Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Dec 1929, p. 52

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52 WILMETTE LIFE December 6, 1929 News of the North Shore Clubs Judge Kavanagh Club Will Present Next Speaker at Program for Guild In Club Benefit Neighbors Club Catholic Club to , Hear Noted Speaker Rev. J. W. R. Maguire Comes to Club for Education Day Address December 10 The \Voman's Catholic club of \Vilmette holds its next regular meeting ':'uesday, December 10, at the Woman's club. The Rev. ]. W. R. Maguire, C. S. V., is to be the speaker for the program Tuesday which is termed Education day, and Mrs. Forest Miller will pay a tribute to edu cation. The Rev. Father Maguire has appeared at the dub before. He is pre sident of St. Viator college and has been noted for his activity before the Illinois state legislature on behalf of social welfare legislation. He has been a director of the Catholic Legi slative Service oi Illinois, chairman of the department of economics of the National Conference of Catholic Charities, a member of the executive committee of the department of sociJI action of the National Catholic Welfare council and former vice-presid ent of the State Conference of PubEc Vvetfare. He '"as actively engaged as chaplain in the \Vorld war and at the conclu s · ion of that service he resumed his office as dean of sociology at St. Via tor. Members of the club will hear Mrs. Maurice H. Lieber give her talks on current events and parliamentary procedure at 1 o'clock. Hoste sses for next Tuesdav's meet ing are to be Mrs. Hugh f Vv elt -:: r, Mrs. B. ]. Hens, Mrs. P. ]. McGurk, 1Irs. V./. I. Fisher, and 11rs. Leo P. Coatta. Miss Anne Sher\\'in wilt play a pian o solo during the afternoon. She has chosen as her selection "Lieberstraum," by Li szt. International Club to Depict J tidge Marcus A. Kavanagh, judge Christmas in Foreign Lands for nf the Superior court of Chicago, will he the speaker at the next special Congregational Guild Christmas mef'ting of the Neighbors of The \\'oman's guild oi the Congregational church of \Vilmette is presenting a most attractive program at the monthly meeting of the mi ssionarv department Friday, December 13, \.,·hen members of the 1nternational club oi the National Kindergarten and Eleme.1tary college, who will be luncheon guests of the guild, will give their Christmas program called "Christmas in Other Lands." Mrs. E. ]. Scheidenhclm, acting president of the guild during the absence of its president, Mrs. J. 'vV. Fisher, is urging all member s and friends to be present to enjoy a delightful entertainment and to become better acquainted with this group l)i foreign students and their American Sisters. The Christmas customs of foreign lands will be gi,·cn in song, dance, and merrv making. "Christmas Eve 1n Dalarne, S"·eden" will be given by the Swedish group i1i lovely co::-, Llm~..:s brought from Dalarne by Miss \ T alborg Nydcn, an alumna of the college and associate member of the International club, \lvho is directing this Swedish scene in \\'hich Miss Siri l\ordin is tak ing a leading part. Mis s Essenke '1 '... 1eniu s, a charming Swedish singer, is contributing her talent and a quaint little dance will be gi\'en by 1fargard and Jack Pearson, Helen Lindfors, and Stig Johnson, all of Evanston. Miss Priscilla Carin o of the Phili·) pine Islands, president of the Intern~t tional club, ""ill describe the customs of her land and also will tell of the year's program of the club, \\'hich, among other achieYcments is supportin~ a foreign student at th e collcJc th1s year. Miss Lillian IIi eva and Ve sela Ka . <;:l.bova of Sofia, Bulgaria. ,,·ill lead a group in a typical folk dance of their native land, as they present "Christmas in Bulgaria." Mis s Catherine Pedley of Japan, 11 rs. Chia Yucn 'l'oong of China, 11 L. James Tashy of Armenia, and Miss Johanna ::;chnuck ni GermJ.ny will be anwng the other foreign sttldents \\·ho expect to he present on Frida\' to take part in the progra m. Miss :\1ilclred :\Ie!nne of \\'ilmettc is social chairman of the International club of which . he is an American Si<;ter member. ~r r~. :\1 arguerite Calkins Taylor of the college facultv is an active honnran· member. :\f rs. '1. \V. Benr and Dr. and :\1rs. \\'illiam l·:nglish al:;o are \\'ilmet tl' lton(lra r\' members nf the club. · President Edna Dean Baker and Mrs. Flnrtncc ~- Capron of the college faculty arc sponsors of the International club which numbers twenty active memher" representing ten foreign land . ,,·ith fifty-fin honorar\' members and sixt\'-six ass riate members, graduates of the college who arr locat ed all over th e wCtrld and with \\'hom the e contact. club keeps in clos, Kenilworth, Tuesday afternoon, December 10, at 2 :30 o'clock, at the Kenilworth club. Judge Kavanagh, who will talk on the subject of "Traitors to Justice,'~ has been judge of the Superior co 1ut for thirtv \·ears. and has tried thousands o( cases, some of which, due to their importance, have gone down into legal history. He is particularly noted for his efforts to reform the method.s nf the administration of law. He is the author of a number of books, of \\'hich the best kno\\'n are the "Criminal and His Allies," and "You Be .. he Judge." ~f em hers of the club will also he entertained by a quartet from the Nor~h \\·estrrn univcrsitv school of music. " ·hich will sing Christmas carols and Christmas music. Previous to the program there will lw a special meeting of the philan throtw department at 1 :30 o'clock, in the KenilV':orth assemblv hall. ~f rs. Cvrus A. Barr 1s chairman of Mrs. the phil;nthropy department. \\'illiam \V. \\ heelock will he host~ss fpr the afternoon. .Church Circle Benefit Is I(Somethinq Different" "Something Different" in the line of an entertainment is promised for Frida,·. December 6, hv the committee in charge of the benefit the Central AYenuc circle of t h e Congregation::tl church is givin,g. The announcement reads : "At ? o'clock C1)me to the Congrcgat ion:1l church and from there \'Ott wilt he C()nducted hY the rruides to each of four homes \\.'hert', at one you wilt find a rollicking county fair in full S\Ying with hlue ribbons, red ribbons, and ~11 sort~ of fun. At another a \'Cry fine musicale will he given at which one nf \Vilmette's t<tlcntccl singers will rntertain vou. :\t another some of t 11e hcaut1 f ul young women of ou; town \\'ill pose in a series of table:mx and at the fourth you will enjoy a heautiinl Christmas 'parh·." ~r rs. 1. R. Adkins, \Yilmette 979, is in char~e nf tickets. \\·hich also may he proc~trcd at the church tPda,·. Mrs. Harvey A. Bush, 721 Greenwood avenue is president of the \Voman's club of ~Vilmette, for which a card party will be given Friday, December 6 in the new club house. The party, which will be given under the auspices of the ways and means committee, \:·ill be held for the purpose of swelhng the fund for the new club building-. It will be one of the biggest social attractions of the year, and is expected to dra\V a larg_e crowd, not only in the club membership but al so among the north shore friends of the club personnel. Tickets for the card part~· may be secured from Mrs. John · \\. Behr of 1627 Forest avenue. ReserYations are being made in th e order in . ,\·hich they are · received. Evening Garden Club to Give Christmas Party X ext Tuesday evening is th e occasion of the Christi11as party of the EYening Garden club of vVilmette, which h:ts inYitccl all members of Wilmette Ga:clen club to be its guests for the ev~ ning. Mrs. Frederick Fisher, president nf the Garden Club of Illinois, is to give an illustrated talk and Miss Jean ~f unro, '"ho has made a stu~y of the Christmas rose (hellebore), wdl tell of its beauty. Christmas carols are to be sung with Mrs. David Hall _as accompanist. The club hopes that all members and guests will be present to n~ake the affair a joyous party in keepmg with the Christmas season. Garden Club Announces Guest Night December I 3 1Irs. Hayes McKinney will entertain the Wilmette Garden club Friday e\·ening, December 13, at 8 o'clock at the \\.'oman's club building. Guy C. Cald\\·ell, director of the Rocky Mountain ~ature Camp for Boys, at Estes Park, Colo., will be the speaker. His lecture on "Wild Flowers" will be illustrat ~cl and he will give bird calls. The evening is guest night, and among those invited to share the meeting are the Evening Garden club < 'f \Vilmettc and the presidents and co ·1servation chairmen of several of the clubs along the north shore. Tuesday evening, December 10, the Evening Garden club has invited the Wilmette Garden club to attend its meeting in the lounge of the Woman's club building. The Wilmette Garden club is not meeting on December 6. Initiated T nto Club To Plan Vets' Christmas The regular monthly meeting of the ex-service committee of the \\'oman's club of \\'ilmettc \\'ill he held next Monday at the hnmc of Mrs . William Holmes. 622 Central a\·enue. Plans for the Christma. celebrations at the two hospital., L'. S. Yeterans, 105 at North Chicago and the Great Lakes Naval hospital, will he made. The .T uninr membership nf the \Voman's Catholic club of \Vilmette met at the home of 1fiss Mary Daegling in Kenilworth Monday evening for the initiatiun of new members. Thnse taken into membership at that time were the :Misses Gertrude McAdams, Loraine ·Moore. Helen McGarr\', Doris Pracgcr, Mary Catherine Gleason, Vivyenne Morin, Catherine Leary, Elsie Dods, and Jane Crane. Starts Sisterhood Class A decision was made at the meeting Mrs. Toscph Mayer has started a to undertake charitable work :tt class in parliamentary law and effecChristmas time, for which purpose 1fiss Marion Husting was appointPrl tive speaking for the North Shore Con<Yregation Israel sisterhood. The chairman. etas; meets every Monday morning at 10 o'clock in the temple at Glencoe. Christmas M eetinq Dec. 17 Monday, December 9, is the second The North Shore Wellesley circle lesson. will hold its Christmas meeting, as it SPOKE THREE MEETS has in seasons past, at the home of :\1rs. Irwin Rew, 217 Dempster street, Spoke 3 of the Presbyterian church Evanston. The time of this year's in 'vVilmette met for luncheon Monday meeting is Tuesday, December 17, at at Shawnee Country club, later ad2:30 o'clock. Miss Ruth Hypes of journing to the library for a program Evanston will lead the singing of of entertainment. Mrs. Alvin Gueritz Christmas carols and Mrs. Olive Nevin is president and Mrs. Harry Neal, sec\Vhite \\'ill be solois.t. retary. Sew for Shelter Today The philanthropy department ·of the \\Toman's club of Wilmette is conduct-· ing its December sewing Friday De· cember 6, in the clubhouse, commencing at 10 in the morning and lasting until 4 in the afternoon. The Chicago Woman's Shelter witt be the beneficiary of today's wnrk \·,·h1ch is in charge of Mrs. Robert McClure. Mrs. John Maclean is chairman of the luncheon which wilt be served at 12 :30 o'clock. The day of sewing is open to all women of the villall,e interested. in working for charitable institutions.

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