WILMETTE LIFE December 13, 1929 "Tbe Store.of Kitchen Ideas" Health Center Notes For est Preserves Mecca This Season for Winter Sports = USEFUL GIFTS PRICED EXCEEDINGLY Low GAy BREAKFAST SETS COLORFUL GLASSWARE IN FACT SOMEWHERE HERE Is THE GIFT . OF GI~TS President Anton Cermak and the The December meeting of the board board of Forest Preserve commissioners of the Gro se Point Health Center was announ'c es that preparations are heint:" held at the Yillage hall ~1onday, De- made for a big season of winter sport~ ccmber 9. The report of health serv- in the Forest Preserve district. ice rendered showed that 7-lO school The peak of the season is the annual children had been examin.ed, 151 house- Ski Meet at Swallow Cliff in the Palo:-. calls made, fifty-seven cases in attend- Hills. The large steel structure sunancc at the baby clinic, sixty-seYen cor- porting the slide has been repair~d rection:; made at the dental clinic. and painted and the hill below has been Twenty tonsilectomies ,,·ere pcriormc'd regraded and sodded so that rec ord b.v family physicians on advisement. jumps may he looked for. The large Attention "·as also called to our re- toboggan slides in the same area are lief ,,·o rk. The Health Center deals being remodeled to permit more safet~· primarily with the needs oi childr~:l, to tobogganists, and two more lar~e vet irequently \vherc a complete change slides arc being built. The four slide: oi surroundings or oi home conditions should give everybody who comes is nece -sary, an entire family is in- ample sport. Heretofore the cro\\'tls voh·ed. Immediate problems arc the haYe been so large that waits betwe en housing oi a family of ele,·en elsewhere stirles were extremely long. than in their present most unsanitary three room s. of finding transportatio n Throughout the district the smaller ior a crippled child far from school, an cl ski slides and coasting hilts are being prn\'iding treatment for another tiny put in shape and preparations made ior cripple. skating pond:;. The small ski slides at In Yie\\' 0 .f the wide application f Bc\'crh· Hills, Forest Glen. D~er Gron. this 11 u1 --ing sen·icc maintained . n Caldwell area. \\'estern Sprt.ngs. ha\'r largch- 1)\· the Chicago Tuberculosi s I been the. mea!ls of den:lopll1g mam· fn:-.titutc, -the . ale of Christma. scab expert sk1crs 1n the Cook count\' rei.., un::-ati~iactun·. In :-;pite ni gcn- gion. enn1s publicity, ft i - not clear tl) mam· Skating centers arc at Deer C. ron. lJ,l\\. much the mone\· fr om the ale oi Harlem aycm1e and Lake street. Edgetile ~cab docs ior U :i and o ur neigh- brook, Thatcher and Chicago a\·enues. IHlr~. PnssilJh· bu.:a usc !lllr nlttng gn - ).faplc Hill lake. Dams Xo. 1. 2 anrl -l t:"l'ttcr~ are 1111t allo\\·cd this year to on the Des Plaine s ri,·er: quarn· hole :' engage actirely in ringing door-bel;.; at Cermak park. and the clay hole at and othcr\\'i sc gnurl-naturedly pc;-;tcring Camp Bemis. Plans are made ancl one and all to !Jm· ior tile t:"!HHl cau..,~.· ,,·ork will he startccl at nnce on <lr,·el op()thcr interest:; crmnl in. Ccrtainh· th e ing portable shelters at each of the Ill'\\' J:>lan nf !Ja,·ing the h!IUSciWld·.:r pointS tO afford a place ior ~ " ltCr 1!1fl gl) out fM his ~e<d s instead lll ha\·ing \Yarmth for skaters and coast rs. them bn)ught rnn\·enicntly t" hi s do(lr The. Forest Pre sern distri ct wlll i:-; 1wt pn)\·ing a~ cffectin~ as \\'as h( > P~(t. again this season carry on a rro~ram ~i Onh· one-half the u:-;ual CLH ltrihutil)n junior ski meets for the chatn;iliOllshlp ha:-. 1 >ecn collected. of the area. These elimination tourn:l:-:.upt. J. It llarpcr had kindk per- mcnts \\'ill be held at the ,·ariou ; mitt t·d the !'-ale (\f !'-cab to cnntinne :n smaller jumps and the final meet \rill the sclhlols until the\· close ior the be at Deverlr Hills. h()lida\·s. Seals ma\· be 11ad at the Tt is expected that the Central . ki ~~ nice ni t.:ach sc hool. Children loH association ,rill shnrth- announce tht' the \\'nrk of prO\·i~ling ior the needy dates oi the big meetings. including t'1c and \\'ill he delightc(l to take your od ~r date at S\\·allmr Cliff. Traffic cnndiancl dclirer seals tn ,-ou. ).[am· lar.ge tions should he improved this year. dttt' ._ale..; ha,·e been made through cntcr- to the fact that 9oth arcnttc has hccn prising n·ung::-.tcrs \vho feel a turect 'It smce · 1as t season anc1 1)ern11·t · 1 · : · 1 · in- 1 )Ul tcrcst lin tlhe !health program. Slc:-tls better circulation of automobiles in the rna,· a so. >e .lac at our m;·n c rug . area this year. The count\· police. the ~tore · 't ou mil \Yan} cals t~r "~~lr Forest Presen·e police, aiHl emph)n·~ cards packages. Lur them 111 \\ 1l- ?f t l1e d.ts t nc · t \\'1. ·1 1 co op er ate 1 ·n sec·umctte anrl 1 · . . ,· mg the best posstble traffic concltt1on'. ~Ir. and ).frs. Joseph \Vhite, 159 Sheridan road, Kenih,·orth entertained Lake Forest coll ege \\'ill present it.; a fe\\' friends at dinner Saturday eve- annual Chri~tmas play on Fr iday and Saturday. Tkcemhcr 13 a nd l ·l. UNIVERSAL AND TORRID ELECTRIC TOASTER Formerly sol.J at $4.95 Very · Special -. U ~IVERSAL PERCOLATORS Formerly sold at $8.$0 While They Last Faetory Priees! · Save money on ELECTRIC WAFFLE IRONS Round or oblong. Formerly sold at $7.50 The Best Gift for Boy or Girl Very Special Bieyeles·Veloeipedes Rangers- Columbias- Excelsiors Harry C. Perrottet Stores THE Formerly with Mead Cycle Co. KITCHEN SHOP Daily News Building (Cor. 47·49 No. Cana~ St. ) Canal &W ashmgton Opposite uNorthwestem" Depot Phone Franklin 1638-1639 509 Davis Street, Evanston