Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Oct 1929, p. 54

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54 WILMETTE' LIFE Oct o b e r 18. ,1929 Kilner, 523 \Vashington a,·enue, for f1rst grade room.. T~e parents t'lo:.: :\1 i~s Turner and the second grade tl~c place~ of the1r children and, were I um y 111othcrs. l\'lrs. H. F. Rogers and ~1rs. :.,wen an tdea of the first graders day. ~! rs. L. H. Stoerk and .:\l rs. Vere V. , ~I en students at Xorthwestern uni\\' . K. Yates assi~ted as hostes ses. Loper acted as hostesses. ' ,·ersit,· who obtained jobs through the A tea for ~liss ~1cPartlin and the univc;sit_y's c m pI o y men t bureau Mr~. \\' alter Lagcrlof. .2~1 Linden mothers of her fifth grade. pupils will 1 Th: Cl'ntral-Laun·l P. T. A. annual a\'cnul' wa:' ho~tl'S~ on Tucsda,· at a l,c held Tuesday afternoon, October t a nring classes \\'ere resumed ~'Londay t:amcd a total ni $5tJ,()J7 last year. tea ciH·n iPr ~frs. Julian and the .2.2, at the home of ~1rs. F. A. l~oss, l·i this week at the \Vilmettc \Voman's f1gurcs rdcascd thi~ \\'cek hy the hunlllt h.crs ni :--i:\tlt grade pupils. ~1rs. -+1-l bahella street. ~Irs. George \V. lltth \\'ith an encouraging enrolh.ncnt, reau slww. but there arc probably , many other-; The largest smn earned during the Carl .'\. Peterson \\·as assistant hoste s. ~~ a,y hcrcy will he assisting hostess. \Vho wish to take advantage of the vcar by any one student was $985. It) The mothers will be invited the farst semester one man earned Anot her dl'iight iul tl'a ,,·as gin.'n on :\n interesting tL·a ,,·as gi\'Cll last classes. to ;ittcnd on the first Monday of each mort: than $-WO, ten more than ~300. Tuesda~· at the lwme of ~1 rs. F. R. Tuc~day afternoon in 1f iss ~L ulford's month · to see how their children arc fourt('cn more than !F~OO and hfty J,rogn·ssing, hut a rc requested not to three more than $100. In the second bring any other children with tht:m at sen-.cst<:r nne man earned more than that time. $500, thret: more than g;.)(}(), .nineteen By special arrang-enll'llt ~ith Miss more than $200 and t\\Tnty - ntnc more I essie Pocock, dancing mstructor, than "toO. there ~.Yilt. he. instt~uCtion in tap an(' 1 ()del jnhs mack the. single g~l·ate:-t clt)g- danctng lor gtrls on Monday af- roPtrilmtiLm to the tnCtlml.' (lt ::tu tl'l't~oom irot~l S o'clock .until ~>. Th~ dcJ;ts " ·hu arc t·arning_ their way -+ :~ _.. , class \\"I I!. also hcg1n . a ht tic. ol t hrnugh sclwol. In tht: hrst ~cmestl:r tltJS ,,·ork. I he aesthdtc datt~tl~g 157 obtained odd joh~ and 2-L~ in th\: classes on ~1nnda,· are as folluws: ,) :.lO . secnnd ~cme~ter. These conststcd nl H' o usecleaning? Let Iredale's l\IOTI I PROOF your o'clock tllt~il -+ :.I.=i _up. to the fourth t<'IHiing furnacl's, doing houst: \\'nrk. overs tuff f'(l furniture and rug:.;. gradl': -+_:b. until .I '.l clock. a(h·anccd " ·ash!Pg windP\\·s. and carmg for classes; -"',~doc~ unt!l G. tap and clog- lawn~. Entertaining? Iredale's are equipped to rent folding <lanCl.·s. 1 he. tnnc lnr tht: ballroon! Th .. em >IO\·mcnt bureau this . \Tar chairs and tables; alsu dining chairs and banquet da:-.:-.cs_ on. Fnday.s ar.e a.s follows: 3: 1J . , \ . t 0 1 tl;Hl ·ohs ior ht·t \': l'en . 5f~l til -+ :l."l o clock tor JUtllors up to the expec s J · . I' ll tables. · 1 1 4 1- t 0 " 0 · 1 k f 0 and 000 men. accor< 1 111g to 'u~:-t tPurt 1 gra< e; ; _.. , _.. , c oc-- ~ S -1- ·I, director ni the bureau . 1723 BENSON .~VENUE, EVANSTON t 1 10~e up to the s1xth gradl·; from .) :b · c JneH cr. . · 1 · tl 1c Sl'\'l'll tl 1 a tH I One hundred and It fteen men h;:nT ·PHON'£ 1V/Lflr1ETTE 1332 . , tor t lt·~l' tn . · · · ff t ,t t , : 1_.· 1 1 1 made appltcat1um lor Jobs as chan eur:l'l!..! t! 1 gra< rs. and 140 \\'ant to Wtl rk ior their hoard. Central-Laurel N. U. Students Earn Tidy S b Odd Jobs' Route P, T. A . IRED ALE FIREPROOF WAREHOUSES I Two Timely Services STORAGE Good · Pavements . M ean Good Transportation Good pavements bring good transportation right to your door. Good pavements reduce street noises, accidents, and congestion. The best pavement you can buy is portland cement concrete-it is durable, safely smooth, and attractive in appearance. PORTLAND CEMENT ASSOCIATION 33 West Grand Avenue CHICAGO INVIT E N E W MEMB ERS These figun:s do 1wt includt those Thl· L'ptt)\\'ll ~ytnphonic ~inging Sll- studenh who procured \\'Ork \\'itlwut cil'ty, which \Yas organized by Paul thl.' aid llf the employment bureau . Ileld, \\·ho is a \vell-kno\vn composer and conductor. is· meeting every Tues- I READING CLASS TO OP EN day c\·ening at i :.30 o'clock at the Cp- l The Kenilworth Reading class ""ill town Conser,·atory Recital hall, (,J 12 · resume its activities for the winter (111 Broadway. Applications for mcmht·r - ! ~fonday, October 21. at the home o ~ ships arc being received hy the society. i ,\1 rs. Gilbert Kell~· . Cum nor road. ~~ r:. . -------I \\'iJliam D. ~1acCiintock again will lead Kathryn Benson, daughter of ~{r. ,. the class. The ho~1k for discussion at and Mrs. George Benson, 210 Me lrose the first meeting ,,-ill he "The Growth avenue, Kenih,·orth has returned honw t)i the Soil" and Mrs. ~1acCiintock will from St. Luke's hospital where s!1e abo give a n o utli ne of the ·'Scandinabas been fo r t he past three v.·ecks. \'ia n T~·pe of Novel." ... A National Organization to Improve and Extend the Uae· of Concrete Offices Ia 32 Cities

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