Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Dec 1929, p. 68

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Latest School News JUNIOR LIFE Recreation Told by the Pupils Board Publi1hed weekly by the school children of Wilmette under aupervision of Wilmette Playground and VOL. 2 NO. 38 WILMETTE, ILLINOIS, DECEMBER 6, 1929 Eileen Figures They Had Children Make Alphabet Eighth Graders See Sf!ven-C Pupils Much to Be Thankful For Cards for Lower Grades Shakespeare's "The Give Program in Wednesrlay, November 27, both Howar(l The day before Thanksgiving my fameighth grades went to see a show, that Merchant of Venice" ily drove dowQ to my Grandma's. Grand- is, all but about twenty. I was one Senior Assembly The day we went to see "The Merchant of Venice" many incidents· happened which I will try to relate. We met at 1:10 o'clock and started for the city. The coaches were crowded so we were ~.I>arated. The part of the car I was in had quite a number of boys who seemed to have a good time. 1 guess I wasn't an angel either. After a while we quieted down. that is, we sang songs and had Jimmy Chambers lead us in cheerin_g. This kept us busv till w e reached town. \Ve then went through the North Westt>rn tremiml.l . through the overht>ad subway and through the Daily News building to the street. John Osborne, Frank Christy and I were ~ent ahead to the thei!l.er building wh r re tht> pley was to be given. \Ve got our tieket:- and found our :-;f>ats. I tradert my seat for another and found lt was trf near the girls to suit me so I traded it fot· the seat our teach er, Mrs. Stalling. had who in turn traded it with another girl. I was then sitting hv Mark Simond s and in back of Jant>t Wright and h e r moth~ 'T'hf> nlay started and bv tlw beautiful <:ostumes and scenery everybody was ple:-tst>d. The play· WPnt on until Shylo('k wh o was playpd by Fritz Leibe r, camt> in and everybody started clapping. All through the play, which lasted tw" hou···· he played a perfect part. Laun('Plot who played the nart of a fool, was :-t S('rpnm. Everything he did made evervone laugh, The Pt·ince of Aragon was also funny. ll<'t ween en('h act the boys woulrl g o out and g-t>t ('nndy an.._(! rnh thPir shoE's on th<' cnroet. causing- friction which would re~ult in elec·tricity and would sting- when thPV tou('hed 'e n>ryone. I think the show wns a g-r<'nt StJ('('ess and I know we owp 1\lrs. Stnlling- anrl tlw motlwrs who took us manv tha'll\!':. r;,in~ hnme nnthinc- tnll('h happ('n<'d as we had too much en nrl~' and it kPDt n .. Th e eighth grad0s at Howard have finmouths shut.-1\Jac Tlut<'hins, RA Howard. ished looking up the articks and pictures for the ir first fi\'C pictures, th en, hardly having closed the door of thP bookcase looking up r'ferences for tht·se pictures, we start on Italian designing. \Ve are studying this and then are s-oF.ight-A Howard had n. stH'Cessful sf'a- it!g to makp our own cover designs for son in speedball. We play d two games our art books. Th e des igns are either out of six. The first game was with all O\"t?r or borders. St. Joseph. We had to fight for it. T-he l\Irs. Mason has succeeded in gptting S('Ort> was 4 to 0. The next was with !,rand new picturt>s of early Italian art Pn Howard. The field was like a lake. designing. \Ve all enjoy the work very 'J'hE> S('Ore came out in our favor, 7 to 3. tnU('h only our periods are too short and The next three gamPs wen~ rained or we only h lLve two periods a we;ek, much snowert out. The nf'xt was witll Stolp to our woe. 1\A which we won bv forfeit. \\"e have In th n spring we have another heart onp more game and if W~' win it WI' get the ('hampionship. \Vc know wp will, c;o breaking week or two because we have to we decidPd on it. \Vt.> always had a full look up our other five pictures and th eir team. The boys in our room are :1ll artists ~·o I hope this work lasts longer g-ood sports. \\'e lost in football but than ::\Irs. Mason expects it to. - :\fargrette Reynolds, Howard 8B. that does not make any difference. We arc out for the ba~ketball <'hamptonship. -FrederiC'k Aschbacher, 8A Howard. ma lives in Shelbyville a little town about 220 miles from Chicago. Mother drove our car down through Chicago and picked up Daddy. Then we went out to my uncle's house. We left our car then: and started on our drive in their car. When we got outside of Humboldt, a litt:e town n ear Mattoon, the rear wheels on the car got caught in some mud and as there was · a.. ridge in the road, we started skidding. If my uncle hadn't been very careful we would have been in the ditch now. Th e first turn we missed th e ditch by about eight inches. Then il ~o;wernd to the othE:>r side and we missell that ditch by about six. inches. \V e w re approa<"hing a cement bridge :md suddenly the car decided to go the other way. We skinned the bridge about a foot and su<ldl·nly we found we we re going straight. We were certainly ex:cited and everybody felt jumpy, \V went on and as we passed through a littl e village we turned a corner. Wh e n we got quite a way from the village we discovered we were on the wrong ron.cl. W e came to a little house with a flriv e g-oing up to it. There was a bridge leading- into it. There was a bridge at the beginning of the drive but it didn't look very substantial, so we went on. W e canw to a bridge · arid crossed it. We found ourselves in a yard. We turned around and got back on the right road . After awhile we got off the road again but it wasn't so bad this time. After a while we reached my Grandma's house. We all thought that that va!.'i a most thrill in~ td!J. -Eilene Weakly, 6A Howard. who didn't go. The program for the children who didn't go was as follows: First period, art for girls; gym for boys. Second period, social science. Third period, g eneral science. When the girls got to art, Mrs. Mason had them make the ABC's one letter occupying a whole sheet of drawing paper. When the le.i;tPrs w ere drawn with pencil we had to take a blae,l} cravon and make them as black as we could. Wh en the hrst bell rang we had just ahout starterl :;o Mrs. Mason had one of the girls ask Mrs. Gro\'es if she would excuse us from her class so we could finish th<' lett ers. Most of the girls were from Mt·s. Jones' room and when the bell rang th ey had to J!"O down and hPlp her with the Thanksgiving- basket. Then there we re only three girls helpin~ Mrs. Mason. When the next bell rang we weren't finished so we were excused from gent' ral scient't'. We got them finish ed when it was tim e to go hom e. These letters we made w er e t'ur a lower grade. -Marie Zepf, 8B Howard. Tuesday, November 20, the 7C clas:-: provided entertainment for the senior asl-:iembly. The program consisted of several living pictures: The first one was of the magazine called ~urkey News. Th'e second one, was a · Picture of the first Thanksgiving-, th t· third of a scene of ·a Pioneer Thanksgiving, the fourth of a picture of a Civil war- Thanl<:-;giving, the fifth of a picture of a hospital during the World war with a sQJdier or>ening a bundle from hom p and the sixth one was a picture of a modern Thanksgiving. "Jericho Bob," a story; "When the T eacher Get!> Cross," "The Thanlu;giving Fable," two poe ms. a story of the origin and history of Thanksgiving and a play ca lled, "Scotch Crace" completed the program. The living pictures. the play, the storiC's, and the p0ems ·were all a cted in a large ui('ture frame. The 7C class hnp0s lhat thejr prog-ram was rnjoyed by all. - Marjorie W Piller, 7C StnlJ). It Appears Autographs Are Having Their Day The children of t-he Howard school :tre having quite a fad of having autographs at hand. You might look around and see a girl nading autographs to someone else. If you turn again you would see girls sit· ting on Mrs. Jones' car running board, all writing in autograph books. You would soon get so tired of autographs that you wouldn't want to look at the:m for months. A girl friend of mine went up to ask Mrs. Mason to writ~ in her autograph book and before she could say autogra_ ph, :\trs. Mason said "Autograph?" and she said it in such a funny way, you would think she was getting CJUite tired of the i1h-a of signing h0r name in on e. I'll bet she dream s of autographs chasing her.- Jun e Sorsl'n, 6B Howard. Teddy Seems to Have Had "Full" Thanks~ivin~ Day On Thanksgiving day our family went f>Ut to my uncl e's in South Chicago. A f.-w months ag-o my un cle went to South nakota on business and while he was there he went hunting pheasants. He put tlwm in ('Old storage and for Thanksgi \"ing dinner we had two ducks, two pll Pasa nts, c r::~nbnri es and potatoes. And for dPsse rt we had two great big pum!)kin pi es and a lot of candy, I don't think that I eYer ate so much in all my lifP, b f'('a U~(' aftPr dinn er r f elt lik e I b:ul gained about t en pounds. I surely hnd a big time that day and I didn't eat any s upper that nig-ht. -Teddy Hosking, 8B Howard. Busy Season Ahead for · Art Pupils at Howard Low Ebb for Howard in Speedball Th;s Season Howard SB had the worst season for speedball this year that they have ever had. 'l'he fir1'1t game wa!'; with St. Frands whi('h we won by forfeit. The second ,, ·as with Howard 8A and we lost 7 to 3. The third g-ame was with Stolp 8C !lnd we also lost thH.t gam e, 3 to 1. Thm;e were the only two games we played. The nlayers WPn· : Allen Roth, John Osbornt>, Mark Simonds, John Bailey, Georl!e Collias, Marshall Peterson, Alfred Brown, FayettP Lillv, Charles Gibson and Ted Hoskins.-AIIen Roth, 8B Howa.r d. One Win Between Howard and Title in Speedball May Organize Camp Fire Group at Howard School Howard Six~A Seems to ·Be After Title in Speedball Howard 6A has a very fine team this ypar In speedball. They have won every game th ey have played. The first game they played was with Central 6C, but they never showed up so we won bv forfeit and the second game was with St. Joseph and it was not hard to beat for we had our best players. The final score was 7 to 0 in our favor. Then thP. next game was with 6B and we won by a forfeit and then we believe we will win the championship. -Billy Anhalt, 6A Howard. PUFF WAS GONE I on<'e had a Spitz dog. He was a nice white dog when he had his bath. We called him "Purr" because when he was bathed he looked like a powder puff. And then one day we called and called but we couldn't find him and we put an ad In the paper but we never got him back.-Dorothy Massig, GB Howard. THAT SCIENCE TEST About two weeks ago we had our social science test. The best grade was three wrong out of 145 questions and tbat paper was GPorge Maxwell's. 'rhe next grade was fourteen wrong and that paper was Mac Hutchins', and so the grades went on down as low as eightyslx.-Marjorie Wedell, Hv ..lrd 8A. Tuesday, November 26, the sixth, sc·venth and eighth grades of Howard school went to the auditorium to listen to a talk given by a man from the CongTPg-ational church. He talked about Thanksgiving :tntl what it should mean. Not only should ir mean turkey but it should mean more of a real thanks to God. I am sure we all enjoyed the talk. w11en he got through, Mr. Todd said, "All the boys please go when your room i5 called and also all the girls who are nirl Scouts." Then when they were all gone a very r.ice lady spoke to us about starting and organizing a Camp Fire Girls' club in the Howard school. Most of the girls rut their hands up when she asked if they would like it. -Genevieve Birlauf, Howard SA. Last week Miss Larson told us that we needed a set of World Books. ::)he said . Miss Gayton told her that we couldn't take the World Books out of the library every time we needed them as other rooms wanted to use them too. One evening- Mother, Dad and I went Miss Larson said 6A and 6B would have a candy sale to raise money. The books for a ride. We were on Main street and stopped at the "stop" sign and waited cost about $50. Miss Moore and Miss Gayton would give us some money and lor some cars to pass. T-he policeman 6.\. has some money that they won from turned around and beckoned to us to ~o the P. T. A., so we only have to raise ahead and he very courteously said, "Please put your lights on." Mother about $20.-Jerrine Fromm, 6B Howard. shid, "I think our Wilmette police ought to have a write-up because that is twice WRITE PLAYS I have had such a courteous reproving." Monday, December 2, the eighth grades T have tried to make a little, what she at Howard school started writing plays. ('ails, "write-up." -Janet Wright, 8A Howard. We will have a few composition periods In which Mrs. Stalling will help us arCH. R ISTMAS BELLS SILENT range them but will have to finish them There are to be no bells rung for outside of the school. If the plays are very good we will give them in front Christmas seals as it is a bother to the of the P. T. A. or In the senior assembly. people when the children come to the cloor and ring. Mr. Harper says we -Margery Taylor, 8A Howard. have to get our order for seals first. Everyone who sells one hundred gets a MANATOS WIN IN VOLLEYBALL Red Cross pin.-Myrtle Kill, SA Howard. On Tuesday, November 26, there was a volleyball game between the 7 A Manatos THE FIRST SNOW and the 7B Black Hawks. The Manatos I love to see the snow white flakes only had six people so the Black Hawks Come floating through the air, had to take quite a few off of their team. Hut we all know that It will mean The Manatos won 20 to 11. It was a The Pnd of beautiful leaves and flowers very illteresting game. rare. -Beryl Tolen, 7B Stolp. -Marjorie J . Hill, 5B, Howard school. Jean Perrill Gives Party for Seven-A K1ckball Team 'l'he 7 A klckb<tll e-irls were given ~ pn rty by J ean Perrill, the captain, :\.11 of the girls who had played in a game wPre inviterl. also the 7 A teacher, Mrs. <iroves, and the ~flptain of the 7B room . The party was h eld Friday and started at 7 :30. We played several different g::~mes. One was strinc-ing popcorn, another was dressing clothespins in a gym outfit. We also had ice cr~am and cakes. We all had a very nice time and the girls said that they would like to have Jean for our next captain because she might give another Party. -Geraldine Bunch, 7A Howard. STUDY CATHEDRALS The 7B boys and the 7A boys from Howard school are studying cathedrals and famous pictures. We have to have somethin~ written up about every cathedral, which Isn't so easy as you think. The cathedrals that we art> studying about are Notre Dame, Rhiems, Chartres, Amiens, St. Gllles. -Herman Meyer, 7B Howard. TOO MUCH TO EXPECT Vacation is over till Christmas time. Everyone seemed to have digested their tt.rkt>y but it didn't look like it Monday morning, They seemed half asleep and to get to work was too much work. We evPn had a tardy boy who came straggTing in much unconcerned that vacation was over.-Ruth Pavelicek, 8B Howard. HOIS'l' FLAG We have a new rule at Howard school. The 1ieutenants of the school boys' patrol have to put up the Flag when they are on duty in the hall and street. But aftel' Hll it is not so hard and we have fun doing it. -Edwin Colegrove, 6A Howard. Sixth Grades Raise Money to Buy Set of World Books Janet Pens Boost for Wilmette Police Force

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