Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Dec 1929, p. 77

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December 13, 1929 10 SITUATION W ANTE])-FEMALE WILMETTE LIFE 70 77 FOR BENT-FUBN. HOUSES FOR RENT-FURNISHED, . 9 RMS., 3 baths, toilet rms. and lav., dlnlng and sleeping porches, sunporch. Hot water heat, Hardinge oil burner. Newly decorated throughout, also new colored tile bath and dressing room. 2 acres of beautifully landscaped gardens overlooking and adjoining Skokie Country Club. Reas. price, which includes care of gardens, Ja wn and flowers by owner. 6 mo. from Apr. 1st to Oct. 1st or for longer period. Ph. E. M. Kimball, Glencoe 170 or write to 770 Bluff St. for app't. 70LTN12-ltc EXPD. COLORED GIRL WANTS cooki.ng or gen. housework in family of adults. Go home nights. N. s. ref. Highland Pk. 1718. 60L12-ltp EXPERIENCED WOMAN SEEKS SIT. as nurse to elderly person or as governess. Prefer to go horne nights. Winnetka 1480. 60LT12-ltc 61 SITUATION WANTED-MALE PhOne Your Want·Ad· s in the Bvenin1 Phone Wil. CARE OF }1"' L 0 0 R S, WINDOWS walls, gen. cleaning or odd jobs of any kind. N. S. ref. Ph. University 0559. 61LT12-ltc CHAUF. THOROUGHLY EXP. IN ALL cars.. Also unlimited exp. in hswk. and butlermg. Ref. Ph, Greenleaf 0329. 61LTN12-ltp COL. MAN WELL l{NOWN IN EVANSton, wishes positi?n in private family. 35 · yrs. old, marned. Exp. chauffeur Ph. University 3403-W. 61LTN12-ltp EXPERIENCED MAN WANTS WINdow washing, garden and house work. Best of refs. Tel. Winnetka 2764. WORK BY THE DAY, GENERAL l-ISEcleaning, washing windows and woodwork, Rerving and waiting table. Winnetka 1657. 61LT10-4tp EXP. PORTER, .JANITOH., OR HOUSEman wants pos. Call Greenlf'af 19S:. G1LT~l 2-ltp CO~~- 73 FOR RENT-STORES lr. OFFICES 4JOO SUBLET VERY DESIRABLE STORE beautifully decorated. Good location. Concession. Winnetka 512. 73LTN12-ltc CORNER STORE, 25xH. 507 CHEST· nut St. Rent reas. Concession. Ph. Winnetka 1948. 73LTN9-tfc 77 FOR SALE-HOUSES 61LTN8-ttc COMPARE! BEFORE YOU BUY ON THE NORTH SHORE INSPECT THE FOLLOW· ING OFFERINGS: In Evanston : 5 houses, 6 rms. and 1 bath to 9 rooms and 3 baths : prices $21,000 to $46,500. In Kenilworth: 2 houses, 9 rms. and 3 baths, $34,000 and $3!>,000. In Glencoe: 2 houses, 9 rms. and 3 baths, $36,000 and $39,500. In Highland Park : 1 house, 9 rrns. and 3 baths, $35,000. Renovated house (frame), 9 rms. and 2 baths, $16,000. These houses are honestly built, properly financed and fairly priced. You will find them of pleasing designs, finished in good taste, and with unusually spacious rooms. A call or a letter will bring you full written particulars. C. A. HEMPHILL DESIGNER - CONTRACTOR BUILDER Our classified advertising department is prepared to accept adver· tisements for the current issue of WILMETTE LIFE every evening until 9 P. M. WEDNESDAY ltRNT-ROOl\IS \VITI£ HOUSEKEEPING priva tE' family of 2 adults. Uarag-e. \Vinnc tl(a !>14. 66LTN12-l tp FOit 66 :!\fAX WAXT~ HOU~E work. Call \\' inrwtka :~2 1~. 61LTX12-1tp T\\"0 HOO:\TS pri\·iJ eg·('s in I 'nJtt"stant. SIT. W1'n.-·M AI,E & FF.1\TALE 62 EXPElllE~CED OJ-! POl!.TEH. PH. VVJlm tte 1 tl, care of ~1ancinn e lli. 61LT12-ltp nom:.;~.\fAN 67 FOR ItENT-APARTl\lENTS APAH.TMENT FOR REN'l'-FURNISHed or unfurnished, in Smith bldg. Reasonable. Tel. Winnetlw. 3174. 67£~TN12-ltc COLORED COUPLE. MAN CILA UF5 ROOMS, RATH AND A'l'TIC, CHEERJo~OR RENT-APART~lENTS feur, butl e r: wift>-cook, maid. Best 67 ful corner. Stove heat, newly decorref. Call Atlantic 4366. II ill. ----------------ated, 1730 \Valnut A\·e., Wilmette. Ph. 62LT:\11-2tn Lon~b eac h 5322. 67LTN12-ltp · · BOARD AND ROOl\1 4 ROOMS, II. W. HEAT, STJN AND sleeping- porch e~. 516 W. Rail! 'td Aye., 2, 3, -i, 5 and 6 ROOMS FIRST C' f.u\~S ,\( '< 'O~J:\IODA 'TIOXS ONKenilworth, 2nd ft. Ph. Kenilw rth 4o37. 2944 Grant Stree t, Evanston Gr. 4573 !' ir-; ting- of :! larg(' !'<,oms , private bath, Here In Wilmette's most convenient and 2 exclusive location, you will find well· 61l..!L'l2-ltc 77LTN1 -1tP <'XC't-ll<·nt hoanl and m;tir! ~t" "' ic<' will arranged apartm:::nt~. All apartments ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ be :t\'ailal.ll' .Jan. 11-'t t () ni C'e <'O llllh' have outside rooms which provide an 68 FOU. JtENT-FUUN. APTS. or gf·nt!Pnwn. Gnt·;u~· v if dt·!'irNl. F or info rm~l,.tifJn call \Yinnet ka 27::J:i. abundance of light and air. Ample - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - EAST KENIL\VOR'l'H- Solid stone res. G::LTX12-2lp 1-2-3 ROOMS cliJse t space. Schools, churches, and On half acre beautifully WOOdPd, landshopping faclli ties within immediate scaped grounds, convenient to beach, REST HOME FOR CONVALESCENT OR acce!:'s. See these apartments today. grammar and high schools and transelderly people. Resident nurse. Ph. FURNISHED APARTMENTS Agent on premises. portation. There are four bedr'loms, GrPf'111E>a f 6R2S. H::LT:\'1 2- .Jt(' In The two sleeping porches and three Laths; EXCLUSIVE ELMGATE MANOR the living and sun rooms are unusually 66 FOJt UENT-UOO~IS with FREE GAS, LIGHT, ELECTRIC large and cheerf!.ll; a small library adds REALTORS Wil. 460 REFRIGERATION AND MAID SERVto its charm : there is an unfinished Linden Ave. LA HGE, srx~ Y \VA lDI PnOX'f' ROO;\! 424 r()om on third floor; hot water oil heat: 67LTN1-tfc £CE together with tile baths, showers, in priv. family. Ul-'e of ldtch ell for twin and double beds, large dressin!! two car .garage. It can be bought for brfst. Cnnv. t o N'. S. ntHl "L." Prke .closets and ample storage space. Excel· practir'ally ground value. very moderatr. Ph. \\' ilnH·1te 1il fi . ·· lent transportation. 825 Main StrePt, W~~NETKA- South front lot on Cherry 66L.TX 1~-ltp Evanston. Greenleaf 2100. 68LTN12-ltc 1O~li:i-11 01 l\lerrill Street St., for remarkable low price of $1,300. Hubbn nl 'Voods cash : wor:th $5,000. Surrounded by CEXTRAL HOTEL, 629 )1..\lX ~THEET. TO RENT-FINE 5-ROOM FURNISHED 3. 4, and 5 Room!'l bE-autiful new $20,000-$30.0000 new H.ooms by clay or Wef:'k. all outsicl·' apartment, 2nd floor at $80, which is Mod em in Every ·way homes. roo ms, steam heated, h o' an<l co ld Always plt· nty of h eat in winter month s. the price of apartment unfurnished. wate r . 6tiL·IS -t f·· Leaving city until 1st of May. For Aml)h' do!'r ts. I~rig-idaire . Tub and that reason will lease to responsible sho\ver baths. Close to schools an<l EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR HE~T- TIOOM, ALSO SPACE I:\ parti es charging nothing for th e furchun.:hes and transportation. · garage. \Vill arrange for some light nishings. Bus passe!'l buildiD:-; conyeni- 2nd Floor, 720 REALTORS Elm St., Phone Winn. 254 housekeeping if desired. Ph. Wilmt?tte ent to elevated. 532 Sheridan Hoad, 77LTN12-ltc 2248. 66L38-tfc 976 Linden An. Ph. Winnetl<a 3380 I E\'anston. See janitor in building. 68LTN12-ltp 67LTN12-ltp C01'IFORTABLE ROOM FOR REFINED g e ntl e man . PrivatE' ·family. :\o other EXCLUSIVE E. PEARS.O N ST. APT. roomers. R easo nable. Ph. Wit. 662. Nr. lake, completely and beautifully 66Ll2-ltc furnished, living rm., dining rm., masNILES CENTER IN EXCLUSIVE NEW ter . b,edroom tile bath, large kitchen. 4-5-6 room apartments $60 and up, large, SECTION OF KENILWORTH FOR TIE~T- 1 DOUBLE ROOM \\"'lTH maid s room, bath. $300 month. Refs. light, modern. Near Dempster "L" t~vin beds and lav. , in room. nl~o one Phone Superior 3214. 68LTN12-ltc This handsome new 6 room brick house, terminal station and North Shore elec. 2 baths, ex. lav., elec. refrig., 2 car smgle room. Ph. ·wilmette 3587. 29 minutes to loop. garage. Conyenient to transp. Price 66 L 11-tfc NE~L Y DECORATED 2 ROOM FUnonly $23,000. or will rent for $150 per mshE>d n.nar~ment with enclosed porch, month. Call ROOM FOR 1OFt 2 PERSONS. \\TATil\1 Dempster St~eet b~th, gas, li~ht, pletttY heat. hot runat Bronx Ave and conven, to bath . Very rE>asonahlt~. mng water· 111 room. lh bloc!< from Phone Niles Center 93 depot. 1230 Wilmette Ave. 68I.Tl2-ltp Call Sat., Sun., or eves. \Vinnetlm 2SH. 67LTN36-tfc (Q) <ID. 66LTN12-l t;: APARTMENT FOR HENT AT 394 CEN- 69 FOR RENT-HOUSES REALTORS NICE WATil\I ROOM. 2 BLOCKS TO Wilmette 273 tf'r st. Furnished or unfurnished. Liv- - - - - - · - - - - - - - - - - - - 1177 Wilmette Ave. trnnsportation. Tel. Winn . 2:l~7. 77L12-ltc ing room, dining- room, bed,room, 2 en66LTN12-ltp dMed porches. 1 scree ned porch, butler's pantry. Furnish!"d· $70; unfurPLEASANT, COMFORTABLE ROOl\I nish ed $60. Winnetka 2591. near station. Phone \Vinn<'tl\a 4 I fi. 67LTN1 2-ltc WINNETKA 66LTN12-1tp Beautiful Spanish home attractivelY situated amid 11h acres of landscaped OWNER MOVED AWAY. VERY AT· NICELY FURNI8HED ROOM NEAR AI'AH.TMENT, 3 H.OOMS , 2ND FLOOR. tractive, almost new, modern 7 rm. and gardened grounds. Unusually spatransportation. Winnetka 9ll. oil heat. Bea utiful sutTounding~ and brick house on bf'autifully wooded lot loc. Hent reas. Must -be seen to be cious interior arrangement. Garage near lake. 3 large bedrms., dressing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _6_6_L_T_N_l1_-_tr_c ;1 ppr<'cia ted. Inquire 730 Central Ave. for two motors. Sublease ; willing to rm. and slp. pch. ; 2 baths, toilet and \Vilmette. Ph. 299. 67T.12-1tp sacrifice. For complete details and InFURNIRHED ROOM FOR RENT. $4 lavatory; hot water heat; attached gaspection appointment phone rage: $25.000. Easy terms. per wk .. suitable for 1 or 2. Ph. Wil- r; ROOl\IS. SU::"J POH.C rr, HOT W A TEh mette 623. 6GLl 2-HP heat, bath, $60, including- lwat and gnrng-<. Thornwood ancl 2:~rd St., vVil- fi28 Davis St. Greenleaf 1855 NIC'E vVAHl\'1 ROOM JN PRIVATE mette. Ph. GlenYiew 37-l\12 . 69LTN12-ltc family, gentleman prPferred. 420 l'ark 67LTN1 2-1 tp REALTORS Ave., Ph. Wilmette 2!13. 66f.J12-ltp FOR RENT 746 Elm St. WINNETKA Winn. 1617 77LTN12-ltc ROOM FOR 2, $6.50, OR FOR 1, PRI- 2 ROOM .APARTMENT IN HUMPHREY 557 GREEN BAY ROAD, GLENCOE, Rvate, $4. Tel. Winnetka 2764. Bldg. Call Winnetka 98 or 3328. room house, two baths, newly decorated, 66LTN11-tfc 67LTN7-tfC' hot water heat, extra large Jot, garage, FLORIDA-FOR SALE OR TRADE AT Valparaiso, on Gulf Coflst near Pensaavailable at once. Rental very reason· cola. Finest golfing. fishing, hunting 2 NICELY FURNISHFjD ROOMS \VJTH 3 HOO~I GARAGE APT.:.: OIL HEATED. able. Call P. M. Cornea, Highland and sailing. Beautifully situated on prixate baths. Winnetlm 2336. !110 Car space. Ph. Winnetka 823. Park 500. 69LTN 4-tfc ·watP.r front, house of 8 rooms. ComElm St. 56L'l'N12-1tc 67LTN12-ltp pletely furnished. 28 hours from ChiFOR RENT-6 ROOM FLAT WITH ATTRACTIVE 5 ROOM BUNGALOW cago by train. For information call CLEAN, QUIET ROOM AT 1111 MEHbath, stove heat. Reasonable, 132 Park in Glencoe, $75. Ph. Wilmette 3547. Glencoe 561. 77LTN12-ltc ril st., nr. Hubbard Woods6tt.f!N12-ltp Ave. Ph. Wilmette 4227. 67L12-ltp 69LTN12-ltp 83 -· LINDEN CREST APTS. . \VILMET1'E EXCLUSIVE BARGAINS Very Attractive Rents QUINLAN & rl'YSON, INC. LIXDEN T\1ANOR I-IEINSEN REALTY CO. vV. H. CLARIS THE BRONX M. T. FAHERTY M m1 tt & lFll <ID.Iffi®Jrity Sublease Opportunitv 77 Indian. Hill Road BAJRD & Wl\.RNER 1Hl©~~Iffi~© llll & JJ ~lTillk~ ---------------------------------------

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