pox and eight other cases of this disease Clubs to Have Xmas Frolic still active. Other instances of conta-· Members of the recently organized gio~s disease in the. villa~e include three Glencoe Rotary club will be guests of active cases of whooping cough and the Wilmette Rotary club at a Christ- one of mumps. mas party Wednesday noon, December 18, in the Shawnee Country club. Pre~i TWO FIRE CALLS dent Robert M. Johnston of the WilWilmette firemen answered two calls mette club is directing arrangements this week, one of them a false alarm. for a frolic which will include a Turkey The one fire was of minor importance dinner and general exchange of gifts. and resulted in only slight damage. To Announce New C. of C. Committee Members Soon Board to Receive Incinerator Bids and Plans Tuesday Music during pictures by Geraldine tee chairmen and committee members for 1930. Announcement of the names Weber, pianist; Reta Weber, cellist, of the new Chamber of Commerce com- and H. ]. Liddy, violinist. mittee members has been withheld, pending their acceptance. "Praise Ye the Father" ... . . .. .. Gounod "Veni Jesu" . . .. . .. . . . . . ... .. . Cherubini · St. Francis Xavier choir of Wilmette, Frederick Budinger, director "Silent Night" . . . ... . . . . Nativity Scenes Ave Maria .. .. . . .. . . . . Solemn High Mass Stabat Mater At the foot of the Cross Intermission Ave Maria . . . .. . .... .. . .......... Lugl James Mannion Part II I Am Not Worthy" . . . ...... . ]. E. Worthen, recently elected pre~i "0. .Lord . ..... . . . .. . . .. .. . First Communion dent of the Wilmette Chamber of Com- Wedding March .. . ... The Nuptial Mass merce, has been busy naming commit- Adeste Fideles ..... .. .. . Christmas Mass Baptist Drama Club Will Present X mas Drama December 22 "Mimi Lights the Candle" is the title of the play to be given as part of the Christmas program to be p~esented by the Wilmette Baptist church Dramatic club Sunday afternoon, December 22, at 4 o'clock, at the Baptist church. In addition to the play, there will be a novel White Gift service and a short address by the Rev. George D. Allison 1 pastor of the church. The cast of the play includes Eleanor Wtlliams, Carolyn Bellamy, Betty Burns, Ruth 'Sutherland, Imogene Kaufman, Ruth Phelps, Jean Campbell, Lee Blaylock, and Elizabeth . Blaylock. The play is under the direction of Mrs. S. P. Perry of Wilmette, and Mildred Burns has charge of. the stage pr<'{>erty and costumes. The Dramatic club is a new organization in the Baptist church, and shows promising signs of success in its line of work. The program is open to the public. PLEDGED TO FRATERNITY Clifton Darling, 1929 graduate . of . New Trier High school, has been pledged to Alpha Delta Phi at Roches· ter university in New York. there was a young man from wilmette his car was his especial pet but he needed some dough so a classified - oh! brought the money to cancel his debt. BIG SIX MARMON SEDAN just overhauled, new pistons and rings. Reasqnably priced. Ph. Wilmette 476.

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