Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Oct 1929, p. 38

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38 WILMETTE LIFE October '18, 1929 tl~l[ News of the No~ ·shore ·.Clubs. Wom. an's Club Will · Open on Wednesday Marion Me A fcc of American Opera Comp.1ny on First Program: Housewarming in November t h irty -l' i. L: ht 11 ~(';[-..Oil ill tilt· rluh of \\. iIn~t· t tv '"iII hl' i!lau,:. m:ttl'd \\it h a 11111-.irak 111 t I~:' l.trgl' :tiulittll'illlll 11i till' IH'\\' rltt'· l'nuse. \\ l'd Itotla'. I kt t d>t·r .?3. at 2 n'rllll·k. \ ·()r; d -..t·krt i11Ih :11-e t tl hl' gin·n ll\· \1i:--:- \l:tritltt \l c.\it·t·, giitcd :-.upr:tiHl ,,j the .\nltTil-a i1 ()Jwr;t Ctltll· pan~·. \\'itl1 Cktrll':' l.ltr\T\. one ni tl1v l' C:'it kt10\\'11 til ('hicitt.:tl itl"l'\1111J1 itlli-..t-,, at the pi :tlln . Till' icdltl\\illt.: illll.'rt'"till!.!. pl'l l,l!'J'il lll i-., ()fTcrl'd itlr rluh lltt·!ttltl'I.', a11d tlil'ir gllt."-1": \\' 0111;] 11~l:tr \'ill··i rr" ]lj, . l! n~,·. I lit l~w-.t ti·:U Tl1e l.ilit ·, I lit· T :t ul·t' ~· · lnt .rt.tllll Today inaugur.ates the fir~t ni tlw :;ewing day~ sponsored hy the philan thrnpy department ni the \\ · ,,man·~ rluh oi \Yilmc..'tk and upen to all wnm L'Il in the ,-i ll rtgc intere~tcd in dning their hit inr cltarit ,.. Tlte bent'firian· 11l t1HiaY\ \\' nr k, as · \\Tll as that \Yhich " ·i ll 1)1' - dnnc Ortnhcr .5 . i:- the club\ 1'"·11 rha ritahle e11t lTpri:-t' . t ht Er· l11 . ,111_\ . ~IH 'P \lll ( ~rn· llka i a n~ 1111L'. \l r:--. Frederick Tilt i..; chairman 11i till' dl'p:trttiH' t1t. ).lr;-;. 1.. ~. lh·rkn. ,·in·-L·h airllll'IJ : _ \1 r;... F. .\. · Cthhing ~111itll. :-o\TfL·tan- -t rca.;urn: ).Irs. C. I, . 1 ·. , :ut-... lunrh~uth: .\I r:--. \\'illian1 ll, ,l t11L':--, rar d party: .\1 rs. I. K. ~t·~n·r . l 1:trk 1\ idgl· ~rhtHll inr <~irb: ).l r..;. F . I:. I' nudt :-n11 and ).I r:-. ] I op~ Thomp "'"t. ~cn· irc rolt1tcil1nt' l11hn:--hip~. ).Jr s. 1\ . C. h::irkpatrirk. public \n·liart. \1 r . . . B. 1\ . 'l';rhcr is chairman im 1 Ill' -..c\\·i11g i11 ·Ortt~hn. \Yit h ).1 r . l.t·.,Jit· \I illar and \Ir s. \I. I I. \f c \I ilkn rhairnH·n of tht· lttnrhL'lllh \·:hiclr :trt· -..t · n ~ ·d :tl 1..? :30 (1\· l~l l'k. and t1 , .,, l1i··h nH,tlln:-- ma _ , . bring srlt,),,J L·ltil dn·ll . Ph~lanthropy Sewing Today Fine Arts Group . Wtll Benefit Economy Shop Sponsors Chorus of Catholtc Club I n:-;pin.' d ]J,. th L· ~log·an nf the mmi c ckpartlllf..'llt <'i tlte llli110is Federation ,,j \\'n llll'll·s rluh:-. " :\ ChPrtts in l·:,·e!·,· Uttl>." ~I r:-;. ).! . IL \inrri :-; nr.t .:aniznl tht· chorus oi the \\'Lltnan's Catholic rluh nl \\' ilmettc thrn· nars a .~.:·o. Sn :--urn·..;sfttl ha..; this rhorus herome that tt has hCl'l1 calkd UJlfltl time a iter time u·, iurni-..h club programs. It !tas put till an npt·ra and I \\'t l a it l'r1JI)<lt1S nf tttt~:-ir i(lr the club. it ha~ entertainvd !.!rtlllP:- 11l shut-ins. 11a:- IH'L'Il im·itcd to broadcast OYer th e r:-t<!it· and to l' lltn tain other organization.;;. The cl .· >rtts ron:--i:--h ni ).frs. \\'a lt ;.·r l:ermingham. \1 r:-- . llarrr Bdtin~hath, \I r:-- . Cl.1ark:- I \rn:td. ~11< Hnhert . F( 'lit hatn. \f r .... ll arn T.tll1lhard. \fr ~. ,Chat h--.. \'ctr111;111 . \1 r:-. Franking Rtlth i Ill!. wit h \I r" . \ 111r r i :-- :1-.. d ire l't n r a 11 d at'l'tlll1Jiani--t. l.<t:--1 \\l't'k t]H· L ' ltllrth )..!';[\'C ":\ 11 <tlll'rll1·n11 11i ()pe r: t" ·at thl hnllh' " :· \I r ". Frank ( h- k r ir h. 1.?0! C r e c 11 \\' 111 )( 1 :t\'tttttv. The pn,gram tton~i:--tl'd oi thl' prinrip:-tl :;nng:-- and rlwrtt-.. numbers 11i --nml· ni thL· llltl:-t PllPttlar cq)(:ra;o;. Tb· tnemhcr-, \\'en· ro . . tttml·d in thL· rnk, (li the lcadinl! it·tnininc charactns i11 the npna thn· \H'fl' ~inging. nl' . . idc:tlit l'Xrc lknt :o-I.It· and rlwral \\'nrk ,,j t IlL' t; lu h r lw r u'. t here \\'en· ,.i 1) 1 i 11 m t m hns 1"· \\'iniin·d Tcl\\'n:--end C'rt·l' and :o-('1."' ll\· F.lizaheth l .iliC' \ "i tali . \\·}w \\a . . a . l!lll':-t ;nti.;t ior th~· Ji1l·rnOtlll. \fr , . CtTl' i-- \\Tll kt1P\\'11 a" a YiPiini.;t ,,,1 the north :-h1'n· and is a nH.' mher 11i tht · \Ynnll'n· . . ~' mplJ,)m· nrche:;tr;t . \f rs. \ ' it ali rl'lunwd three Year~ ag·p irPill ftah· \\·here :--ht recl'in.' <l mo:t r)i hvr mu:--iral :untt1l! . ~hr has a Jnyel\· -nprann '·" in· , ,j 1111l1Stta1 \'O!ttnH'. TI C'inrc ('ach ni hn aria.;. ).fr-... Yit :tli r:1;trtnitH!h· tuld tht· --torr of tht npr~·a f r<Hll " hirh the a ria "as taken . \fr.;. (harte.; Tiw:HJ. ,,· hn i:-; thr prt-l'l1 t llltl.,il· rh;Jirlllan 1li the cluh. arra nl!ed a t lwa tn 11a rt\· n·ccnt h· \YhL'II thirt\·-fi, l' nH· mhn~ l'nim·ed a pnfnrmance nl th e ElH"li--h npera rnmpam· ,,·hirh the r luh ha .; helped to :-~ponsor -..i'ln· ib nrl!a niz:lti<lll . lt al~o lrncls . . ulttHirt !11 tlw C'hical!" ('j,·ic Oner;1 l'llll10a11, .. a.; a t1ttlll1H'r fli the nwml>c ;·.. han· tah·n ,ra'l'll ti ck·: t.; in l!r<,tlP" · _ · Club Will Observe A mertcan · 1n d"tan D ay I - - - Chief Silver Tongue and Chief Little. Moose. Talented Artists. on Program, October 2 2 . Tile next regular m cet i11 g oi the \\' oman\ CatlwliL· club of \Yilm ette ,,·ill ht.· held in th e \\'o man 's club build ing Tenth s tn~ et and Grecnkai il\'L't1ttc, TuesdaY aftenwon, October 22. at 2 ,)'rloc k . J>reredi ng th c 111 t·tl i11 ~ \Irs . \1 a mice Lieber '"ill g:i,·c a talk on parliamentan· procedure and rurrt·nt e\'en ts. commencing at 1 o'rluck. ( ktohcr 2.? \\·ill be American lndia11 daY. \\'ith Chid Little ).foo.:;e and Chief ~iiYn Ttlngue ~.:i,·ing a program ,,; fndian snng, dance. and -, to ry, and \fr ~. \\". _f. FitzPatrick gi,·ing a :-t·krtinn " f II d jan S\Hllll1 l" r." Oi the t\\'0 taltnt ed Indian arti< . . . nntrh ia\-,lrablc pn·s:' Clll111ll1'llt Ita . . . !teen gi,·en. Chil·i ~ih· L·. J·(,n ,,l! ttt · h:1" I 'c c n t h c :-; i 11 g c r i L' at u n: d i" r t h c p a, t ;-;ix \Tars at tht' Indian rrrcnwnial-.. t.:in·n at tlw Dt·lls in \\·i~runsin and :s ·, ·en " ·idch· kllo\,·n all m·er tltt· countn·. "Chief Little \fuo~e." F. H .. :\. in ;til ;trtick irom \tu sic :\e,\'s of ).farrh 2.?. :-.tatt:--. "is a Chippc\\'a Indi an. graduate Pi the ~farPhail School oi Dramatic .-\rt . \linneapc lis. and pnsses:-;r~ lllll' c.i tht lllll:o-t Yihranth· cnloriul and re'io nant :-peaking ,.(;ice.;. I fi s um~:-ually rich and -..\'lnpatlll'tic YOirr. under surh per krt cc'n t rnl. lend . thrilling (·A" t' t·: to dram at i c n· ad iIll! s a ml charm to hi" t·xplanatillll:\. :\ttin·d in gPrl!eou : d ,· eml>widcrcd and picturesque Indiall ClbttlnH·, hi:- ~tori('s of Indian custom~. h' !.!' l'll d s. and 1 it c rat ur e t a k r an a <l d itinnal cnlllr. Xot a little nf his attra~· tion rnnH' -, irom his hodih· grace and lithe al!ilil\·. "Chiet Little \f L)OSC wa:-. hnrn in a littlr \\'ig\\·am o n the shorr of Lake ).fillar. in ).finne snta. His moth~r r-·an·d him o n the \Vhitcart In dian rL·:--en·atinn until h l' \\"as 10 Years nld. From then on his rducation in nnn-n·-,rryation l-!OYrrnment .:;choob \\·as pursued. YOUtH! Little ).(nose d esiring t n hecnme a nrofc-.sinnal man. an d sttt<h·inl! la\\·. \\' hen the \\'ar wa-; d c c1 a r e cl )1 t r n 1i s t ed <Ill d s c n· e c1 i n France. u:;im~ his hontts \\'hen he rrturned ttl hi~ nati,·e ~finncannlis to pa\· ior a rom:;r in dramatic art. ".-\n lnclian himself. a11<l thorottQhl~ · c'llll\' t·r:--ant \\·itlt the life and spi rit o' thl' Tndian. as '"ell as bring a man 0; rare 1· ift.; and attainments, it is sm~ll ,, ·n nckr that hi.; prol"r:-tms are anthcntir and tttllt ~ nal contributions to "morl l'fll cultur(·." . \(rs. Frt·dl·rirk C. Dre s.;el. \fr s. T. T. l·: n· rli.;h, \f rs. TatlH'S Fnrcl. \f rs. Philli;) L. Tlillinl!er. ancl ).frs. A. Hunter Darn· " ·ill hl' hn-,te -.~ e s for tl1r :-tftcrnoon. \fr.; . P . T. \frr.urk. chairman ,,f irit'1Hlh- conJH'ratinn \\'ith rx-srnicr lllt';, <ie~ires C'Y<'I'\' member n f thr chh t1 1 hrinl.!' to the nrxt mretin ~r clerks "f nl;l\·inl.!' cards fnr the hl'nefit of th e men at Grrat Lakrs. ,,. :tldt·~g··~pl'; II',, 1:r:11 ··· II Tr·_,·;..ting Tr,.,. lll \\'illt (',.uri)\· !\I ist . Phillip~ c':-t·il ~~ ·o tt .\ri:r. ll""' IY c ':-Til ~~·olt · :-:ortn (1.,· :'\t·Z Z·· di Fil. .::tl'·ll :'\J IIZ;II'l MacDowell Society Will Meet in Marshall Studio The '\orth ShPrc 1\farDP\\'l'll :-;ocil'h \\·ill tlll'l't in Benjamin \I arshall's . . t 1;ditl in \\ 'i lmette un 'l'ue:-day n ·l·ltiilg. October 21.J. \lr:-. Cuy ~tuart !h ilt·\'. ~ n p r ann : and \I r :-;. J . \\ ·. 1I a 11 :-; l' I. r o ,·t traltll, will gin· a prugram of dttt:ls. ar rtlmpallied J>y Crace L. Orcutt. .\11t h o 11 y (.~ un r ~· r a. !·\·a n s t o 11 's r t 11 i .; t . i :ab··, ott tht.· program. Otto I~. Barnett is president ui t hL· ~ncitl\·: ~f rs. Frank C. Pcvraud. fir . . t vire-p.r<:sidL·nt: Pr . D;n·ies f.:tzear, :--r~· nnd vice-prrsidrnt: \\ 'illiam n. ~hll 'ler, recording secretary: ~I r:- . \\' il liam ~- Brtl\\'n, corrcst>onding ~crre tary: (~ent gc _l . Pope, trea surer. The lllL' mhcrship fe e goes to the \l;tcDtl\\'ell fund for the upkeep of the :trti~t coltHIY at Peterboro. '\. I I. .\11 ni the offic-ers nf the snrirt\· art· :til · t hnri;cd tn arct·pt nwmher:-l;ip:-. .\rit ·lt·· c Iuloli··· ·· :'\ ... I Dt·hu ;.:s v ,. I 'r:tdJ,. ~ong Tilt · !!hal;.: Dl~l :rdl'h:tminoff l·:d\\':trd :\ltHll'i' (J{ig· oJ~·Il·d Y~·nli Ar·i:t. (':tl'·· Xonh' \'tlicr and tnusiciant·xrclknt ntlticl·s for her pl·rfor111anre lli lc:adin~ rtllt·s in "Martha.. and "Tilt· .\l:trria~l' of Fig-aro" during the rl'rcnt prcse11t:ttinn of llJWra in l·:ngli:-h in C h icag·o. The mu sic committee feels assured of a splendid nfTcrin~ fnr the opening aftn noon ni the clnh .n ·ar. Refreshments will ht· sern.:d in tht~ small auditorin111 aftn the program . Novrmbcr is tn he the month of the formal house\\'arming. the datt· of which is tentati\'c . :\ n·reptinn. \\'it l~ past presidents of the rluh itt thc..· rc · ceivinl.!' line. and a · pageant. ,,·ill 111akl' the en·nt particular~\- si.t..:nifirant. .\t that time the door.; oi the club \\·i!l he thrown open to tlll'lllhcrs oi tlw clnh. their friends, and gue~ts oi tIll' cl11h. who will ha,·e the opportunity nt \\'andering through the l'llOI11S of t'H' rnlarged .cluh to see thc..·m in their Cl· lll · plction . H ef reshmenh " ·ill hv q·ned on t ht· fest i,·c occasion. 1\frs. lame . Burrill and .\[r:' ..\l lltl/tl .J. Cnhu.rn oi \\'ilmette arc n·spnnsilllt· for tlh· pageant in which 111l't11l ,n . ,,) the rlnb's J tmior auxiliary \\ill pal' ticipatc as actors. The pa gTa ut committee tnd \l t·llday morning with ~1r :'. EdnllltHI .\I . Simo!l(l.;, rhairman ni t lw prtlgT:tnl COilllllittn·, til di:-L'll:---.. plan-.. . Tho . . c arting nn tlti"' rnnttuittet· arc, in additillll to \1r ~. ~il11lllH1s . .\fr .; _ II a r v n · B tt "h. ~I r :-. Ia me-.. n u r r i 11. ~ 1r ". John )\ ,,cldiv . .\1 r:- .. llnhcrt ~~ u! l,lnl. ~1 r~ . Alon;;o l'uhmn. :\I r:- . lb \'tll llllrl \\'ht·l·l<lck, ~1r~. I( F. J>atti-..nn·I,li1!t. ?\1r~ . :\lr in lh·i nH'"·: \lr--. \\'i lli :un :\ . n u fl.! ; 11, () t' t Ill' \\.()Ill; I II." (Itt h. a II d M i·~. l~elH·L·ra Fitr 1, P~"~'L:r:tnt rha:r man ft,r tltL· J ttlli('I: auxiliar.' ·· ~'1i:-:-- ~lr.'\f<.'e\ ~hip ltaH brou~ht Junior Auxiliary Holds Its Bi-Monthly Meeting The Jnni1)r auxilian· of the \\'nlllan\ clt;h oi \\'ihnctt<.: held a meeting Thursday t:Yening at thl· ltnn~t· ni .\1 i:--.. Hl'tty \t arshall. 10-+0 Elm\\'t)t1d a \·l'llta·. 1~ uth Hown is president 11 i the gwup, Yirginia Bixby. \'ice -pre:-icknt : I ftkn l·: tlis. trt~asurer: \'era llonl>n . ,t·c reta tT. Cnmn;ittees. their chainncn and the:r member~. haYc been sckrtl·cl :h fullt l\\·~ : \1 emhersltip- \fary \lack, chairman: Th,lcn EYans. Dnrntll\· Fuller: philanthropy- Elizabeth I lut;t, chairman: ).farion Cnok. \\.iniired .-\dkins .\uqin: Bett\· \farshall: :-tlriai- Flor l'lll'l' nran,nti. chairma11: \1arie Fknt \'l', 11ebey ~hap kt·r ..\I in· "i 11g, He~ -..ic \\.L·iss . Jean Dunran. l:rtt\· ~lichl· kt : prt1gram-Rc!H'rra Fitci1. chair man: France' nrt·d\'11 and Yer;1 Thakg: puhlicit,· nn111nit let·. l~ <l.;alilld .\ l iI!.... r h airman .- At Home and Garden Club Tile regular meeting of the K(·nil\\'urth Homt.· and Cank ·1 cluh ·sa.; held ;1 t the hlnm· uf ).Irs. :\!ired R. llndgl' .\[on d~ a it crnoon. ).! r s. · S. l ). F!tltHI ni Kenil\\'(1rth gaye an intere-sting at1d entl·rtaining de scr iption oi her recc..·1:t pilgrimage tn the English gardens. \[iss \ ' irginia \f arshall gan~ a grnup t)i snng:; with ).li ~:-; ).fargaret l~lutharclt a:- ~ccompanist. . Tlw next meeting of the cluh 1111 Ortohn 2X. '"ill he at the home of till· president. ).Irs. Frank\\·. Cherry. \\·hen the nftict·rs nf the club will entl'rtain at the annual lunch eo n. :\n intL·n·..;ting program hy the mrmhcr~ has hn·n arrangl'd inr thr <lrcasion. -------- Benefit Party Today Sisterhood to Meet There will he a meeting lli thL· Junior Si~terhnnd 11i the '\orth ~lwrc Congr<:gatinn hratl Sunday at 2:30 o'clock at the T<:mple, at the corner of Vtnhm and Lincoln avenues. Clencoe. The work for the ~1 ic!tal'l Hte:-;e hospital will be taken up, and thne will be a program. Thi_ s afternoon Cambrid~e chapter oi The Chiragn Art in:-;titutc has i:-; . ued the lhughters nf the British Empire card.; fnr ih fifh·- first annual· rcccp- is giYinl.!' a hl'ncfit car<l part~· at the nmt· ui _ ,frs. Lionel F. Bu sh, 1200 tit·.J Pll Thur:--da,· aiternnon. October h_ l·:jm\\ 1 'l'd a\'Cilltl'. .?-L ir. ·til 3 n'rhlrk until S :30. lt will :tl-..tl hPld it;-; f,lrl\·- .:;ecnnd annual exhiC. D. A. TO INITIATE bition oi American paintings and The Catholic Daughters of America -.culptttrl'. '"ill hold initiation for twenty members GAMMA PHI BETA MEETING on Sundav afternoon at Odd Fellow's Tht north ~hore group of Gamma halt. \Yilmette. A supper and program Phi Beta ·wilt 111t'L't ).fonda" with ~fr s. will follow the initiation ceremony. On llolli-.. Reed RoL)t, 2-B \\'alden r .. ;td, ~[onday evening the members will hold (~lt.'ncoe. an election of officers. Issues Cards for Tea 0. E. S. Givinq Dinner Thr \Vilmcttr chaptrr of the Order nf thr Eastrrn Star will giYf" a dinner d;-~tll't · S:1t11r<la\· C\'CninC!. Octoher 19.' :1t rl ·.10 o'~lock, at 1he ~fasonic temnlr jq \\'iln1<'ttr. ).frs. Tna ~fevers of 1721 HiC!hland aYrtme ts 111 ·charge of r<'sen-a tions. \frs. Beatrice Harding Arcus entertained sr,·eral of her friends at lunch- . ron aPrl hridge on Tuesdav at her home, 72o \Vashington avenue. ··

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