Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Oct 1929, p. 42

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42 W I L M E T T E' L 1F E October 18. 1929 II ,.......----~-· O¥'NWN .ll.VARt. l\1~ Wilmette J700 Comment on Books and Authors II BOOKS The Third Weaver by Emily Calvin Blake. of Wilmette Willert . Clark g Colby .... $2.50 Dynamo Eugene O'Neill Hor.lce Liverighr ........ $2.50 Stresemann. the Man and the Statesman Rochus von Rheinbaben Appleron .............. $3. oo Wi.ngs OYer Europe - ro be given bv the New York Thratrr Guild in Chic.lgo thi s season. Robert Nichols and Maurice Brou..'ne Covici -Friede . . . . . . . . . . . $ 2.oo The King of Shadows M arga(('t Yeo HENRY THE EIGHTH. Bv Francis Hackett. Horace Liverigh£. For acceptable biography it is necessary now to have something more than a good imagination and a few facts. The day of the so-called "new" biography which had such· vogue for a few· years is on the wane. People realize now that to he given fiction draped m a few rags of truth is to be cheated. Hi storical noYcls are one thing, hi storical works arc another. Francis Hackett has spent six \'C:ars studving .the life of Hcnn- tht· Eir!lith. before writing hi s storv ni the man. He has had a great wealth ni material. the official record s of ·th r reign cnmnrising over 20,000 packed pages. As he Sa Ys in his brief fore\\'O rd. "I ha\'c invented no dialogue. Thanks tu I the a stonishingh· full diplomatic correspondence. I could stick to the recorcl and vet quote direct speech." Thi. make s his writing lack none of the spice and flavor \\'hich in biography we ha\'(' come to CXIH'Ct. But it makes the flavor authentic. fn . an cxtrcmch· Yi\·id article llf thirt\' pages, cntitkd . "Background," ~[r. Hackett paints the sce ne against which the drama of 1 Icnn is to be plared. He portrar s the state of Europe, a Eur~mc. darkenyd bv l_m~gYcars of desnatr tnto \\'htch as hgnt through the col<?red gl_a.;;s of the ~athed-, rals co.m:s t.hc ltght ~)t tl_1c Renats sa t~cc. j An :l\\aken111g to lt:arnm~. t~1 .the 1111portancc of the human tnch\'ldtt_al_ .to thc nearne ss of G,od. to the po~~thtlttv nf th ought, to fnedo!n of .mmcment. HenrY was th~- emhndnnc.nt tn England of the e tl_nng . · ~~ 1 YS1cally_ rnhust. mentallY .cttn(lus. sp mtttall_,. PIOtl~~ an_ d \\'!tnll\' VI.Q"~rou~. hr wa . hkc a. stro_n . f( \\'.111 <1, hlo\\'!11g- ~Ill to thr stuffv tntenor nt I·. ,H.dand . fhc countrr _ "'~ ~- r_ eadv A story of inrrigue in the period of the lrali.1n Rrn.1i sc;ancr and the Tudors. MJcmilbn ............ . $1.00 for him. to follow him, as Europe was WHITEOAKS OF JALNA. By Mazo ready for his challenge. It makes an de la Roche. Boston: Little, Brown extraordinary drama, which Mr. and company. Hackett has ably portrayed. "J a Ina" the Atlantic prize novel oi two vea~s ago, a story of exceptional MOCCASIN TRAIL. BY Rcl'd Ful- origi'i1ality and richness, did not deto n. l\ew York: Do uble(Ja,·, Dorai1 mand a sequel. It was probably writand company. . ten v.·ithout thought of one. But for The boys \rho read "Da,·y Jones' two reasons it was a novel particularly Lockn" la st Year and filed ~1 r. Ful- ,,·ell adapte(l to extensio n in another ton' · name i.n th ei r mem orit.:~. will book. Its emphasis was up on characfind that he ha s kept faith \\'ith th em ter and the dt.:\'t.'lopment of it s prjnciin "Moccasin Trail." It \Yill rank close pal' figures- the tyrannical centenarian tu first among th e ca:-;on's adYcnturc grandmother \\'ho had migrated from books. From the mun H .: nt that · Bruct: England ,·ia India to Ontario. the re ·.l \\ 'es t chucks thl' lwn1ets' 111::--t und ·T haired nnmg master of the Ontano the skirts of that "po\\-criul na:;ty e~tate. ·T~tnn\' . th<: tw o old Engli·;h nigger," Black ~tb\· , until hl' l'111ei).~c~ uncle~ \\·ith thl'ir aroma nf Victorian irom the Indian camp, COI11paratiYl'l~· · isll1. mi .Ldlt wrll be pursued thrOU!..\h :-aie in his blazing '""!-!on \rith a iather. new ,· ircis:-itudc~ . ~I orcover, "Jalna' a furtuJll·, and a pute11tial fiancee, thi:; broke off jn..;t after a family crisi,; ~ixteen - n:ar-uld hu\· lin·:. ahnu:-t ex- \\'hich leit a number of the . e pcrsnn'\ clnsiHI\~ on ga~q)::; oi txcitcmcnt. at louse ends. Eden had ial11·n in Joye ~1 r. Fulton has :-dcctt'd irll11l, \\·ith Piers' \\·iic: and been thru st out ratiH:r. than exaggerated, thc an- oi'thc house. his ow n wife, :\layne. h:-tcl nal:-; of the ~anta Fe Trail. .\len oi. left hin1 and ~one hack to her ~l'\\' 1~:35 required guod n~·rv u u~ :-.ys tenb !11 York position.' and the unity oi the tra\'l'i tht· l\Hnanchl· coun tn· \\·ith Kit famih· had heeL \·iultntly di~tnrbed . Car~on. And Brun.'s peril:- arc au.l!· tttl'11h·d 1)\· a pur:-uing plantatit·tl l)\\'11LT 1 --\\·lw is \\'l)rst.: than ran·Jt. ...... \\·ith hi... LIFE OF SAM HUSTON firearllls! I The Bobhs-~fcrrill con1pany thi :-: · ; tllonth puh] 1-,!lcd "ThL· l~an·n." a Bi n~THE MYST~RIOU_ S _ DR. OLIVER. rapl1\· oi Sam Houston by ).farqlll-; g,. J. Brerk cnrtdge )·.Ills. ~la cau l;l\' . Jaml~S . \ ·ariou:-; things are re:.p on:-.ih!t· This !>nok ha:-. _ l,lll' t~i thL· IH>t ~ ~~ for tht: compar<~tiy~· l ~· late a!1no_un.c<..·all po:-~tl>k plt~b llll. a 111\ :-- tl'n· :--tur'-. ment ot the pul>ltcatwn date at tht: tmthat of a man \\'hu rcl'l> \'l'l':- hi~ iul'ntit,· portant hook. The succl's~ful puhli:-;]tafter. rears <..)i )i,·ing in atH1thl'r pl·t·-1 er's negotiat_ion:; with the author hl·,llllalt t,·, and dtScm· n~ that he dut·" gan ~e arly tnur years ago, .when th · \Yhli ltl' i:- :-upp 11 scd to I>~·· I exceptional natttrl' of .:\Ir. _lame:-' n.: 11 ut kllll\\ and can on l\' pirk up gradualh· rlut . . search \\'as called to. their Jtotirr. ~ ot a-, 11) \\'hat Itt· ha:- dnlh' in the lu:-t in - until the la~t \reek in ~fa,· of this year tnin1. That tht: pr· ::- l'llt prota .~oni . . t did the author decide upo~1 a puh li :--ht:-r. Ita..; i>L"come a rl'khra tcd tH·n·v :-.peci ;tl - and not until J tmc did he deli' er :1 i:-t and the kadcr oi one (li tht· " ·ild · manuscript for the printer "'. The t.:n ,., t·d ~ ·ttl t . . tltat rJu . . tn ;th111tl 1 ··· - .·. thusia.m of tho e who han: rl'acl ;-J11 Angeles, that he bclic\'Cs hinht·li 11· 1H· earlier ancl, in the opinion (,i :\[ r. ,,;tntt·d iur murdn. ancl tltat in tilt·. Jamc:' , quite nn~atisfactory draft, is t he intl'n·;tl ~~i hi.; unr(ll\:-t·iott--llL'"" hl' Ita, La..;i:- oi the publi . her\ pr1)ph<::-.\· th ;d L!l·t ltinht'li ntixt·d 11p in all "l'rt" "' "The Ran.' n" is destined fnr a la:.ti n~! .n darit·th dnin~:- \rhil·h ~l· t.:nl iJt-..pir, d pbrt' a..; a rontrilnttillll t1 1 thr ;trt \lt )J,· thl' adjart.:nt I IPlh·"·ood. ;til :tdd . . ' ' ' hio!.!raphy. the l'Xl'itcml'nt. October's Child Donald Joseph Stokrs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ .:.. so Give Me My Sin AgJin Naomi Royde -Smith Eves that have I i "IT" ... that subtle something which attracts others . . . usually lies in the eyes. Don't be discouragcd if . your own eyes are dull, lifeless and unattractive. A few drops of harmless Murine will will brighten them up and cause them to radiate "IT." Harper t1 Brorhrrs ........ $2 . 5 o . Cora Ruth Suckou..' "IT" Knopf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.50 Ha ng-t·. $1:?. W<·st Yirginia )fa rnl }:rpr. Pod ·· $ll.:,o, i1lt·nl roal tor furnact·, hurns Iii.·· I · anthradt(', mnk··s ns mueh h<'at, <'liHkf'r· ll·ss an11 sootll·ss. llt·linred C. o. n. fr1·-.11 1 FRA TERN ITI ES l'rom min<', dir{'('t from car in :i-ton lo:uls I PLEDGED 111111 UJl, anywht·rf' in Entnston. \\' ilmdtt·. Tlte iollo\\·iug north . lwrc !J 1\'S lta\·l' Winndka. nr ntt·nrot', immNlillfl'l)' or as 1 . , 1. ]tr, 1 · 11 , , . - .. t .. · · .. , · ,lt·sirt'll. ii ortll.'ff'd tlurinJr this sulf'. Soltl h:c_n _PC< · ':"ct t\) ~o cg~ 1t:l ctlll~ll · 1111 J. W. RILEY, FAVORITE ( k t oh l' r 7 m a r k :-- t h l ' l' i.!.! Lt i e t h a nn i 1n·.r:-ary (lf ./ amt:-., \\' hitrl·ll1h 1\. iln's birth . Bo!JI,:. - :\lnrill is bringing out a I ial':-imik t·ditiull oi (\il l'\··~ nr~t hook of podr\', "Thv Old ~\rim111in' Hole and I 'L~,·en ,\lure Pfll'lll~" ori .l!inal~,- pu:):~·lU Y SAJ, }~-San 70c to $1.2:. ton. lis heel in 1H83. ln a cotmt ry-\\'tde :-.url'e~<·altontas-Ntny Stan 11 a r tl Br~~~~~. " \'l'\' among srhool children la..;t n·ar, Sh·nm, 2:i to 30 per N·nt conrst·, $,,,.,, 1)'1 '. -· . f 1 I. I . 1· . . w. Ya. l·t't'rlcss nrnnd Domrsti<'. 40 to i.H I . ~ 1 C\ \\cl:-. ut.ll1( _to ca< 111 PUI>tl .t;l~\ . lll'f ··rnt ··oarsr. dinkerless. intt·nsr Ju·at. j llwul!h he <llcd tn l~lf,. J;u1H"- \\ htt $i.i.;. J>nc. J·:,:Jr. $ll.r.O. ])ustl··ss ( 'okP. ' cnmb Rill·\· is still the "Bclll\'l'dl'-.,t r( Marlborough The portrait of a conqueror Donald Barr Chidsey John Day .. "':-.. .......... $).50 1 l ' -'l'l'ED ( ' 0 .\I, UUYl~US OF t ' Jil( '. \(;Q Da,·is, Bl'ta Theta l'i; Charlo 1~. · 'Xorth Shore Dran<:~· Pfingstl·n /.eta Psi· Joseph Turk, .,10 c; rt'4'lllt·nf .A \'f'IIUf'. '\ JlnH·tft· .. : ) ' , , , t 'unring- Entnston. Wilmrttf', Winu..tka ~1g111a :\u: h. )bert ~andt· r:--on. I au nntl (;Jf'nrul' · 1\:appa Ep:'ill·n; Morris i\cl:.nn, /.eta 111111' .,·::~~; ~\JIJlrnntl. Cih' Ct·rtifi<'tl ""t·ights. L 111\'l'f:-1t\· ut flhlllll:. - lJ\ ll'bitd . 'r··h·Jlhnnt>. Wilnuttf' 9H Sketch of a Sinner Frank Su.,innerton --·· ·- Doubleday. Doran ........ $2 .5 0 The Methodist Faun Anne Parrish Thousands upon thousands of 1 · 4't'Jl this atl-t~t·t Ht·tlit $1 tlrst Mlll'f cle,·er · women use Murine dail 1 ;;===:zoco oczo 0 Jnd thus . keep their eyes alway~ clear, bright and alluring. A S · Ot month's .s upply of this long.:::::. trusted lotion costs but 60c. Try it! Your, rugs and carpers should be placed in the care of specialists whose ~~~~:L.~~.~~~r~~ 1 ~\~('~~~1t1~1\1~utors · well and At Dartmouth collcgt John Cog:-. Srnnour Burge rt' ~'t·nt I\' ha :t· been initiated into Zeta P:-.i . Psi. D Q r d.1nary Cleaning Good £ nough OCIOI N OCIOl 0 0 Harper t1 Brothers ........ $2 .5 0 Lord's- First Floor Just Inside the West Davis St . Door lJRINL ~ f.OR youR EYEs 0 docs nor hJrm them in any way. Mestj~:~ s1.3!~~;~E Inc. Wilmtttt I -=ocro ~~0 OCI~ivmity sos;CIO ~ -

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