Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Oct 1929, p. 1

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WILMETTE \ "OL. XVIL, NO. 57 \VIL~fETTE. Published weekly by Lloyd Holliste1· Inc., 1232-1236 Ce11.tral Ave., Wilmette, Illinois. Entered as second class matter March 13, 1924., at the post office at Wilm ette, Illinois, u·n der the Act of March 3, 1879. Subscription p1·ice $2.0.0 a year. LIF E PRICE FIVE CENTS ILLI:'\OIS, OCTOBER 18, 192~ DR. HERMAN BUNDESEN SUNDAY CLUB SPEAKER cook County Coroner and Eminent Medical Authority Opens Club's 15th Season 1 Speaks at Luncheon . w oRK ON NEW ROAD Wreck Buildings in Kenilworth to Make Way for Extension of Coven · try Outlet to Ridsze Road PLAN ENLARGEMENT OF CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Members at Annual Meeting Vote Approval of Building \\ .rcckit.1 g machine:-; ;111d \nlrknlc!l Lhi:- \H'rk Clllllpktcd tltc jnh Ill n .'l1hl\"Expansion Program illg all building in · Bl1wk 3rl, Kenil ~ 1 Dr . lln lll;tn --\l~undt·"l'lt. l 'tll lk 1 1,,,,rtlt. t1) tnah~ '"a" lor tlt c L 'X h:usilln Tllr J.'ir-, t (', 111 ~rl.'.t:.a tinnal ch urch :-~t I ,,I l\1rc11lry i·oad in the Chicagn and it..; annual ll11.'<'ting last \\'rrk tn 0k l'tl\Titty Cllt'\)111.'1' :tnd ll ;t til1tl;t]l y ktlll\\' 11 \'11rth \\'c:-;tcr11 raihra~· tra cks. nlnd~ -.tcps t""·ard the remncleling o f th (' tlll'dir:tl ancl ptthli,· lt1.·a lt 1 autlt : lrit~·· l 3(, i:-; .IJnundcd ll\· :\ :-hbn cl aH'Il\11.' ' 1n Jll'l'S< ' ttl rhurrh building at \\'i lmette \·,ill Itt· tltl' in ;tttt..:ur;tl :--pt·akn ,,n tin:; Llt e so u tIt . C lc n cl i11 i n g n 1 ;u l 1. ll 1 t IH: " L ' "t: a 11 d I. a k , a \'l' till r s. and th e c recti on n f · t·a .. ,nl ·" -nit'.., 1ll \\ .ilntl'lk ~und:t\' 1\:cnihrorth arcntH.: 011 the north. and ;:1 parish hou:--1.'. :\uthorization '"as \\'r:-.t Hailroacl _aFillll.' (ltl th e l'a:--t. gi,·en th e prl.':'t·nt building- committe<' 1 :. \'t'tJin~ t'ltth p r,1~ran~:- \\·ltich hL~in The Cm·entry road imprt)\'e m cnt now t o en large it sc li. r etain an a rch it ect, ~unday t'\Ttlill . !..:. ( kt,lhn .211. 'J'Itc tii_Hk r \\·a,· has· Jll'CL':'s itatl·.<l till' renw,·;tl and .submit to_ th e. c.llllrch a cnmprcntvditt~..; "ill hl' lt~·ld in th1.' auditorium c t t\\'0 gar·agl'S. a plumlnng :-;lwp. and I hensn·e plan ot bmldmg. c ·i t h ~.: Fir:- t l' o t ll! t'l' g a t it111 ; tl r lltl r c !1, , oth er sma ll buildings in Block 36. Th~..· The church ha :-; ftor some time real\\. iJ I II d lt' all d J. a J,; 1.' (I\'(..' It lt l' ". a tl d b C\ Cm·cntry . rt1;ul exten:-;inn \rill rut i i~:ccl· the need of bette r a nd more adc:..:it~:-. at i :30 n\·l,1ck. throu g h the heart (l f t hi:-; block, '"h irh I q uatl' cqu ipm en t. c s pccially f 111' it s ~und : t\ ':-. l'n ,g r;tnt lltark . , tltt· ita'L'p · I is th e site of a prnpn~ed new Kcnil- r~.· ligiot~s education \York with the hoy"' ti< ltl !li tltl· liitn·tttlt :--l·a:--ntt ni th ' ~1111\rorth rillaRe halt and fire station. <tl.td g irls _o f tl~ P_~ri~h. Th~ ~hu_rch (~a .' l·:n ·ni nt:.· rluh itt \\'iltttctte . I 1 \\'h en completed to the tracks CO\·- ..,tlton l ha_~ 1 .lCL n 'll') senous l.\. O\ erl>r . Dundt::-t'n, tltll' t)i tlt1.· mo:-;t pnpu entrv road \\'i'tl prO\·ide a direct outlet 1 r ··n,r<l ~· d \,H. sL·,·cra l ~·cars. and ts n ow br ot'ti,·ial" in tltv Cltirag ,, nll'trt)p<di to j~idgc road and p()int:-; south for I ~IJH? ra i lll_.l!' nn an <H'l'fbpp lll g sche~lul e t:t tl arl·a. g;tined ;1 nati11tt-\\ ide reputa Kc . t of tl :n an effort t1 arr,)11l<ldak the vano n s 1 tl , . le 11 t s I'1 " . 111 1 'i' 11l "ilik Chirag11 1'· 1 t n;_\\'orlt1 r~ s t<. gt~· as t' ~ <kpart tm·nts. huildin~ commit tee llltlli-..-.inncr oi 1 · · -.u 1lJCC · , racl{s. t' \\'1 1 rnrm a .con mua 1011 ,"'t I . ted A · Itv;t It l1 ltlr :--C\Tr;t 1 n ·a r-. . 11 "' t- K tl \\as ;tppont :-.1.'\'t'ral \'Cars aQ'o . tt) 1 ~ttttda, · nil!.ht will hv : "( )ur \' cl un·~ lla.t por 10 11 · 0 ent 1 \\'Or 1 a\-Ctllll' l nl;tkv rn:nnmH'JH!ations t.n the chur ch. l'td l.: -. ·and l . ..,-Part nn:-. itt l.iiv." , \\l:Jn rh. runs 111 fa ln ort hcalst-south\\'cSt I This cnnunitt<'e i..; composed of F,. H. Northwestern Graduate i ( Ire tton cast 0 t lC trac -=s. ' l~ur~e. chairman. \\' . G. Clover, Ga r !) r. n1111 r1 e:-- t' 11 \\a" hmn at lkrl i,l. F redcri c k F.., .l: kr k ~ , :' u pc r i~ 1tend~ n t , , .Th~ liiglm·ays ~ot~ s_t ru c't i~)tl C\1111 pa!1'·. I rl' t_t F. Jo_h n:->t.' H_t: K a r~, King, . aqd ( :v rtttan~·. Jl i.; iat!tn \\' (1 ~ a J)a'llt', lti.; tll t!tc \e 1ner l o\Ubl11p lltgh J[ Ill~ldand Park k~s the ~ontract II~ I \f ts. L. \. r tl.' t so.n . Jh~:-- .commtttee 1 tltn a ( ~t·rtn;ttt !!.'irl. lit·" a-, hr, 1u<..dtt :-ch,11 )1. lla-. been :;~..·cured a:; the :; p ~..·ak~..·r I t~1e Cc:rQJ~try n"~a.d JOh. 1 he compk -! Lad J~lans dra\\·lt ttw a Pansh J;Iouse~ 111 , 1 !<·; ;tnd . C!tit"al!." ,,·!ten :-ti ll I>L·ior~.· the \\.ilml.'ttc Ci,·ic Luncheon · t10n ot tills JOb ,,Jllmark the ftrst ~tep hut dtd not s u ~· gest :tn~· remodelmg ot ,, .\mn 1 1 ;, 11 1111 ant. Ill· ~ r;uluatt·d ir 11111 the Frida,· tltltltl, <ktt)hcr .!.~. \fr. Cl<..rk ~n an cxtensi;·e p;o~ram nf !tiglt\\·a': 1~11.' prl's.ent plant. '~he recnmmenda. ·,q·th\\'t· .. 11 .,- 11 \l~.· cli,~.·; tl :--rl]()nl in JC)Il~ i-.. t'Xpcctcd tn di~cu""· amo ng other 1tnlpron'mcr:t 111 K~.· n1hrorth. 0~1c ·:t 1 t;(lth \\'l11ch tht' co mmtttce made at that ·11Hl ,.,,Jttplt·t,·d ;t 1"'"1-. l!.r;tdttatl' ct·ur,,, matt~..·r:-, hi.., ,lb:-;crrati,)llS 11i educatiL)Ilal . the mo;o;t unp~rtant fcatu~·~,· :-; .nt tlt1:-; ! ttt~te \Hre nnt a~.:rcptcd, hut the com;,t thl' l'. ~ . :\rll t\· \fl'dir:tl scho,)l in . IIH'th,HI . . itl F. tr·'Jll' madl· during hi:- tmpr o.r t:'meJ.1t ,~· rl! he ~hr \\'tckn111g a.nd llllth·c "a~ conttt~ue.d . · I'Jll. Ill· \\;t-. ;t mt·ntl>cr oi tlt1.· \'olu:! - ' ,·!:- it tm tltl' (,,ntiltt'llt Ia~ " ·intn. The 1rcpanng- o~ \\ est Ratlroa<l ayenuc t[Jr Start Bu1ldmg Fund tTr .\l l'dica l ~l'nirl' rorp:-- durin . !2.· the \\'ilnH.'k Ci,·ic l.·tnche)t, :.; meets at tltc : the entire length of t!l<' Yillagc. fro111 Thv \\'t \1111.'11 (1i th1.' rhttrch have also \\·, ,rid ,,;u· ;tnd L·piduni,)IPgi-t i,nr the l ' J:in: r:-it~· t·luh. l'hicagl). [b meeting" I north to,~oyth paralkl~n:-: tltl' r:ulroad Lct·n anticipatittg im severa l years the t'ltiral'.ll llv :tl t!t dvparttn~· ttt in·~n.J<))-l 1 :trt~>t:ll tt) all rv-.i<.lt..'llt" oi thl~ village. ; track:'\. llns latter pr,,t~· ct .Ita-, :tlrca_ ch· nl'vd 11i."nme l'Xl}ansinn in the pl~y·sit· J!l~l . Ill· ,,;t-. ap)H'tnll·d \ htcal!'n ' bc,' n apprt1\'Cd 1)\· thl.' l'l'tlth,,·rtll \ d- cal cquq11111.'llt nt the church. 1hcy t'!lllltn i-..- i«nl.· r ·It hv;!ltlt itt ] 1 J22. holdPARENTS VISIT NEW TRIER ' la.l!-e hl)ard. -,tartt.'d a building- iund to \\'hich they 111~ lt;tt itl ll~< ·rt;tttl l'P"t 1"r 1·,,·~..· \v:1n . Parent:-- oi t1tt' juni, ,r and :-~..·ni,,r ..,t;t- 1 - - --- --~ k1ve adde(l eac h vcar. There is at llv \\:t- ;t\\.; tr(kd thv dct:,rv1' ,,j 1)11C'hll' dv11t.-. at thv .\,..,,. Tri,·r llil..!h ,,·Jt(),)l English Lutherans Will 1·rcsent S2..+00 in this fund and $700 ·, .1 ~ril lll·,· at \,),. 11" l'-..(l't'tt ttnin'r~i! ,. 'i-.itcd da-..-.~,·, and md tilL· tearltl':·~ ff , ill be added ft·o m their h11dgct during t·,,,. ";tcr,IJn·di..,l~tnvtlt-. itt -.:utit;ttilltl. 11\· - Tltur..,d ;t, at tilt· -t·!,,,.,J t,v t \\t..',_·n tilt· ear r. enry C ae er the prc~cnt year. :\t the opening mcrt:...ivnv . :l!td 'vducat il'tt tltli'<Jttalkd it t t~·H· htlllr:-- tlt 1 :-L~ ;utd 'J ,,·l·J .,·k. 1:.\1.'."\ Dr. lfem,· ~cktetln. pr<·it·:-.nr in ing of the \\-\ltttan's gui ld la st Friday :ti-. t< ln· ,.j Cltir:tl!.·~ . ·· lit- ,, a . . l!. i\'v tt ,l· ar tl 1,· !·:trent-. :tr t. · ~i\' , ·Jt a!t "PlH·r- t!t c. C'!tic ; tg~' l.u tltt"r: tl l ThL·~~.I,lt:.ictl j tlte mvmiH:r s \~l'tt·d to l ~·a n any necesth· t .ltir :tl!.,l D;ti l, \c\\-. atttttt:tl ;t\\:trd t tlltit\ 111 IlltTt tit,· tta,·!tn-.. :tn·l di -.- ""llll t1 :1l'y, \\Ill pn·arh :tt tiH' \\ !ln tt'l'·' s;. n · amot111t tr<1111 thctr fund to the irt ]{)_?t , j,,r "thv t:.rvatt·..,( iltcli,·idu;tl t'th:-. th~..· pr.~l>kttt 11l tl~t' ir children. l·:n.t:. li :-;lt l.uthnan rltttrch ~und;t'· huiiding comlllittee to ena ble them to ..,,·n·in· ,, , hutnanit\ !J, an itldi\idtt:tl nwrtttttl!· !)ct,llnr .20. tlte tlrca . . i,,n 111 ' l l·l'L)I.'Ced with their ta:-;k of retaining 111 thl.' lhir;l!..!tl tnl'trtl JH diLt!l :tr,·a ." :11g· lfc;J;,I' '\1 i:-- lllll held D;ty. 'J'l,.. 1 : n :-~rc hitnt to takt' the ltrst step:-; toHolds Important Posts l~t\·. ('arl I. l·:lll]l:--Clll, pa:--tnr. h:t" hn"l I \\ ard rclll<1lklitt ~· the present ch ur ch 1 :t-.. :-.it:.Jil·tl !11 tl~t· l.utltL· ·:tn rlturrlt i·1 i, ;ltHI tltc constrtJrti(,ll ol a new build\ llll 1 1E: i tlll't 'r 1; t ttl 1 11 , ... t .... , , i r l' 11' nt .. i · 1 I)n 1 1aittv" itll. tll:t( daY. i p~·. 'I'!tc " ·ntttt'tl j)t'Oridccl. tltat this r.ilih· ;ttl!! di-.tinrti(lJ] ltl' ld ll\ !h . l~tt llIt ! IN74 tltc t'tr:--t l'nitcd T.uth1 r;1t1 ]P;tll sltnu ld ht· 111ack in I1.'Q'a l fL1rm cfl.'-l'll :t ·1.· I lte fnll11\\ in~: 00 tiJltrt·lt ,,;t-. ,·..,t:thli:-lttd 111 ('lticu~· 1. :·nrl tlt;tt interl'-,t :--ht1tt ld he paid upon i>r tl lv..,:-.c,r i;tl krt urn i11 pttl Jlie ltc:t!llt 'J' < ,da,· tltcrl' arv liit,·-n11c tltri,·ittL:· r(lJ 1- ' ;, ll\· tlil' tru;o;tccs (lithe dntrch. ;.clm ini"tratillt t, l'tti\·l-r-,i t,· 11I Cltir:l[.!'t1; ~.:r ·g;;ti··th ttl tla· .Jnl'trilJltllitatt. ar ":l. Tlw \ntc ot the rhurch can1e a:; a J,'v ~ iot tal r·ltt:-ult;Jnt. l' . ~. \ ·,.tlTan-.' T ltv r It ttr l·lt t11 \\ · i11111.' l II.' i..., <ttl t :-;a Ill Jl k : r l. , 11 1t 0 f r e r 1 1111111 c n d at in 11 s made h v l!ur ~..·au : IIH'Ilthvr. r:'\t'l'ttti\ v ,.t ,tlttnittl'<', ' 1 tilt' \ht<1t1 and inrl':--i~ltt ,,[ 'tl,_. : tltt· trn:--tn·:- pf the church atHl the (:,1rg:1~ \lt·lll<ll· ia l llt:--tittttt· 11l 'l'rnpic:d ll 1ltllL' ~I i-.:-.i!lll lH,ard. Tltc pttltli,· t-. 1 111 ini:--tn in their annual rep< rb. Thl.' and Pn: ,·vntin· \ll'dirinv: -. urt:,v ,ltt 111\·it~.·cl :n \\'!lr:'ltip 111 tla· FnL:Ji..;h l.u - r 1 ·p,lrt 11f ·tltt· hoa rd of trustee:-;, which fntainrl. l· . ~ . Pttl1lir lk :t ltlt ..;t·nin·. :1tnatl rltmrlt nc:-..t ~untLty. made }),· the chairman, · Uyron -I . Ill' ;.., a f,1t'll1l'r Jl l'l' idl'nt oi tltt· :\mni I 1 I ll. \\'est. inclttdttl rt'l'<li11111C1Hlat w ns c; ttt I>u hI i · I I~..· a It It a ·; -. ·1 c i;1t i1't t a 11 d " .a" I "- h i c h r c a d a:-; f nll 1m· s : l 'u ··n to page 1:; of 1t l.·altlt din·ct,Jr (li tlH· ~ ;lll itan · Di s- 1 "\\'c I'I.'COllllllCIH! that. while the t ric t r 11. C !t i ca .l! t' p r i< · r t n 11 i... t .' k r t inn I ' J·tT~l'nt dnc" not seem nppn rtun e this issue and sec lHnY ' Pages in " ·ltirhtimi..' t, , tltv (drtt"' <li ('(lrtln<·r. \ l\1 in..,tit ut c a financial drive I ·.:.: minent Medic Authority Automobiles . . . . . . . . . 47-49 ior rcmn (k lin~..; cu rr churc h, that active ncar you can con1c to Ill· i:-- a Jllt'111hn of tlte .-\mcri can Boy ·Scout Affairs ..... . 28-29 :-.tcps he at ,,nn' ttn tkrta kcn to sec ur e cklinite pl.:11s :md estim.ates. Vve b c\ l ediral a:-;-;nciation. lll inni" ~tate solving the t'oothall Book Comment ... . ....... 42 li erc that thl·:;e plan. sho uld b e com\lediral sorid_,-. l'hiragn \f l.'clical soChurch News ............. 51 prchen:--i,·e alt hnugh . nnt necessa rily rid\·, .\ssociatinn oi \filitary ~urgecnt:-, contest. I~' rcc tickets Institute of \[edirine, and .\t ncriean Club Activities . ..... .... 38 dctaikd, and that th ey should provide l'ol lcgc of Physicians. to the Wahash-NorthEditorials-Shore Lines . 1 · 34 fo r th e work to be carried out in se< ~ llenre. \\' c recommend that the perThe \\'i lm rtte Sunc!';t~· Fn·Jting lui : Football Contest ......... · . 15 son nel of the spec ial building commiti·· non- cctarian in charartl'r and its western game Junior Life ............ 44-45 tee he en lar ged, that this w0rk so t '1K?eti ngs ope n to all rc;o; ick 11 t s of the handled Music Page .............. 40 (.hv iotLlv needed may north shore. Eight \\' ilmcttc cllltrclH' s those who win. ;1re li st ed among the ~ponsors nf the Society News ............. 36 most efficiently." Dr. Vere V Lope r, the minister. in dub, omitting their en·ning nH:ttings Travel Corner ............ 22 making his report. suggeste d a number in deference to its programs. \V. Classified Ads .......... 60-63 of ways in which the church could Frank McClure ha s been president of (Continued o n page 9) the club since it s inc ep tio n . _ 1 l 1 J?: l 1 . . 1 H D H Sh More F t ba 11 . Tickets Free ,,·as In This Issue he ~----------------------------------! I · J

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