12 WILMETTE LIFE December 13, 1929 Mn· . Kate Hopp Dies at IHe~ry Marcus Succumbs to Stroke on Saturday Hospital, Hurt in Fall Mrs. Kate Hopp, mother or' Harry W. Hopp, 225 Linden avenue, Wilmette, died at the Evanston hospital Thu!"sday, December 6, of the ill effects attendant to the shattering of her hip in a fall on Xovember 16. ~~ rs. Hopp, who would have ~een 90 years of a~e next February, sltpped on the grass 111 the yard of the Hopp residence. She was taken to the Evan ton hospital · 1e where it was at first thought that s1 . y;ould recover. Funeral services v.:ere conducted la st Saturdav from a funeral chapel in Chicau·o with burial at Grace land cemeterY. ,.., · In addition to 11 r. Hopp, she is survived ' Jv three grandchildren, Harvey · · M. hupp, Richard Hopp and E umcc Wright. Henry Marcus, 527 Maple avenue, \Vilmette, died Saturday afternoon, J?ecember 7, at the Evanston hospttal from the effects of a stroke. Mr. Marcus, who was a native of Kreutznach, Germany, had been ill for the past two years with heart tro~ble. ~fe moved to \Vilmette from Clucago t.our and .a half years ago. Sun·iving hun are h1 s wicl o~Y. Mrs. Elizabeth Marcus; tw o sons, Carl L., of \_\ ilmettc, and R\'-Vobehrt ·ho is attcndmg school at as H D. C. . lattghter , 11rs lrr. ·· ' ' tngton, , one t . . ·· 1 I in 7 B. Hallenstein of ) o!tet; a brother. L~d,,·ig of Krcutzna~h, German;·. an_d t\\'O sisters, Emma ot Dus~cldort! ~J·\ 1 manv, and Mrs. L. H: \\' elller ot Tl 1 f 1 1eral servtces were 1 1e 1(1 mette. e ~ . f leral cha )t: l . I ~{onc.Jay 1110rtllllg- Ill the .ut < n 1 1911 B r oad,ra\' una at -t . - · Ch1cago , · , ,,·as at Rosel11ll cemeter). PLAN XMAS PROGRAMS Wilmette Public Schools Arrange Fea. tivitiea and Yuletide Contribution& to Needy Famines Main Street Fruit and Vegetable Market offers holiday bargains. We carry only the best and we want the people of Wilmette to give us a trial. Here are some of our prices for Friday, Sat.u rday, Monday and Tuesday. Sugar, I 0 lbs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. SSe California Oranges, large size, dozen ................ 49c Jonathan Apples, 6 lbs. . ............ ................ 39c Bananas, large, dozen .. .. ..................... .... 19c Cabbage, 6 lbs. . .......................... ...... .. 19c onions, 6 lbs. . . . . . . . . . . ................... ....... .. 19c Assorted Nuts, lb. . ................................ 27c Free Deliveries ·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 635 Main St. Tel. Wil. 4487 Wilmette Public schools ar1· planning- Christmas programs to h~· presented next week, which is the last week before the annual Chri-;1mas vacation. The vacation start s Friday afternoon, December 20. · At the Howard building tl w sixth grades of Miss Aleda Larson anrl Mrs~ Betty Mason will present a Christmas operetta on Tuesday, \\'hi lr Miss Violet Madsen's seventh g-raclt will present ;t Christmas pla~· on Friday. The Christmas olay. " \\' 11~· the Chimes Rang," will be given on Thursday afternoon and evening at tilt· Stolp school. Younger children " ·ill atte nd in t11e afternoon, while the oldC'r children and their parents will rome in the evening. Mrs. Kathryn Vern ()n i~ directing the play .. Other teacher-; r1 i the - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ! Stolp building, as well as the pupils, are assisting in the making of Ctl'-\ttmes St. Francis P. T. A. Will and scenery. Hear Famous Art Critic Children in all of the grark -chools Thl' Parent-Teachrr association of of the village are bringing- canned ~t. Francis X~l\·ier ~chool i to meet goods and numerou s other Cllri:-tmas in the school auditorium at 3 o'clock gifts for needy familic .. ~frs. Lillian this afternoon at ""hich time ).f rs. Northam, \Vilmettc prohatin11 (\f!lce r, John R Sher"'ood \\'ill be the principal is taking care of the distrihut it\11 of these gifts. Each of the sclwol buildspeaker. ings plans to have a Christmas tree and Mrs. Sher\\'oocl is an art critic and Christmas parties. trayeJer \\'ho has worked for many years in conncctinn \\'ith the Chicago Art Institute. She is said to possess AT MEETING IN CAPITAL the happy faculty of presenting her Clifford Older, 1026 Elm\\'ood a\ enue, subject in a ,·cry understandable and has been in Washin~ton, D. C. this effcctiYe manner. week attending a meeting of the HighAt tocl.ay's meeting- ~1 rs. Sherwbod way Research board., which is a divi.will discu ss "The Value of Beaflty in sion of the National Research cou nctl the Training of Children." She will il- of the Academy of Sciences. 11r. Older lustrate her talk with pictures. is serving on the committee of trans\ The school orchestra is to present portation of costs. He will ret urn to a program on 'this occasion. \\'ilmette on Sunday. Oot Everything? How about Xmas Seals PHONE: WILMETTE 1 CITY MARKET Co. 6:17 MAIM STREET WHOLESALE ... PHONE: WILM,ETTE 1810 MEATS ... RETAIL 1810 A Ji'RIENDLY TALK TO WILMETTE Ji'OLKSHave you ever considered the advantage there is to you when you trade with a merchant who is not burdened with excessive RENT? It is very plain that he can sell you his products at a much lower price. This is exactly the condition in Wilmette. HERE- "WEST OF THE TRACKS" we have a saving in rent alone-that reflects itself in .our DECIDEDLY LOWER MEAT PRICES, and all to your BENEFIT. SHOP WEST o:r THE TRACKS AND SAVE MONEY - Below you see just a hint of the BIG VALVES in our SPECIAL Ji'RIDAY AND SATURDAY SALE-DEC. 20....21 Genuine Spring Young Lean Armour Star Armour Star ~I LAMB LEGS PORK LOINS Whole or Half RAMS Whole or Half BACON Very Delicious Half or Whole Side KENILWORTH WINNETKA . 32¥20 241/20 2..tY2o WILMETTE GLENCOE Four Daily Deliveries- 9 A. M.- II A. M.- 2 P. M.- 4 P. M.