Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Dec 1929, p. 60

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60 WILMETTE LIFE December 6, 1929 JOHN .J. FLINN DIES Evanston Masons to Hold Sororities and Fraternities Entertain at Miralago Stag Party December 16 Nationally Known Journalist, Lecturer Evanston Commandery No.5 Knights Templar is giving the largest stag ~arty since its organization. The party ts to be given December 16 at the Evanston Masonic temple located at Maple avenue and Lake street. Elmer E. Nilles, chairman of the entertainment committee, states that William Canhan is furnishing the entertainment. Mr. Canhan is noted for his ability of furnishing wonderful entertainment, inasmuch as he furnishes the entertainment for the Medinah temple, Medinah Athletic club and other large organizations. A list of nine acts will be published later. G. Norman Taylor, commander of James H. Prentiss, 201 Cumberland Evanston commandery, states that the ·oad, Kenilworth, left last Saturday eve- party is given to develop better fello~ ning for Arizona where he expects to ship among the North Shore Masomc spend this week on business. · bodies. The Miralago will be the scene of several special parties during December. The Beta chapter of Chi Kappa Phi is having a tea dance on Sunday, December 8. On Friday evening, December 13, the Gamma chapter of Zeta Theta Nu is having its pre-holiday formal party, and the Omega Phi will hold its annual dansant on the same date. November brought its special parties to the Miralago, the attractive ballroom on Sheridan road in No Man's Land. Phi Chi Phi gave an Old English tea dansant there, Alpha Sigma Phi Mu gave a sorority tea dance and Kappa Kappa Gamma held a large subscription dance. and Christian Science I..eader was Resident of Glencoe John ]. Flinn, nationally known essayist, lecturer,. form~r newspaper~an and chief editortal wnter of the Chnstian Science Monitor, and a former resident of · Evanston, .died Wednesday at his home at 845 Vernon avenue, Glencoe. Mr. Flinn wit~ his wife, the late Mary Talbot Cole Flinn, came to Evanston in the early eighties and for more than 20 years made their · home at 814 Michigan avenue. During t~eir residence here both Mr. and Mrs. Fltnn were active in social, charitable and civic circles, and in the Christian Science church of which they were members. Mr. Flinn was born in Ireland in 1851 and came to this country in his early youth, living in Boston where he received his education. He entered the newspaper field in St. Joseph, Mo., and married Mary Talbot Cole there October 9, 1877. The couple moved. to St. Louis where he became managmg editor of the Globe-Democrat. He later moved to Chicago with his family where he became a leading newspaper man. For a number of years he was employed as associate editor of the Chicago Daily News, which position he resigned in 1882 to accept the post of U. S. consul in Chemnitz, Germany. \Vhen he returned he became managing editor of the Chicago Mail and the Chicago Times, and later was chief editorial writer for the Chicago Inter Ocean until 1908, when he went to Boston to accept a similar position on the Christian Science Monitor. While a resident of Evanston Mr. Flinn served as alderman from the third ward for two terms. He was the author of many songs, poems and essays which appeared in current periodicals. He was also author and publisher of the Standard Guide to Chicago and of the Official Guide to the \Vorld's Fair there in 1893. He was charter member of the Press club and served as its president for two years in 1906 and 1907. Funeral services were held at the Graceland cemetery chapel Friday, interment being private. Mr. Flinn is survived by six children, three sons, James Miller Flinn; Melville Stone Flinn, of Highland Park, and John Cunningham Flinn of Yonkers, N. Y.; three daughters, Mrs. Daniel W. Roche, 2329 Ridge avenue; Miss Clara Cole Flinn of Glencoe, and Mrs. Lucius Smith of Winchester, Mass. Mr. and Mrs. James Prentiss, Jr., and their young son have returned from the south, where they have been visiting at Mrs. Prentiss' home in North Carolina. They expect to be with Mr. and Mrs. Prentiss, Sr., until their new home in the Indian Hill estates is ready for them. RAYMOND .. WHITCOMB NEW deluxe OUND THE WORLD CRUISE A THE TIME-l06daysfrom GOlDEN STATE ·liMITED · TO CALIFORNIA Like a trip through Egypt in an Alpine .setting Traversing the sunny playgrounds of the Great Southwest-only warm winter-resortland in America whose romantic and colorful attractions are enhanced by the grandeur of mountain scenery. Luxurious hotels, golf and other playgrounds, ftanked by desert gardens of exotic ftowers. Ideal preface to a California visit. New York to New York-weeks shorter than the ordinary world cruise, but with no sacrifice of time ashore. Sails Ja.n. 21, 1930. A THE CRUISE . . SHIP-S.S. "Columbus" (32,000tons) recent-ly NortH German Lloyd flagship. Her superior speed enables this ma.gnificent liner to shorten &f>' precia.bly the steaming time between ports. day~ in lndia .. Ceylon.. Java. .. Siam.. A THE ITINERARY-Eleven Peking ... Korea ... Japan--in aU 29 Oriental points, besides Egypt &nd t many other Mediterranean a.nd Pacific ports. .A. THE RATE5-$2000 and up, with accommodations for 230 members from the minimum rate up to $3500. No Extra Fare Superfine-fxpressing the utmost in travel luxury Convenient ·chedule-minimum daylight houn1 en route-only two days Chicago to California. 07'HER CRUISES for 1929-1930 West Indies Htw Hoii..M-A-nc. u... s.s. ··~ o.c..a- 21 " .........., t (16 days) .,......., 2t" F._, 2S as ·Y-> Round South America C..... S.S. "s...ria·-f._, I Cunard s.s. "Carinlhia'" ~IlL 2l Sprinc-A,.f I Rock Island-Southern Pacific Golden State Route Shortest and best way Chicago to El Paso, Tucson, Chandler, Phoenix, Indio and Palm Springs. Quickest by many hours. Direct low altitude route to Los Angeles and San Diego. .A.k about our new Ali-E.pen.ee Califorala Tour, lnc:ludin· the reeorta of the Sunny Southwat and a ·lorioua eirele of the ecenic Weet Lea-.e Januar,o ll.l'ehnaar7 IS and Mareh 15, 1930 FITTED OVERNIGHT CASES Mediterranean North Cape-Russia s.s.· Carindlia-~- 24 S.S, Hfnacollit.·--JUM 21 ISCOlTED TOUlS TO EU~OPE VJSmNO· THE PASSION PLAY ATOIERAMME~OAU . . TlAYa THlOUOHOUTTHEWOll.D ITIAMSH1P T1ClETS ON ALL LIN!S INDIVIDUAL AllANGEMENTS ,.,......,. AT l!OUL.Al RATES Lymoncl I Whitcomb Co. 176 No. Michisan Ave., Chlca.. Tel. S...I'IJ .....,., ROCK ISLAND THE ROA.D OF UNUSUA.L SERYICB For cl.tolled lrdormadort, placme or ,..., dae eo..,.. L H. MeConnlek, A·t.tant General P......- Apat · Hoek leland Una, 179 W. Jaek11011 BIYd. Chleaao, ru., Phone Wabula 4600 Plea- eead me literature deeeriptiYe of 0 Arlaona 0 Calltonala 0 Goldea State Route 0 AU-EapeaeeWiaterToan (ehec:khookorboobcleeired)and fuU haformatioa ....~ traba eebedulee aud ..no. na Colclea State Boa-. Many styles to select from ranging in price from SZI to $175 Naaae--------···-········----·AAd~--························ 148 .... .._ I:IT llae~ CtUCAOO

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