WILMETTE LIFE ,'1t FOR RF.NT-FTTRNISIIED HOUSES ..,OR RENT-J<'lTR!':ISHED hath~. October 18. 1929 100 FOR SALE-HOlTSEJt:OLD GOODS FOR . S.\T....E: UPHOLSTEJ;tED .WICKER set eon~isting of three pieces. Also ~ea <'art and windsor ch~ir. T e l. Winnetk a 22~6. ';i FOR SALl~-HOL"SE~ '19 ACREAGE & ESTATES HOUSE 12 room~. :l C'hi e a~o . ·f,O t6 Greenwood Ave., Ph. :1 ftt·r 6 p. m. :\1 ax Al-'h r. Dri' Xt' l :rifiO. 70LT~4-3tp \\T Y ATT & COO!\S · . Offer i'l FOR JtENT-STORES .t OFFICJ~S J J ICHL..\~D COR~ER · TORE 44x25, WITH BASEm ent. At Chestnut St. and C hestnut court. Suitahl<' for Sweet Shop, Lunchroom o r ])rug-store, RNisonable. T~l. \\~imwtk~ l!WI. nLTN2-t fc WI~ PARK, 10 I OO~ IS ~\L::\lOST rww , whitt' hricl~ ('o lonial hom e. ~ til hathl', oil h~at, att:H'h e d h e ated ~a r~~e. Large g-round~. " ' ill co nf;idt>r .!' mall c r hous(· in \\' ilnwttt· or \Vinndk:t . f·'o1· partil-ularl' C'a ll ACRE SELECTIONS INVESTMENTS FOR a c. . $3,150 JeJ!) acres n 'ar n ew l\lelody Farm, C. C. p e r acre . . . . . . . . . . . 1,000 GO acres, 40 acres wooded , p e r ac. 1,200 acre s near Illinois C. C. Imp. $28,000 5 acres n e ar Sport s man C. C. Imp. 50,000 10 a c res n ear M e lody Farm C. C., 2,00 0 per ac. 28 a c r es N . . E. of Libertyvill e , per ac. 600 4,500 ~ 2 acres n e ar ·wilm ette C. C. per 101 wTn. 'ro RrY-li'SEUOJ,n ooons -~ - 100LTN4-1tc - TO OWNERS OF FJ'NE HOMF.S, ATTEXTTON : ('AX DTRPORE OF 'f.HE ENTTRE ('O ilt t> ntf: of your h o m e, also your per~o· nal f' ffectf;, f'tc. Ha.ve borlaflde cllent t.> le. Hank r <'ft-rt' nces furni ~h ed. Am not a de~l <' r of audion f't' l' ~. Thil' s h oulrl h P nf especial int e rf'st to owners of Ia rg·f' . hom f'~ and e~tfltP~. No individu:tl nit·t 't'~ h and lc' d. Ph. Sunn~r~idf' 4644 (Chica~o) or writf' in dt' t~il as to number of room s, itPms , e t c. Wilmett0 Life A-n. 101T~TN4-1tp W~'. NTED TO BUY SBCONn-HAND fnrnitttTf' nno 0 fh PI' hn11!"1'hnli! rrnn(t<: Tli!!'hf'!"t nriC'P!" f0r C:f!JnP. f'r nc::t l"I!T""i ture !"torP . 1004 - ll EmPr!"nn ~t v, ..,,!"tnn . T11 Ph . TTntv . 1~!\ 101T/T'N4R-tf<' 1'0 HE:'\T 0:'-f WJ·:HT EJ..)l HT .. rwtka : W1' 1l t·quibpl'd i'tudio t,~ hlne k to tran~ . Piano and ·hladihoardl'. \Vill rt'ltt :? or mon· da ,- ~ (·ach \\'t>t·k . T t- l. lli ..·l,l ··ncl l':.rl\ IJ ::x: 'i~N;~TX4-ltp lMI ©DJ1 <ro.tl & IFll CElllilceIrtc y REALTORS 1111 \\' ilnwttco .-\ w. \\'ilm e tt<' 2i:l COUNTRY HOMES 77JA-lll' I ;; <CIID~(S1~ ®If liiill~rm JR~rm1t VEHY .-\TTHAt 'T I\'E 7 H~IO\l HOUSI ·~ ·. East :--i<J,. \\'ilm t'ltt·. ' coll\'t·niPilt to tran l'portation :ttHI l11'th t 'at lwli l' and l'uhli1· Rchools. ~ lll'drnom :-.: & :-: lc-<·ping- porc h. flot \\"att ·r· ho ·at. t·xtra la\·aton· & toill'l on 1:-t tlonr . l:tl'g't' li\· ing- i·oom with flrt ·pl:ll't ', :.' ··:11· g·ar:eg·l'. FC'ncNl l:!;oxl:--:! :'\! ·~Aft SI\:IIKIE 1'1H':'\TI:'I· t'l.l71~ $ I 7,11110. in loac-1;: yar<l rn:tl\ill. · fine · 'l!:tygToUtHl for d1ildrt'll. ( IWilc ·r willing- tn mal<e l!·llxiH :\\.El!.\t:E IH·;J'TII. SIIEI!lll .\:'\ T:tl . :? hll;: :-:., tr:tll :- p . :tlld 1:\J.:, .. ~ Jti ,.-, 1111. ('Xt 'l'llo·nt pn o po~iti c lf l '" itlllllt·<li:lt· · lltiYt'l' . l'ri ('\' ~1 (i,fillll. · . ;~ ,\:. I·~ ~·\II ::I :"i $150 . 102 . FOR :~?.5 ~ .\I,E-::ti~CET,T"t\ ~F.Ol ~ --- - · ::;:::o 1:J5 F()l ~ .\ \'c·nll·' c;r. ·o·nk :er lei~() 711.'1"\1-1'·· ~rrt>~ or mon' llPar \\Th Plink, Pl'r n c . $ G50 6 a c re ('ot·ner, imp. , n c ar 14,750 1 111 lt 1·:.\ I.TI I!~ .-..; :'\oJ·thJ,rcH>l\ , imp.. I 'ark .\ \ ·.. c; lc· llc··w 7ll:! }\PI' :t(' . 8'i0 --, '1"-'1 ·· · _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _._._._ . ,_ -._~·· \\ · ) ~_\'f"I' CC)(L\~ ' S .\LE - DEDHnO:\T Fl"11X . . \:'\n · g-:Hdr·n tool~ . Ph. Kf'nilworth 1O ?LTN t-1c ,. U58. ·\ 1.'1' 1"- 1). \\ ._ '1'1 f . . .'. CC). 10·_., FOR S .\ T,F.-)fl~f'F.T,T, . \ ~F.Ors I j .~.~~~~.~h~~:~~;\r ll nnYET! Ft Ill S.\ T.E. T.TKJ;; XF.W I'll . " "ilnwtlt' :JiOO. 102TA-1U~ t ~ THL'~ l1ED WTX 'I'I-~ 1! <'0. \T ~f 7.1 ·~ 10 . & ------------------ (Q} ' CQ Jiill~g,. 'I Lt·~ ( 'oons ( 'pntra 1 ;;~1~1 fl<l:\11 ·: 1:'\ I'I·: J:I ·' JO:t 'T t'tl'\ - 1 H:·n1 c'ampbdl XnrthlJnook 15:i-J!)3 diti 11 11 . I l·c·dl 'll l,.., ~ lo:ctll :- . Le1 · ~· · ,.. ll !l- 1111 ·: .\L 1-'<ll: \'til'l: !-' .\1.\l.L F .\:\ITLY. 7:1L'l'X~-lt c· l'Pilll l. !"II III~ r .. ,.,n. ~:c :- "" c·.. :tl II . \\'. CI\\':'\J·:J:s :\111\' 1'\f; Tel 1. .\ltt:l ·: l! lfcl:\ll ·: s . --~-----------...;....;.;;...;...;...;.~ llc ·:c t i11t.: pl :en t I : :er:e~· ·· J.:et!Cl :-> c·: t pc ·cl "' _,;, '"' .\~TEll TO 1n; \'T-UOO::\[S f11t . J. i:- tc·d :1 t ~:.'.-o,llllll . (1\\'lll 'l' \\' :1111 " nff··r· . ,..;hC·\\'11 , ,~- :Jpp't. l>lllr . ~ ®Jir.~(_Q)~ :'\1·~"-LY ()}:('(lJL\TJ<:f) ]{()()\1 T() nE~ C() nn Pct wum:111 rc ·a:->onahh· 1 .· hlk from · \, · \. ; · ~ · 1· ~-T~'II ~·~, ll.f·\:1.\l .-::?:?. otlfl. ' 1 i. 111 1 1i cy.: h; l st.t tion . :::: ~ l'. trk . \\· ~< 1'1~. t'\'.ning--..;, 1:1·: . \t.T O J~ :-; · 1111 :- , _ l o:t th > c· xtr:t be\ ;~ tcor~ · ; lront Clt·JI<·nc · lti.l -1. R:>LT:-.i4-ltc 11 :: i ~ ·· ·letr:t l .,,.,. . \\' illllt'tt l' :l!llifi . l· .. n·h .e nd slc··· pe,, ~ Jllll'l ' " : :~, . a,· garag .. : 'i7LI - lt r· coil ltc ·at . leo( lotoxl111. l!c ·,ttt (ilull~· latH]- :\f(IT JII ·:I: .\:'\11 ~(1:'\ , :'\1 ·:. \1: 1111:11 :-;,·; tp, ·d : :: loll\:-. fntftt :-.: 1:1.: :.' loll\:-.:. frc·llt :·w hllol. \\' rit 1 · \\ ' ilm..ttc · Life, .\ -li~ l . f':'\l'~l· . \1. l~ _\S ' I' \\ ' 1L\li·~TTI·~ , IF , :::> IL"il. 1 11 -. · t:.o~, ,,-~·:ltt nE . \LTORH rr~t· n,· it · ,,- ;n Fur trimmNl. ' lil-:c· \\' innc-tl\:1 1S:i7. tH ·w . ~s. Piton(· lfi ~ LTX · I - It r· \\'inn . t;lnJ.~' ~tsn . 102T/l'N4-lt(' ('n ,.\TS. ~TZJ·; 10. I r:nn;~: 1 tl:ll'k hlll· ' \'c·J\·,.( o · \'t'llifl !~ <11'" '-'~- ~ti . 1 '· ··d lwr fl ... ·c· .. -1i tH ·d j :u·]{r·t - 11. f'nll \\~inn ... tk:1 20ii. 1 O~T.T:'\ 1- 1 t 11 c·o at - 1~ . lfl:t - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\V .t \:'\TF.f'l -- I'T,"P. ,.' \X \\' fiTT~ TI:\r:S . 10c· lkl' Jh . 1 ~~~ ('('ntral AY('., Wilnwtt~> . 1 n··r ·r" 1 + ,. e (('\Jll p XOP\1 \X I I I .. _ . WA "'fF.l) 'fO RT'Y-)ll~C. . \1trarti,·e 1\e:-iidcnrc l ~ ~-\ ST \\ ·1); ~ F 'I\ [( .\ - ~d t c>o l. ~:iLT -ltp 4 .\:\ll ·:lt l t_ ' .\:'\ . $:!~.1lll11. :l;."i.clcttt f"l'-' h :-; J·: I:\·. \'\TS IIIII'SI·: Fnn 11ELL\HLE ' ' ' c·D)on ·tl \\' CIIII :llt. I : .. od l'l'f. Ph \Yi l ,,,.. \\til tr :ttlc· lor .:'\ o rth ~h r· r e Yacant; nwtt P :; 020 . S!lLT·X~-ltc~ 1'111 :--., :! IJ:tlh:--: s till fl tll'l· h :tll <l :- ln~ pin :.: i _ _ _ _ _..;....;..._ _ _ _ _ _ _..;;.;:..:.;..;..;..;..;....;.;.;,. 111 ll"d l: e111 c· c·: tr g;e ra . t.:c· :ett :ll' h l' d: hot ~l!l .\ '\TIQl'F.S \\':tic ·!' hc ·:tt: ju :-;1 comph-tc·l~ · l't·d t·l'lo l':lt l'rl I.ot ~lii xiiO: ~l' dtHlt· rl h~· tn ·t':- and shrubllt·r~· ; 1 ; ldk !". frlllll ~ t :t. llul·l ·a r<l \\·oco<l :- , L.T :-> dlc Hol di :-:t rit'l . ll tc ·,IJJ·· Jll'"tlll!·int.:·: i·: .\IJ'IItl·: C'lfO< 'OL .\TE l'OT HY ERl~ l t>:e~f' d until :\T:t~· 1:-.:t. ll :l nl ~it'!;:, Stuttg<tl't ma!1 tt·t', 1776, :->tc·rling, i\ · cor~· handlt ·, JWl'ft ·c t condition: lll>ll-l·on dil'h, Hclf'O('CO, · ' urnl w r g, 11 ·10, lo~ · the · f:tllH·II:-> 1: . X . Hit· rfr~und; ho\\'1. l1TLL~ T~C. Lc ·ni tl gr·:td, lXIII ; all a utlwnti e pi ect>~; K\HT OF 'l'R.\CKS m;;ALTORS 1 \ '1' 1'." n ·a:-:onahlt'. PhPnt· \\'imwtka lti :: n 1 :! J:L(H'I\S Fl~fl:\1 ~III·:I:Itr ,\:'\ l:ll . \\ ' ilnwttc · ::'j .Jtl 1114!1 ~ltt·J'idn n I !o:t II l·\·t·nin gx !l!lLT.:'\4-ltp lll'Tt'll I'OLOXL\L $l~t,OOII, $-I,IIO!l cask ' 'iiLT. r4-1tc . I l:i P· ·r mo. Will pay all c~t:-t, in<"ltulint:· I . llt ·: tt . !:txt·:-:, and ill:-:urant·t·; ,; rm:.;., ~ lo 1-: .\HLY E:\IPlHE ~L\H . C' HAIR!:::>. 11 lc·g· :; p:1rt Slwraton tahl ' , unu s ual earlY lt:e th:-:: t·xtra la\':ttDry; front pon·h: 111W . \11 1. I iookt'd T:.ug-:-:. ROS \Vas hin gto n st:, c·:cr g:tr:tg-t· atta!'lwll: oil hc ·at; lot 0~ .\TTJ: .\t'TIYEI.Y 1. . \:'\ll~t' . \I'J-:J) I I Ill. S . of :\!:1 in ~t. 1% bL E . of Hitfg·, . .-.nxt :il; tlel\\'t ' l' g-ar<ll'll: Ilul>hard \\.'" 'd~ lot in l'lll·i t·c· I ;)t·ll· '"c' !clt':ttioll, ~. room .-\n·.. E\'an:.;ton, TIL 99LTN4-1tc :-dltlol di~trict. lltJ!lJ,: :t (CI\\', llt'\\' 1)' t}t '\'CI !';tlc-d :111cl flll' 1 IIIII lli~}lt · d . 0\\'th ·r \\'ill in\'lutJ,. furnitul'c · in fi'\J ·; I:J.<H'K f-'1(11\1 Hllf·~ltlll . \\: J:cl .\ll, l·tl ll'iclc· \\' IH·d· ·<L l··t 7:.!:--:Js:i fc ·t·t. This , l ' lt:tl'lllill ~ (' :epo · <'· ·d l't~lnni : tl lt ;t~ lar;..; t'. li\ i11~ rnont l~x :.'~· fc ·t·l . ~ pa !'i nu :-.: :-qtt :ln' dini11~ rno!ll. light 1\itl'llt'll, al :-·· m:tirl' f: 1 rotl!el . h: et h :t ile! T . S.: f.:l\ · . , !Ill 1:-: t tltll>i'. ::!nd tl'"'" lt :e:-; :: fin· · 11·1:1 :-.: tc·r l·· ·dr ··"· rn :-.:, :! hath:.; and :--i ttin g rt~c·m ,,·itli fin·pl :tf'· ' :11:-:o :-:~·rc·c·nt·d :.; Jt·· ·ping· porc ·h . _\tt a<'h 1 ·(} :? l':tl' g:cr:lgt ·. 11 . \\' .. <:a:- or (' 11 :11 llt'at. l'rit ···tl low for thi:-.: t·xl'i u :-.: h ·c· :--c·t' lin'l at ~:::;,ono . II·: \1:1 .1.· I :- · CGTI®IITt~@® W .\ \'1' 1 ·: II 'J'CI H E\'1'-HOI ' SES \\' TLT. ~T( llU ·: \~1) f:l\'1·~ FT:'\f:!-'T c'lll'( · for tl l'c· rot' (;:-:end pi :tnn. -\Yrit· · \\"ilm <' tt. · Lif· · .\ - f::i. 10:iL'l'X·I- 1t ,· .\ \" r rQ 1 ·: srL \ · ER li.\YE Y<1T"TI (ILl> PTEC'T~~ Jtl·:\:'1-: \\'E n at a r.· a!-'n nn.hl· · pri<-P . Siln·r r P finl ~ lH· n :·nrl mrt!l l' ah:-olut· ·l y tnrni :-: h 1wnof. l':tttl Dn.Yf'\' . .h·\\"··1('1' . H:i '\\.ilmdlt· .\,.,. . Ph . 1\'ilmc-tt f' r.. 10:-iT.:l:i- tfl' t){.lf ' K ~Ell'\'T(' f:'\1; n~ TI0.\11~!-'TTt ' :·1'(1 c·onlm··n·i:ll n ·fril!·.-·rating- 1' \':- l (' lll !-'. l'all 'i to ~ :1. 111. nr· c·\' f' lling-R \Yilm cttP tn to .. 1 o-.t : 1':'\ 1-1 tc- R 1·:.\ L'l"ty. S12.)00 l'T'HT.lf' "\"O'fH ' E .\ft· ·r Ul'!<diPt· :l . 1!l~!l . Twill not) ,.. 1'· ·SJ)Io !l :.; ilol·· fnr ;111~ Phts hut tho:<· · r·loll t r:t tf·<l lo\' mY.·df. .\ n t n.n .T. Borre. :2 ·1 l:i Glt ·ll\'it·\\' nrl .. \\"iltllt ·t I " :\tl\'. YIJ. J .. \(i'F. OF Wll,)fF. 'f'fF. "'l>F.f' f.\ T, . \~SF.SS1fF.~T XO. 21;:1 :'\()'ff<'l;: is lwrt ·h ~· p·h ·,·n to :1ll P " """n " intf' l '(· ~t,·c l th at tlw T'rl's id Pnt ~ncl 11n:trrl (of 'l'ru~tf·P:< of tlw Yill:l e:t· of \Yilm··fh ·. in th<' f'1111lltY of ('nok nnd St ~llt' of llli nnis. h :t \ ' ilH!'. nr<lPl'C'Il th n t tlw fir f; t :o ll >·\' wc ·s t of 1\rno dbin f' A Yenue from the south lin t> nf nr .. e·o n· AYt·nu<> to tlw 'Xorth litH' 11f ls:llll'lln C:t 1·pp t " h :1 1l IH' imnrn\' Pcl by g-r:tcling-, p~vine- with r e inforced con,., . ,.~" 1);1\'" lllc>llt rl1' :1inin!.!·. C'llll"tllH'tinr~ i·· · ff·CT:ol c· urh . fHlill:.;ting mnnh n l P No\'1·1'!-i, h11ilrlin!.! f'~fc· h h~~in~ atHl ('onnf·C'tin_!.: !-':t tll· · to s 1nnn St' \\'t ' " :ttHl'"fh .. ,·wi<:" ; .. , . tll'tt\' i no· s:d<l :lllt·' ' · tlw Ol'lli 11:1 "I' <' fnr 11H' "" n1" l w i" !! (o il fil p in th l" offi~p nf tl11 · '\'ill ac·c· C'lt ·l'k nf ~flifl Yill:t,!!'" fiiHl ~nirl \ 'i ll :t!!'(· h :l\ · iw~ :1nn1iPcl tn tl1" l'rollnh· ( 'ou rt o f f'11nk f'nuntY. lllin()i:-: f ·d' :111 :ts:-.:<'l'Sm f' nt of th f' <'nst nf ~~icl inllll'll\'(· m f' nt . acC'nl'fling· to h Pn r> fit s. ~1111 ~n :t!-'~ps~nwnt lh t>J'Nl f h :l Yin!!' lw c·n m·· . lc· ·· · ·<l rPtm·npcl t o s:t i1l f'nurt. (Dnr·kf't Xn ~~;:-;) . tlw fi n:ll lwnt·in g· ' th f'l'N lll \Yill h 0 :1a1l n!l tlw ~th il:n· of XnY Pmh r r·. ..\ . ·n. 1 !J·>!J . at t1·n o'1· lr· (' l\ .-\ . l\f., nt· :1s f';no n th .. n ·n flc ·r a .· tlw husirw~s o f thP f'nurt will PPrmit. .\11 1H' r~on s d· · ~il ' illg- mnv fik oh.if'dion~ in ~:l icl C'our·t h f' fr·rP ~aiel clnv :llHl ma\' :'ll)l)Pfll' on tlJ f' ]l<'al'illg- Hl10 'm al.; (' tiH~fr def!." nse. . · Said or<linnnc(' m·oyi(l('s for th P <'OllN'tion nf Sflirl a~l':f'f;Smf'nt in tPn (10) nnnunl inst~llments with annual lnlf'rPI':t thf'rf'nn .at th e t·ntf' of ~ix nf'r centum per nnnmn as 1wm·idPil hv lnw. DntNl Wilmett ' , TllinoiR, October 18th, A. D . 1!l2!l. l'alt· (':t~h pt·kc · )l:t~' lllt · llt if Y·HI :t<'l quidd .'. ~111 :!1 1 :tll<l h :cl:tllt't · likt· r·c·n t. CRO~ I~, .. HE.\ 1.'r-Y CO. \\' i I! tit·! l.; :e :.'(1:::: 7iLT:'\I-ltC' 1 ·::'\,:LISII I'O'l"J'.\(~1-; - $:!O.Ouo, $:i.OOO c·: e:-h: ti rms .. 1 hath; front pnrch: 1 c·ar garag,·: hot watt·r h l';tt: just compll'!t·l~- n ·d<>c·oratt·tl: I'Ul'll\'r lnl ti5x187; StlllllllC'l' hoU :.;l' and :-:hruhht·l· , ·. <' .\LL }111. ( ' 1.1-:\'I·:L.\:'\]). I 1 ..\HI r ST. \\'EST I I I I I I H ll'BLI·~ Hf,~D. XE\\' SPHTXG, CLEAX hair mattrel'~. ( 'IH'\tP. \\'i nn <·tka 2~~1:1. · FELL' S FUHXITURE STOnE E\· an~ton's Bt' f"t Bar~ain ~ in u~('d FurnitUrl' 1 ~ Blol'k No. of :\lain St. 1 ! :2~ ( ' ]lTC.\(,() AYE. 1'::1\·. 1!1:' 100LTX4-ltp I 1.1; E . . \TRY h t> d!"lll :-i., :! tile- lo : etJt ~. c·XIl'a Ja\'a t OI'\', Att:tl'll· ·d gar:u..:t ·. \ 'llll\ ··nic ·rtt to :.;c·houi s and t r·:e llsJI . l-::t :-.1· tc ·l'lll:- . ~1 -;-,tiOII . JL\IHD & 1 : . \\ '. \RXI~:R lOOLT.:'\~-Itc· ' CGll®JIU~CQ'® ~illflJ · :I!:' J:!Ut'l( Jlcl:\11 ·~ . \L\((I~T \:1·:\\' , I------------------------1 1.1 ·; :'\~ ·ot·; OFFf<'E I PPI·:x st·xn.\ YJ. :\1 .\lt< H ; _ c .\TELl·: c . \:'\f) EXn '1'.\DLES, __ 1071 ~lwkit · Hidg·e dr. i dl:tir. < 'ht ·: tp. \\'imwtka :~ 1 2!1. I c ; lc · . 1.·:·1 J1rint. 1 :>5 J OOLT~ 4-ltc i7LTi':4-J tl' 1 pl:tllll· ·d t.~ · g, ,.,cJ art ·hi\1-d:-.:. \\'c ·ll ~itu:\t<'d <·11 " ' ""d··cl l11t :t7)o..l111 , Tclt·:tl la\' I~ )1) ~ "ut tir:-t t!1 ·c·r: 1 l ~t·tlrm:-: . , :-.:~· - pdt., · 2 1 til· · lt:elll,.., ~· · t'l·lltl tlocor; l:trg-t· thirtl SL~O tl""~' · I :, ·:-; t , .oll:-t nwt i1111 :tntl in :-; nlta- ' tieo11 J-:1, t' . ro ·frig , llo ·: ltt ·tl g: tr:cgc ·. 0\\'ll - 1 '1' 111!" :\lOilEI~X lf(l:\11 ·: 11.\S TJJHT-:8 t·r rnu :- l :-:lt'rific·· ·. rc ·cluc· 1 ·tl t 11 ;::::u, nnu . lll'clr11olll:- :cwl :t i'lt ·c·ping p nrl'h nn H.' t'nncl fluor: and ~1111 and hrt'a kfast pot·dw~ em tir:.;t fl·rot·: IH·:-i dt ·:-> :tttntf't in' livin~ and dinin~ I'O C!Ill:- :1nd kit<"ht·Jl. It h :t:-: all t·xn ·l!t ·n t Jwati11g· pl:lnt nnu I! 1 ·:.\ r.TI ll~H a g-ood ~aragt'. Tht·· Jot il' hPautifuJlv 'i 16 Elrn ~II'· ,., . \\' ire ndk :t \\'in th'tli:a Hi17 \\'oodt' cl antl tlw llt'ig·hhorhoo<l t'X('ell e nt. 7i LTX ·I-1 tc' < 1\\' llc·r ha :-; aln·ady Jpft . \\·, . ha\' e k t:- \' , \\-ill T"t'lll with option to huy on (r-:. rr , n ,.(]. ~ ·J! 115) S:'.{ (fi) r9:J tlli\ rl<ab ly Pa~y term~. Slh.OOO COL<)XL\L 11 LT It\ HJ) \\.( )( OR hEX'!' .\ '1 53 JD~y §~ll® ~ '0 _jJ ._, .... l1ll .J, l i l ..w.~~ re- l·Tl!'\ I'ITHI·: . lll~III ·~S. ('LO'l'll £X(; S ::: o to 12:00 1 \. :\I. 47 ·1 \\'TLLO\V HD. \\' TX:'\I·:T K .\ lOOLT:'\ ·1- Itp ~\I Lfll :\J.\11111; .\:'\Y l ' J iJ W;IIT-P,L\~ ~ ~ and ! .. ·111' 11 . 1:oo<l t·otHlitiotl. \'e n· r t·n:<o !la hie ·. 'l'..J . \\. inndl.;a ~(} 11 . · 100LTX4 - 1t e· I :1. .\t '1\:: LE.\'1'1 ll·:n HOFA AN'D 2 dwir :-: $1 :!. 11uffd $20. Round dining tahlt· ' and fi ('h:tit':-; $10. Doubl e brass hed * ~ · Spring $ ~ . Ph. Wilnwtt<' 4~R?.. '\'E~T ~J.JW 11()~11-: OF \\'I ~XE'l'l,_ fiEIXSEX ~ 1ul <IF 11 HO<J:\tS . .i BATHS and thr· ,. c·:t l' garagP. Th i:-; J)I'O])e rty to h1· ~old at ""~\. .\ n ·n · hand~ome < ·ou 111 ry pla t'P. · fl., 7~0 Elm St. HE.\LTOHS l'hotw \YinnL' tka 251 77LTN4-ltc R1ti ~ CG mdiirce & COJwir !141 Lill t'IJI!l A \'t·, \\.imwtka 672 7iL1'~4-1tc Fnn SALE ': $100FT. OK TOP OF' THE hill in beautiful Skokit> Ridge. Gl en <·ot·. Cash IH't'd1 ·d at on<:~. Call Winn. 1689. 78LTX4-ltp F £1-t E LJ·~SS('()( >1\ (.;u \\ -. T -,,,1-1- ::- A. LU:\TTnum pan~ and !-itOlll', $G. nadiant Fire gas grate, $10. Breadmixer, $fi. Gordon motor crib, $G. :1 i. size mattre ss, $3. 1\Ta~ og~ _ny rock e r, $:t. l\lahog. pull-UJ> chatr, $3. l\lahog. tea cart with removable gla~s tray, $10. Gret::n table n.nd chair, $5. Phone Winnetka 2091. IOOT...t -lt c C'HARLES N. P.VANS. Pf'rRon nnoointed hv the PreRident of the Board ·of Local Tmorovements of the Village of Wilmettf'. Cook Countv. Illinois. to makf' ~aid assessment. ;:-;-:::-:-:-~==--=-:::-:=-=-=------lOOLTN 4-lte ~Hil\IONS DOUBLE BED. HERTZ DAY bed, Chifferobe, bric-a-brac. Winn. 3150. 100LTN4-ltc