Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Dec 1929, p. 16

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16 WILMETTE LIFE December 13, 19?.9. Central-Laurel P. T. A. The December meeting oi the Central-Laurel Parent-Teacher association proved to be of unusual interest to parents. first. because of the delightiul wav in which :Mrs. Clark presented the Bo,·s' and Girls' Glee dubs in separate nu~1bers and in combined singing of Christmas carols; and, second, because of the splendid thought-pro\·oking talk which Dr. Albert Yuddelson gan upon "Contagion of Xervousness." Dr. Y uddelson drew his comparison from the so-called contagiou · disea es and the immunization of persons afflicted with such disea s e~. \\·ith the length oi immunity im·oln:-d. He brought out the idea that in contagious a~ in other diseases. onh· stabilization oi the mental attitude o( the indi,·iclual while in the plastic stage wnulcl tend to dnelop the proper toxin tL) cnunter act neurutic tendencies. He emphasized the fact that children 1wt onh· hear, they listen: not only :;er. theY look: which facts bear out the old adage "Little pi).!s have big ear~ . .. Jh knowitw this parents can choose the kind of children they like NO STRING AROUND OUR FINGER BUT you had better PUT one around yours TO remind you to CALL and look over THE many good THINGS that we have THAT wiiJ make very SUIT ABLE Christmas PRESENTS. There POULTRY The ~rany fin pst the market affords. :-.;orth Shore families tried it Thanksgiving. EGGS Guaranteed Freshly Laid Wheeling Farms Phone Wheeling IS IS no use for us to TRY and enumerate THEM in our ad. for WE would probably MISS just the item THAT would appeal TO you most. We CAN ass~.ue you that WHAT we do sell will BE standard items. such AS you see advertised IN the leading papers AND magazines. Our Why Give Stationery for Christmas? It is useful. It is stYlish. ln most cases it is· needed. Then, too, it acts as a reminder for the recipient tL) fulfill correspondence obhgations. There are few gifts that are more appropriate. The announcements of the Kenilworth club for the holidays look mo.·t attractive and inviting. The children's Christmas party will be held on Friday afternoon, December 20, at 2:45 o'clock. A celebrated ventriloquist and a clown juggler are onh· two of the attractions mentioned whid1 will make this Christmas party a mem orable one to the children. Even·one is invited from the little tots t;p. Mrs. Paul Bradley, Mrs. Thoma s Hoyne, Mrs. ] a~ques de Ia Chapell_ e, and Mrs. Maunce Van Arsdale will act as hostesses, Tuesday evening, December 31, at 9 :30 o'clock, will begin the New Year \ celebration and ball. Mrs. Leon Elli s, Mrs. James Starr, Mrs. De Witt Stillman, and Mrs. Harold Tideman as hostesses are planning to have this ball one of the loveliest the club has ever had. There will be special music, entertainment, and favors. Reservation s will be accepted up to the capacity oi the kitchen and the order received. On New Year's day the club will ha·;e "open house" with a tea dansant. Mr: . Herbert Taylor, Mrs. Dan Stiles, and ~frs. John White are in charge of thi~ party. Because of the limited flour N. T. Radio Club Visits space and the popularity of these Ke\r Broadcasting Station Year's day informals, notice is giv e n Twelve members of the :\"c\\· Tr:cr that children of the grammar sch onl H i .~h school radio club. accompanied arc not invited. b\· C. Herbert Jones, faculty sponsor of the club, visited the \\"RB~I broad- Ermine Cleaners Plan casting station northwest of Glenview to Open New Branches near the Curtiss airport Tuesday afterOtto Fisher, president and general noon. The Xe\\. Trier Radio club. which meet regularly e\·ery t \H) weeks, op- manager of Ermine Cleaners, anerate s a code sending station at the nounces that the company expecb t·' high school. The boys have received r(·- npen more new retail stores in the ncar plies to their code messages recently future. Ermine Cleaners have been from Toronto. Canada, as well as from in the wholesale cleaning business since towns in Pennsylvania, Alabama, ann 1921, and recently branched out into the retail business. Their first retail other states. store ,,·as opened in \Vilmette. and Carl Huck, 605 Essex road, Kenil- thev now have similar stores in \\"inworth, who has been ill for the past netka, Glencoe and \Vaukegan. ).[ r. t\vo weeks after an operation for ap- Fisher, wJ1o was formerly connecte_d pendicitis. is recovering at his home. with Fisher, Kolb and company, a Chi).[r. Huck will he confined to his home cago concern, took over the manageabout ten days or t\\'o \\·ecks longer. ment of Ermine Cleaners in 1923. to have by moulding their habits and thoughts to bring out that which is the heritage of every normal child-hon~"s ty integrity, loyalty, and courage. The h~me renders its first big service if it is a normal, thinking home. The teacher, too, by precepts and examples, shares to a great extent in this development. Mrs. Kendrick, the president, announced g-ifts of $50 for Christmas cheer; $100 to the Americanization school; $10 to the League ?f Women Voters; $10 to the Re~reatton board; $63 for Junior Police uniforms; $200 to the school for the purchase of radio amplifiers and stone benches, all of which had been made by the ParentTeacher association. The social hour, \Yhich followed th ~ meeting, proved most enjoyable. The mothers of the third and fourth grade pupils served as hostesses to about 250 parents. The membership chairman again reported the drive closing finally ·w ith a total ·of 644. ~Irs. Han'er Craig, 716 Lake avenue, was hostess at tea given recently for the mothers of Mrs. Vernon's 7-A room . . Assisting hostesses were Mrs. A. H. \Vcber, 826 Chestnut avenue, ).[rs. A. H. Cllrich, 925 Lake avenue, and ).[rs. John B. Boddie, 1356 Green\\·ood avenue. Kenilworth Club Announces .Plans for X mas Holidays BUY DIRECT Real Silk Hosiery Mills WALTER Announce Holiday Rate of Fare on North Shore Line A special holiday rate of fare and one-third for the round trip betwel.'n any points on tht: Chicago ~orth Shore and Milwaukee railroad will he in effect from Dec. 21 to December 24, inclusive, it is announced by R: S. Amis, general passengar agent. Fm~l return date under this arangement wtll be midnight oi January '6. This special rate also applies to interline tickets between communities on the North Shore line and all points in the west and soutlHvest served by inter-conneding steam railroads. E. BUSHMAN Local authorized agent Ladies' pure silk hose-$1.00 up Ladies' silk-wool hose - $1.50 Ladies' camel's hair-silk (clocked) . .. . ......... . . $2.10 Men's socks .......... .. . SOc up Men's silk-wool .$1.00 Men's camel's hair-silk . . . $1.50 530 Davis St., Evanston, Ill. Phone Greenleaf 6035 PRICES will be as low AS you can buy them ANYWHERE. · Symphony Lawn $2.50 Box conta1111ng two-quire of white sheets, gold-edged cards and envelopes to match, all satin-tied. Sold on 1 y at Our Conservatory presents an interesting display of GORGEOUS flowers for the Holiday season. To see them is to better appreciate their beauty. Evergreen Wreaths Boxwood Wreaths Holly Wreaths Mistletoe, etc. Special Christmas Displays made to order. Phone or call. CHRISTMAS CORSAGES CHRISTMAS PLANTS GIFT BOXES OF ROSES SPECIAL BASKET ARRANGEMENTS -- ~' - ---~ C:Hi.n \TOR£ JOHN WEILAND Florist Wilmette Store: 1161 Wilmette Ave. Wilmette 2128 Ceatral aad Wilmette AveDuea PhoDea Wilmette Z8 and Z! CeDtral and Wilmette AveDuea Phonea Wilmette 28 IUld 29 ~mm~~~~~~~~~t

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