Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Dec 1929, p. 79

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December 13, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE 79 News In the Real Estate College Man Urges Elimination of H. P. Real Estate . 4~ent ~ealtors should survey airport reqUirements of their communities and ~ooperate in the establishment of 'landmg fields, F. Trubee Davison, Assistant The high pressure, go-getter type of Se~retary of vVar, advised members of, salesman should be eliminated from the the New York State Association of real estate business, Albert G. Hinman Real Estate a_oards, when he spo!(e research associate in the institute fo; before their annual convention in sesresearch in land economics and public sion recently at Syracuse. "\Vhat the Realtor has done for the utilities of Northwestern university told the members of the Wisconsi~ homes. industry and commerce of his Association of Real Estate Brokers in community he can do to a large extent for aviation, and the business that will an address. result from air commerce," Mr. Davi"The real estate business," Mr. Hinson said. "When we think of aviation man said, "must get rid of two types w_e are inclined to visualize a plane in of salesmen who destroy confidence. These are the ignorant salesman and the ft 1ght. But in order to be of use a plane must have proper landing facilihigh-pressure go-getter type. Sales men must be hired for their head abil- ties. That is fundamental. "And tha~ is where the real estate ity and. not their leg ability. Analysis of the buyer to find out what he should phase of aviation begins to come into buy, not always what he wants to buy, focus, and also where you, as land experts interested in sound community leads to long time satisfaction." Home ownership is on the declin<', development, enter the picture. In Mr. Hinman pointed out, as indicated selecting sites there are several things by the trend toward multi-family living, · to be considered. Important among-· which is being studied by the institute these is the location of the field. It for research in land economics. Since should be on a main traffic line as 1921, he said, new construction of sin- close to the community it serves as gle family dwellings has decreased practicable. Time is the main article from 58 percent of all dwelling con- that aviation has for sale, and time struction to 35 percent, and of two fam- is a highly perishable commodity. The ily dwellings from 17 percent to 11 p~r acquisition of land for future expancent, while multi-family dwellings have sion is another matter to consider. As increased from 24 percent to 35 percent. vears pass by each airport will become "This is not merely a large city situa- the center of its own business comtion." he continued. "The greatest de- munity, but unless your landing field cline in single family dwelling construc- is protected against obstructions the tion has occurred in cities of from very presence of that communitv 258,000 to 500,000 and in cities 'of from might become a handicap to flying 25,000 to 50,000 population. Moderately operations." growing cities are shifting toward multi-family dwellings quite as rapidly as boom towns. "Answers to questionnaires reveal certain reasons why people prefer to rent rather than to own. The cost of a suitable house places it out of their reach; they do not feel competent to judge property values; ownership ties them to one town and lessens their economic power in wage bargaining; they do not want the responsibilities of ownership, and they prefer to invest in radios, automobiles and similar luxuries. "Much building of today is unecono. mic and unscientific. Anybody and everybody is building homes without intelligent forethought. What is needed is research and scientific analysis 0f the situation." Mr. Hinman suggested that objection to ownership ma'd e by prospective buy· ers that they do not feel competent to judge the value of property could be met by setting up certain standards and grading properties as securities are graded. He also recommended that real estate buyers be educated and a de· sire for home ownership be stimulated through a ·campaign of advertising by real estate boards. Building Field Peak Moving Days Now ·Thing of Past, This Report Show! Ninety four thousand five hundred and seventy-nine families, or less than 27 percent, moved during April and September of 1928, while 266,175 famiThat the peak moving days of May 1 lies moved the other ten months. and October 1 are a thing of the past During April and September of 1'29 a~d that leases are being made to ex- there were 81,568 families that changed pire all months of the year, is shown in apartments. This is 13,023 families less a report of the Chicago Homes Economic Council in its check of the changing apartments during April and September of 1'29 as compared with moving during the past two years. There were 37,347 families that moved the same months of 1928, while during from one unfurnished apartment to the remaining seven months of 1929 another the past September as com- thus far there were 204,823 families pared with 44,256 moving in September that changed apartments as compared 1928. There were 4,367 families that with 189,947 families changing apartmoved this October 1, as compared with ments during the same seven months 5,634 families moving October 1, 1928. of 1928. This shows that Chicago no longer . Of some 360,754 families who moved mto new homes in apartments last has the old May 1 and October 1 movyear, only 94,579, or less than 27 per- ing jams that it formerly had. The property owners and managers and cent, moved during April and Septemthe tenants have welcomed a chance ber, the months when people move who to get away from the old moving jams have April 30 and September 30 an~ they have rid Chicago of a custom leases. wh1ch had bound the people and busiThe following table shows when nesses for forty years or more. families moved during 1928 and thus far during 1929: Where you have room for it to stand 1928 1929 . January 16,487 17,661 a generous folding clothes rack is a Ft>bruary 19,076 18,673 splendid carrier for your freshly ironed March 28,917 27,458 clothes. In one instance, when: washApril 50,323 44,221 ing and ironing was done in the baseMay 35,277 42,518 June 39,816 31,045 ment laundry, and the clothes were July 26,253 31.~36 hung on the rack to do their last bit August 33,141 36.232 of drying, when she was ready t:1e Sf3ptember 44,256 37,347 housewife simply folded the rack toOctober 34,403 gether, carried it upstairs and distribNovember 23,523 December 18,282 uted the clean clothes where they be·Total for year 1928-360,754 longed with the minimum amount of Total to date for year 1929-286,491 running about. Treasurer for Ball FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE WE OFFER 'ABSOLUTELY FREE AS A XMAS GIFT A Regular $5.00 PARKER DU FOLD PEN Point Guaranteed for 2;) Y<'ars to the one who will mail to us before Xmas the regular penny post card on the back of which is written plainly the name "Holly Harris" the most number of times. Sign the card by your name and address. CENTRAL 11th and Central AVENUE PuARMAOY Wilmette 766 HOLLY P. HARRIS, R.PH.G. We have FREE DELIVERY till 9:30 EVERY NIGHT ~lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll.·.lllllllllllllllllllllll~ First Church of Christ, Scientist Tenth Street and Central Avenue SUNDAY SERVICES 11 Wilmette, Ill. A. M. Real Estate Committee Plana Advertising Study The directors of the National A.ssociation of Real Estate Boards, at their regular quarterly meeting in session last week in Chicago, at the TJrake hotel, authorized the appointment of a special committee, which includes the Association's standing a.dvertising commitee, whose work it will be to make a study and survey of n~ tional advertising. The special com~mt tee is asked to make recommendatwns as to the feasibility of a plan for a comprehensive campaign to advertise re:!l estate nationally. The committee is tp present the recommendations to the dtrectors of the National Association of Real Estate Boards at the Association's mid-winter meeting, to be held in Phoenix, Arizona, January 22, 23 and 24. WEDNESDAY-TESTIMONIAL MEETING-S P. M. SUNDAY SCHOOL EXERCISES-9 :4 5 A. M. (Photo by Balfour) DECEMBER Miss Mary Dawes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Dawes, of EvatBSubject: ton is serving this year as treasure~ of the charity ball committee for RBADING ROOM-1t63 WILMETTE AVENUE the North Shore Advisory board of the Illinois Children's home. The ball will Open Daily (except Wednesday and Saturday) 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. take place at the Evanston Co~.mtry W~dnesday 9 A.M. to 7:45 P.M.: Saturday 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. club, according to custom, and will ?e held \.~/eclnesday, December 18. M1ss The 'Sible and Works of Mary Baku Eddy and all ot~er authorized Dawes follows her mother in interesting herself actively in concerns of this local welfare agency, for the latter has may bt rrad. borrowed or pun:basrd at served for several seasons on the ball THB PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTBND THR committee in the capacity of treasurer CHURCH SERVICES AND VISIT THE READING ROOM and in other offices. Miss Dawes is one of the younger women working ;iriiii111111111111111111111111111Ullllll'lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliii1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111UIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllllllll~ in interests of the home. 15, 1929 GOD THE PRESERVER OF MAN ~= _= ~~riR·;:~in~'iR':m~itmtnrt =~ =i __

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