Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Oct 1929, p. 63

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October 18. 1929._ WILMETTE LIFE 63 l c I· I I valves @ $44.50 each . ... 1,69.1.00 10 Ten ( 10) inch double gate Yal\'es @ $71.20 · each .. . . 712.00 Of the Wilmette Life published weekly t~e contrat:t Wal:i a war(lt·d to ~aid Can nell4a Lin al feet of tunnel wo1·k at Wilmette. Ill.. for Oc:t(,IJtr 1, l!t~:;. l . oura~ ('om;trut:tiun <'ompany on' the 15th und pt· Lake A \·enue pa ye..~ At the first fall meeting of the COUN TY OF COOK t , day o( October, .\. D., 192fl. ment l(il $~2.50 ])L·r ft. . . . t.o12.ail Logan-Howard Pre-school circle,. held STATE OF ILLINOIS f RS. ~aid bid il::i for work a~ a wholt:, and is !H ~ix (6) inc h cast iron fire Before me. a Notary Public in an<l for a!' follow~: at the Howard school Wednesday evehydrants f'i1 $14U .1;) eae h the State -and cou nty afon'~ai!l, JH·J·s(;n:tl: Vitrified cia~· tilt · pip~· ~t'\H'I' of the in!i!) llrit:k' \ 'al\·e chamber~ ning-, October 9, the s peaker was Miss ly appeared Lloyd Hollister, who ha\·ing tr-rn:_ tl.,P.iametE:'r <.lt·~ig· natt·d in inche~. inl'YiindJ·kal in shape and Moore of the Chicag-o Teacher's colbt'ell duly ~worn ac<'ording to Ia w, dt l- t·l~Hlll1~ !-'ix (G) ind1 "¥" branches, all forty-t-oig·ht (4S) im:h e:-; in"lcgc. Her subject, "Story Telling and po~es and says that he is tlw nu~i1u·ss ~aid :nl~ a g·a:-:ket nf untarr ·d ~·arn dipped U·rna l Llia metPJ', a nll walls :;\'Jan'agt·r .o f \\'ihn ette Lift· :tiHl that the 111 liquid grout, and joints fillt·d with Poems for the Pre-school Child," eight (R) inch('s thick «i following is to the hest of his 1->uowh·<lg ' <···tnt·nt mortar, :til matt · ri:tl ~ 'rurni~lw(l $1!!.20 t·:tch ......... . 7,8,40.80 proved of great interest to the thirty aml lwli t>f. a true ~tatt·nwnt tlf tht· ow11 · and J:tid <·(,mplt·tt· in pl:ll't', in{'ludi,ng cx:11 Cubic yar<ls qf t·o:u·st· lllOthers present. · t.> rship. ntanagf:'nwnt (and if a dai_ly 1 :t\·atiOn, ll:t~ · kfilling-, hradJig-, :-;h~t·ting and gr.,.Y('! rii· $i.-t:, JH·r yard In opening, Miss Moore told how vaper, tlw dn·ulation), t'tt· .· of tlw aforv· .n~ · ef·ss:ti'Y P 11Jt' lJt'dding·, lJUt nut ineludim;· :?1,700 LiJwal fed of cJtlt· (I) in c h s:tid publi ·ation fo1· th dnt t· shown i11 ' " ·ll<Td«! nadh · ~. :ts f()llows: ou r earliest impressions of literature int ~rnn l <liamt't(·r strong· tlw a how· t·aption, requin·cl !Jy tht· .-\l't of' ii.~iift Li1wal ft ·t·l of t \\' t·llt \·- fuur lead water st·r·,·iel· pipPs are of stories told or read to u s, usually August ~4. 1 ~12. embodiPd in ~vl'ti1111 H :l <~4 > irwh I ilt· :-:(·\\:t·r rrt' l'tt $1.17 pt>l' for,t by women of our families . She spoke Po!::ital Lnws and H.cgulati(ll1s, !>l'illtl·«l '·It $S.~t0 Pt·r font $ -tt:,'j:!:i.OO S; ! 7 Thi'P('-quarl· ·r· (' 1 1 ) inl' h also of the charm of lullabies, of their the ren~rse this form. t1> wit: l. ·lil:! Lin« ·al ft·t'l of l\\'t·nt\·-,,11, . bra~s ('(Jl:j)lll';ttinn t·oc·li: 1. That tlw names and acldrt·sst·s " .. I <~I> in.t'h tilt· :-;pw~r ri1 rhythm, serenity and lovely sound. and g-oose n ecks tif $1.1 ~ !l,!) ·?.Zl the t>Uhlishcl', E'ditor, mauag·ing e<litfJr' I ., 7.1~ Jlt 'l' fn()t each . 6,101.8-11 Rhythm and sound rather than content and busint·s~ managt·r are: l l ,u:!ti Lillt ·: tl ft·t·t of t·ig·htt ·,·n Sii7 One (1) in('h bral{s roundare satisfying to the small child. The l'ublisher. Llovd J[ollister· Inc·. 1.\ (IS> inl"lt tilt · st ·\\'t' l' rrt w:w S11Ut o ff t'(ll:kS f(j. $1.7~ ('i,l'ponnion). 1~32 (\·ntral A\·t·., \\"ilmt · tt~ ·. . ., .i.:l -1 \ll'I" f,,.,t :0, 17 ._ )It <'ac h .. . ..... l,:i25.4G grcate5t value of lite rature at thi s Jll.; Editor. Er\\'in \\'. \\'t ·IH'r, II:: :: l't·n··l 1.1 :~~ Lil~t ·a l f· ···t ,.f flftt ·t'll t 1:;) 'ii7 Cast iron :-tlljuslahlt· shut period is th e way it s language is used off box·'!' (Buffa!() Jlnxt.·~ ) t r:tl .\ n·.. \\'i lmt ·~t ·· Ill. : Bu. inf'SS ; in <· h I iJ, . ;-:t·\\"t· r frt ~::.1 ~ pvr rather than \\'hat it says. This explains thrt>~· C\) inl'iw:-; in dia fo(1t .\lanllgt·l', Llll~·u IIoll!slt'l', 112~1 ('Jwrry St, 1 ::,:;::1.. 1 1 the la ~ti ng appeal of .. Mother Goose' ' llll'lt·r :\IH\ six (ti) ft·t·t \\ 'i nnt'lka, [II. 1,17:1 LitH ·: tl f, .,.t ,,f t\\"t ·J\·, . tl:?l ! \\ith it~ · rhYthm and romhi.nation of lllng· l'ft $:!.ti7 t· :lf'h ., That tlw 11\\'Jit·rs :tr": ttiiY« ' n:tnH·s in!'li til·· !--t ·\l···r ru ~:?.li7 :'Ottnds. :1!t tl :tddrt·s:-:"s ,,f indi\·idual u\\'ll"r·s, nr P··r fw·t 11.~1 :~~ - n 1 if a <.'(JI'J){)I'atioll. gi\'t· it s nan.-t· antl th · i1,1i :::i Unt ·: tl f, .,.t 111 t· ·Jt (ltl) T11tal. $111.7~s.:, .l \\' hen rhil<ln·n hegin to he interested n:tllll'S and acldrt·ss 1 ·s of :-;ttw ldH·Iclt ·rs in ·h til·· ~t · \\··· r ru . ::::!.:!:: P··l' The 0\\'11t·rs of a majoritr (Jr th · front- in the C(lntl·nt (lf tones th e \· mu st deal (J\\' Ili .n g or holUing· 1 IJt'l' ('I'll! t·r lllol·1 · ·or · foot ~:i.~t : :ti.ll~ :tgt· nf tht· l·lls :lilt! land:-; upon said tlw t· 1tal amount uf i-'tnc k ) . ~t.IJ.) I Lin··al r,., ., ,,r t·ight U\l 1 stl't·l'ls \\'lh'rt·in s:tid \\·"rk is l11 J,»t· .dotH·. \\ith thing-s and problems <liHl events LJt,y(l JlollisU·r Jn1·. (.\ t', 11 ·p·JJ ·:1ti, 111.; int·h til· · !--··\\'t·r rit ~1.7~ Jlt ' l' i tnay \\·ithin lt ·n days frn111 tlw <latt· ht·n~- in th e ir 0\\' 11 expcril'IICC:o', and must llC 1:!~~-:;t; CPntr·al 1 \Yt ·.·. \\'ilt tit·tl··. 111. . . f r,ot 1ti.1lli. 1:2 ··f. as })J'O\'idt·d hy l:~w, «·lt·l't J,, tal\t..· iull nf action. Llo~· <l Jioliist ·r. 11~!1 <'IH·IT~ · ~t.. \\.ill- :!1.::1111 Litlt ·;tl ~'· · t · t of six (til ind 1 :- :titl wc,r·l, :tllll t·ntt·r int" a \\Tiltt ·!l t·on.:\fi ~~ ~Inure r('acl :o't'\·cral of :\.[ilne·~ 1 11..tka. Ill; E. lt. L :tdd. :!ltll ll:tni :-:"1 1 \·itrifi· ·d tilt· linu~t· ('Oil llt ·c· tr:ll't to do :-;aid \\·ork :tl l· ·tt JH'I' l't·nturn adjnurnnH.· nt oi the .\\·, .. t-: 1·: 1nsto 11 111.; ~~~~111 . I l. J:,,tJ, . 1JI ,.· r:.:. tit·n sl:tnt:-:, f"(JJlltt ·t· t, ·d tn 1· ·:-s lh:tll lht · prit·t· :tt \\.llit ·h :-::tlllt' has poems. :\itt'r mcetin~ li~ht refreshment:-; \\Tre sl.·n·ccl ti:~:; X. Ln<'kwoqd .\\"t· .. t'llit-:t!.!·l , Ill. : thP "Y" hr:tnclws and laid l" ···ll awarclt'd. l>a\·id · Xt · l~on, ~:!1 l·:litliY·"·tl .\\··· .. \\'il ··umpl. ·t· · in lll:tt ·t· , r; , .;· 1.::1 I·:.\ItL E. O!tXI-:It an<l a socia l hour enjm·e <l. nwtk. Ill. ; <:ustaf :'\· ·1:-;t·ll. '1 :1 J·:ltt l ~t .. llt ·r f,,t ::~,:iG~.00 1 ·:1: :'\1·:!-\T t' . C' .\ZJ.:L \\'inrH·lka. Ill.: 1·:. ! ' . \\'· ·i:-~··td· ·!'!.! . 1:· G:i Litll ·:tl f· ···t 11f 11111111'1 \\'(t!'k .\LJ:EJ~T L. c:I~IX:'\J·:L J·:lm !-\t., \\.iilll t·tl,:t, Ill.; 11 . 11 . llill. 11.1 fql' t\\"t ·Jit\·- f(·lll' C~1l ill<"lt <'Yin·~ :'IIILE!-\ )11'()0:\ :\Lil i \\.:tldt·ll ltd .. \\'i rtlt ·· tk :t. Ill. : l·'r:tltk .\ . s«·\-.·t·r. :tl l~ :ti,\' .\\·t·nut· and ~'1'.\:'\TcJ:'\ \'.\:\ 1:\\\' :\(:J·:x \\'ilsoll. Ill\ t't ·ntr:tl .\Y· ·.. \\'illl t··ttt ·. Ill. · l!tliJtttll;t l~": td . frt ~~:!.:JO 11.\:'\!-\ \ '():\' I~I·:IX~I'EI~ ~ l!t·llj. J'. I~i' ft·r, l:illl .-\ ~ l,ttr~· .\ \" ·' .. \\'ill (It ·!' J'qnt 1,·162.50 <:<H:I>O:\" \\'If.~ll:\" nl'tlw, Ill.: J\rt1 1ur · F. c;, .d~··. 1111t; 1:: :1 !!rid~ :\l:tttlwl. ·o..: . 1 .,·lin driI:oard ()f L·w:il Intpr"Y· ·tnt ·nls RL·gistration for the morning swirpElltt ~l.. \\. innt'Lk :t, Ill.: .\ . :\1. Lt ·n ·. t·al in :-:h<tl"' :u" td tl\n ·t· (:\) "r tin· , .ill:q.:t· ()f \\~illlwtl<·- mingo class fur \rnmen · conducted hy '· :\'t·rtli :\li· ·hi;..: :tll .\\t ·.. f'lli,·:t!.!·'· TIL : f, .,., illt.rn:tl di :ttlll'lt ·r IA-Itc the \\'ilmet t~ Playground and Rerrc~1! . \\·. J:Jq\\·, lfllil l·:lnl ~tr ... t. \\ 'illllt·lk;t witl1 \\':til :- t·it:hl (~) i11<·1n·:-: -------~ · Sl · 1 III..:~- II . J:t ·tlt ·Jd 11 -r:.: . ,;:: .·, .'\. I,,., ·J'w'""l thit-1' .,J' J,rj, -J, n t :t :-- 11 nr~. tiun hoard i:-; :;ti ll <lpt·n . .:\ltss J oe,~!(_ \\···.. ( 'lii· ·ag to, Ill.: 1·: . ( ·. l:lldt ·lliH ·I':.: . 1t :"\~t.llll t·:Jt'll 1:!.. ::71.1111 11\tliT, a~:-i:-tant in rltargl' ui \\"OlllCll's li::~, :'\. l." t·l,\\"tll·d .\ \, ·., t'ld,·: tg", Ill. l. ~.:: ·l t'uiJi ,· \·anls to!" t'< ·llt ·l'· It · I acti\·-f1ie~. anii(Htlll'l':o'. 1' . II. ~· · l~t·rl'l ·. 1: 1. n\·i·· \\' l:d .. \\ .. illlldt ". r"r t·r:tt.llo ·!-- f11r th· · :-t·\\"t·r :-: t ' litll'«'li nf 111· · Jlol~·( '.,mfoJ'tt · r, I-::t·Jtilwllrlh The cJao.;sr:-; an· cnnducted hy "D uke" Ill.: J·:d\\':trd ·zipf. 1.-.1!1 lliJII II :tlt .\\", ·... fi t ~~:~ .. -,11 Jl· ·r t' JtiJit· ,\;t rtl :!ll,fi:i:J.tttl l:t ·\·. l.o ·la lld llt,f 1 ;trl ]l ;tllf 11 rtlt, i'·Tllll' . , .:\[ C \ ~-;,· :tlt:-:t"n. 111.: :\1. .\ . ~~~r· · nst:tl, :t7:! .\:-:h . ' ~lall'r at tltl· F,·an~tnn \ . · . . 1 · on St .. \\'inu. ·tl"t· Ill. . ·'l'llt;tl :::!Sii.y.i:L:iO 1 ~ 11 1.1 . 0 .;-, .. ·'tt ttl'"l I' \\' nltH·~da,· and Friday morning· from 0 1 ... Th:tl tht· k1111\\'ll hlltHlitllldt·r!--. nt .. nTl tt· (J\\"Ill'r:-- "r " nl:tj .. rit~· '". tltt· lron.t- 1 ' 11 ~ ' ~ · · · ·.· - · '-· . tJ :3tl to 11 :30 o'clork. The course will gagt· 1 ·s, :tlltl nth<·!' st·t.:ul"i ty h·dtlt ·t·s 11\\' ltill !.!. :11-.! ·' r·f tht · lot s :tnd Ltli«b liJIIlll ~:tr tl . Od 11 111'r _..! O, '_':hJt·l_t Js tht· 1\\'t.' llt~·- flrst , . , 1 ·I , 1 , y 1\'[ ··r h"lclir t!.!. 1 IH ' I' ,.,. Itt 11J' rn·,r· · ,,, tot :tl !--tr v·ds wht·rt ·ill :-:li d \,·,rl\ is t" ,,. . t1ont·. I :-;und :t y :tl t. ·r lrJntt~·. tll· ·l'·· \nil l11· :t txtcnd. to December ." 1cn t 1c . ·. · :·m«Htnt t·f ll""'h. murtgagt ·s or t·lht·r s· :- ltlal' wi thin It 'll tLt\·:- fr·llll tilt· tl:11t- h·T· ·- t··· lt ·l,rati·otl ··f tli·· II< ·IY l'«rtllllttlllintl :11 l' .. \.will mo\·e into tts Ill'\\. htnldm.g ··ul'iti vs :tn-: tif th· ·t··· ar·t · Jtot~>·. s· .· st:tt··> t·L 'as pl'lll·iclt ·tl h .\· ·l;t \\· , 1'!.-t·t to t:tkP saicl ; ~ . "'cl(_wl\ _ itl tlw Jlltll"ltittg, ~"' 111 dtt~·t,·d :uHI outside rl::1.s-ses ill swi mming may · :\llllt ·. \\ork :ttHI t·lltt ·J' illtll :t \\Tilt· ·ll \'1llltl':tl'l 1 Pillll:tl"lly flit' lllll:-:t·. \\' Jill, fill' \:tf"llltJ:-: I '1 '· 1 1·1 .. . 'I ,., 11 l css 1 ·1. Th:tl tht · tw·, p:tr:t:..:J ·aplts u· ·:-.t :ti,,Y t· . 111 tlu !--:tid \\flrk .tt I· n Jl· r , ... ,ilutn It-~:-- J'··:t:-: ·1Js, \\ill n··t l!t · :till·· ttl :~tt··tttl tlJ·· Jt' < ts J::lll< c< · · pecla arrangcgi\·irtg tht · JI:tlllt·:-= ,,f· , tJ 1, · ._,\,·rJt·r ;-:. ~tncJ.:- · tlt:tn tlw prin · at " ·ltil'! 1 :-:a 111 ,. ha:-; h\.:..\: n I Ltlt·l' m"rning ~~·n· j,., .. . tn<:nts l'::l ll be made for further usc of ltolllt·r:-;, and !,;t·<·urit~· huld l' r:-, ir :tn~· . t'l>lt 1 ;1\\:tnl· ·d . 1 the "Y." the present fall class may be !:till ll··l IIIli\' t"ht· li:-;t of ~ltwl{holdt·l ' ~ :ttid I E ,\HL 1:. <l!t:\'I·: It. I Tl~· · <'hlll'{"~l ~··.ltllol \\']11 hult.l it s USI _ I:tl I thl' onh· \liOrllillCT class conducted durSL'l'UI"il.\' lwl;lt·1·s a:-- lhl'y apJlt ·:tr upon tiit · l l·~I::\'J<::-;T ( '. I '.\ZEL, ~~·:-;:-:JIJJI at :1 :.ltl o t'ltl\'k I'\\'« I llrbl t· classt·<; . r-. J) · 1 1 IPllll\s 11f th<· t'l·mn:tn,· h11t : ll~" i11 t':'"":.\l.l ~E ltT ' L. t;J~I:\":\J·:Ll. . ' h:t\'t· l>t·t'll fon11Nl for pupil:-; of tlw hig·h l tng t~H· \'t'ar_l:\' the u·creatton >Oarc: wh··l'·· t lll- ~tol'ldHlidt·i· "" s,·t·uJ·it~· ll oldt ·r , t 'YI! 1·!-\ :\11 Ll·:~ ~It- I H l:\" .\ Ll >, I :-:dHHJ! ag-1·, on I' for young· \\'flllWJt in tlw .\ tee of $J ts charg-ed for the course aPvt·ars t.,,,,n th<· bool-:s tht· ,.,lllliJ:tll\ ~T.\:'\~1'0:\" ,._\:'\" J:\\\' . \(11·~:\". (If' ;\fiss Elizab ·th :-;hipman, HIHl flllt' I and indi,·iduallesson s arc 50 cents each. as trustt>t ' :trill in :\11\' (·IIJt·r fidtwi:~n 11:\X~ \'ll:'\ ltl ·:l:\~1'1-:ltt; f'tll. \'Oiltlg- lllPII, und ('r tlw dit·('('tion of p · · · , f 1 · n· l.at_ i"ll. the ll:\1\11' of t'lw Jl·'l'!'fJil ()J' ('I)J'- r IHIItl)lt:'\ \\"((,~():\ .J;wk' II l'll!"S, in tht' :'llt·Jll()l'i:t' rtN·t()l'y. . \.l'gtst.ratt<~ll\S 110\\' open or t 1(' cveJ)fll':ttion fn1· whum :-:tll'h tru:-:1\', · b ll 11 :Hd ,,f f.,,.. ,tJ llltlll'"\· t · Jtt· · Jtt~ Tht· nwt·ting·~ "f tlH · ~~· t.w() gTfJtlps al't · lllllg S\\' tlllmtng- class fnr \\'OI11Cll to he at·ting·. is gi\·t·n; also - th:tt tltt · :-;:tit! tw" 11f tlH · \'ill :t t:·· .. r \\'ilnwtt« ·. fn·m ]O:l:i :t. 111. to 10:-!~· :t. m . Tltt·s t· con du cte d on \Vednc sday enning at ]>ar:tg-r:tplt!-' L·onta itl ~tatt.· nwnts t·mhr:u ·il.l:_: Ll-1tt· t':·o coul'st·s tof study an· opt·ll t" a_JI\' tlte Son:retgtl hotel from 0 :40 to 7:40 afliant·~ full knowl('dg-t· :tJHI IH·Iit·f as t(· _ - - - lllgh sdtool h«·~· «·r g·rrl \\'h11 may h v Ill· l k 'j'J f f ' f . I the dn·umstatwt·:-; and co1uliti"Jl:-: unclt· tc·re:-;t.-rl. P c oc ·. 1~ l'C or a course o etg 1\\·hil'h ~uwk holdt·rs and sp(·urit\· holcl··r!' YIJ,l, H~l : OF WII.,IETTE teen lc :'sn ns wilt he $8 and is pa~·a hle \\'ho <lo not :tpppar . upm_l tlw ho;·l-:s nf tiH: i 1 XO'fH ' E OF .\W \HH OF ( ' OYI' It .\( "1' · Tht· l:Ltt· moming· st· r·,·in· will ht· at tht· in ad\'allCl'. The cla ss registration wif! ('O I·IIJ)ally a~ tJ·usl t>t'!,\; hold s t ot:l-> :tlltl !-it' - 1 . · t 1 tiSU:tl hour of 11 o'\'lnd.;, IH·i ll"" tht· t·t·It·1 ) 1 31 atH1 t 1 fi 1 curitit·:-- in a t:aJ>adtY otl1t·J· 111.·' 11 t11.·tl <,1· . For tiH' l'onstnwtttlll ."" a t ,.,.lllH·t·IIY t' ( J,r::tion of lito!~· <'flllllllUllion,,., with tilt· c o~e ( ctn >er , 1C tr !-i t csson · t · a l111na licit· nwnt>1 _ ·: and tll k :tllianl ha~ I' :-;y~lc tn n( < ·ast 1ron 111 " 111 \\";t t·r ~l!JI) n·dor 'JH'<·ac hing· tht· St·rmon. \\·ill he gi,·cn November 20. 1fiss E\·ely)l ltll I'P<l~llll til h t· li t..·~'l' that :In~· olht·.J' j >t'l'- pipPS in Homona It<o:td, · l.;tkt· .\\"t·Jitlt· Peterson \dll conduct the Class. son. association. or l'tti"J)oJ ';Jlion Ita:-; an· :mel ntlH' l' stn·t·ts .. . ., .. , \\'i lnwl tt· :-;pt·~·J:t! .\S'-'··ssnll'lll :'"· ,-:,',)The \\'onwn's <iuiltl i~ .Jlq\\· mt··t·lirlt: irttt·J·t·st dlrt'l't or intlirt·(·t in ' tlw sa id :-;ttw l\, IH·JHl:- o.l' otht·r ~t·t·urit it:s I h:1 n as jl . \\'! ln;(~t t'> . 111JJ_ 1 " 1 ~· ,(, .>' : 1 ." 1 ~~'~' 1 .1o. l.:t~l·:~ t·\'t·ry ::\lond:ty fn,lll 10 ::~n o't·ltl('k in tilt· RESIDENTS ATTEND GAME :--o st:ttt·d hv hJJn. :-\011< 1'. 1s ht· Jt ·b:. ,.,1\tll. lt· ,~ \I P guild room . All \\'ttll1t'll "f tht· p:tri'sh .i. That ·tlw an·l·ag·t· numiH·r 11 r ,·opit·s son}; intt·n·!-'lPd that tilt · l11tl:-. for tlw <trt· reqtll·stt·d t11 r··st· n·~· thi:-; rl:tlt·. !-\t·\1'- · ::\!any Kenilworth residents motored of f·:tl'l1 iSS\11· (J( thi~ J)llhlk:t\i(IJl ~~~~(1 (IJ' ('tll1~tJ'llf'tinJ1 ttf :t ('llJIJit·t'lt·d ~y:-:lt-tt\ ."f iJlg- h:tS ht·g\IJl (1)1 tilt' t(Ufl(;t of t>h:tt ·it:l!Jlt· to 1JadisOJl last week -e nd to attend distrilntt«·d. through tht· rn:til~ ,,r ·lll1t'r· 11·ast il'(·n main w:tiPr ~upp l~· 1.111 _ w Jtl · \\'ork allott<·d to lh·· pari~h h~· lht· :\"jt- the ~orthwcstern-\\'iscon~in football \\'i st· . '" p:tid suhs<·r'i lwl·s during· · lltt· :-:ix 1 alltwc·ps~at·;~r tt.'e.o..; , t· r~~ ~~··s . :-:pt·l ' l:t,l lilltl lg:-- tit·nal .\uxi!iary. ' mollth:-; pn ·t·<· t!ing tht> d :tl 1· :-:ht l\\' ll a!Hl\"t· Y:tl\'(·s, ."al\·,. ('h;~ l1 tlwrs. lir·:. hydrant :t.ttd ~ame ·a nd felt well repaid for the trip. is-(This inforrnat inn ~ J'equil't ·d front ('()Jll\t'd JOli S to \ lll:tg·~ of \~ rlmvttP m:llll~ Tllf' f;hip (of f.;(·:J :·kouts. IHT!l tl\' t·!-ilah- .\m u ng those who motored to ~{adison (1<tih· lllll 11k:ttinns , 1n!y). :tiHl with k:tc1 st· I 'Yw~· P 1Pt·:-;, shall bt- Iislwcl. b holding Wt ·Pkl _ , . ttH·..ting:~ utHl< ·r \\'ere ~rr. ancl 1vfrs. Arthur \Vakclev. · laicl in Homona 1:":111 trlltll l.:tl\t· ,\,···rHJt· tlw dir(·<·ti· n ,,f DaYi<l K ~altdt>r~. in tl11- \f , ~f , H \\T'll' ~f · d 11 O\;I> IIni 1 f!-\TI ·'l' 1 (~igJ_l:ttlll't· of t>tlit~);', JHihli s iH:I .~ 'hu~in: ; ~:-; t o tht' Ro~tth lith' _Ill_' l·nitl'd_ltt·:t.lt·:.· ,<'lltll · C' hoiJ'J'()f)Jl1 of lht· t·hlJJ'(·h t': tdl " ·t·cl tw s d:t\' . r . .ttl<. rs. arry I tams,. r. an lll:tn:tg·t·r. or ··wllt·r.) 1 nanv's F1r~t. .-\tldllt"n -~" ~"""II', Lt·lllt· · ft ·onl 7 :::n p. m. till !I fl. 11 1. Tht·rt · ar :, . 1 .:\fr s. lute :\. Petersen, ~fr. and Mrs. 1 S\\'111'11 to :tnd :-'lrh:-;l·rill\'(1 hdon· lllt' thi~ I \":tl'(l Ad<lltJOn 1" \\ rllll..tlt·, .'.11111 "na sti ll two Ya<·:ttwit·~ in lht> m t· mht·l'!-:hip (~f Bentlev ~fcl'loud, and ~[r. and !\frs. IUth claY 11 r <>dolJt ·r. l!l:!!l . Ilo :ul from <' Pntr:JI .\n·IJllt'. 1" \\,rlnll'll·· this org·anizali«~ll. and :tn~· \)()~· n."t·r J:i Sftnford Holden. 111 1 c-;··ai)· 1 ·· E. IIUTZJ·: . .-\Yt·nu··. in L:tl-\1· . : ~\' t·ntrt· troJll 1"' ," l:t years of ng-c> Jntt' restt·(l 111 lt-aJ'IliiH!. to OIY 1 . 0111111 i~sion t·Xpirl':-; :\l'tn·h II l't"l ) l~t,atl tn the. Wt·s t ltlll' o( l.:ll\t·nton SuJ!- sai l a boat is ill\·itt·d to a\·ail himst·lf of · · · · · · ·· · <lidsion. an(l otlwr strt·t· t s. l't1:1d:-; HI_ Hl tlw nppnrtl!Jtity ,,ff(·r('(l J.r U1i s !';))lendi<11 The Korth Shore alumnae chapter . ·-·· an·llllt'!-', in ti 1P Yiii:q..;t· ,.r \\ 'i lntt ·ttt·. w··r·· (JJ:g·:t niz:ttion .· I·JWratN1 tlndP!' tlw ausJ)ices Pi Dcta Phi, will spoi1SL>r a luncheon rJJ.J, .\.(~E - OF WIT.:liETTE ~ oJWih'tl OtLtlH' 1 ~1t h <lay "r Ul'lttllt 'l', . \ ._fl .. qf tl~t· J:oy ~kouts (If ·\m e nc ·t l I 'l I l lfi·>«J ·tnd <'anrtt·ll-<',.nJ':Hl <'onstntdlon · · ' · : <t\1( )rttg-e tomorrow at t 1e r1apter ·1;p:;ny r1f E\·;utsttllt. Jll i n«d s. lll ·ing: tl11 · X<>TI 'E OF A\\rAnu OF '0:\TRACT (:(;1 hou :;c on Emerson street. Reserva For th e <:o nstruction <·f' a connectt·d lt>\H' ~t r e!-' ponsilll<· hiddt ·r. t ht· ,.( Jttt r:tl't GIVES NEGRO PROGRAM t ion s must he made hv h)dav throu~h . sa nital·~· ~t· \1'(' 1' :-;ystt' lll, with iliiU~ l' ~l' l'\'- wa s awanletl to ~;titl ( 'allllt·ll-('llill':tl1 ('1!11C' I o--l78 . . it·<·:-; in Hon10n:1. Jtoad , \\'a :-; hing·ton .\n·- ~tnwtion <'olllp:tny 1111 til· · 1.·,til da~· of .:\fi ss Anne Frier.,on, author of tlte ,reen eaf > · -0I! t,H· , Hihhnrd Hoa<1 and otlwr i-'trt ·e ts. October, A . D .. 1!1:!!1. neg-ro play "Qu-ag-mire," which wa s ;-..r r s. Alexander Joslin. 2~0 Essex \\'ilnwttP ~pt-l'ial A~ st·:-;~ mt · nt XII. :!li 3 . Snid hi(l i!-' for t!Jt· "'ork :ts a \\'h'.t". :t lul favorably received at its premiere at \\'ilnwHt ·, Illinois, Odolw1· lti. I !1~~~. is as follow:-; : road. Kenilworth entrrtained a few XOTI<:J·; is ht·rchy gi\'t·n to all 1 wr~tlll s ;~ Contwetinns to t·xbting· Northwestern university last year, g-ay~ intt>rl'f:ted that th , bid~ for th e cm·~t1·ucmains r(il $4:-i.OII t·a('h $ n~dltl a prog-ram of neg-ro songs, stories and frirncls at lut~chcon and bridge last lion of a connectt>d ~anitary S('\Yer ::;ys- J!l,GOO Lirwal f<·f' t of f-;ix (II) illl'h spiritnals in a recital at the · school week at the Skokie Country rluh. 1em, \'\' ith house sen·kt·s, all of Yitrified C'a~t iron main walt·!' ~upf Tl -otile pipe, with brick matiholt·s, to be con:1ti.S·IR.Oil o speech 1ursday. Miss Frierson 11 Jy piJlP rit $I.SR 1n· r rt. Mrs. Frank Cheeseman of the Orstructt>d and laid in · Romona Hoad frflrn U,700 Li1wnl ft>d of pight (S) received her M. A. at Northwestern rington hotel, formerlv of Kenilworth, Lake Avt·nu e to the South lim· of United in<'h <"ast inll1 main w:ttt r last year. i.:: entertaining- Iter lunchenn duh toRealty Company's F'irf:t Addition to Slw~upply pip<' «1 $:!.5!t wr kie Boulevard Addition to Wilmette, in foot 35,·1 3.09 day. ·washington Avenue from Romona noad 2,G::i0 Lint:al ft' t·t of tt·n (1 0) PRINCIPAL ILL -oto Hibhard Road, in Hibbard Road from inl'h east iron main watt· r Mrs. James Prentiss. Jr. and her Miss Margaret C. Hayes, principal the Norti' line extended of "Third Addi~upply piJ>t> «i $:l.ll Jlt:'l' tion to Wilmette-Laramie Subdivision.." ft. ... ' ,241.50 of the Stolp school, has hcen unable son, James, III. have gone south to to \Vilmette Avenue, and in other streets, 51 Six (6) inch doublt> gatt' to attend to her duties this week be- visit Mrs. Prentiss' mother and father. J'Ontls and <tvenues, in the Village of W1l_ Yal\'el; ({i) $~1.15 eaeh 1,588.65 They wiil be g-one several weeks. cause of a had cold. mette, were opened on the 15th day of 38 Eight (8) inch.double gate OF THE OWNJ.:HSHIP, 0 t 0 b A ::U ANAGEJIENT, CIRCULA'fiON, }~TC., :,c er, . · D:~ 1!l29, and Cannell-Conrad UEQUESTED BY 'l'H}; AV'l' 0}' COX. ~ 0 !l_stru~·tl0n ( ompany of J1';yanston; IlliGRESS OF AUG US1' 24, liH2. " 01 ~"~· bemg· th(: lowe~l re~ponsible ·biddt·:·, S'l'A. 1'E:~IENT Pre-School Circle Hears Talk on Children's Poems o: ! I I ! ' Reg1strabon . . f or W omen 's Swim Classes Still Open ' Kenilworth Episcopal u of llt"m·· I I I I w>

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