Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Oct 1929, p. 46

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WILMETTE' LIFE Octoher 18. 1929 IDuhre, Orl'an.ist. . Garden Talks i C'c·ntrihtltL·d 1"· the \Y ilmcttr C.arden Giv~'~ Nerttal tn Winnetka Nov. 18 · PIGSK N SPEC AL ( for the Month of OCTOBER ) THR EE 6x8 Moderne PORTRAITS 650 WILMETTE ).f arrt· l Du pre. th e hri)liant \) rg~ni ' t nf the Pa ri~ Consr n ·atmrc. who 1s __ ~n . Club) . · · c1 nin a rcrita l in Chn~t Hlr·c I1. \ \ 111 In om flnri:-t\ winrl_<)\\·. Ol} \\'iln_H·tl!' ! ~etka. \ f 1 )JHiay _cn·ni ng', 1\o'·.cm ber .JR. :· ,·cllll<'. :1re ."1 1 1.!' .!..!.<'"!1011~ lew \\'11'_ 11 '1'1 cnllH'S nf a fann l_ , . I1H1g- a~snct;.ttcd \-\'lth 1 '11 " Ill' h. r11 t h (' (' l' n I c r i :- a hl' a t1 t ! f ul t h l' fi 11 (' s t s t a 11 da r ds 0 i 111l\ s 1c. H !s k· :- . ke:t (I f ·a 1_11 ttmn 1<.':1 rt·s. C'h i11 ( s~' 1;1'.1- J pa tnn a 1 gra ndi at 11 er A imal> h.' Dt!P':'-'. t · r'_'"· rat -tads. t!ra-..st·~- and the' llke. 111 ! " ·as organist at th(' gr('at nn~an ol ~· tl ·c··r na'ur:tl rol()r-... nt n ·d and hrn\\··1. \f arlou at Houcn for tl11rty-scn·n I ( 'uih· difll-rent thi..; frPtll the '"inft r _ n ·ar". l lis . tnatcnta l 1-!_randfathl·:·. ··:, .. 1--t·t .. ni :1 fe,,· \Tar:- a!.!ll \Yhl'tl th · FtiennL' C'haunt·re \\·a.; clwtrmas tr at · ·p;tint~·d \\'l't·cl<' \\'ere tht· fad and the C'hurrh ni ~t. Patrice at T~ntll'tl ftll' thirt _ Y \Tars. Dupre's father. :~lhcrt 1 " c·t·c ls \\'itirlt l1acl hcett gil<kd. :-ih·cn·d. ··tHI p:1intecl \\'\.'rC arra11gcd _in \'a~e _or I Dupn·. a tllt' nllwr <~f the 1~~)~1'_' '1 : ,. , ~ kt't fnr a \\·ittl1 ·r dl'cnratllllt. Q·i!iL· ·' Acadt·m~ · . atlcl a famott~ rnndttrtnt. rlirt'c·retll, ltH1, irr·m thl' fln\\-er-; ancl 1 pla\'\·d thL' mag·nifirent organ at the' ln\ L'" t1nck tli painter! ..;hcJb. nr !111' he:inliiul Clturrh of St. .nucn :tt : 11'1111111 ka\'l' -.. oi p:1intecl rlclth ancl , l~nttl'll itlr l'IL'\'l'tl ,\'L'ar:- . \\ tth grc :tt Til' ,,·as a puptl and rlt l:'C' ,,irL· 11r the· ti..;-..uc p:tpl'r rn..;<·s. nr th " _;; urress. ":t'\ ll()\\'t·rs. th:1t itl turn '-l'r\'l'd :t" , irit'IHI ni lltl' gn·at Cl!i lm:tlll, and t ],,· ,,.;tl'l'r hotHjtlt't.;. Fad :-~fter fad i11 traditinn:- ui this ma:-.tcr lt:wc lh·c,t ;q·(fici:tl fln\\C'r :tncl kaf hac! it-; c l:1,. handed dmYtl frnm father _ t{l .;on. ;·prJ pa--..;t·cl nn. :ttlcl t':tt·h time \\'l' Dupre·~ mother. Alire Dupre. t." :1 11 t··rnvcl tltanki11lh· irtltl l tilL· artitJ c: i:t1 arconlplislll'd pianist. cclli.;t :1t1Cl s1nger. l ·an·.; :tncl lln\\'ers 111 the natural \\'itlt -.. 11 ch a tnu-..ira l anrestr~· it i..; hrnnrl'('-.. ni ht' rrit·"· lt-;t\'l'~. :tncl 'l'f'cl not ~ 11 pri-,i 11 .~- that young \farrl'l slltlllld p n(b, fc,r tl\1r \\·int('l' hnuquct. 1 a,·L· gin·n :-.igns ,,f his prt·(kstincd 1 Tlq·n· ar1· lll:tn\· lnn·h· ~pra,- ~ c;1 \'L)rati tln at atl t·arh· ;tgl'. In his ga1m·-... l·l'l'l·ic" frt1111 shnd" :ttlCI Yittc" lt1 :tr· and l'Oil\Tr-..atillll'- hv l"\lti1Jitt·cl a li:--:vd :·:111!.!L' f(lr t he hn ll "l'. ()j the'-'C 1hc ; pa-.:-itln illr nr!.!.an..;, dra\\-itJg pict11rc·..:: l.!ltn"\\TCt i-... :1 f:1\·oritc because of ih nf thtm (JJ1 paper, on the \Yalls nf th ~.· 1 rare and th(' hri!.!.ht Ct·ltlr nf its her- 1 home. and ('\'L'Il rnlkrting \\·norl Ut r iL·s. .\ nnthn one tl.at j, a heanh· i~ make part:-; of the in !':r utnent himSL·li . tht littlt- \\'inc - n·<l l1CtT _ \· that grt)\\'~ it· . \\'h('n four years nld. he hrarrl \\'idt". 1rrarl'in1 rlu.;tcr-.. on a light ~:l!.!C- pia\· at the <lcdication of the greal ,,.tlltll"l'cl _!-o tcm \\·hirh r:trriv~. narro'.r ' nrgan _at St. Otten. and intlltl'. cliatcl~ · 1va\·(·o.. ot the .. anlt "ha(lv: tht-. ClllllC'" · dC'tcrtnlllt<l to hC'come an organt:--1. !rom CaliiCirni;t. Other.; :trl' the \\·:1:-.:- ! .-\t se,·rn IH· com 1m·nrL·cl thL· stuch 11. ~-c~:Jtc·c.l h:t,·hnn. and tl_tl' arrtl\\· ~ \\'c;o ·l ' music :-.ninusl~·. :\t eight he pJa,-cd \\'lilt t_t..; hluL·-hbrl-: ~· .n.rtt"· :\t r ltrt~t - J~ach iPr Cuiltn:tttl, \\ ho ron,entcd t -1 l'l't-.. llt_ll<'. \rh:tt ar:tftcl:tl ho_lh· 11r tllt"- take Jtli 11 a..; a pupil. :\ t tL·n heap lll'lllL' lwm? box 111 tht· at!H' ~·:m tat.:: pearl'cl in puhlir as a Yirtun ~o . hl·L!int.lll· plact· ()I n:at hn lh· .and 11ltstkttl(': ning a rarl'er " ·hirlt Ita~ been a In!';.! . '.. H' r.'· ckr.l)ratl\'t' hn-;h _h tlw harh<'rry. ~l'fi(·-; oi triumph". .-\ t h\'C in· hr \\':l ~ "tth th hrt~}t,l rl'd hl'tTIL'-... at~d reel and apw1intc-<l organi:--t eli tlw C.ranrl Org~11 ~ - nld Jva,·t'"· I hl' ..;nn\\'ht'IT\·, 1.; ;uwthn. in the C'hmrh 11 f St. \'i,·iL'Il :tt Rotl\'t t. l 11 om \ \'illlldlt' \\ehiCI-.. \\t' finct' tlw hn·otnin!.; a pupil ()i Cuilmant at t.!tt.: \\·ild 1'11:-c· \rith it-. hl':tuliiul rnlt1rcd same ti111c. !l is lirst imp() r tant CPillfH 'pr·rrit·s :tnrl icdiage. the Ill\\' plant that :-itnn. a1, oratc1ri1l, ··Jacob's Drraltt." h;t" the t'll\1111) <:ltt-..tl't'" eli L!.t'apl'-lil.:t · \\·as pC'ril)rtlH.: d in 190 1, \\IH'II Dupre · hnric·" . tlw \\·ilrl .;pik<'n:trcl. :111Cl tlH· \\·as 1.~ \t':trs c1ld .. He: tlll'll L'ntcrrd t11t' ~btl\\,. hc·rrit·..; ni l:trk -in -tllc-l'u lpit, ICl Paris Cunserraton· \\·here itt took th·.· _ L::I'lwr i·1r \\'inter.. · fir-..t pr ize in pia11;1 \\' hen ICJ years old. Tlw Cltitll'SL' latltvrtJ i-. . :1 great fa- flr:--t prizt· in c·rgan t1nclcr Cuilmant ,It ,.,rill· . ~<l i:-; tlw tnilln\t'l'd pe1d anrl 21. f1r:--t prizl' in fugue undn \\'jc],. tilL· t·at-t:til. .\ llt'\HT i;l\·nr itt- is thr at 23. and at 2R \\' 011 till' ~upremc ,ih1·r :--.hillill . l!; Ut1-..c, kr1n\\n a..; the pt)\' -, hllllClr, t he (~rand Prix de l~nme. f-.1r nt\· pbnt :11Hl thl' nwtll'\' plant). hi:-. rt~ntata. "P:-,-che." H i..; C'xt r aordi\1 hilt', transp:trl'llt, deliratc· nraJ..; tltl 11an· fL·at of pla~· i11g tltt· en t ire \\'Ork.;, l un~· slt·ms. I eli Harh irc1111 1lll'111tll'\' in a scr il's lit· \ ninllt.! tilL· dril'cl plant . . u-..l'd art' , IL'll 1L'Cilals at the Pa~·i..; Corhen·atclr~ thL· lwathn. l1_ah<:-- hrl';tth_. tan:--\·, 1 is a maltvt: oi h ist~n-~·- Jl is .\ mn.iratl -...tra\\-tltl\\l'r". \\'lltrh m:tkl' q11:t11lt ·nchf'-, debut \\·as 111 tl1e \\ :tnatnakn Audlllll'~- a".;. t lw r e)" r e1111 h ;1t11l I h \' h 'd r a 11 '..! < · ·1 i um i 11 1921. ;1tl'l '-!ra.;:-.e:-. a11cl trailin .l! \'illl"· I __ _ )C ·'·l" 1 i 1 TELEPHONE CARLOS iPHOTOS~ MIRALAGO BUILDING 1647 SHERIDAN ROAD ~ AT Trl E LAKE : between ~ Wilmette dnd Kenilworth .., l'PEN EVENINGS E I VISI T COLLE-GE Joseph Joyces to Pass "\ l r. and \I rs. Carl .1. T.al·:--.elll c1i R ,'3 in Tucson Ariz. I \ -ertltll! :L\'l' llttC'. ( ',ktH'nc· . '.d r. and \frs ' \l Winter I \I I I ·1 1 · · 1 1... \ tl<tr:-llll I· .\1 apea\-l'lltll', 1 . r. :111c I'. r I ..;. ·-1 o:-cp.1 1 · O\' I ):·\'1< . 111.1 / . · CL' \\'tt 111 · t 1vtr ·1 1 1 11 . ... .ltH 1 '_, 1't:--.". 1)·1· ·I , \ 1. . c.:t\1 .~ 11t·r. \It t 1. :1.1 ·.:-.St'\ rCJac, '\. ent.\\ ..t1nHttl .tncl c.. . tHLr~1)n , · 'l'l 1 1 · I ,J!- 't'J llragn · \\\lrt 1. 1 L'lt ll!l Jursc a \· J\' utor \(1r1 1 trove ltl \\ 'I 1eatnn (' ;-. tt iHI a,- ' . \ · · m·11 , 1 . . · . 1uoc·tl . . rtz . \\' 1 1ere t 1 ll'\' \\' 1 ~penc te1 :--pL'tHl the da,· " 'tth \It~..; TnL'Z Lar- tl · t ·,1 '1 1 · t . . ·· lL' \\'l tl t·t . H.'\' < L> not expert . ll ~Ll l l. ~ \ - 1 ]() 1 ws JUst t·ntl' rcc 1 1 1cr J tlllJO!' I . ,. . , , . · ·1 · . 1 · '-'I 10r tl ,. 1 It ell h I Ill :-on unt t nc. x t . mo n t. 1, tll\·ear a t \\ .1tc·a t nn ro 11 egL·. ~ .~ H'. I. nrc 1 ll'r ret u rn s 1 te e nt·er t < ll· llC'C 1 .c·,·cra l ' tl'nd 111g to m:t k · l' th e tnp 111 a letsur c h · e'i ht· r rol k rc iri 11 1~ t I I 1 nann~·r. stopp_tng l'tl ro ute at a nu m, .l! C c· ~ ler tom e 111 l1cr n t plart.:~ lor ~c ,·era l da \·~. In Hflt · · · ( , !t'IH'Ilt'. 1 ast \\Tl'k \f t:-." 1 ·trs 1111 \\"t" ' . " · ' · Sprt n g~. A rk. , t he,· expec t l1l ~OJlltlrll t' k L' It'd t111 L · n f t It t' <1 t r t' ct or.; 11 f h C' r · · · · · at I ·a~ t a \\Te k . a nd \\' ill go o n t o l. o~ ltt nary snc tdy. :\n gc i L·~ ,- ro m Tu cso n la te r in t h e n 'ar. :\f r. Jo~· cc " ·ill prob ably r e turn t o K t·nil).1 r. a nd \1 r..;. .1 . C. Crn:-.:-h·, .fl 7 ,,·o r t h in seH' ra l mo nth s o n hu sin c..;:-:;, \\'asiJ in g tLl tl a\CiltH:. \\' il mette. Cll tt't'- hu t \\' ill aga in io in his famih· in th e t a in c d on \f n t{cl a ,· of tlr is \ree k a t :1 \\'est. di m lL' r a n d h ri d t!e part \· in ho nor n f ~1 r :· a nd ':\f r~. H . J. X c\\· t<,n. inr m c;·h· .\1 r. and ~1 rs. j o hn B. Bodd ie ui 13 3() of \\' ilm e tt e hut n o\\' n f Pitt sb urg h . \f r. a nd ~f r ~. ~C \\'t o n arc he re ic)r a C rcc n\\·ood circle " ·e re a m ong th ose att e ndin g th e Co lumbu s Dav dinn n sh or t st aY on hu ~ in e~s. g i,·e n by the Pan-A111 e ri can ·con sular - n~f r ~. Fd\\'in ll ccl ri ck , 30-t ~~ elrn-;e co rp s at th e B e lden- S tratfo rd hot e l an' nu c. K~lw n rth. ha s a s her g ues ts la st S a turda y evening. - 0fo r t\\' o wee k s, h er nwth (' r, ~r r :-; . ~f c l,·in T . Robert s, an(l he r sist C' r, 1frs. Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Irwin wh o C. T . Aim . , o f Rnr he st e r. N. Y. have been spending the summer with -0their daughter, Mrs . Joseph 0. Con~fr s . Frank Chee sman o f Evan sto n verse, 1610 Highland avenue, left the <'ntt.' rtained her sewing- club at the' latter part of last week for their home Orrington hotel on Friday of thi s week. in Melbourne, Fla. . ' ...

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