Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Oct 1929, p. 44

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Latest School New:.j VOL. 2 XO .· 31 i JUNIOR LIFE-\\"IL~IE'l'TI·:, 1old by ~ '-'==t=h=e= P = u= p= ils=J Publuhtd weekly by the school children of Wilmette under 1 upervision of Wilmette Playgr~und and Recreation Board lf.LIXOJS, OCTORER 18, 192<) .la11et Enjoys Day ITalk of Music Notebooks Great Day for Philip of Genuine Thrills: 1 Develops a Tragic Scene Was Saturday, Thur~· tla~·. Od(th<·r ::, ~.\ llo\\'ard h ad :-::ttunl:t~·. l\t"toi>C'r ;;, in the ,1/oz·ieS and . 1CCideJif :, .u:-i·· ill .\l r :-. ('Ltrl-:'s l'flllnl. :-:Ill· :-;tal·~erl \\'t ·ttt dll\\'11 lll \\.:tshing-1()11 1 o~t. 5 IBruder and Purple ~Vin dtdlt ' t dtt tllttt ·h ~:tltJrd:t,\ llllll'llillg <·'(',· Pt pr:t· ·ti, ., . : tnt! ~·· t·· tit·' :-t··r· ·. '1 ,.: 1 tl It ·!' \\;t:- r:tt I1··1' :.:t·tlt'l'··ll:- I·'1'1< ' l :I\' . ·' .' It :till I ~::1\t· · lilt· lllflr, · llltl!lt·\' , [han r lol~l . I l··r. IH't' !I · ' l I "~' I 1:111 :1!' I't ·< :-·· . I asl,··rl l ttt>l lt· r it I ~···uld ;..:·,, tn t ilt · Y: tr:-i t , ·. ~It· · · I I I1.11 :-' IIt· \\' 011 11 · 1 :t 1lftllt it. I tJ 1111\ :-:tit ..\t.-r lunC"h molht ·r :t.:-k· ·d tn.· if 1 ,,.·'ltl·l lik\· '" ha,·,. lh·r ;..:·1 \dth 1llt' and. of ···ur.-., ·. I :-::ti d . " \'pu IJt ·t ." TIH·ll l1o·;..:: 11 1 '"~ tr .. ulol, ·!' . I \\· · lit It· th·· dr:t\\'c ·r : ·· J..:t>l 111 .' · Jllll"~· · :tn d " I.··. :tlt d lwlt ttl d ," it w · .:\',','·1' t h\'1'· · J lt:t d )l'ft it. 1 ~aid 1 \\':ts :tltno:-t :- til'· · 1 put it in tit· · I ;~~ ~:~~~~'::tl Ilk \ ch·aw. ·r t ·' , .. ,,], l11ok , ~ ~ 1-a\\· · r lool'· 'll. draw. ·r l:ty till' :tft\'1' going tu lt·\\"11. Sht· !';ti d in it :tL~: tin :tn<l tlt:tt :- h t> woulll J, ,·\\hl'l'l· . .\t't .· r :- t'lllll'illg· 11!1·· I tlllltlgltt "' nt.\ :-\\t':tlt'r. 1 :tlld 1111 pur :-.· . T \\' t·nt lt:ll'l\ t 1, Ilk and th..t·, . i11 tltt· :<· ·1···11tl tlr :t\\t·J Jllll':--· ·. \\', lt·t't ill :t !..!1':11\CI rusll :111<1 ).:··I dt~\\ ll ju :- t ;(' tit. 1'1· IUI'I' :-f:ll' lt ·tl. · t . Jl,ing :tl'""' n , t:-i·· ltot. ·l"'"l':t \\'hl(.;li , . ;1:- ; 1 \\· ·II 1"\ '\'l l (topi.-l. ~h·· s:ttd th:>l I :·lth .. uglt ,,, . llt:t d· · lltu:-it· tlf·I· ·IH '" " s last II 11 :1\ ·· I ·' ' 111 ·' 11~"' ' . .' · :1r, 1111· :- I o ,. .us \\'Pll' ('I I I ,_,. I) u tl ···tll 11\t ·l' ;q..:: tlll. ,\;(!\~· l'lt't'l':1 r·ur tl It'!' II l:t l I · r· \\'t · t lt' l l 1:,· 1:-.1 . · "'I ,-, t· · :tt II · t' 1 J ll .·llt \\t·ll thi:- ~· t·;tr. "" ' ····uld pa :-s th··m 1· · I1 !-'t ' I lt·HI I . \.\I lll ' II grnallltlg· · 1)t·(';l 'I'"" I I I11~ -"v ',. :til, Jm ·t"Cl 1" llt:tk·· musi·· lllltc·h()ol\s,) Th· ·n !'tttllt·ltPd.\· Jdpdl 11p :11Hl :-;aiu, , II"" :tl·"l lt the· :-t·\' f'ltlll !.!,l':td~>t':-:. \\'til tile ·.\' lt :l\·,. tlw s:tlll\' go·H l fortulh' :1:-: ,,. · 1 did l:t!--t ~···a r :··· 1 1 d· tI - '\I,',J i, '/Ill :\ It i~ ,, .; 1r ] 11 · 1 .: 1\1 :-·· 1 lind till' 111 usil' i:-: l ' '" l l,;trd. f,q· tlt· ·nt. " Tlt:tt \\'a~ th· · ('lim:tx. ' l Tilt· ;..:ir l:- faittl··d :111 d fht · 11" .':-: .:.:·.' t :-;kh: I .tntl \\'t' lt:td 111 ··lt:tll~· · tit· · :-<t tl·.J· ·t·t t·, , 1 " .\ .\lid:-Urtlllt··r·,... :\'ight llt 't·atl\... 1-'r:tllk C'hri:-:1 .' . \ .\ 1!11\\ :trd. I ,~I:·;:; 'll;t~:·~-, ~~·,'.l'h,\·ll~~·i~·· , '\\::I ~r::~\';~ : ·; ' 1:l,~·t lt \\ :t:- :1 g(llod pidUI'· ·. ~~~ !~IHt tl. in LuI. th:tt I :t . l'· ·d '" :-t ·c· it :tg:tin. .\lot!H ·r fill : tll ,\· l 'flllst ·lltt·d :tn d f t·ll.i·lYt·d it ju:-;! ltl .\Ir s . .ltlllt ·:-' 1 '1111111 Tllt·sd.ty .:tftt·l'lHIOlt, :t:-< lltllt'lt !Itt · :-t'l'ttt'd tinH·. 1 1\· \l't·l'· · to J.!t ' l I!Jl in frttnt nl th '.~ la ss 1 l· ·ft tht· 111 .,,·j ttt d \\'.t :- \\':tll\itl;..: !I'l l :tnd 1·· ··· it· · :t :-t11n th:tt \\t ' l't ':tll l·ntl~ t:: ('hurl'lt. tr··tl \\·IJ, .t llt·l'n··<·ll . .\ Ir s . .l"it··s t·:tl lt ·d o11 ll:tn.tc l l 1 :-:1\\ : 1 _'\ .. rth ~ 11 , 11 .; tr ·a ill ····Ill· ' iltto lht· :-:t:tti·· tt . I r:111 :ttl!! .\li··l\t·.\· :tnd ht· :-ta rtt-<1 ltl lt ·l.l a ,.,.n· 111 the trai n ndl, ·d :1\\':1\ ' iu:-t .t:- r rt·adw<l lt·l'· ·!'-(ltlg s till'~' :!l td Itt · tnld Jt \ ' t·l'.\' \\' el l , til(' slt ' JI:-< . .\ft· ·r :1 l··.n g . \r:tit I lill :t ll.\· r-:··t · 1·t;t ·Wilt'll I t· · ~·. ·t through, :\IJ's .. ·~o.n··!' a (':1 1'. l ;1-. l\t· d tit· ·. ..J:t-::- II ti H·rt· \\':Is :til,\' ('l'ltlt'.'~; pJ I arri\1'11 llllllt·· and s uddt ·ltl\ ll· ·:tnl :t : ' ' 1 :I tt .\' l\lnd :t ttd tiH· .\\' llfd t· via:-~ raJs,·_J t'l':t:-h :tnd tilti,J,. ttl I!J"·di.t'll g la. :-:- . I r:ttl 1 ~ .'.!< · II· .lt:tn d s . :tltd "·.tnh ·l . .a.l:-; " ~·:u_s~· d _ 111.~ an<l at th, illtt·r:o:t·,· tiun uf l.:tl.;, . :t\' t·tttl· · 1 .tnd .tnd .\ll :-. · 1··1lt s .tsl,td ll.tnltl, ~ 01 :·nd Fifto ·t·lllh :- tro ·..t tilt l't· \\ :t~ :ttl :tt'('i- 1'· ' l~tng th<tt II\' ' ' :t s tht · ." 11 " . "'"" J~~t dt·nt. Tilt· l':lr w:t :tlll'llt'C1 .,,.,.r .t.HI l't · ·.·ltt··~. an .cl 1' 1,' 111':. t'~ll' . 111. 1 ~ta.l,t· . ~);~~ 1 ~~ anotltt ·r ,,.:1:- np "" til·· p:tl'l\\\:t\' :til :- ;,t tl , I \\ :t:- !'~~' 1 ' 111 ':' 1" 11 .1' . .tlld lolt.l.;, dt' lllc ·d :tllll :t wllt ·t·l stll:t:-hdl. :\' , , ··II· · ~Ir s .. . lttllt· :- :-.: ltd, " \\It,\· <1111 t ~· ~~u !'top. was hurt - ,itt:-:t !'\': tr··d :tn d lll'l'\··ll". I :tn t· ·l :tll:-\\t·l't·d :tg:ltll. \t·l'." unc '" lll 'l'l'ltt·d, Aft· ·r ~1'\llltL: :t il tltt · 111 r,·rnJatiutl, " l:, ., ·:·tll '- ·' I tlidtt 't J,Jtll \\' what I·· ::-;ay ""nt h ··tll·· : tnd f·llllld tlt :tt ttl\ ' tl :t d and , ,,, . ,,... .IUIIt · S :t r st·n, Iii! lltt\\' :trd. mntlt\'1' ll :t d )..!llllt· tu \ isit :-ttt tlt· i· ,·i· ·nd:- :tll·1 ' - --- - -·-- -- - \\'l'l't · \\ fll'J"it·d sl iff l~t't':I\IO..t · r h:ltl not ! ··nmt· hc l lll· · Yt ·t. Tl\,· ll<'XI lllfll'llitt;..: '"'" 'llld lt· ·l' :til altPut it and :-ht· s:tid th : tl it' I lt ·· d I otn· · ri~hl in lht · IH·ll :-t· in:-tt·:td ,,, ~~~ill~ t·· Tttt·:-d:t.\' , ( ldtdtt·r ~. l!not'· ·lll s ]tl :t.\ 't· d .1 tltt· :tl'l'idPnt tlt :tt I \\tottltl l!. t. ·· :-:t\ c·d ~ · ·""' ' tot' lddd1:tll \\'ith til·· Sll Ligllllling:-. h r just fiflt>l'll lllitiUt.- . \\' til'!'\. I :t:-1\t·d i It \\':ts ,, '··n· ,.l,st· :111d :tis" :1 ,.,.n · :·xl·l'r wh:tt l\i tl \tilt '""l d h· ·· p ·lttt:lt·· fl'ttlll , · i ti11~ ~alii· '. · " ·, . W· ·ll t :tlt~lt!.!. t· \' t·l\·1~· i·1 a n :t~···id\'llt. rh· Jit.;t iltltitl;..:. TJt, ·n ··:tt·h 11th··!' innill)..;' - .l:tlll · l \\ ' ri l-!111. \ .\ II"" :trd . · Itt · . \ I 1':- ~··t :tll··:t d 111' 11 :- . It \\'as thf> l.t' l ittllill~ :tlld tJt,. 'I··-. \\' ·"l't' ll]l (tl )\it ·!; , c~ \\t · n · :-t ·\t·ll poitlt~ ht ·ltital. \Y· · ·.: 1:tdll:tl l.\' t':tll~lll llJI IIIII iJ at tilt · t·ll(} tlf I wh· h D . I M. k n IC anJe IC ey ·· 0 ut does Severest CrJtlCS Stop I Sch l p Upl·1 s Hear · ,.,.1' Boot ' ems Sh a de too Good f or L. h . K.ICkb a II ers Ig tnJng : Dick Hall Is President of Stolp Assembly Club · s L Ilerature iaSS tarts Readl.ng Shakespeare Play \\, ()l'l,.h· ·r !·, in our litt·l':tllll'· · d:t:-:-, \lr :-. i-italling It ·! 11:- g<· t< · tit. · tit'\\' :tU<littll'i\tn 1 t ·> r~ ·a d 11\lr part!' out t >f lh· · "~ll'rl'il:tlli td \ 't·llit· ··." a ]J()ok tilt · t ·igllth gr:tt1··:-: 'II'< ' :-t ud~ im: . TtH · · ·lwradt ·J'!' for .·\ d II ,,·, ·r· · :1:- r .. n(·\\·:-:: l'"rti:t. J. , ,j" ~ . llllll·l'l' !.!: :\'Ni:-:- :1. Irma n:~ll: ~11 ., · 1," · 1,. <;t··lrg, · · 1 l:lwinh anlt : f{a :-:-<:t ni··. l':~ul J..:ntpp ·t: .\lllflllit . \llt·!t l:oth : t;rati.ll\11, 'l't·d<l~· 1111!-'kil t'-: L:tllllt'dot, l:c.l .. ·rt \\'illis : Ol tl j \\ ' l t· ·tt o.:t ·ltotd start··d ~!is s ~,, . ,. t'lls :tsl\··d c;;.tldtll. I 1 ,1\' itl l!tltlZt'l' : Lnl't ·ll%11 , :\larsh:t!l l .,,, :-< tlld t'llls to!' 1\ t'l' t'l:t:-:-\'S Ill hl'illt:' ill J'l'lt ·r s" tt · : ,l, ·s:-i.·: t. l{ulll l'.t\o·lit'l'k. it t:-t·t· l s. Th1· tl:t~· h:td11't p:tsst·d and tlwr·~ ~:tl:tt till . .lohn t l.o.: l"·l'lll· . :-;,tl:tl'ill<l, J:u- \\'t ·l't' j:trs :tnd hox,·s 1111 th" t:thlt·s tll' 1 dnlpll 1..: :,:- p:tr : \lor :t· c "· ~,1'1\ ': t .I 1gl. · :-pi ·ll'l'!', \\'lll'llls, \\':tlloi.i!lg· slit·!\~. <'l'il'kds, _, \rr:t;..:toll . .\lar~r· Itt · 1~· ·.\ ll·dd-. : :-:t'l'\ 'l! tt. 1 :111<1 stl lllt ' \ ' (·1',\' g··o·l IJtlllt · t·fl~· lltOUI >fs l.t.·onard l'r· ·· ·l"tfl\\. 1.· "ll:t l'd· ·. l·: lt.-n .l .. r- ' ·111 1 t·lltt·l' i!l:-t·t·t:- ttf th,· ill!'l'd ldngd c' tn. dan . - \ · i .. ll'l l.all t't·. """·:1 rd s1:. ' ' I h· · n in :tlHitlt ,,, ... " ···t· ks ~lbs :-:tt'\'l 'll:' ., , itTil 11\'r th-~ir·· f,n· inst'<'t eng,,':-; anfl r:sll howls fill' tltt · \\': llt'l' animal s tlt :tt (ltH· '1111\lll··l' \\ht · ll "' ' \\'t· l'· · 11)1 :tl lt:td hr·o nt:ht ill itll'luding tlt:l! ~lac · kin:t·· 1:- l:tlltl \\·· \\· · ttl 111 lfl\1'11 to g :·l s tr:tlt)..:t· wt ·i rd t'l':t\\·1i:-h. Tltt· n·~ult \\'a;-; :-t tlll\ ' i· , . ·'!'· :til l : l tld " ' ' :- t ··ll)ll'll \\'ht ·l't ' :\lis:- ~tt·\' t'l\s g11t tlsh l~t·\\ · Js g-alnrt· hut tht·,\' ' "·ttl· · tnill ' :tn d tt i:- \· ·n · ilttl'l' · ·s tillr~· 110 itl!'· ·t'l t·ag·t·s. stl sht· had tu rnal\t ' th<· lll l.o· w ;tft-h. l ·'t r~ t . tit"· ·.' pl:t··t · ;, Jot of hot- ltt·l'st·lf' :ts tltt· inst·c · ts \\'t·rt· !.!'Ptting· \\'iltl . tit·.-= I ·II :t Il ia· hi Ito · \\'i I h :t )nl , nt' ll(ll t I ' \l:trgTt'ltt· l:t · ~' Jl(·lds, ~1. llt~\\'i\1'<1. l ·rush· ·:- .tll d \\· :~:-It tit · 111 . 'I'll· 11 tltt ·.' · put tht·lll ··tt :t dr .' ittt.: tn:t. ·llilt·· :tlld dt·~ · tlwn :. \I: llo\\·an1 has all< ' \\' prt·!->irlt·ni sine<' Tlwn ··n \\h :tl I ' :til a tttill""~ tll:tl'!lill l' .\.l:trl' ~imntuls, tlll·ir old prt>si<lt·nt, tws and fill tlh·ttl " it l t ntill'. 1'11:·11 1111 th· cappin!-! lll:t· !tin·· :tlld · ·.t p tltt ·tJI. Tllf ·!l lwt ·tt t·lt·l·ll:d Jll't·:-:idt'llt of t ht· ~-knior tlwr ar ·. r. :ttl~· '" ht · d· li,, ·r.·d. \ :--:o: t' lllhly, whit-11 is a hig-lwr ~·ffit·t·, ~o he Huth :-;uth.rland, 11··\\ard 1;1:. !:ad to t1rop lht· ntlkt· in his room . ·lohn , 1 ·:-:hnnlt· is t ht· lit·\\· prt·sidt·J1t 1111\\'. Tilt' t:~.JoY Ht·: n ·:ss t; \ " E~ , · ivt"-prt·sidt·nt is .\ lkn Hot h. tlw serr('Til. · girl:- ,,f til·· :-ixth. :- ·· ·.· · lttlt . antl t:t r·,· is l·:mih· SYIIHills :uu1 tht~ tn'asurPr ,.ighth J,.:rad·:- .. r llu\\'ar·l :tr·· lla\ :~!1;..: i.-. · Luis ('c;t,·. . \\' t· nil h(l}lt' :\ln1·t ~l'IH·clul··d rt ·t· ··:-:- J,.::tnlo·!'. t If ( "ur:-:·· thf'r !-titllllllds i~ a !'lll'l'l'SS \\'ith his Ill'\\' otliCI'. art· ju!'t for fu11. :-.H pl:t,\' o·tl :-..\ anti \\'On -\lyrtl,· Koll, llo\\'ar<l >.::. \. !i tc, :.!. Tit· · ~· t !lt'n pia~· · d 1;}: and won I!'.i {o I. \\' ·· :tr·· tht · 1111!.\· rt111ll1 in sixt!l, ST .\HT THEE ~OTEBOOK~ l'e\'t·nth. :tllll t·i).!htlt grad··~ that ha\' e nut I Th·· t·ighth grado· da:-~st·s of Stolp han· 1 llf't>n dl'f',·a tt·<l. I t i:- \'l't'.\' 1nud1 fun. \\\· :-t:trtt·d tn·t· nott·IHHII\s . \\rt' van ha\·<: an· ha,·ing- ··ur fir:-:t l'· ·:tl :-dl··llul··<l ~am·.· :-nHd,t· Jll·ints, hlut> prints, ur JH'lH'il OUt· with St. Jo!'< ·ph «ll'tc,JH r 10 and }Hl Jh.' W<' litH·s of lt·a\'Ps . \\.1' ··:111 also ha\·t· pi._·. will win. Mi!':-: Skidmon· has had us ou t t urt·s of tn·t>~. t.>tl'. \\· e mu~t ha\·t' a m<lJ) to pradi<-1· with St. .Jus<·ph ·\'<·ry 'fu . e&-~ ,.,. lht· ~dwo lrard ~howing· all tlw lrt·tS. d:1y a11d Thur:-:da:r . ,:\lis:-: ~tt·vcn!-: l'XJh'd:-: :-:ome tint~ worl<. -Loi:- ~an<ll·t·l'g, lloward , 13. 1 -Ha rry Hughe~. SC Htolp. I "" ' ~"' 1:: run s. :-\11,,. it w,,:; ·t p '". u s · t·1 ,,, .,. , , t il· · Sit'~ from gt·ttin:.!,' 11,,. :-t·ort ·. \\ ·,. :- u, .,.,.,.<J, ·d itt doing s o .t:" \\o · llt:ttl· · thl'· ··· t·Ut:-: in :-ll\'t't'!'sintt. "' · I !t:ttl \\1111 tltt· g:tllh· \\'itll :t Sl'fll't' ur :~·: l ttt :!1\ . - Phylli s t':tr ll'lll ll , . (' ~t11 l p . 1· ,It, · in11in~ Nee d Cages for w·td I nsec t s, T eac h er Says ],,.,. ,1 morning, park t-J lt ·:tt l tt ·J'I\'I ' ig·ht pr:tf'!ic·t·. \\. lwn 1 got thPre :\'orlh\\'Pslt ·rn h :tc1 it!' first football ganie \\':t:-hiiJ~t 1111 )l:trk ,,·as \'l'o\\' d t>d \\'ilh ])oy::; 1 11 ".tit ill~ fill' tlw \\~ilm rttt· Lif t> c:tm· ···a- \\'ith Huth·r and ('nrne . · ."p St·t't il\tl (1':1111 vb~'Pll t::alt to Ltkt· tiH·ir ]li (' tur· ·. l·'inally \\"J ·' t·t}t\\'t·sll'l' ll 's fi t g··lt l't·ad,\' fill' liH' pil-IUI't'. TIH· huy s uf t ·,, 1· 11 , 11' ...: f'tt'".·t tt·.·ttll hut sll lllt · of tl1 ·. r s ·11 th e l:lttl'l· part o[ tn<::I" \\'t ··· \\'t·ig ht !:tid stnm:lch to th e groun d l t.·t Jtl ,,·,·t'" ' Jlltl 1 i ll :t big half drdt>, tlw r est of the gamt·. :"\urtl\\n·stl'l' ll bt·a~ l~utl':,1~ It~ · ~1 c," " "ll'l' <ll. ],',' 111 0 .·tnd l!l'at < ornt'll - 1 ttl ) , · ]1\ ' \\' t·t ·s J.i:nt>lt h< ·hitl!} thCill, thl'll thP Oth e r ,.\\'· ·ights !'!nod in l>n\'1~. . \ft e r the picJ:rudt'l', Xnrth\\'(·stt·rtl's h:t!fll:ll'l\ , s h .tn ·d t·Jn· was oYer t · \· (·ryhod~- got in liiH' fo~· h·.no1·s with .Juhn (':t\'ttsio· of Hutll· r , ,,·11· 1 ti·kt'ls for 111(' ::\ . lc . g':tlllt.'. There W (' J'<" abo pl:t.\'1.'1] halfb:H: k ,· :tlthough .lolllt ~~· lll:tllY h11ys th<1t tht ·y :-;o··n ran out uf 1 CaYo!'it· !'t·nrt·<l lit> point:-:. 'l'lw fir~, t ti··kt·t~ and Wt·nt :tftt·r m<·rt·. \\' h e 11 tlwy t· uvhdown wa:-: m:H.lt' in thl· st·t·o nd qtl'l!'1 1 1 1 t 1 1 !'h:; .. 11 tlt:tl th" s ·· \\'ith· ·Ut tit·l,l'ts l'flllld gl'l in r· ·ll· ·<l uut ··t' l l~t ttlld s nn Butl t· !·' :-: thn ·t· :ttt.dlt· \\' . Sc· \\'llt'll til\' t't·llfl\\·s lll'ard th :lt yard line. 'll.·. · ~·. g, ,,,. ~.' ·'.·~ · !~ ... th:tt IIIU :-: t ha\'t· 1·· ·" !1 I It was :\ttrth\\' t·!'lt·rn's h : tll. Hrud· · J: !l .· ttd · 1 IIlli .~ "·~~... , lt 1 .ok it and do\·t· on·r all tltt' rt·st ot - l'lultp JloL"lz, ~.\ llo\\'ard . tlt.t> pJa~·t· rs allt.l madt· a toul'ltd""'" ·. <~r irti>J trit·tl t 11 <lrop-l\id;: th e g-oal hut t:t!ll ·tl. rn thP third quart l'r, the ball wa s on llw 00 t :-1- \':t rcl lint· and Brudt'l' ltHII.: !ht· h ;dl Damro~ch ;: n~ ~ t:ll"tl·d running- arountl till' ri!.!.ht t·nd IHl I'Ut through tlw ('t"lll<·r \\'i th1111l ayl JO d\' t'\' t' ll (Olt('lting him . Th :ll lll :t d l' ' " ' Fri1lot.\· m"rnitl!.!', Odoht· r 11, tlw pupil'-' ...... t<·tll'll<liJ\\'I\. Brudt·r tri l'd flll' tlw 1111 ,.f th·· 1:, l'll!l ~ttdJI sv ht~ol ht·:trcl llh' :\',-\\' .~, \ ' l·l'l' ~,.;nph(Tll\' ··l'dH·stra 11 tht · r: ttlin <11op }.;i,. l\ :tra1 madt · it. 'l'IJ.tt lll:tdt· tit · it t 1111 , ·.:.:.n:1. 'i'lt··y pl:t,\· t·<l 1111 . " ll\'o ·rtun· first g":tntl! for Xorth\\·t·!'tl·ru. l:i· ·nz··" :tlld IIH · " (),·,·nun · lht · 1·:1 :-l' \'1·11 l~t·in:- pt · rg· , :-\ (' :-:t·dp . 111 1 ,, l ~ct lll:tll t'arni\·al." \\.: tllt ·r ));tmro s l'lt , - - - - - -- - l'fl!tdlll'lttl' .. r th·· (JJ't'lt<·!:'ll':l, t<Xpl:titH·(] tlH· lllllltht·t·s th:tt ht · \\' I·Uld pl:ty :tnd tllt'n l!t· pl:t\'l·tl tlw lll:lill tht ·JIW Ill" :tn important. tiJ, ·nll· in tht· ····mposilitJlt. 'l'h· · ···otwt'l·ts an· gi,···tl t·:tl'll l·'ritla~· nw~·ni n g· Till' ~B <·las:- rotllll (If llo\\'al'<l h:t s :1 : 11 11 o't·lol'l< f11r lht · st· \ 't·nth nnd t·Jghth dub. Th e otfkt·rs ;lro·: j)J'\·si d P lll, ,Jull !t :-:r:ulc·s. 'l'lw pupib hopt · th:1f lht · sl'llllO] t lshornt ·; Yil' l·- pr e~ i<lt·nt, .~\lll'n Hr,th . ,,· ill IJU.\' th·· r:tdi" ~~~ th:tf tit·· .\ · I':Ul h· ·:1 1' :-:t t·l'l't:-try, Emib· Symons: tr· ·as urt ·r, Loi:-o tlHll't · of tht' cotltTJ'I:-:. ('(·tt·. Our <"IUh ha~ d<·<·i dl·d to ha\·<· a -· l·:lt·:I! Hil' l:ic·l, ~. Sl' ~t··lp . gTau<l ju1·y dt·ci d t' upon punishment for t.tr<lit·s. Tlw JH"IJ)Ilt> on I lw jury art· as follow :-:: Loi s Sandbe rg-, .Junt· .\hlstr:t!ll~ . l ·~l lt · n .Ionian, . \lfrt·<l nrown. Boh \\.i ll; ~. ; t r~d c; .. orgP P..t-inhardt. Two of our p t· oplt· hit\'(' hn·n tanl~· t\\'il't', :\lark ~larit· will ha,·· · tt· < ·ur ~tolp a~!'f·mhly ('luh ha s tlrn \\' 11 up :11 111 .1··1111 l!aih·.\·. 11 :- t·onstitutiilll :11111 t·h·c·tl'd its ofnt'·'l'>'. ~· tr;ti;..:-hlt·n thl' t·urtain~ for tltn·v \\'l' vhs !·' ·11' tl11· reSJIOII!->illlt· JH·:-ition rn· prt·! ·dclt-nt, :tn d .l11hn \\'ill h:t\'1' to !'trai;..:ht··n tht· Thi~ morning \\'·' llit·l' IJ:t)) tof :\(' \\':t s l'lPt'lt'(l; f'o1· \'i('t·- s··a ts fur thr· ·t· \\'t·t ·l\.s. j·l'\'sicJ, .tlf, llaYicl :\lilll'r of lilt · s··\·<!lllt lt:tll :lltntht·r tard~·. ( 'hal'lt·s <:ibson, ltut gTaclo·. nur st·t·r··t:tl'.\' is l~ullt \\.ill !:tttl; , ,f the · jUl'.\' h:ts 1111! tltTidt·d UJlllll tltt·jlt·ll:tlt·: t lw ··i~·hth ~radt · , and tlw trt·:tsttl'l't· is just yl'l.-.June ..-\hbtrand , Sl: llttw:tnl. .lt ·: tltlH: Fi!->h;·r. al~11 of St ' \'l· llth gt·;u1t·. ( >.n · 1 ~1· ··ling-~ an· (Ill Tut ·:-<l:tys :tt tl11· r·· g nl.tr :t:-<st·lllhliPs. 'I'IH · fllll']lO!--t· 11f thi s ttl'g";t niza linn is t·· !'et· t h:t t t·\'t·l'.\'Ott·· ;..:· .. t s ~~ f:tir 1lt>al. Tlw :-t·\' (·llth <tlH.l c·i~:httl " Pc·:H'P rnHl Plc·nty" is onl' c Jt' tlw pi. ·gr:t<l<'!' are tlw nwmhl'rs. furt ·s whid1 h.ang- in tlw llowar<l ~C'hOI·I - I larry Hught·!', S\' :-;tolp. 'j'his pictun· \\'as paint··d I·~· Gt.· ol·~,, · ll11wss . Tt i~ a ~t·t.·nt· in midsumm f' r . Tltl'l'l ' :tr<· four 1111'1\ thrashingwh Nlt. 1 Yontlt·r an· l\\·r, ~trt · am!-: and many treco:-. :ung IIH · l:tl'g't' is a hay w::w;on Frida~·. OdoiH ·r .t, thf' .luni 11 r Pnlkt· \\'ith a lo:td of h:l,\' on it. All t·X('P)lt 'lllt' t 11 ,,·s J1 r 11 u"hl ;troUJtd tu <·aC"h of the· dit'11\:tll art· 1'\'!:-'tillg. l ho~···nd the· horizon of t'c l:t· nt roc~ns tht· fir!'t snfdy po~t< · l'!-: ,,( 1 tn t·s i!' :· littlt· YillagP . It has a IH't · lt~· I lit· .\'l'a r . 'l'lwy :t l't ' \'l'I'Y intf'n·stin,e:. ( )tte sl<y of ut[fer('!lt - (·~·Jon; . .. r t!wn.1 shllWs firPm t> n ftg·',t ing firt' : u~d -C.eorge \\ uodhury, GB Tlo\\'ar<l. 1111 it sa,\·~: " ln sll'ad-Fight Fin· hy J'n· · , t·nting rt," \\'llit-h is a n·ry g·ood \\·:n·n- .. it ·g·, The t·IIH·l' !Jilt' shO\\'!' .·nnw (·:t r :-; 1 ar1,,.,1 lll':tr ('orner the ~~r ,.t :1nd a girl ancl lH·.\· :tr·· stnrtin,e: to ··l'O!' s tlw ::u ,mday wh(·n tlw f'ighth gT:tdt' g·i rJ:..: s tn·t·t hut th·· girl i~ lnoking- sharp!,\· to m:tkl' sUJ't· that tht ·n· is no dnng-f' r hrfor,· \\'( ·nt into tllf' g-ymna~ium for our g·ymtltl' ,\ ' l'I'O:- s . ft has nn it, in largE' ht':n·y nasium perittd, :\Trs. FanckiJnn,·r told u ...: l·l:tt·l' ll'llt'l's: "~top :tlld ] ,l!l d\ l:t ·fti J't· Y··U , tl!at \\'f' \\' t ·rt· going- out~i<le to h:t\"<· .l ur 1 ( 1'11!-'s." I final \·ol!eYIJall th1·ow. Slw ~ta r·tpd with Kath· ·rint · llllt't'tnt ·~·,q·. lltt\\':tl'(l . . \ . t Itt· , H girls and !-:oon as Uw~· ,.,.·ere t!tl'IIU!.!h tlwr starlP<l to pby ld <·kh:tll Hut h Sa mut·l~on t hn·\\. thP farthe~t. Slw .\ 1\ 1'1'( ' 11 E :\" T H .Ha; UY tlrv\\' thv h:tll fifty-six ft·t>t. Aftt"r all <Ill\' night last \\'t ·t.' l\ my motht·r ha(l a tlw g·ir·ls lwcl tlwh· turns we C'hO~t' !-:id,·~ hag (If gT:tJH's o,·,·r :1 pan, fo1· sht· was ;tlltl pla.\'Pd l,:kkhall till tlw lwll ran~·. lll:tkiu;..:· gr:t)H' jl'lb·. I \\'as t1J!d to ti,· - l·;laill(' :\ng PlhPck, RA Howard . !Itt· !Jag- to a ~til'k th:tt hung· :tC"ross th· top~ of t\\'o l'h:tir·s. .\t'ter r had it nict·!y tiPd flw ~u·ing· hrokt· and th(· hag- f > ll A'r't'};~'I' JON! in tilt· pan and, \H'II you oug-ht to l<nnw :\ttt·l l tioll ~ nor~ and girls of thP Cen\\· hat happt·Ju·<l tlwn . ('orr· ·('( ~ I lvtc! tral ~dwol ~ "\s T suppose you know grap(' juit·t.· all o\'t ·r m~· nt·w pants :1.1r1 11<·\\':trd thi!' n·ar and last Yt'ar i:-; nht>nt.l ~\\'l':t!t·r. Tilt· p:t nts arC' gTl·Y and hl:wl< of u~ \\'ilh Jui1inr Lifp arli<'it·s. '\Ve don't \\'ith rt·<l s]l·)ts, !'u thC'~· couldn't ~how \':tnt tht ·lll al~t·a<l of us. \Vc ar· as captlw ~tains :tiHl lht· !'\\'t':tlt·r is hlad.: and :!lt!P :ts tit,.~· an· of writingnrti<'lfl ...:. it do('~n·t !' how hut tlw linol!'UI11 wa!'; \\·rilt · :111.\' or ~·our tlwnws you write or l ight and it show··d the dark ~pots. rtn.\·thing .\·ou rlo during thE' wec·k! -.~\ll t·n Hoth, llow:tnl :\l:tr,\· ..\liet> llayf?s, 8(' Stolp. Fro1n Butler U., . Q ttr R efJOr f er F tn · dS :~:~ ~ ~:~; ~·11 ;~:~~lt .\~~t~~l\:~~{\~'t>t ·~~~ 1 1~ :~,~~: ~.\~·,.' ~~~·.!~t·~: i~ ;: 1':~<1 ,-~~~~}~ 1 ~!·11 ~~~;~~\ h~~·~ :.s~:·,~·:; . Radt·o Selectt.ons :· l.,·, Club at Howard School to Punish Tardy Pupils z .. ,d· George Admires Painting of "Peace ---. and · Plenty" Junior Police Distribute Safety Posters in Rooms ·' ~tn·am I uw or F·Ina1 Volleyball Throw for Howard Girl Athletes I ~ ... .r .. xn. 11 l~ . n A norr EJH~ox I Tn liH· afternoon of OC'tolwr 9, we had t \\' 1' nu· tt <·onw and g-in· us tall<~-;. The talks \\'('l't· on "Lights' C:oldt:·n Jubilee" nnd the 11ktures w erl:' ahout the life of Edison. It \\·as a n·ry intert>~ting- assembly nnd t·\'f·ryhocly ('njoyt·d it \' ery much. - ·:\larslwll Pt>tt·r son, , B llowanl. YI~I1' AUT IXS'I'I1' IT'I'E I .ast Thursday a f.ternoon the 6n clas!' \\'t>nt down to the Art Institute and ~aw lc.ts of things about the Egyptian mummi es and other ancient things. We had a \'f? ry interesting trip and I liked it n·ry much. -Do n E. HermanHon, GB Howard. ....

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