Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Oct 1929, p. 36

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36 WILMETTE t.IFE October 18. 1929 North Shore Society ·Affairs .Settle Into Fall Regime Jean Keller Weds I Winfield Taylor Saturday, Oct. 26 Octnher 211. \rill he the da te ni the marriagc.> o i ~1 iss J can K(·lkr. daughter nf ~lr . and .:\Irs. Themh1n· l' . t-:cller l)i E\'amton to \\'i ntidd 'Lt\'hH, SOil Pi ~Irs. na,·icl Lee Ta d ur .ui l-q() .:\1 ic higa n a \'e nne. \\' ilmt'l t1.·. Tht· marria~c \\ !Ia t:1ke plarc at t lw CtHJgregat ion a! rh!trch. I·:,· an~tt)11, at X <l't·l H:k in tht · l'\'llling with Dr. l ohn Timut In· ~tt)11 1.'. a:> si!'tcd h\' 1 )r. ll~tgh 1-:lnu.:r tiru\\'11, nftiriating at the n·n:nltlll~· ..\ n.·n·ptinn and wedding :-ttppn at thl' l·:,·anstnn Country clu h w iII i o JJ, n ,.. ~Irs . Fr~.·derid. \1. l ~n· rh· ni l~ lcn nw ha-.. hct.'Jl rhP.,l'll tn · he .her :-.i~ter's matrnn ni honor, \\·hilt· the maid ni hnnor will he Miss lkth Canln er nt Fall R in·r, .:\1 ass . ~I is s K~.·Jicr ha s st.·lt.·rtt:d as her bridesmaids, \li s., \ ' irginia :\\' ery t)f E\'anstnn, .:\1 iss Frances \\' right ni l·:,·a nsttHJ, ~fiss Emily ~t.'s si<1th a)i I\ristt)I. Conti., ~I i-,., .:\1 ary \\·~.·stnn 1 If ~~ ontclair, :\ ..: ., ~I is s June John:-otllll ui ).1 ilwaukn·. ancl a rtHt~in 1f the bride elect, ~I is~ Pauline \\'atl'rlll.lll oi ~Hatlltll'l', Ill. !.ittk Roxana 1\vc r h · nf Cknr·ll' will he tile flt)wer giri. The hr st man iur .:\1 r. Tavlnr will ht· his hr11ther, \\'11it111an T:n·lt;r, 1)i l~lcn COt.'. The ushers include t\n) ·lther brothers nf the hridegronlll. Ellsworth TaYlor and David Let· TaYlor, and Norri s \\'illiam snn of Hin sdale, Ralph \Vhitsct t of \\'ilmct te. Harn· and Frederick Stone of \\'i lmett·' , }-Iar,11cl l~ihson nf Evan c: ton. Aftt~ r a wedding journey ~~ r. Taylur and his bride will make their h1ltlll' temporarily at the rcsidtnct.' t)f ~l_i.;s Keller\ parents, wlw will lH' away 1\.)r three nwnths. ~I is~ Keller and ~1 r. Taylor ha,·c heen wieldy feted at many pre-nuptial affairs recently . On October 5. ~f rs . Chester T. Bradford and her daughter. Miss Ann Bradford, of Evanston were hostesses at a dinner party at their home in honor of the hrirle and groom elect. Miss Frances \Vt ight nf E\'anston entertained at a luncheon and bridge and miscell~n(·nus shOWl'r at her home on Tuesday, Octoh~r 8. in honor of Miss Keller. Miss Rettv Hall of E\·answn ga n a luncheon atid theater party last Saturdav afternoon. That c:.vcning ~lr. and · ~f r~. \\'hitman Ta\'1<.1r of Glencoe entertained at a lar~l' dinner and hridgc party for Miss Keller. \1 r. TayJor, and their wedding- party. \\'ed nesda\' of this week l\lrs. Theodore C. Keller ga\'e a luncht.·t)n at tilt· l'nion Leag-ttt.' .club and a tht·ater party in honor uf her claughtt:>r and ht.·r hride:\mairls . Mi~=- Yirginia Avery entertained that e\· ·ning at a dinnt.'r and kitcht·n show··r. and on Thursday oi this week ~f r. TaYlor 's mother. Mrs. D<l\·id Lee Ta,·lor, wa:-o hostess at a luncheon at.Hl hridge part~· fnr ~1 iss Keller. Tlmrsday evening ~f rs . Frederick nycrly of Gkncnl' ga \ ' C a dinner and bridge at her home fnr her sister and ~fr. Taylor . ~1 r . 'a nd ~Irs. Kelkr \\'iJI gi\'C tht bridal dinner at their Jwna· ()11 Friday eHning, October 25 . ~aturda\', North Shore Bride and Bride-Elect Girls' Club Is Raise Scholarship ·I Funds at Benefit The Girls' club of New Trier High school will hold a bridg-e party on Saturcla\'; October 26, at 2 :30 o'clock, in the ?\c\,. Trier me ss hall. All are cordialh· invited to help to make this, the one hig project of the year for the Girls' cluh, a success. The lllOilC\' from this party will he turned in to the scholarship fund nf the club. · Iwen· vcar, 'sums amount- . ing irom $150 to -$300 are gi\'en, twt t~ <t ned. to ~ew Trier girls \\·llo wi sh to continue their educations in cnllc;it.' and who are financially unable to clo so. Last vear besides helping girls in this wa~·. the Girls' cluh paid two hospital bills. sent several ~iris to commercial school. and furnished the new cluh room. all of which "did not lea ,.c their treasun· in a ver\' health\· stak. Ji the girls " ·ish to continue the scholarship fund, therefore, the\· must raise the moncv at this card part\'," an announcement reads. There \Yill be prizes for each tab1c as \Veil as prizes for the highest scores. Tea \vill he served during the afternoon. and there \vill also he a food ~ale held in connection \vith the part_\·. Ticket. mav be purchased from an,· \"e\\' Trier girl. Tirkets will also 11e a ,-a ilahle aL the door. to ·· .\I iss Julia Kintskr, daught~>r of ~I r. and .\1 rs . Emanuel Kintslcr of Glen cue has rlwsen Tuesday e\'ening, Oc- tober 2<), ior hn marriage to Edwa.-d ~rhimmrl, Sllll oi .:\1 r. and .:\1rs· . Charles ~rhimml'l oi Omaha, :\ch. The scrvirc will takf' place at 7 :30, in the French room oi the Georgian hotel. The hridc 's sister. Mrs. Milton Harold J acol)\· of Chicago, \\·ill he matron ~f honor, and Ahe Schimmel wilt he best man ior his brotht·r. .:\1 rs . Jacnh\' gaYc a luncheon 'l'hur.;cJa,· at the \\'e hster hotel in Chicago iur htr sister and ftH· .Miss ~lartha Katz of 515 Central aHnue, \\'ilmt.'tt ·-· . whose marriage to Rurtun \\'olff of Chicago is to take place r\onmher 3. Arden Shore Board Is Seeking Contributions Phnto ~Irs . uy Toloff Until her marriage nn Octoher 5, Kenneth R Borgen wa '.:\[is s Catherine De Pass Hall of \\'ilmette. .:\f r. and ~~ rs. Rorgen ha \'C he en tour;ng through the 07.arks. They will spend . ome time with the latter.-s parents. ~I r. and ~1 rs. H . R. Hall. of 7?.9 \\'aslri ngton a\·enue. until their apartment in Evanston is ready for occupanc:'l·· Miss Martha Katz Sets Opens Home for Tea November 3 for Wedding .\1 r~ . Clarence .\f. Puhlman ~ltss ~1artha Katz, daughter of ~1 r. and ~r rs. Hermann Katz. 515 Central an~ ntte, \\'ilmctte, has chosen Saturda\', Xovt."mhcr 3, for her marriage to Burton L. \\' olfT, son oi '.:\[ rs. He gina \\'olff oi Chicago. The wedding will take place at the Standard club, Chicago, at 7 :30 o'clock in the C\'ening. ." ·ith th e H(·r. Abraham Hirschberg oi Temple Sht)lem of1iciating at · the ceremnll "· A wedding supper and rt'ce ptinn at the club will follow the sen·tce. ~fiss Katz has selected as her maid \)i honor her sister, ~1 iss Ellen Katz, and for her bridesmaids, a sister of the groom. Miss 'Miriam \Volff of Chicago, Miss Marjor~· Solomon of \\ril mette, and her cousin, ~{iss Carol\'n Haas of Atlanta. Ga. RoiJert Fr·ank of Chicago will sen-e ~{ r. \Volff as hc st man. and the uslwrs will include ] oseph Haas and Bert Kke. ~1 i. s Ruth Hamburger of \Yinn etka, 1fiss ~finna Spiegel of Chicago, and !\.f iss Franc('s Levi of \Vilmette Spoke Giving Church Tea Spoke Twel\'e nf tht Pre~b\'terian \H're hostesses at a lunchenn la st Satchurch j., t·ntt.·rtaining at a sil~·a tea ttrda,· at the Edgewater neach hotel in the home of ~1 r~. D\lll \\' iJe,·. 1174 i,)r Miss Katz. Michigan a,·enne. Tuesday, Ort · ·her :!2, from J until 5. All the wonJt·n .Jf the Give Luncheon for Visitor church an· cordial!\· in\'itt'd t11 be .:\f rs . R. S. Bogie of Evanston and guesb at the affair. her daughter, !\Irs. ~lord ~f. Bogie, ot Jane Ludwig, daughtn Pi ~f r. and E\'anston were co-hostesses at lunch Mrs. ). R. Ludwig. 1212 A!-~hland a\'- con and bridge on Monday of this enue, was ho. tess to forty of her !\ t.'\\' week at Shawnee Country club in honTrier High sc hool friends at lun cheon or of 'Mrs. John P. Budinger, formerlv and bridge last Saturday at the ~le oi \\'i lmette, hut no,,· a resident (If Bronxville, '1'\. Y. dinah Athletic club. l)penl'd hl'r homt at 623 \Yashingt,lll . an·nue rcceuth· f< r a tea ior mctnhers oi the guilds etJ1 ' the women oi the parish of St. Augu~tine's church. :Mrs . Charll'~ Carnahan oi \\'ilmcttc and ).lrs. Lester \Vood oi E\'anston poured. ~frs. Ernau Akely, pianist, played several numbers. The \Y omcn's Associated g,uild~ opened the season last Friday with a luncheon and business meetit1g at the clubhouse of the church. ~Irs. Albert Lllrirh. president, presided at the meet ing. Plan Dinner Dance The Principia club of Chicago which is composed of manv north shore members, is planning hold a dinner and dance the latter part of October, the tcntati\'c date for which 'is October 2<), and ·the place, OconomO\\·oc, \Vi s. ~fiss Marjorie Feakins of Glencoe and Arthur Haven of Ravinia are in charge of the affair. John Bennett of Evanston is president of the club and ~1 ildred Cube of Evanston is secretar:'l·· The \Vilmettc Arden Shore board commenced its new season of activitv Thursday·, October 10, with a meetin~' at the home of \f rs. ]. B. Orth, 522 Laurel a\·enue. Members of the boarr.1 for 1929 are Mrs. L. \V. Millar, chai:-man: Mrs. D, L. Tavlor, secretary; ~~ rs. F. L. Tolman, treasurer; Mrs . S. D. ~fcPherron, sewing chairman; ~f rs . Leslie F. Gates. industrial chairman : .:\[ rs. Robert Stoddard, publicity cha irman: ~1rs. ]. C. Baker, Economy Shop chairman; Mrs. L. S. Becker, ~r rs . \V. H. Harridge, Mrs. F. C. Huffman . .:\Irs. \"l. H. Hutson, Mrs. Haye~ ~1 c Kinney. Mrs. J. B. Orth, Mrs. \V ~ H. Tha~·er. Mrs. Frederick Tilt, Mrs. M. H. \Y. \\'est. During the meeting· work for tiH' year was planned and the sewing for th e season decided upon. The \Vilmette hoard. is seeking contribution . listed here as article:> the Arden Shore association needs urgently for the camp: suits for winter camp boys 1-t-17 yt.'ars of age; s\veaters anfl raincoats for boys of same age; shoes for boYs 12-17 rears; furniture suitable for camp, small tables, rugs, sing}P heels. mirrors, chairs, iron cots and mattresses. Those donating clothes are asked to notifv .:\.1rs. Gates for their collection. Contribut ors of furnitur:e may notify .\1 rs. ~[ illar and a truck wilt call for them. ., to Luncheon Hostess ).f rs. Fred ~chrocder, Jr., 1000 Lake avenue, entertained ' at luncheon and hridge on Monda\' at Shawnee club in honor oi ~f iss- Dorothy Lewis t>i EYanston who is leaving to spend the winter in California, and Mrs. \Valt~r Clark R0berts, the former Virginia Solherry of Evanston, who was mar ried in June. Gives c;ostume Party Betty Joait Ullrich of 925 Lake ave .. nue was hostess to a numher of her friends last Saturda\· afternoon at a costume party given. in the studio in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert H. Ullrich of 925 Lake avenue. At the conclusion of the dance, which took place during the afternoon, dinner was served. Harvest Party Oct. 19 Shawnee Country club's Harvest Home party is taking place Saturda~· <'vening, October 19, with d.inner at 7. dancing at 9. It will be the occasion L1f gay festivity with "a good dinner, unusual entertainment, and an enjoyable evening assured," an announcement i11 "Shawnee Shore" reads. ...

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